Season of the Hunt (Closed with star478, Possibly NSFW)

(I also got nothing. LOL XD Could be partly blamed on it being morning and I woke up, like, about an hour-ish ago. But anyway, skipping ahead, like, 1-7ish days sounds like a good idea to me.)

(( lol alright. 7 days it is. ))

Within a week of passing, the young male began to notice incredible changes within his body. His belly had grown quite considerably to the point his shirts were doing little to hide the bump. He often wore hoodies on the occasion he got out the room, "if" being the key word in the sentence. After learning what really happened, Trevor had a hard time coming to terms with it, becoming a bit depressed. Even trying to talk to his best friend seemed a bit hard, who was in the same situation he was in if not worse or better; that was not fully determined in his mind.

Within the week, they were both back at the cabins for a winter wonderland paradise turned tragic. Leo's uncle attempted to kill Brayden on several occasions, only to fail. The adults had revealed their real intentions, leaving the young with mixed reviews and as much as Trevor simply hated the thought, they referred to him as the main reason why they hunted the "beasts" down; they were too risky.

He simply yawned a bit after stepping out the shower. He made his way out the room on the second floor, making sure to place the hoodie on fully over his arm cast. They offered to give him a room on the first floor, but he simply refused, perhaps a bit ashamed at what happened. He was just limited to one leg and an arm alongside a few stitches on his face and neck but so far he was managing on his own. Leo's Aunt and mother would come every once in a while to check on his injuries, but overall, he was recovering just fine. It would put his conscience to better ease though if his parents had ever responded to his calls.

When he reached the kitchen, smelling the food being prepared, he simply tossed his hood over his baggy eyes, not wanting anyone to see him fully a bit. The depression had left another side effect to him; he had gone mute. His free unharmed hand merely scratched at the table a bit before Aunt Hilda set some coffee down in front of him. He smiled partially a bit, thanking her in some form before preparing it himself.

After the dinner with Brayden, Leo had returned to his family in the cabins (since he was released from the hospital). Brayden was right in the fact that the wards/seals his family had put up would only make him feel nauseas and nothing else. Of course, his family treated him with a bit of disdane and even a hint of fear, but that was fine with him. He just stayed in his room--except for food--and got caught up on his games that he like d to play on his computer. Along with a bunch of other stuff on the 'net. But in that time away from Brayden, it felt like something was....missing. Leo didn't know what it was, and he wasn't ready to find out at the time.

When Trevor was finally released from the hospital, Leo greeted him with joy and happiness. When they were alone; however, he finally broke down and told Trevor the truth. Much to Leo's disapppointment, Trevor took it hard and withdrew basically into seclusion. Leo tried to get Trevor to come out so they could do something together, but Trevor either ignored Leo or completely denied him.

After Leo's uncle tried killing Brayden the final time (and failed), Leo simply stormed out of the cabin to go for and, subconsciously, made his way to where Brayden and his pack was located, feeling much safer there for the time being.

Sadly, and much to Leo's distaste, he had to return to the cabins, but this time he didn't talk to anyone, let alone look at them. Except for Trevor. Well, he tried talking to Trevor but failed.

A week later, Leo woke up to his stomach grumbling, signalling that he was hungry. With a sigh, he sat up--with a bit of difficulty as his belly had swelled more in the time since--before standing and heading downstairs for breakfast. Other changes related to him transitioning to a werewolf occurred in that time as well. His five senses--sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch--had changed considerably in that amount of time. He also noticed that he was more sensitive to the seal that surrounded the cabins. If he stayed here any longer without breaking it somehow, he'd eventually be forced to move out and move in with Brayden and his pack. A thought that Leo didn't mind one bit.

Once downstairs, Leo sat down at the table beside Trevor, being mindful of Trevor's casts. He then looked at Trevor and smiled as Aunt Hilda set a big plate of food in front of him along with a glass of orange juice.

