Season of the Hunt (Closed with star478, Possibly NSFW)

"All we can do is play the waiting game Brayden," Leo said as he watched, guiltily,Trevor go into the bathroom with the test. He just hoped Trevor takes the news better than what his imagination is telling him.

"What do you mean by anyone else visiting Trevor?" Leo asked, confused. "I haven't been able to see anyone outside this room. Actually, now that you mention it, I did run into--literally--some random guy. I didn't get a good look at him nor what direction he came from, so I dunno if he was visiting Trevor or not. And I was coming over here to visit Trevor when I ran into this random guy after I first woke up prior to last night's...eventfulness."

"I smelled him too, but something was off like I couldn't put a face to him or fully recognize the scent." When the sound of the toilet flushing was heard, Brayden glanced up, hearing the sound of water follow shortly afterwards. "Well here we go."

The door opened and Trevor walked out on the crutches, slowly making his way back to the bed. "That thing you were asking for is on the sink. I wasn't sure what to do with it."

Brayden nodded as he slapped on some gloves. When he picked up the strip, his eyes looked at it, sighing a bit. "I think that mysterious visitor could be the father..." he simply said to Leo. This moon cycle was getting even more confusing and bizarre.

"Soooo....." Trevor said while laying his head back on the pillow. "Am I alright or not?"

"You are for the most part" Brayden responded.

Leo just quirked an eyebrow questioningly at Brayden but then remembered that Brayden is a werewolf, so he dropped the subject. He held his breath when Trevor came out of the bathroom and Brayden went in to get the test. Leo moved closer to Brayden in order to 1) talk to Brayden without Trevor overhearing--hopefully--and 2) to try and see what Brayden was talking about with the mysterious visitor being a father.

"So, Trevor's pregnant?" Leo asked quietly as he looked over at Trevor, concerned about how he'll take the news.

"Unless it reads otherwise..." he said flatly. "Maybe something else went on...his wounds aren't healing so maybe something else could be at play or the moon last night just affected more than the person who replaces..." Either way, Brayden was not sure how to talk to the other male. Leo lied to him to protect him and now it seemed like he was going to have to tell him the truth to save him.

"But what do his wounds have anything to do with it?" Leo asked, clearly confused. "His injuries were more severe than mine, and server injuries take a lot longer to heal. I know that I'm pregnant and you're the father of the babies but...."

Leo sighed as he stopped his own rambling concerns. Even if Trevor was pregnant with werewolf babies, he still needed to know the truth and not live the next month in a lie and possibly do something to harm the babies.

"Alright," Leo finally said glumly. "Looks like the only thing any of us can really do is for me to spill the beans, so to speak."

Brayden picked up a sharp knife and instantly jabbed it harshly into his hand, yelping slightly. Keeping it from Trevor's gaze, though in all honesty the male in bed was a tad loopy, he pulled the blade out, revealing the large gash to Leo as flesh began to weave together instantly, healing the wound until no trace of it remained.

"See my point?" He said with a soft pain before tossing the knife away. "Werewolves have a distinct smell to them, something of which he's lacking." Brayden had hoped thre male caught on to what he was saying or else he would have to cut a gash into Leo and let him see it heal back instantly. Unless it was silver, there's no way Trevor should not have healed back by now or had a distinct smell to him. "This.moon probably did more than replace dead Lycans. It probably allowed interbreeding, which may explain that even though he had your clothes with your heated scent, the assailant still did not perceive him as a human."

"What's going on?" Trevor interrupted. "All I hear is whispers....whispers..." he chuckled. "That sounds so funny."

"Brayden, don't...What the hell?!" Leo said in curiosity and wonder as he watched Brayden cut himself and then heal nearly instantaneously. So that's why his injuries were further along in the healing process than Trevor's. He didn't understand a lick about the moon allowing for interbreeding or whatever. He was too fascinated in Brayden's now fully healed hand. Will that happen to him, Leo, even after he gave birth?

He then heard Trevor say something and that snapped him out of his...trance.

"What the hell is he talking about?" Leo whispered to Brayden. "Is the anesthetic making him delusional or something?"

When Leo's curiosity was otherwise sated, Brayden glanced over at Trevor. "Possibly." The wounded male was otherwise moving around a bit in the bed, an occasional chuckle here and there. "Maybe telling him now would not be wise? He'd probably be too drugged to understand..."

(Writer's block for now lol. Just got back from a small vacation.))

(Understandable. Everyone needs a vacation, small or big, every once in a while.)

Leo sighed.

"You're right," he said and looked at Trevor as well. "Plus, he may interpret it differently or something. Let's just wait till, like, tomorrow or the day after and tell him. He should be off the drugs by then. Maybe."

