Child of the Guardian (closed with Monkeypaws19)
Name: Kale Atsutari
Gender: Male
Race: Lagomorph
Age: 19
Appearance: He is 5'4", his body is lithe with a hint of muscle, and a bubbly rear end. He has white fur with patches of black on his ears, tail, and over his right eye. His penis is average at best with a length of 6 inches and a girth of an inch and a half.

Bio: Kale has lived in a city for all of his life, and he has never known the beauty of nature and the outside world, so a few of his outdoorsy friends took him on a camping trip to a near by nature park. After he and his friends set up and had a bit of a good time, Kale decided to take a walk in the forest, ultimately getting lost far from the earshot of his friends. Little does he know that a being, the protector of the forest, is about to introduce himself, and change his life forever.


Kale sighed as he looked at his cellphone, not only was there no signal, but the battery was dying was well. " the hell am i supposed to get out of here?" He then sat down on a fallen as he got tired from the long trek, his feet were sore beyond reason and he was sure he had a few blisters, as particular parts of his feet felt hot and tender.
Name: Shinjo Wolfe

Gender: Male

Race: Kitsune (fox demon)

Age: unknown (appears to be 25)

Appearance: 7ft tall, pale skin, golden slitted pupil eyes, white fox ears, and 9 matching tails. His hair is pale blonde and straight that ends at his waist. He always wears a leather loin clothe under his satin robes that are different shades of greens, white, and pale blues.

Bio: Shinjo had been born in the forest and lived there all his life. He is strong and peaceful. He enjoys being outdoors, speaking with animals, drawing sketches sometimes of nature. But sadly he is only one his kind in the world.

Shinjo sighed as he wandered the forest lonely. He had always enjoyed living alone and peaceful surroundings of the forest. He protected the forest and it's creatures all his life. Lately something he had found himself wishing for a mate to bear him pups and love him. Even though he was surrounded by many different creatures of the forest. He still felt lonely when he would have to return to his empty temple. At one time he was loved and given offerings of fresh fruits, breads, flowers, golds, silvers, silks, fine fur pelts, and sometimes pure untouched virgins to warm his bed. From the surrounding villages that worshiped him. They all believed it was a honor to lay with him and believed it would bring riches and luck to their families. Sadly, as the years moved on. He was forgotten by everyone and no one came to visit his forests to see the beauty of his work or seek his blessings. As he wandered the forest performing his duty for the day. He caught the scent of a male virgin in the forest sitting near the area that the village always had the virgins wait for him.

