Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW)

Air peaks out from his home in the tree. He wasn't fond of being away from home, but as the one of the only half shapeshifter with a predator form the half elf had to do it. He quickly darts from tree to tree not wanting to be seen or heard. Little did he know that it's was too late for that. With a snap he finds himself in a net. The young elf tries to escape but can't. To his horror he finds that he has been captured by drows, Dark elves! The dark ones where banished for their love of the demons. They tend to try and corrupt any elf they can catch and now they caught him. The largeest drow looks him over "he looks pure enough lets use him as our sacrifice." 'Great they can't see though my illusion spell and will end me quickly instead of a slow painful corruption.' Air thinks to himself. The other drow nods and cast a silence spell on the half elf. They drag him to a summoning circle and start to chant summoning a large ancient demon. Air being the sacrifice to show their loyalty to the demon.

NAME: Lilnarn Mithrand'anfel.
RACE: Dark elf
Rank: prince
Gender: Male
Age: unknown
height: 2 meter
Hair: white
color of skin: black
Eyes: deep indigo
body: athletic

Lilnarn, prince of the dark elves, sat on his royal throne in the shadows behind the alter in the temple. he was bored. all the day he waited the hunters to return with a sacrefice. finaly they have come. the prisoner was tied up and the high priest prepeare him to be sacrefice by rubbing an oil all over his naked body. this young elf was handsome. lilnarn has wierd attraction to ptegnant elf. it was known.
he wonder if that elf was pregnant how he was look like. he was so fitting to be lilnarn's mate...
"is that all?" Lilnarn ask with a deep voice.
"yes m'lord" said the dard elf priest.
"than you may begin".
the priest nodded and the young elf was tied up to the alter of blood. they all start to sang the chants who summon the demon~

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

Air's violet eyes fill with fear as he stuggles. His long silver hair moves as the summoning circle activates. The circle lights up and glows a dark red color. The half elfs lean form trembles as he realizes he can't get free this way.he wraps his tail closer to his form the illusion makeing it invisible to all except the strongest of minds. He watches in horror as the demon is summoned. He tries to scream but the silencing spell stops him. Tears fill his eyes as the demons form starts to take shape.

(just to be sure: you want the demon to be his mate? or the dark elf prince?)

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

(The dark elf. I had thought we wanted a demon to impregnate him. If not then they could be asking the demon for the proper approval and to start the mating cerimony off.)

As the demon appear, lilnarn get down from his throne and stand beside the alter so he take a good look on the boy. God he was beautiful. its a shame to give him to the demon. he was curious how much babies he will provide him.
"My lord Grandor- Zath!" lilnarn shout before the demon who was smoke living creature. "may i have your bless to impregnante this handsome boy?" the priest was shocked. "my lord~"
the demon move and place a smoke hand on the boy's belly. "he is ferutile. he will give you many sons" he growled and spoke to lilnarn. "you have my premission. by the end of his impregnante he will be carry 12 babies, and his pregnancy will take 12 months" he declair. "let me take some of your men instead".
lilnarn nodded and the demon took 2 dark elf and eat them. then he vanished and gone.
lilnarn ordered to bring him the boy.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

Air looks at the drow male confused. Why did this dark prince want him? And what's this about pregnancy. Sure elf and shapeshifter male can breed but that was under conditions of love right? He should of read that book today. Air is jarred out of his thoughts when he is draged to the prince. Air looks the drow prince over consern and fear fill his eyes.

Lilnarn took a long look on him. then he ordered the guards to bring him to his personal chambers. "and give him some shiny silver clothes to wear. i like him when he is shiny" then he turn away and face the priest wrath. "i have to furfill the prophecy. it is well known that an elf boy will carry my children and bring peace to the world". the priest was unconvince and he ordered the guards to take the boy quick and wash him and dress him before he change his mind.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

Air yelps as he is dragged off. They force him into a bath and wash him up. They put him in shiny silver garments. The decorate his hair with gold and gems. Then leave him tied to Lilnarn's bed. Air looks around scared the spell still on him makeing escape impossable.

after awhile later, lilnarn came in and closed the door after. he gasp loudly, tired, and start to take off his armour. he so the boy was shy and frightened. he took his chains off so he was no longer tied to the bed. "im sorry you have been captured and the demon almost eat you, but unless i was there to save you, well, you wont be here now." he said softly. he rise his hand and heal his injuries with his magic. he looked at him. "now, show me your true form. i saw you hiding something from the moment you been carry to the temple. im not an ordinary dark elf you know". he smiled.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

Air looks at the drow and sighs. He tries to talk but can't as the silencing spots sounds. He looks at the drow wanting speak again. The only thing he can do to show the prince what he wants is let his tail loose. His tail is silver and spotted. The illiusion spell is strong as it still manages to hide half the tail.

"i see your tail. dont need to hide it from me. i will not hurt you". he close his eyea and sends telepathy thoughts of love and protection and kindness to the young elf. "my name is lilnarn. i will help you, if just you let me" he said telepathicly and sit beside the boy on the bed. "what is it that you want? what is your desire? tell me" he said honestly and open his mind to show the boy that he ment no harm.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

Air latches onto those emotions and sends his fear he send images of what he has heard dries doing and how he was captured. And that he can't speak now. His eyes watch the drow to see his reactions.

"im very sorry for you" he said. "you are free to go if you want to. i won't hold you here against your will". he kissed the young elf lightly on the cheek. "go. you are free" he declair.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

He gets up ready to flee but he stops and looks at the drow. He sits back down and sends an image of himself without the illusion spell. He looks much the same but he has snowlepord spots and fangs. It shows his tail. He also shows why he has the illusion. The pure elves would make fun of him for his markings and tail.

"well, unlike the elves,i think you realy hot like that" he said honestly and rubb Air chest. "wish you can talk. i would appreciate it. and you not need to fear me or be shame because your form. you are what you are, and i love you as you are now" he leaned forward and kiss the boy lips and then moved back a little, waiting for his reaction.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

Air sends him the image of why he can't talk. He closes his eyes and follows the kiss he was still scared but this drow likes him for who he is. He will try to understand the drow and thier kind. Maybe the pure elves just don't like a diffrance in them and that's the real reason the drow are outcasts.

"i can try to break the spell that makes you silence" he offered the boy. "do you wanna try?"

(hope i doing it right, or maybe he should stay silence?)

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

(Your doing it right)
Air nods he wants to speak if they have to take his magic away anouther way then fine he can understand that.

Lilnarn said "ok. i will try". he put his hand on the boy's forhead and close his eyes. he focused. for a minute nothing happen, then his hand start to shine in purple light. the light spread all over the boy's body, and the dark elf forehrad sweats a lot when he concentrate. he grinned his teeth from effort and then he open his eyes, who were shining in puple bright light. he yell as he finaly break the spell, and he lower his hand. "done" he said weakly, and he collapse on the bed, exosted and tired.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

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