Without waiting for Brayden's answer, Leo approached Trevor's bedside and, smiling comfortingly, placed a hand near Trevor, but on his bed.

"Hey man," Leo said to Trevor. "How are you doing? Feeling better yet?"

"Yea" Brayden merely said. "Hopefully they start taking him off it slowly." He merely watched as Leo began to the male.

"Partially" Trevor said. "Still feel.a and loopy." He chuckled before plopping back on the bed. "My parents are going to take my license from me. Was I speeding or something and where did your parents go? They left without saying anything fully."

"Sort of," Leo says with a shake of his head. "You were going slightly faster than the conditions recommend. We hit some black ice and you know what happens when you hit black ice in a car. As for my parents, they're probably just...pissed that we weren't more careful than we were, and that we didn't leave sooner than we did."

It wasn't 100% true, but Leo didn't want to tell the whole truth to Trevor just yet because of the meds and what not. Hopefully Trevor doesn't freak out when Leo does tell him...

"Don't worry about my parents," Leo said with a wave of his hand. "They'll be back to pick us up and take us home once you're allowed to go home."

'And if they don't, we'll probably have to stay with Brayden and his pack,' Leo thought to himself so Trevor couldn't hear. It wasn't something he'd want Trevor to go through but when worst comes to worst, it's their only other option.

He just hoped Brayden wouldn't mind if that came to pass.

Trevor was a bit confused at his words. Why did his parents go from genuinely concerned to walking out in hidden scowling anger? Granted some usually did that, but it seemed odd, even for his drug induced high. "I guess that makes sense? It's not like they can kick us out or something..." That did not make full sense either.

(Short post lol. Been out handling some things and received some bad news.))

Leo shrugged.

"You know how my parents can be at times," he told Trevor. "A lot of things they do don't make a whole crap load of sense."

Leo then smiled and gently squeezed Trevor's hand.

"Alright man, I think I'll leave you alone to get some rest," Leo said. "From what I hear, rest helps you heal."

'Even though I don't really need to wait very long anymore to be healed,' Leo thought to himself with a quick glance at Brayden.

(It's okay. And whatever the bad news is, I'm sorry. Besides, classes for me begin August 25th so....yeah. I do but I don't want to go back to class. This summer--well, more like fall for us here in the eastern part of the US--went by waaaay too fast.)

Brayden simply watched as the two conversed a little. When Leo was done talking to Trevor, the male made his way back over to Brayden, prompting a smile to form along his face. When they both got out, the blond found himself lifting Leo up into his arms and carrying back into his room. He expected the male probably would react a bit awkward much like how Brayden thought his behavior was getting a bit awkward, but at the same time, he enjoyed it. It reminded him of his former mate.

"This hospital has been a bit crampy and depressing" he simply said all while closing the door to Leo's room behind him. In a few seconds, he tore through the scrubs, leaving only his underwear present and his impressive physique. "Let's get out and do something." He opened the closet nearby, pulling the clothes they came in with out. Since the cat was out of the bag, there was no need for him to act submissive and respect his mate's wishes towards his parents. Of they tried anything tp harm him or Leo...Trevor for that matter...he would protect them. "I'm up for something spontaneous. What say you?"

Leo didn't resist when Brayden picked him up and carried him back to his room even though he was a bit surprised at the suddenness of it. Although it did set his submissive part of him all a flutter but....

Leo practically drooled once Brayden stripped down to his underwear. His pecs, his abs, everything was so......Leo mentally shook his head. What the hell was he thinking? Damn pregnancy hormones were already affecting him.

Leo accepted the clothes--albeit with a slight blush to his cheeks--and quickly took his hospital gown off before putting his much more comfortable clothing on.

Once he was clothed once again (and noticing that his pants were slightly tighter than they were beforehand), he looked to Brayden when he asked Leo a question and just shrugged.

"Sure," Leo said nonchalantly. "Do you have anything in mind of something 'spontaneous' to do? I sure don't."

Brayden merely smiled, placing on his.coat. He was able to see Leo's bump I'm full spectrum and he had indeed grown some from one night. He would attempt Trevor latet just to make sure his suspicions were false. The Doctor would be informed though.

"Dunno" he merely shrugged. "Yesterday was a bit awkward. Bloody bodies, wrecked cars, random sick wave." He looked out the window, watching snow fall down. The cold did not bother beings like him, but for normalcy sake, they blended in with humans
"Ever ran out in the snow before or hike? I would like to show you another place we can go to for some seclusion in comes to shove. I also want to get to know you more."