Kale heard a twig snap near him and he looked around rather nervously, his natural instincts telling him to run, but his rational mind telling him that it would just get him even more lost, and eventually lead him to a cold and bitter end "jason?...fred?...guys? is that you?" he asked nervously, his timidness and unease apparent in his voice.
Shinjo purred at the gentle and shy voice of his offering. "No, I am afraid not. My name is Shinjo. May I have yours?". He asked in a smooth voice as he approached the owner of the voice. He looked him up and down before humming his approval of the cute Lagomorph male. He bowed to the male and took his hand gently into his larger one and kissed it.
Kale squeaked as soon as he heard the purring sound, expecting some sort of predator to have found him, but instead what he saw was the most handsome male he ever saw, he was a vulpine morph for sure, a fox, but kale noticed something was off, he seemed way too tall to be any sort of normal fox, and he had multiple tails, nine in all 'maybe it's some sort of genetic thing?' Kale thought to himself before he caught this stranger's name, Shinjo...'that sounds fimiliar....' he again thought before he blushed as Shinjo kissed his hand "M-my name is Kale, it's um...n-nice to meet you, shinjo."
Shinjo smiled at Kale as he looked into his eyes. "Please allow me the pleasure of carrying to my temple". He whispered and picked Kale up bridal style. After he noticed his sore looking feet. "There you will be able to wash yourself up and share a meal with me". He whispered into his ear and nuzzled his cheek gently.
'Temple?' Kale thought to himself 'what is he, a monk?' He then squeaked as Shinjo picked him up bridal style, blushing brightly as he instantly clings to him out of instinct, and his ears perk up at the offer, as he's tempted by it. "Thank you...after can you show me the way to the camping grounds?"
Shinjo smiled and nuzzled him. "But of course, we will be my temple shortly". As he continued to carry him deeper into the forest to a large series of branches that parted open in Shinjo's presence revealing large white and grey marble temple with pillars covered in flowering vines and a large fountain filled with koi fish. It was surrounded by walls of rare and beautiful flowers of different types. And fruit trees and bushes baring fresh ripen fruits and berries ready for picking.
Kale looked in awe as he was carried to the temple 'those trees must be mechanical, like a sort of gate, and this...this looks too beautiful to be real' be Kale realized how real this was, he could smell the flowers, hear the fountain going, the splashing of the flowers, and the ever tempting smell of the ripe fruit, he then looked at Shinjo 'just who is this guy?' he askeed himself.
Shinjo smiled at him gently and kissed his head. As the trees closed behind them and covered themselves with flowering vines. "Would you care for a bath now?. Or perhaps we can have that meal out here. It's a beautifully warm day today. Afterwards, I will wrap your sore feet and heal your blisters". As he continued to carry Kale towards the entrance of the beautiful temple.
"i'd appreciate the bath." He states with a small smile. 'Whoever this guy is he's really nice...and good looking too.' Kale thought to himself with a blush. He looked at the large temple in front of him, observing the marble, how it looked ancient yet it was so white that it looked almost brand new, how was that? Were the columns polished daily? And what about the walls? Was what Shinjo said about being the guardian of the forest true? No, it couldn't be...his parents must have named him after Shinjo fro the old folktale of the kitsune who was born into nature by the very power of itself, and that he would put keep the trees green throughout the year...though, kale noted, he looked almost exactly like the old folklore aid he did, and the forest that he protected was the very one where he and his friends had decided to camp in...'bah, that's not possible' Kale thought, 'Shinjo is just a nice monk who noticed i was lost to he took me to his temple to help me.'
"Wonderful, I shall prepare you one right away.". He smiled gently and nuzzled him again. As he carried him though the hallways of the beautiful temple. The walls had detailed murals carved and painted into them of wild animals and flowers. Before he set Kale down onto a marble bench in front of large pool of warmed water filled with rose petals to scent the waters. It had large stones around the edge and a small waterfall pouring warmed water as a shower. A medium wooden tray floated around in the pool filled with different colored glass bottles filled with shampoos, bath oils and soaps each with a different scent inside. "Please take your time washing yourself. I shall leave you a fresh set of clothes to change into." He said in his smooth and soften voice with a smile.
Kale smiled softly at Shinjo. "Thank you...and thanks again for picking me up in the forest." After Shinjo left Kale sighed as he slowly stripped, ready to put his clothes back on if his many tailed host decided to peep on him, which he admonished peepers, they were pervs! though, Shinjo seemed like a nice enough guy. Once he finished getting naked he did a quick once over on his body, examining his lithe and springy form, lucky for him his yoga classes have been paying off, not only making him more flexible, but making his relatively small muscles show more, making him appear toned, though his rear didn't quite follow that, as it was large, and bubbly, he often got compliments from girls and guys for his rear end and he had to agree with them, he had a nice ass! Kale then sighed as he slipped into the warm water, the petals soaking in the warm water reminding him of a bunch of freshly picked roses. When he noticed the floating tray he waded to it and tried to find his favorite scent of soap and when he did, he sighed happily, lavender scented soap was the best, he thought, because it had such a calming property to it, and it helped him meditate at times, so he immediately started working over his body with the soap, making sure each bit of his body was squeaky clean before he decided to shampoo his short black hair. After he was done cleaning up he noticed a bit of a...'problem,' the atmosphere of the entire pool combined with the scents of all the soaps made him a little randy, and his member, ever eager to be pleased was standing at attention. Kale sighed to himself 'i can't see Shinjo with a hard on, i mean, i don't think he;d appreciate it...' Kale bit his lip in thought before he decided his best plan of action was to pleasure himself, just to get rid of the 'problem' at hand. His hands went for his nipples and he started playing with them, gently pinching and pulling on the sensitive nubs, making him moan softly with growing anticipation.