"Morning," Leo said to Trevor with a smile before digging into his food.

(Only thing that I could think of at the moment. XD )

Trevor saw Leo come down. He attempted to respond back, but as usual.within the week, nothing came out. Nothing audible to regular ears at least
Instead, his head slouched back down a bit, drinking the warm beverage before pancakes were presented to him. The entire situation was awkward to him to even hbe able to find words.

Perhaps he could have taken it better if he wasn't lied to, but he was also annoyed at the fact that he should have just pulled Leo back to the cabin before anything had happened. Now he was forced to deal with scars, the constant thought of something literally bending him over and fucking him senseless and of course something or things growing inside him. His dim green eyes slowly glanced at Leo a bit but.instead of saying something, he simply got up, grabbing the crutch and heading for the main door. Everything was a bit complicated.

"Oh the joys of bad news..." his aunt simply sighed. "I imagine this entire ordeal is completely confusing on both ends as much as it is for us. I doubt he blames you though..." there were not enough words to describe the rift going through the family at the moment. The gray skies of winter even made the situation more dull. "Perhaps a change of smells can lighten the mood."

Off she went to make her rounds around the cabin, lighting the fire to bring a better warmth to the place. She then began to light candles.

((No worries lol))

Leo didn't respond to his aunt. He didn't want to talk to any of his family members. The only one he wanted to talk to was Trevor, but he couldn't talk for whatever reason. Instead, he watched Trevor hobble up the stairs in guilt. Leo's aunt may tell Leo that it wasn't his fault, but Leo knew that it, in fact, was his fault. He should have told Trevor sooner--much sooner--but he hadn't and now they both are paying for it in completely different ways: Trevor being mute and Leo being left with the feeling of guilt.

When Leo finally finished with his breakfast, he went back upstairs to his room and, instead of getting on his computer, gingerly laid down on his bed in order to stare up at the ceiling, thinking. His thoughts occassionally strayed to Brayden and what he might be doing at this moment along with the rest of the pack.

Brayden had spent the week wondering on how he would be able to get through to Leo. Almost after he had brought the male back from the Alpha's cabin, his uncle attempted to take him out. Brayden had yet to repay the other man in kind for twice in the row, though he was certain once he got his hands on him, he would succeed. Needless to say, they had returned and upon their arrival were Leo's parents. With them confirming the other male was indeed in the same situation as Leo, albeit lesser, they agreed on coming to some small truce until they could fully determine what was to be done. As parents, of course it would be hard to turn their child loose, especially among enemies, but it was even more bizarre when their child and their ward, both male at that, were in the stages of apparent motherhood.

Brayden relaxed at the cafe, though that did not mean he was not on edge. With each passing day, Leo was getting bigger and changing. In doing so, that also meant he would become sicker and sicker with that barrier up. He could only hope that him and Trevor were attempting to talk to each other, but from what he had heard when Leo snuck out before, the male had simply gone silent and he was within his rights to have done so. A lot of things could be blamed, but in the end, it happened. At the same time, he could understand why it was hard for anyone to simply shrug such an ordeal off like it didn't happen, especially when you had to wear the marks. The thought overall was working his nerves. He needed to get them both out of those cabins. He hefted up his coat and immediately walked out the cafe, picking up his keys as he left the place to his pack's care, one of which was now in the same situation as Leo and Trevor, though she was the appropriate sex.


Trevor sat out on the patio from the second floor, merely staring out at the snow. He merely glanced a bit to see Leo had returned back to the floor as well. He sighed deeply as he wondered on how he could even muster a word to him. In the end, they would always be friends, but everything now was just so awkward between them, like some rift had opened up beneath them. It was partially his fault though if he could assume so, his fault in not being able to open up towards his friend after he told him the truth. A thought did reflect in his head however. It was simply saying to end the entire solution. He stared at the arm cast a bit, seeing a large knife rest under it. If he got rid of the problem, maybe the rift would close. No matter how hard he tried to shake the notion off, it was like some voice compelled him otherwise, a voice he heard every once in a while when a certain figure visited him.

