Centaur Birth (Closed RP with Okamiryun) FINISHED!!!
James was glad when he spotted the first centaur baby finally free from the other man. However hearing him scream again, he knew the second one was already on its way. Giving a huge push of his own, James felt his own slide free from him as the centaur came over doing the same to this one as it trotted off to join its other. It wasn't long before another contraction ripped through its stomach pushing the next one as he could feel the next one's hooves breaching his opening.
The centaur pressed his hands to James' belly. Rough fingers could tell the difference between all the hooves and limbs squirming about inside. Three were left in this human, though one was already breaching. He grunted and pushed on James' hard belly, trying to get his foal to come out sooner.

Matthew's belly quivered and heaved. He fought desperately to catch his breath. How much more of this would he have to do? A heavy form surged downward upon his pelvis, making the bones creak and grind. "Aaaaugh! Aaah!" One leg managed to slip out, but the other leg was bent, the knobby knee catching against his skin. "Aaauh! Oh gods! Nnnaugh!"
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly.
James yet out a scream as the centaur was starting to push down on his stomach wanting the baby to come out faster then what he was pushing. James could feel the hooves of the creature coming out all the way, then feeling a tail, he realized this one was coming out backwards. The centaur noticing this pushed down harder before looking toward the other guy to hear him yelling as the foal legs were coming, one straight the other bent back.

Having no other choice but to push, James stopped feeling the foal not coming out any farther, "Ooohh!! Nnnughh...stop...it's stuck. Gawd...help me!!!"
Matthew's problem seemed less important to the centaur. The foal was merely coming out oddly, the one in James, however, was stuck. That would not do. The hooved beast made a displeased sown and grunted at James. Leave it to a human to get one of his children stuck in their body. One hand was used to push against James' pained belly while the other reached down to manuever the foal. The back hooves thrashed a bit, kicking James in the thigh and leaving a bruise.

The trapped knee jerked against Matthew's opening, drawing a pained groan from him. The others in his womb seemed to want to help, as if felt like they were all pushing on the one currently on its way out. His belly convulsed with a contraction, dripping with sweat. "Mmn... Aaauh! Nnyyahh!"
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly.
James groaned as the centaur continued to push on his stomach, but also getting it where the foal wasn't stuck anymore. James gasped as the foals hoof hit its hip knowing he would have a bruise there later on. Going back to pushing James felt the body sliding out with the front hooves bent back against the body, knowing the foal's chest and head would come next. Wishing the centaur would go to the other man, James noticed the other man groaning with the contraction, "God!! Go help him...he needs help!!!!"
The centaur just whinnied gruffly at James, warning the human to not give him orders like that. He was worried about the breached foal. It's neck could easily become trapped and that was the last thing he wanted. So he remained knelt down in front of James and continued to help his child into the world.

Matthew writhed against the chains. His curled his chin into his chest as he moaned through the birth pains wracking his body. Again and again his massively swollen belly would wobble and ripple, the muscles clenching and releasing. At least the knee wrenched free and a large portion of the foal slid out. Matthew could hear it starting to cry, still not completely free. It wanted to stand, but still the horse half of its body remained in the human's womb.
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly.
James noticed the look on the centaurs face as he knealt down in front of him, knowing until this foal was born the other man was on his own. Still feeling the centaur trying to get his foal free, James couldn't do anything else but push. Gripping the chains that were attached to his wrist, James pushed with all his strength feeling the arms and the chest of the centuar coming out quickly with the help of the centaur. Feeling it getting up to the head James had to stop to catch its breathe for a while hoping the centaur wouldn't pull the baby out without him pushing.
Only James had stopped pushing at the worst moment. It was exactly what the centaur didn't want happening. As James' hole closed around its neck, the baby began to thrash. The large beast growled angrily at the human, gripping the foal around the shoulders, the centaur began to tug. He didn't care as blood and other fluids started to drip out. He just glared at James and demand he push again.

A scream was heard beside them as the foal in Matthew used its back legs to kick itself free. The baby stumbled forward and took off, running in frantic circles around the trees his very legs were chained to. "I wanna stop... I want... I wanna stop..." Matthew whined tiredly.
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly.
James saw the other mans foal get free going to run off, as the centaur ordered him to push. Before given the chance to, James screamed as the centaur pulled its baby free as the head stretched his opening before it closed back waiting for the next one to come. The foal that had been inside him ran off to join the others. James looking to his right, he had been wondering how the other man was doing. The other man had been pushing off and on having spotted the other two men having already birthed at least four foals between them. He himself had just started on the first one getting it only half out knowing this one was bigger then the others.
"Please... P-Please..." Matthew choked, his tired and teary eyes looking at the centaur. "I wanna stop. It hurts... so much. I want to stop, please..." The centaur snorted at the man with pale brown eyes. How pathetic this one was. Rough hands began to palpate the shuddering belly. His hoof stomped four times, indicating the number of foals left in the womb. The information made Matthew strangle on a wail of despair. There was no way. The centaur's fingers moved over his slick belly, rubbing at the dark line that stretched down from beneath his bellybutton. Suddenly his belly lurched with another contraction. "Oooohn! N-Nooo!"
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly.
James noticing what the centuar did couldn't believe the other man had four more centaurs to birth into the world. He could hear the other man pleading for it to stop, however knew it wouldn't until all of their jobs had been done. From hearing the other mans gasp, James knew his third one was coming however in what position he didn't know, hoping this one would be very easy on him. James own stomach tightened feeling his third one as well getting ready to come into the world.