Shinjo smiled at him and nodded. "You're welcome, Kale. I grateful for your company. It gets lonely living out here alone on my own. I can't remember the last time I had a guest to visit me". He smiled and left the room to prepare a large feast for the two of them. As he summoned the different dishes for him and his guest. He allowed his thoughts to wander how pure and beautiful he was. He would be the perfect bride to him and bearer of their children. Their children would be the envy of the world. He purred and moaned softly as he felt himself growing a bit harder. But fought it off as he finished up with the lunch and got ready to prepare their wedding chambers for the creation of their future unborn pups. He heard his guest touching himself and groaned as his hard on returned painfully. He got up and summoned a beautiful dark blue kimono with white rabbits on it and a light blue slash. He left at the side of the pool and whispered into his guest's ear. "Someone seems to be enjoying their self."
Kale Blushed brightly and squeaked as he heard Shinjo's voice in his ear and he jumped away as only a rabbit can, and he landed in the dead center of the pool, from where he turned to face Shinjo, and he covered himself with his hands, being incredibly shy about his body with strangers. "P-pervert! w-what are you doing i-in here?!" Kale asked, feeling not only really embarrassed, but turned on from being caught pleasuring himself.
Shinjo chuckled softly at him. "I am sorry for scaring you Kale. I only wished to come info you that our lunch was ready. When you are dressed and dried off. Please come meet me in the garden. I shall be waiting for you". He smiled and left to wait for Kale in the garden and grateful that his robes hid his hard on. He had to wait until later to get rid of it. When he had a cute little rabbit boy riding it and moaning loudly with pleasure.
Kale sighed slightly as Shinjo stated that he was just informing him that their lunch was ready, "Thank you..." he said before he uncovered himself as Shinjo left, his hard on now gone from the sudden surprise of Shinjo whispering into his ear, which, quite honesty, turned him on, The hot...breathy...masculine whisper...Kale groaned a bit as he got himself hard again but he decided to ignore it, after all, Shinjo said he would help him get back to the camping site, so after a few more days out in the open, kale could go home and use his 'pleasure toys' to his heart's content. After he got out of the bath he noticed a warm and fluffy looking towel right next to what appeared to be a kimono, After he dried himself off he wrapped the towel tightly under his waist and he rolled his eyes a bit at the rabbits imprinted on the fabric, though, he admitted the overall design looked good, and it felt comfortable, even though he was just holding it. He blushed a bit as he realized there wasn't any underwear to go with the kimono, so he sighed and put it on as best as he could, Thankfully his parents taught him how to put on both kimonos and yukatas when he was young, so he knew what to do, after he put them on he walked to the garden a bit leisurely, looking at the different murals and the neatness, and beauty, of the temple. When he arrived at the garden, his jaw dropped at the large feast placed there, seeing many different types of food and, much to his pleasure, a plentiful amount of carrots. He looked for a place to sit and he sat down at the nearest, seat, noticing that he had to sit in a traditional Japanese seating posture to get comfortable in the padded seat.
Shinjo smiled as he sat patiently at the edge of the table filled with plenty of different foods for him and his guest. "Please eat as much as you wish. I wasn't sure what you would like the best. So I prepared us a large variety of foods including fresh carrots I have personally grown in my garden". He smiled and poured them each a cup of freshly brewed green tea made from tea leaves grown in the garden. Before sipping it gently and watched his guest enjoying the meal spread out before him. "That kimono suits you...both the color and the print". He chuckled softly amused with himself. Before placing some meats and a bit of vegetables onto his own plate. "Do you enjoy your bath?". He asked after he had taken a few bites of foods.
Kale smiled at Shinjo "Thank you, you prepared this all your self?" He asked as he filled his plate with all sorts of fruits and veggies, especially carrots. After he finished a few of the items on his plate he took a sip of the green tea, which was amazing for him, the taste of the tea invigorated him, making him more excitable than usual, but then he caught an undertone to the flavor of the tea, what tasted like...lavender. He hummed as he calmly took another sip of his tea before he put the cup down. Kale then blushed at Shinjo's comment on him looking good in the kimono "T-thank you, i'm guessing you picked it out yourself? And the bath was fantastic, back at my apartment the landlord is a real cheapskate so he doesn't have hot water, the last time i had a warm shower was back at the gym, and that was well over a week ago."
"Yes, I did. I have always enjoyed a feast for when I have guests here. I am glad you like the kimono. I thought it would suit you. Is the food and tea to your liking?". He asked in return. After he listened to Kale's questions. "That is horrible to have to be forced to bathe in cold water." Before he ate more of his own food. He had slipped lavender into the green tea for taste and for it's relaxing properties for the main event later on. Shinjo smiled at him and offered him a platter of fresh wild berries mixed with almonds, walnuts, and pecans. Topped with a drizzle of wild honey that grew locally in the forest. "Please leave room for the dessert I have prepared". He smiled. He wanted Kale to good and full of food along with the relaxing green tea.

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