As Leo laid there staring at the ceiling, the babies began to make it too difficult to breathe so he had to turn over onto his side and stare out the sliding door's window that led out to the balcony. That's when he saw Trevor sitting in a chair on the balcony just staring off into space.

Leo wanted to get up and talk to Trevor, but the movement from turning over onto his side made his stomach groan with nausea and felt it would be better to remain where he was until the nausea passed. Damn ward. He needed to get out of here before he gave birth--or sooner. Who knew what would happen if he stayed through the end of the transition?

"Oh Trevor," Leo said quietly with a sigh, fighting back his nausea. "I should have told you sooner. It's my fault you were put in that position in the first place. My fault you got hurt. My fault you've gone silent."

As he said that, silent tears began falling down his face. Leo would later account them to his hormones causing a fluctuation in his moods. He normally doesn't pray, but just that one time he closed his eyes and began to silently pray for Trevor to forgive Leo and for Brayden to find a way to get rid of the ward or to get both of the out of the ward before it's too late.

Trevor seemed fixated on the hidden blade. The voice compelled him to do something towards the figure on the inside, but he felt his free hand trembling. It was not right no matter how hard whoever it was had compelled him to do otherwise. While he was mad at Leo for lying and saying the accident was some dream, he could not bring himself to harm another being. Maybe the one that did this to him fully, but not his friend. He rose from the chair, feeling he had gotten enough air.

"Hey..." he simply said at long last to Leo after opening the balcony door. Aj entire week of being silent was perhaps beginning to weigh down on him. Trevor could find no other real words however, so instead he simply sat down beside his friend after maneuvering around effectively with the crutch. Fortunate for his left arm was a bit busted up and his right leg was the one fractured. "How are you holding up?" They were both in the same situation. It was not entirely fair to hold something over Leo when he could not control what was happening either.

Leo blinked away his tears when he finally hear Trevor's voice, something Leo hadn't heard in nearly a week.

"H-Hey me?" Leo said as he gingerly sits up to make room for Trevor on the bed. His 4.5 month belly was just barely visible, but it was still a nuisance for someone who isn't used to being pregnant along with someone who doesn't have the right body type/structure to carry a baby(ies). "I've been better."

Leo smiles and places a hand on his small but fairly noticeable belly.

"The babies are already starting to show and I'm only a week in," Leo said with a small smile and a slight chuckle. "Then again, they have to be ready to be born before the next full moon."

Leo looked at Trevor in concern.

"The more important question is, how are you holding up bud?" Leo asked with a nod at Trevor's broken arm and leg.

Trevor shrugged a bit as best he could in terms of Leo asking a question. The simple words were probably a bit overdue, but nonetheless they were said and now the figure sat down on the bed a bit. His gaze glanced a bit at Leo's frame as he rested a hand on the belly. The thought was scary. It was close to two weeks after the entire incident and already time had seemingly gone by within the gestation period. Thankfully for the medicine, Trevor was out of it most days to really go through some morning sickness, though his appetite had increased.

"I'm managing just fine..." He really wasn't, but he was not one to stay in a dark depressed mood a lot. "You said this was a complete accident right?" It was merely a thought, but Trevor kind of was still nervous about the situation. He was not sure if he could tell him completely about his recent thoughts as of late. They were just harbored rage he was sure, but hopefully he had gotten over it. "What are you planning to do once you've..." the thought still felt weird to him.


"Yes," Leo said with a nod. "It was definitely an accident. You weren't supposed to get in on the...action, if you want to call it that. According to Brayden, the father of the children I'm carrying, due to the cycle of the moon it currently is, the moon is so strong that friends and familt members of people like me get the scent of the female I shot and killed on them, causing people like you to get involved like you did. How the rest of my family didn't get involved is beyond me. Maybe they knew about the cycle and planned it. I don't know."