Looking over to the other man, he tried to encourage him, "Just push...you can do it....only three more after this one...nnuhnn!!! Gawd mine's coming!!!"
Two of the foals approached James, observing him with their wide curious eyes. They watched the gravid sphere grow hard and tight. One of them, with a butter coat, reached down to poke his belly and they both giggled when one of their siblings poked back. The black one clapped, almost finding the human's pain amusing. Again the butter foal took to poking at James even as he moaned.

Matthew felt a head pressing against his opening. Finally, maybe this one would come out the right way. He clenched his teeth and pushed with all his might. He groaned as the pressure was released and he was given a moment of rest. His wrists chapped against the chains, as did his ankles.
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly.
James wishing he could tell the other foals to go away, knew better then to get the daddy centaur mad knowing he would probably begin pushing down on his stomach again. Hearing the other man only grunting with pushing, James felt relieved knowing this one so far was coming out right. The centaurs inside him after having poked back to its others outside decided they didn't want to wait any longer as the third one began to come. James having known there was only two left, felt scared knowing these two were going to be huge from the still huge size of his belly.
Both foals cooed, watching his underbelly bulge with their latest sibling. It moved down rather quickly with their encouragment. Their small hands touched James' belly, rubbing and pressing lightly. The black foal came across the human's navel, tilting his head curiously at it. His fingers pinched the protruding nub and jumped when it earned him a groan.

The centaur smiled as he watched his children explore. A loud moan from Matthew caught his attention. The beast turned to look and saw new shoulders wedging out to freedom. "Nnnnngh... Nnaauh... Aah! Aaaaarh!" Matthew screamed as he was stretched. While this baby was at least coming out the right way, it sure was taking its sweet time. "Oh gods! Jus-ssssshit! Aaaaugh!"
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly.
Jason groaned and panted as the first baby was already half out and he looked at his bulging belly, trying to will the foal out with a huge push. He sighed in relief as the foal slipped out easily and he threw his head back, trying to catch his breath before a strong contraction gripped him and he saw his bare belly tighten and contort, trying to push the next baby out.

"H-Help!" he screamed as the baby's head emerged and he gave a blood-curling scream, veins visible on the side of his neck as he struggled to birth the baby centaur.
James groaned when the other centaurs were touching his stomach, noticing they were enjoying it as the foal inside him traveled down quickly wanting to meet his others that were waiting for him. Feeling the burning sensation return to his opening, James felt the tip of the centaur baby head. Having to stop when the contraction stopped, James looked over past the guy on his right spotting yet another man who was just waking up.

"He's not going let you go, until his babies are all here....just breathe and push...when its your time....aagghhh....gawd...." James went back to pushing the head feeling it slowly coming.
Jason groaned and breathed harshly as the baby centaur slowly manoeuvred it's way down his birth canal, moving inch by inch out of his opening. Sweat formed on his naked belly and the other foals thrashed around wildly inside of him, impatient to be birth. With a grunt, he pushed, willing the foal to be birthed quickly. He had barely enough time to breathe when the next contraction hit him with full force and he tried to spread his legs wider, but they were chained to the trees. He moaned as fluid and blood started to drip out of his hole and the baby centaur slid painfully out and landed with a plop on the forest floor.
(If its ok with others, I wouldn't mind RPing with you if the others are unable to. I am at a seven hour different in time from you but I keep late nights)
(Sure you can join, just hope right in. Don't worry about your time zone, just post when you get a chance. Each of us has a different number of babies coming so we all at different points.

James watched the other man as he had birthed the first centaur, then he could hear the second one coming. James felt the head still at his opening, as he bared down to push, "Nnnghhhh......arrrgghhhh.....gawd....the head is huge.....!!!!!" James couldn't help but scream when he continued to push but barely felt the head sliding out.
My Character :
Name : Morgan
Height : 5'9
Pregnancy : Five

-Morgan awakens to sharp sputtering and gagging as some foul concoction is forced down his throat. The violent release from slumber was a quite the shock for the man, though what followed once his eyes adjusted once more to the light...would be a far greater shock. The last thing Morgan recalled was a woozy sensation and blurred vision before blackness...he did know for certain that before that he had not sported a belly three times the size of a Medicine ball. A terrible grunt issued from his throat when he tried to move his arms. The clattering of chains and pull against his wrists told him more than enough of what he should expect of escape.-

"Hey? Hello?" -Morgan cried out as he looked about franticly, but his vision still useless beyond a few feet- "Anyone out there?" -He shouted once more as he hoped...grimly that he was atleast not alone-

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