Centaur Birth (Closed RP with Okamiryun) FINISHED!!!
James stopping to catch his breathe, gulped when he heard another man's voice from some where close by knowing from the fear in his voice and the rattling of chains that he was in the same position as the others. Figuring if he was awake, the centaur had already made the man drink the liquid he had also drank, and knew it wouldn't be long before the pour man starting having pains. Wanting to call out to the other man, James was stopped as he groaned another contraction coming over him quickly, as he bared down.

Panting James called out to the other man, "Your not alone..whoever you are...but I don't want you to panic....you are about to feel pains...and going to give birth to baby centaurs. What you were forced to drink is going to make you go into labor. Ohh....gawd....nnnghhh...." James couldn't say more as he felt the head stretching him as he felt it slide halfway out, "Gawd....pleasee...."
"What What!?" -The man yells upon hearing the voice- "You cannot be serious..that is not possible!" -He cries out as he tries to locate the source of the voice. Thought the process of labor has not started yet...the creeping fear associated with it slowly crawls up Morgan's spine. This creeping dread causing him to slowly start to shake as his eyes cast themselves down upon a heaving belly filled with some foul creature's young-
"Y-You just gotta bear it-GOD!" Jason moaned, feeling the next baby centaur move downwards with a painful contraction.

He groaned and pushed, trying to get the centaur out quickly. He had expected a head to slip out, but instead, a hoof kicked it's way out of his opening and he shrieked, throwing his head back as the hoof squirmed and kicked furiously, the baby trying to birth itself out of his body. The baby centaurs he had already birthed were trying to stand up and he felt a twinge of sympathy for them before the next contraction came, making him cry out and grit his teeth as he pushed, feeling a tremendous amount of pressure at his sore hole.
Hearing the other man's panic along with the guy next to him trying to push out the centuars James started feeling sorry for him, having thought it was only a couple of them in this situation. Gripping his chains around his wrist, and his legs chained as far as they would go, James continued to push the huge head that was sliding out of him.

"Nnngghhhh.....ooohhh....gawd....aahhhh!!!!" James let out a scream before gasping feeling the head sliding fully out.
((Sorry, I don't like when there's this many players. I'm out.))
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly.
(Hate to see you go, was loving how it was turning out.)
((I'll drop out. You've been at this longer than I and have more invested in it :D)
(No don't you all start dropping out, your doing great so far also))
(don't leave!)
Jason panted and looked towards another laboring man, a baby centaur's head already poking out of his hole. He gave the man a weak smile before screaming and pushing as hard as he could, trying to give birth to this centaur as another one was kicking around furiously in his heavily pregnant stomach.
The other man gave him a weak smile before he screamed trying to get his own centaur baby out. Glad that at least the head of his was out, James screamed feeling the shoulders turning so they could come out. Grunting with pushing, James felt one shoulder come out then the next.

Knowing the chest and arms would come out next, James let out a groan, pushing as hard as he could, "Arrgghhh.....gawd....." James pushed and pushed feeling its chest slowly coming out knowing this was indeed a big one from the width of its shoulders.
Jason groaned and pushed, fighting to stay awake as his strength waned. He gave a strong push, feeling the baby centaur drop out of him and onto the ground with a wet plop.

"Agh!" he threw his head back towards the tree and bit down on his lip as he felt the next baby move down his birth canal, ready to be born into the world.
Not hearing from the other two men, James looked around noticing the one on the left had birthed all that was inside him as the centaur looked over all his foals playing so far. The man had then got unchained as other centaurs came dragging the man away. Looking around the other man he had heard was done the same, leaving just himself and the man chained to his right. The centaur came between the two men, loving that one had his next foal out up to its chest, while the other was about to bring the next one into the world.

James had watched as the man on his right had finished one, and was ready for the next. He himself however was still trying to push his third out, as he was pushing its chest and arms out. Getting it all out up to its chest, James prepared himself to birth the horse part of the centaur. Grunting and groaning, James gave it all his strength until he had to stop catching his breath.

Pushing for what felt like forever, the body would start to come out before sliding back in as he realized something horrible, before having to scream, "Aagghhhhh...ooohhhh....its...stuck....gawd help me!!!!!!!"
Jason turned his head as the man beside him cried out that the centaur baby was stuck and he himself was struggling to push out the baby inside of him.

"H-Help!" he pleaded, trying to make eye contact with the centaur. The centaur ignored him and continued admiring his already born children as Jason and the other man continued to labor through the strong contractions.

The head of the baby centaur slowly made it's appearance, but it was the largest head of them all and Jason screamed and struggled to birth it when it slid out but slid back in when a contraction ended. He groaned and strained against the restraints that held him back as blood and other birth fluids started to drip out of his widely-stretched hole.
James heard the other man pleading for help but the centaur ignored them both loving more then the two men birthing the others. Finally to his relief the centaur came over to him watching as he tried to birth the horse part of the centaur. Stomping his hoofs down, he seemed to start calling the others that were still inside the man. The foal inside him, took his free hands trying to pull him self from James causing him to scream. As the foal started to turn inside James, he found it wasn't stuck anymore.

Screaming turned into pushing as James felt the horse part coming along with the front hooves, "Nnnnghhhhh.....gawd.....help....us!!!!!!"
Jason's fear turned into relief as the centaur went up to him and placed a hoof on his huge belly, pushing on the baby inside gently as Jason pushed with the contractions. Soon, the baby centaur's head popped out and the centaur went away again, admiring the long and hard labor of the two men in front of him. Jason groaned and threw his head back, feeling a burning at his opening as he struggled to give birth fully to the centaur baby.
James watched as the centaur had went over to the man beside him placing a hoof on his stomach, pushing down to help push the baby out. Hearing a slight pop, James figured the head had been released, then knew the rest would come as the man threw his head back.

Grunting with pushing, James continued to feel his centaur trying to slide itself out, with or without his help. Letting out a scream, James pulled his self up far as the chains would allow to see the centaur baby almost out except its back legs, that he could still feel inside him wiggling around.
Jason panted and moaned as another strong contraction wreaked his body and he pushed, willing the centaur baby to get out of his body. The first shoulder came out and the baby was turning itself inside his birth canal and he let out a scream, watching his stomach contort grotesquely as the centaur turned itself, getting it's second shoulder free.
James let out a scream as the centaur pulled itself free, but not before kicking his hooves inside him. Remembering what the centaur had did, and stating he had four foals inside him, knowing from the look of it, there was still one more left. Looking over to the other man, James could barely see the head and shoulders out of the guy, wondering how many he himself had inside him.

Letting out a groan, James felt the head getting ready to be pushed out, however also worried when he felt the centaurs hooves up instead down meaning this one was not only going be big but upside down.
Jason saw the baby centaur kick it's way out of the other man's birth canal and his eyes widened in horror. There was no way he could live through that. The baby centaur still half-lodged inside of his body suddenly gave a strong kick and he threw his head back, screaming and writhing against the restraints.

"H-Help!" he cried, tears prickling his eyes.
James looked next to him as the other man yelled for help, noticing the centaur was still lodged half way in the man. The centaur walked over to the screaming man, just smiling as he watched his next young coming out of the man. Throwing his hooves down onto the ground, he called for his young to come quickly to join the others.

James however was unable to watch for long, as a strong contraction hit him as he felt the head of his last centaur starting to crown. Again this one felt huge, as James continued to push and push until he had to stop to catch his breathe.

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