Leo sighed and shook his head.

"I dunno Trevor. I really don't," Leo said in honest uncertainty. "I could resume trying to live a normal life as a human with my human family after the babies don't need me anymore, but I won't be able see the babies very much if at all if my family has their way. I could remain with the pack and raise the babies with the pack and Brayden...and any others I end up having if any. Or I could just leave and go it alone once the babies no longer need me, searching out Brayden whenever the moon cycle forces me into heat again."

Leo sighed again, this time in sadness.

"Right now, I just want to make it to the end of the pregnancy and make it through the birth. I'll decide what I'll do once the babies no longer depend on me for their survival."

"What if they are?" The truth had come out at long last to not just them about being hunters, but the entire family. Uncle Brad's little twins were hunting more frequently with him, Claude, like his parents and Trevor, were a bit puzzled on the situation and Aunt Hilda and her daughter were more cautious than ever. Leo's grandparents were even on edge to an extent. "I mean with them knowing now, chances are they won't bother were out really late that night so much to the point you stripped nude and practically told me to...fuck off..." They weren't his exact words, but the message was clear and the irony that followed suit was even more clearer. "I'm certain you'll figure it out though."

Trevor was not exactly sure how he would figure his own situation out. Leo did tell him they had no idea on who the assailant was and even when the male was carried off after the incident, his eyes were practically covered and there were a lot of voices before a blunt force to the head rendered him unconscious. He was practically stuck in a situation he could not make full sense of at the time. Unlike Leo though, he was completely immune to whatever was going around the cabin in the form of a ward

"Those candles smells are getting annoying."


Brayden drove through the snow, glancing up at the sky here and there. He focused back on the road however as something just did not feel entirely right. Perhaps it was his protective streak becoming unbearable with each passing day Leo was away from him, but he just could not help but shake the feeling that whoever was behind the incident had them all exactly right where they wanted.

"Eh," Leo said with a shrug. "If they are, hey're doing a damn good job of hiding it. Besides, it's over. Well, except for the giving birth part. So, let's just don't worry about it at the moment okay? We can figure out whoever set us up later."

Leo then itched his nose since the smell of the candles bothered him as well, but so did everything as far as the ward goes bothered him. Thankfully, it wasn't very bad, but he knew it would only get worse the closer to giving birth he got.

"Believe me bud," Leo said ithching his side now. "You have no idea what it's like in my position right now."

It's true. Where Trevor was only bothered by the smell of the candles, Leo was bothered by everything even things they couldn't see. Because of being bothered by so many different things and being unable to pinpoint their location, Leo just ends up with nausea--especially when he moves too quickly--and itchiness, which annoyed him to no end.

It did bug Trevor to not let it go. Unlike Leo, he could not let something like that simply go away.

"Yea...okay..." he simply said in response.

Trevor hopped off the bed, really unsure of where the conversation was going to go. His stomach growled lowly as the thought of walking out before eating had fully crossed his mind once more.

"I guess I'll go eat or something for now..."

He trailed out the room once more. As the day let on, Trevor was back in his own room, resting throughout the night. The balcony's door simply slid open as the sharp object from before graced the hands of the figure. The hood glanced at both doors before aiming for the right where Leo was probably resting.


Brayden found himself arriving on the cold winter night. Thanks to the recent incidents, he had to be extra careful in how he managed to get to the cabins. Brad was out there somewhere, masking his scent and hiding away from even supernatural sights. It was quite the risk to go any normal route, so Brayden devised another way to meet with Leo on certain occasions. He found himself nearing the cabins a bit, but not too close, the smell of ginger and something else burned his nose and otherwise kept him at a distance. The ward was freshly made again no doubt.

Leo sighed once Trevor left and stood to go to his computer, where he was the entire except to get food whenever he and the babies were hungry.