When Leo was ready, he hefted up the keys. "It's not a place we very seldomly go to except on gatherings, but it may help to know the location in case your parents do take you in."

"Yeah, it was awkward," Leo muttered and followed Brayden's gaze with a sigh. It was snowing. Again. Typical for this time of year. He then shrugged at Brayden's suggestion. "Sure. Seems like a good idea. I just need something a bit...warmer is all before we head out."

Leo stood next to Brayden, not really nervous but instead restraining himself from grabbing Brayden's hand as he waited to follow Brayden outside. He had an inkling of where he and Brayden was going when Brayden said it was a place they go to for gatherings, but he didn't want to tell Brayden. He'll most likely find out once they reach there because of his and Trevor's scents there. If their scents lingered there for this long.

Brayden looked at his coat. In that moment, he took it off, handing it for Leo to wear. He had nothing to wear the first time they encountered each other in the bed. No clothes present at all. The heat made him more than warm enough to be out in the intense cold. "Take it. I can manage with this hoodie" he pulled the thin black hood over his head, leading them to the nurse's counter. Once he explained to the nurse, she instantly got up to find the female doctor commonly known as Mother.

'She'll be able to find out for us about your friend. Let's get going." He led them outside to the truck. Once the door was unlocked, his mind ran back to what Leo said about the cave. "I guess that explains why it was easier for me to find you that night. Either way, that place has a few secrets to it." With the gears changed, he pulled out, heading back for the area near the cabins.

"Uh...thanks," Leo said and blushed as he accepted the coat and put it on, happy to be wrapped in something with Brayden's scent.....Leo mentally shook his head. What the hell was he thinking? Damn hormones....

Leo followed Brayden out to nurse's counter, watching as the nurse dashed off to find the doctor. He nodded at Bayden's words before following him out to his truck. The same truck they arrived at the hospital in. He hesitated when he saw the truck as memories from the night prior to his arrival at the hospital came back. He then shook his head and climbed in. Those were in the past. Time to put the past in the past, focus on the here and now, and build a better future.

"Could be," Leo said, shrugging as he shut the door to the truck. He then looked at Brayden in curiosity. "Secrets? What kind of secrets?....Nevermind. You'll show and tell me once we get there I bet."

As Brayden pulled out and headed for the area surrounding the cabins, Leo fought the urge to reach out and grab Brayden's hand. Leo crossed his arms placing his hands in his armpits, not because they're cold, but to not reach out and hold Brayden's hand like his body was telling him to do.

'Damn hormones,' Leo thought with a sigh. 'Either that or I really am starting to take the place of Brayden's original mate. In a lot more ways than one. To him, I'm an incidental mate carrying his children...or so I'd assume that's how he views me. I don't know if I should feel happy, depressed, or angry about that....'

Brayden focused on the mounds of snow surrounding them as he drove down the road, a little too occupied to pay attention to some of the things Leo did, but him placing his hands under his armpits was something new. Brayden thought the car was warm enough and the fact that Leo was running a slight fever among his body possibly gaining more warmth from their children growing happily inside if he had to guess was a possible hint that he could be the warmest figure he ever could meet. Perhaps it was for an entirely different reason, but Brayden was not one to press light matters. It did leave him the slightest of curious however. As the truck pulled in near a park miles away from the cabins, Brayden rolled into one of the snow covered parking lots.

"I suppose this is as close as we can get to your living arrangements." He deeply sighed before glancing at him. "On a serious note, I apologize. Perhaps if I wasn't caught up on the loss of my fiance and drunk at the same time, this entire fiasco, both you and your friend, could have been avoided." He was partially to blame for the chaos ensuing around them, but he also knew Leo came to seek him out as well from feelings within his body he had no full control over. Even some of the strongest females had trouble with the heat's sensations every once in a while. He could not fathom what Damian must have had to endure throughout the night and the reality was that the cycle was going to last an entire week and they were only on day three of it. "Well, let's get to trekking through the snow then, shall we?"

Brayden hopped out the truck, locking the door behind him once Leo climbed out, but something was different in the male's attire in that he left out the truck without shoes and socks, his feet planting firmly into the cold ground which wasn't that cold for him. In fact, it felt like a breezy summer day. Extending his hand slightly after looking at the partial slippery slope, he glanced at the younger male again, expecting him to hold on in case he did slip and fall. He did not expect Leo to try what he was doing right away. He was human turning werewolf after all and this was happening to him day by day while he was also a bit disoriented on some of the predicament. His feet dug into the snow deeply as if Leo did take his hand, he would lead them up bit by bit until they came to a nice large slope within the forest that painted a grand view of all the cabins below.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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