Fate of War (closed with Nōhime)

Name: Damien Alvoros
Age: Appears near his late twenties or early thirties, but is much older than that
Height: 6'2
Weight: 200 lbs
Build: Buff and Muscular
Role: King

The Kingdom of Lunaris and Soltheros have been waging war for years. While the Soltharians have gained the upper hand in slaying numerous soldiers of the darker kingdom, it is the King of said nation who's power and might will perhaps grant him the upper hand. With his long weapon drawn, similar to an axe-halberd with wheels that are capable of detaching, he appears out for battle. While he was expecting the King of the opposing side to appear in what they would assume was their last battle, his plan was also made for his equal son, who was to ascend the throne in the event he lost. Damien had killed a few soldiers before slipping away into the forest nearby.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Name: Rothion Alexander
Age: 23
Height: 5'9
Weight: 170 lbs
Build: Average build, slightly on the slim side.
Role: Prince

Rothion was the heir to the Alexander's throne. His noble roots gave him a cocky attitude, and he viewed himself supierior to all. This was not favorable to many, even the people disliked him and were not looking forward to his future rule. This battle was to be his first, equipped with a rapier, he stayed along the back while his father was at the vanguard. While watching, something caught his eye. He saw someone sneak into the woods. The man appeared to be strong, and an idea popped into his head. If he were to slay a man of that calibur, the surely the people would favor him. Desperate to put his plan into action, he slipped away from the others and stealthily began his pursuit unnoticed.

Lots of people ask about my profile pictures. None of them are mine and I take no credit for them. They were found on Deviantart.

Damien's foal like ears twitched as his nose smelled royalty, at least the blood of someone he was seeking out. The lure had obviously worked out and he was going to hopefully succeed in the next set of plans. The handle to the long hybrid weapon rested in his hands as he trailed off deeper into the forest. Eventually he would come to a place that vaguely resembled a maze. It was there that runes began to hover around his hand before he entered inside. He was going to test the Prince's mental psyche as he imagined the male picked Damien off as the largest being on the field to fight and if he defeated him, the others would withdraw. The spell he released would implement various scenes into his mind of monsters for him to fight to appear.

Rothion would give chase for some time, but he seemingly lost sight of the man. After a while he stopped to catch his breath. Rothion looked around and realised he now didn't know how to get back to the battlegrounds, and was completley lost. Did he just fall victim to cowardly trick? No, that can't be it. There's no way the enemy was that smart. Rothion's eyes were furious. He was too far away now, he would just need to finish the man off as he had planned and work out how to get back afterwards. He pressed onwards, in to what appeared to be a maze, although he was too focused on the man he was pursuing to notice.

Lots of people ask about my profile pictures. None of them are mine and I take no credit for them. They were found on Deviantart.

Damien smiled a bit wickedly as the male proceeded through the maze as planned, his fate becoming sealed by the thick barbed branches closing his path off. The smell of daisy's would greet his nose from the shrubs as they in itself were laced with a spell alongside the mist causing a general sense of illusions of which everything would fully unravel when he was in the dead center.

"Welcome to the grove, where war knows no bounds. In here shall you find your heart's desire. If you fail this challenge of the gods, well..." The voice chuckled as it left Rothion to digest what was said to him. "Carry on adventurer."

His armor would begin to feel heavy as the mist was seemingly making it heavier with a form of green substance. Before him, the sounds of growling was heard as the monster made its appearance with an ax; a Minotaur. It wasted little time in slashing at him.

Rothion was originally confused, but then all became clear. The gods see his potential and are challenging him to prove his worth! His fate would be guarenteed with honor and riches now!

With a cocky grin he continued, but after a while he was slowing down. "This damn armor." He said to himself. "Only peasants should need these, they're useless!" He was about to cry out in rage before a growl kept him quiet. He turned slowly to see the Minotaur. His reflexes managed to stay in favour and he somersaulted back away from the axe.

Trying to keep his composure, he clumsily got back on his feet. "Do you know who I am!?" Rothion shouted. "I am the chosen one! Get your ugly mug out of here before I have you executed!"

Lots of people ask about my profile pictures. None of them are mine and I take no credit for them. They were found on Deviantart.

The Minotaur paid him no mind and hurled its large axe at Rothion upon him somersaulting, giving him a small ounce of time to block. If he had succeeded, only the hard handle would connect with the male square in his armored chest with enough force to render part of it useless. It's hooves trampled the ground it treaded on as it roared loudly and overpoweringly enough for the male to get that if he did not run or fend it off successfully, he was going to be in a world of danger. Hopefully the prince was not a coward however. That would make Damien frown at the fact that half of his kingdom lost to them.

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