Starting a Family (Closed with BabbyDaddy)
(It works for me!)

"No, I think I've heard everything I need to for now. Thank you,  doctor," she said, as the doctor smiled and nodded. She helped her husband off the exam table and led him outside as they checked out and returned to the car. 
Jason sat down in the front seat and stared out the window. "A boy..." he said softly, laying a hand on his small bump. "I...I can't believe it."
"Believe it," Lucy smiled, "we're going to have a little you running around soon," she kissed his cheek and started up the car to drive them home.

(End scene?)
(Yep. What should we do?)
(Want to just advance it month by month? Or skip a month, and go to the first time the baby kicks?)
(Month by month would be good. A little scene in each. He would be 4 months pregnant and it would be January, right?)
(Just about, yeah.)
(Sorry for the absence! Still interested in this?)
(No problem! And I am if you are!)
(Certainly. What were we about to do?)
(I think just do short scenes month by month. Next one was going to be feeling the baby move for the first time, I think.)
(Okay. Wanna start it?)
(Sure, might be a but of a weird start, but we'll roll with it)

It was a lazy January afternoon, and Lucy and Jason were enjoying their last days of vacation before heading back to a new year of work. Jason was just over 4 months pregnant, and Lucy was practically glued to his bump, always fawning over their unborn son. "Hello there, junior," she cooed--they'd not yet chosen a name for their baby. "Do you know mommy and daddy love you? I hope you do!" She kissed Jason's belly and made an exaggerated smooching sound.
Jason sighed and rolled his eyes. "You know he can't hear you yet. And not for another two months, " he said, but still smiling. She could at least wait until he was a bit bigger to be fawning over his still-small bump. Jason pulled down his shirt, shutting her off from their unborn son.

"I have to get dinner started. Let me up," he said.
"Oh I know..." Lucy laughed and feigned offense as Jason covered himself once more. "If you insist," she said as she helped him up. "What's on the menu tonight, chef?"
"I don't know, I'll have to check what we have in the fridge..." Jason said, trailing off. A soft fluttering in his belly caught his attention. It was extremely light, but wasn't his stomach bubbling. A hand flew to his small bump as he looked down. "Honey? I...I think he just kicked," he said in awe.
"What!? No way!" Lucy's hand rushed to his stomach to catch something. "I can't feel anything..." she said with a frown. "You sure you don't just have gas?"

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