Evening time came and, after an awkward dinner, found Leo sitting on a chair on the balcony that acted as a bridge between his and Trevor's room. He was too busy watching the moon, which was slowly reaching its New Moon phase, rise into the sky to notice the figure enter Trevor's room nor anything else. He wasn't very happy either. In fact, he was brooding. Brooding over words that Damian had said back in the cave and he had never bothered to tell anyone of his family including Trevor. Trevor didn't need anymore bad news than what he has already been given, and Leo didn't want his family to worry and possibly go after Brayden even more than they already are.

"If a werewolf isn't able to keep the young insurance calm on the full moon they are born, they may kill their parent unintentionally," were the words that Damian had said and keep playing in Leo's mind. How was he supposed to keep the babies calm come the full moon to prevent them from killing him unintentionally? Brayden may know, but Leo didn't want to concern Brayden with something like that right now. Brayden had other, more pressing matters to deal with right now. Like Leo's family trying to kill Brayden for impregnating Leo with werewolf babies.

"At least my family will be happy once I'm dead after I give birth," Leo muttered to himself not knowing the figure that has been haunting Trevor was watching him. "They won't have to worry about having a werewolf in their midst any longer. I know certain members of my family will be extremely happy about that."

The knob to Leo's door merely twisted around for a few before the door opened fully. The figure walked inside, but found no sleeping body. Instead, it stepped back out the room and glanced at the stairs, slowly stepping down. The smell of candles and several figures shadows nearby prevented the endeavor of going down however. It was not needed as it found who it was looking for: Leo, sitting on the balcony comfortably. The blade merely floated in the air as the being neared the door.


Brayden found himself nearing the cabins, but stopped when the smell became a bit unbearable. Instead, he used his eyes to examine the settings and was astonished a bit to see Leo actually sitting outside. He throught to call out to him, but he may reveal his location to who knows who that lurked outside with guns. Instead, he pulled out his phone in hopes that Leo actually had it on him, sending a text for him to look near the trees a bit.

Leo heard his door nob being jostled but thought nothing of it thinking it was one of his family members. When whoever it was said nothing, he just assumed that whoever looked into his room didn't see him in his room and had left.

Shortly after that though, he felt his phone, which he had on him all the time anyway even before he took the place of Brayden's girlfriend and ending up pregnant, vibrate causing him to unlock it and look at it. It was a text from Brayden. Leo's heart begin doing backflips when he saw the text. It said for him to look down near the trees a bit. Eagerly--a little too eagerly at that--he actually got out of his chair and went over to the railing that prevented him from vaulting off the balcony and to the ground below (so did the height) before looking near the trees, searching for Brayden. Leo even left his phone on his chair when he got up in his haste to search for Brayden.

The door burst open as the blade made contact, but not with Leo. The blade instead rested on the phone that he had left as the figure immediately pulled the knife out. The figure began to draw towards Leo even further as Brayden immediately ran out, telling Leo to simply jump.

Leo furrowed his brow as he saw Brayden running towards Leo and, faintly, heard Brayden tell Leo to jump. Why would Brayden want him to jump? The fall would be too far and could end up with Leo having broken legs, a broken back, harm done to the babies, or worse.

But then, Leo felt a chill go down his spine. With a sense of dread filling the pit of his stomach, he turned around and saw a figure standing there with a knife pointed right at Leo. All he could do was stand there in shock and surprise....and let out a scream of fright. A scream loud enough that it echoed throughout the landscape.

Brayden cursed as he yelled to Leo to jump again. The figure began to draw closer as the light shined down on their hooded face. Trevor's free hand slashed at Leo, but missed due to one concern: his eyes were not open. In fact, the male was still sleeping, yet something compelled him to rise from his bed and attempt to kill his best friend. Brayden could do nothing but watch, making the Beta become even more agitated at the fact the damn ward was up, making his eyes shift yellow as his legs twitched in the snow. If the male did not jump, then not even the voices clamoring around inside the cabin would make it in time.

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