Desert Birth (closed RP with Shadow) FINISHED!
"Just wait and see," Joel replied, rubbing the man's rapidly expanding belly with one hand while he spread his legs open.
Adam could only watch as his stomach continued to grow until it had seemed to stop, and the other man spread his legs open. Adam looked at his stomach, as it was the size of a 9 month pregnant woman's stomach. It wasn't long until he began to feel the contractions as his stomach hardened wanting to start pushing the baby out. Groaning, Adam couldn't do anything but grip his stomach.

"Please..ooh god just give me something to speed it up..just let me push it out!!!" Adam screamed feeling yet another contraction knowing it was already going fast, however still not fast enough.
"I don't have anything for real life human births," Joel murmured, rubbing the man's contracting belly with one hand as he cried out and his water broke, spilling all over the bed.

Joel smirked as the man writhed in pain on the bed as the contractions got stronger and stronger.
Adam couldn't help but groan in hearing the mans words. However, it wasn't long after that his water broke all over the bed, as he felt a bit of relief, but not for long as the contractions continued on stronger and longer than before. As each of these contractions hit, Adam would either moan or scream from the pain. Although with each one, he could feel the baby sliding down his birth canal, as he could feel this baby was huge, even though he didn't know how huge. Gripping the bed with one hand, Adam felt a huge burning pressure down at his opening, hoping it was time.

"Oohhh...gawd....please it burns....I need to pus...aaahhhh!!!!" Adam screamed as he couldn't take the pain.
"Go ahead and push," Joel smirked, watching as the man moaned and switched positions, going into a kneeling position as he gripped the birthing bar with both hands and spread his legs wide apart.

After an hour, the man was still making no progress and Joel decided to help him a little. Joel pulled the man up from his kneeling position and made him stand up on the floor, spreading his legs wide as gravity helped with the birthing process. The man cried out when Joel pulled him into a standing position and Joel could see his belly hanging low, the birth fluids trickling out of his hole as he pushed with the contractions.
Adam was glad to be pushing, however felt as though he wasn't making any progress. Then from there, the other man pulled him up from the bed making him stand. Although he groaned from having to stand, Adam felt the gravity helping him as the baby was beginning to crown. Although he was standing, Adam gripped the birthing stool with one hand to keep him up, as he spread his legs apart, allowing his body to push.

" burns...oooh god!!!!" Adam screamed as he pushed feeling the baby's head slowly emerging out.
Joel smirked when the man started to push and a silver of dark hair started to emerge from his ass. The man was screaming as he pushed on the huge child inside of him and Joel could see his huge belly tighten and become hard whenever a contraction gripped him.
Adam continued to scream as he couldn't help but push, as he felt the baby's head slowly coming out. Reaching a hand down there, Adam felt the head along with what felt like tons of hair. Gripping the birth bar hard, Adam groaned and pushed hard, letting out a scream as the head was coming out stretching him wide, until he felt he had least got it out up to the baby's nose.

Panting to catch his breathe, Adam pushed again, "Oooohhhh...nnnngghhh....aahhhh!!!!!"
Joel saw the head come out slowly as the man pushed while standing up and he put a hand between his legs, feeling the baby's head. Joel smirked as the man bore down again, screaming as he tried to birth the baby.
Adam bore down hard, managing to get the head out up until the neck. Panting to catch his breathe, Adam knew from hearing about other women's births that the baby would have to turn so the shoulders would come out. Suddenly Adam felt the baby turning inside him, causing him to scream out. Once he felt he could push again, Adam did pushing hard and harder feeling his anus opening however not enough to get the babys wide shoulders through. Feeling like forever with pushing, Adam finally had to stop knowing if something wasn't done the baby could be hurt or worse.

"Please you help...the baby is could die if you don't...please ooohhh gawd!!!!" Adam screamed trying to push again but couldn't get the shoulders through.
Joel smirked and walked forward, slowly pulling the baby out from the man's opening. The man groaned as Joel pulled the baby free and he collapsed on the ground, panting.

"W-Why is my stomach still so bi-NGH!" the man moaned, rubbing his still heavily pregnant belly.
"No....nooo...there was only supposed to be one!!!! Ooohhh...gawd....!!" Adam couldn't help but groan feeling some more pressure against his opening, afraid it was another baby. Groaning Adam managed to get up to stand and hold onto the bar as he began pushing hard, feeling his opening stretching some.
Joel smirked as the man started to grunt and push down again and saw a silver of dark hair appear from the man's ass.

"It won't be long until you start popping out another one!"
"Your joking, this is the last one....oooohhh....aaarrggghhhhh!!!" Adam screamed pushing feeling the head starting to slide out, a little faster than the other one. Knowing this one was smaller, Adam continued to push getting at least the head out before he had to take a breather. Getting a few breathes, Adam started to push hard again starting to feel the baby turning, knowing the shoulders were coming next.
*Poke to Shadow*
((Going to read over it just so I know what's going on.))
((That's fine))
Joel sat down in a chair and picked up a book from the table beside. He was amazed at how big the baby was. He immersed himself in the book, peering up every once in a while to see how he was progressing. Seeing the shoulders were beginning to press through, Joel smirked.
Adam bared down hard wanting the shoulders out, but knew this baby was still big even though it wasn't as big as the first child. Although he was tired, Adam felt hatred coming up inside him watching as the man just sat there reading a book. Managing to get down on his knees and hands, Adam felt around with his hand. Then getting a good grip on the baby, Adam screamed pulling the baby out, letting it go to the floor.

Panting he looked at the man, "There yours baby. Now leave me alone!!!!"
Joel grinned, seeing the baby out. "Well, well," he said, standing and walking over. He held up the large baby. "He's a beauty." The baby began to wail. "Looks like he's hungry." He shoved him back into Adam's arms.

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