Dragon Bride (closed)

Name: Ryne
Age: 18
Race: Human
Description: blonde hair, blue eyes, 4ft 9in tall. Thin, boyish look to him.

Ryne walked back home in the dark of the night. He had just finished his work at the library and just wanted to go home, eat and sleep. He was unaware of the looming presence in the shadows.

Name: Adam
Age: Unknown
Race: Dragon
Description: stands a little over 6 foot 7 inches in his anthro like form, with glistening black scales darker than the night sky with swirling blowing blue marks all over his body. His eyes glow in the night with cat slit pupils and the same amazing bright blue eyes as his markings. His wings fold up against his back and his long tail curls around him.

Adam Has come to that time where he is going into a rut like state and is forced to pick a mate to carry his clutch. He has been watching, very closely, the town that lives at the base of his mountain. He watched and waited until he found the one he will take as his bride. 'He will be perfect.' Adam thought as he watched the boy close up the library and start walking home getting closer and closer to the alley wich the dragon was waiting for his prey.

Ryne walked around in the dead of night, paranoid something might happen to him. He held onto his bag tightly, having an uneasy feeling.

Adam grinned wickedly as his soon to be mate grew closer. he could smell that wonderfully sweet sent that drove him absolutely mad with lust and the desire to claim, fuck, and breed that ass. He then suddenly couldn't take it anymore so he launched out of the darkness with his wings spread wide and snatches up his soon to be mate and hit him on the back of the neck just hard enough to knock him out and not do any damage. Adam then flapped his wings and took off into the sky and up to his high mountain cave where he then proceeds to preform a ritual to give his mate a womb for their eggs. after that has been down he lays his bride down on the soft silk bedding he has gathered over the years. he then sat down watching and waiting for his bride to wake up.

Ryne didn't realize what happened, everything was a flash and he had barely anytime to react. When he woke up, his stomach felt sore and he was in some strange cave. "Where am I?! What's going on?!" He asked worryingly.

"Don't worry young one. everything is going to be alright. My name is Adam." He says stepping out of the shadows and into the light of the torches along the far side of the cave.

"Why am I here? What do you want with me?!" Ryne asked with a hint of fear.

Adam smiled reassuringly "Calm down, I wont hurt you. Well as you can see I am a dragon and the time of the rut is coming very soon so I am in need of a bride. I have been watching the town very closely and I have decided on you. You are gorgeous, smart, witty, funny, sweet, nice and much more of everything I have desired in a mate and soon to be mother. I know you have more questions so ask away and I will do my best to answer them. Oh and before I forget.." He turns away and picks up a big tray full of fruits and a pitcher of water with a cup beside it. "I bet you are hungry."

Ryne blushed brightly at Adam, finding him quite handsome. "Thank you for the food. But I find it hard to believe I can be a mother. I'm a male and males can't get pregnant." He stated.

"Ahh now that is where being a mate to a dragon comes in. We have certain rituals and magics that can make a male human possible of carrying a dragon's clutch. That is why your belly feels uncomfortable and you are so hungry. While you were sleeping I performed the ritual to give a male mate a womb and the ability to take a dragons cock and eggs safely." Adam explains, swiping a few berries from the tray.

Ryne blushed brightly at Adam's explanation. "I still don't knkw about this." He stated.

"It is ok. We still have a couple of days before the rut hits." Adam says and pats Ryne's hands gently.

Ryne sighed and laid on the bed. "I don't know if I can."'he said when he accidentally ate some dragon fruit that caused mates to go into heat. Ryne didn't feel anything but he unwittingly released a scent that he was ready to get pregnant and he needed to get pregnant now.

Adam sniffed and gasped "oops that fruit wasn't supposed to be on that..." He then starts growling lowly and his stance changes. He looks ready to pounce on top of Ryne. His cock starts rising from his slit and it is huge. The color starts from black and shifts to a bright neon blue at the tip. There are two knots on ti, one at the base then the second one half way up. His cock is around the size of his whole arm. "Oh Ryne come here love"

Ryne looked to Adam and blushed. "what are you doing?!" He asked as he blushed at his giant cock.

"You smell so ripe" Adam growls grinning from ear to ear.

"What are you doing?!" Ryne asked as he got a little scared. Unfortunately, his fear only heightened the pheremones.

"You just ate a fruit called the dragon fruit. Once eaten it makes you release pheromones that triggered my rut to come early. You smell ready oh so ready to carry my clutch. It is intoxicating." Adam explains as best he can while pumping his huge shaft.

Ryne gulped at the explanation. "How do I stop it?" He asked carefully as the pheremones were coming in waves, bringing Adam closer and closer.

"You can't" Adam grunted then growls "To make this easier on yourself get on your hands and knees and just submit or it will be uncomfortable for you." he then tries to gently nudge his bride into position to take his cock.

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