Desert Birth (closed RP with Shadow) FINISHED!

Setting : A man who had got stranded in the desert came across a bush with tons of tiny berries. Eating as many as he could, he found they had been poisoned. Thinking he was going to die alone, a man came across him taking him to his hut stating he had a way to cure him however it was going to be hard. Not wanting to die, the man agreed to anything as he was made to drink this purple liquid.

My Character :


Height : 5'5

Pregnancy : Tons of eggs, unsure of how many or how big.

As Adam's body felt the effects of the poison, he looked up to the other man about to ask how long that purple stuff take effect when suddenly he gasped in pain as he watched in horror as his stomach grew not stopping until he looked like a full term pregnant woman. Yelling at what was happening, the other man explained the purple liquid was placing each of the barries into a egg for them to be birthed out of him.

"No...that's not possible..." Adam shook his head as the man had started taking off his pants letting him know it was the only way.


My Character: Joel
Height: 6'2

Joel smiled sadistically as he watched the man's belly bulge and grow even more. It never seemed to stop growing and he figured that the man had eaten more than 30 berries or so.

"It's the only way. If you don't do this then you'll die." Joel informed him, rubbing his growing belly and taking his pants off.


Adam gripped the side of the colt he was propped up on, watching as his belly was growing hoping it was stop.

" are big....are they...." Adam panted from feeling his stomach growing


"One egg for each berry you eat. How many did you eat, anyway?" Joel asked, ignoring the question about how big the eggs were while exploring the growing belly with his hands. He saw a button pop from the man's shirt and he removed the shirt as well.


Adam shook his head, "I don't know....they were soo small....enough to get me fulll....had to be at least....40....I think....."

Adam felt his stomach hating that he could feel each of the eggs underneath his skin, before noticing some were tiny and others big. Wanting to ask again Adam had to know the answer, "How ...they get???"


Joel finally answered his question as he lifted his eyes to look at the man's eyes. "The smallest are just bigger than the berries you ate and the biggest can be as large as an ostrich egg." he said, enjoying the way his stomach was swelling and saw bulges of the eggs on the surface of his taut belly.


"Nooo...that can't be possible...ostrich eggs are can I birth that big..." Adam looked at the other man noticing he looked like he was enjoying it too much.

Feeling his stomach finally stoping from growing, Adam asked another question, "When does it start once the stomach has stopped???"


Joel furrowed his eyebrows and he realized he had never used this liquid on anybody before.

"I don't know." he finally answered, feeling a bit disappointed when the stomach stopped growing. The man's stomach was as big as an overdue pregnant woman with multiples. He smiled and began to rub the huge, heavily pregnant stomach.


Adam having seen how much energy it takes to birth a baby, decided to rest and gather his strength until it was time. The other man started walking around his hut placing a blanket on the sandy floor for the eggs that would come out of the man. As minutes turned into hours, Adam could see the other man getting tired as he started pacing.

Finally Adam's and the other man's wait had stopped as Adam felt a pain rush through his stomach feeling something sliding down his birth canal, "Ahhh...its starting...."


Joel turned his attention to the other man as he heard him say that the birth was starting and he turned the man around to face him, spreading his legs wide and looking at his opening which was spasming as the first contraction hit him. He saw that the hole was only slightly wider than before and resumed his pacing.


Wondering why the man had left to start pacing again, Adam grabbed his stomach as another contraction hit him.

" did you...walk away???" pleaded Adam


Joel turned back to the man and rubbed his huge belly. "The eggs aren't coming out yet. It may be a day or an hour or a minute, but they won't come now."


Adam groaned from frustration and the contraction realizing it would take a while before his opening would be ready to push a egg through it. While the other man paced around, the minutes turned into hours as Adam noticed the sun going down outside the hut. His contractions had came and gone along with the guys pacing turning into sitting and checking him to see if he was ready.

Finally when it was dark outside, and the other man had turned on all the lanterns he had, Adam gasped feeling the first egg at his opening, "It's starting to come....I can feel it....gawd it burns...."


Joel smiled as he saw a small egg breach the man's opening and he cruelly spread his legs open widely, looking at the heavy dilated hole. Fluid started dripping from the hole as the man moaned and groaned against the contractions.

"Don't push yet. The egg isn't ready to be born yet." Joel instructed, knowing full well that each egg came in it's own individual amniotic sac and this one's sac hadn't broken yet.


"When can...I push...." Adam panted clearly able to feel the egg however figured it would be safer not to push until he was told he could.

Panting through a few more contractions, Adam gasped when he felt a rush of fluids come out of his opening going onto the edge of the bed, and floor. The next contraction he felt was a little harder as Adam couldn't help but want to push, "Please....can I push....gawd..."


Joel smiled as he heard the man's water break for the first time and he went back towards the man, pushing his legs apart and check on the egg's progress. Sure enough, the small egg had slid into place and was ready to come out.

"Push with each contraction. This egg is small so it won't hurt so much."


Adam nodded glad that he could let his body do the work now. Hearing that it was a small egg, Adam was glad the first one wasn't huge.

Starting to push, Adam felt the egg starting to slide out, "Ohh.." Adam gave a small push again until the contraction stopped.


Joel sighed as he saw the egg move forward before stopping as the man had only given a small push.

"Look, I know I said it's a small egg, but you still have to push hard. It's not going to just slide out, you know." he said irritably, pushing the man's legs further apart until he could see more fluid - mixed with blood - drip out of his hole.


Adam nodded knowing the man was right, having to get them out by pushing hard as he could. The other man keeping his legs apart, Adam held onto the sheets that were beneath him so he have something to grab onto.

"Ohhhh....." Adam gave a hard push, feeling the egg completly slide out, "That...was easy...." Adam stated however grabed his stomach feeling mutiple eggs going down his birth canal getting ready to come out, "Mores...coming...don't I get any...break.."


Joel smirked and caught the egg covered in sticky fluid, cleaned it, and placed it beside the man on the bed. He saw that it was very small, possibly the smallest size of eggs the man was going to have. He saw the man groaning as he felt more eggs go down his birth canal and he rubbed his sweaty stomach, giving it a kiss and feeling it tighten up.

"You have many more to go. Just push." he smiled when he saw the man's water breaking for a second time.


Adam nodded knowing that was true, feeling the eggs in his birth canal along with egg at his opening wondering if this was going to be small or large.

Feeling the tip of the egg starting to come out, Adam beared down pushing hard, "Arrghhh...."


Joel spread the man's leg far apart and ignored his screams as he spread them beyond the man's limits.

"Keep quiet," he snapped, looking at him irritably, then returning to gazing at the opening, an egg ready to crown already. He noticed that it was off-white with blue specks and guessed that this was one of the medium-sized eggs, just a little bigger than a duck's egg. The man was trying to push the egg out of his hole and the tip of the egg slipped out before going back in and Joel rubbed on the rim of the hole.

"Shh, come out, little one." he said to the egg, grinning when the tip of the egg started to come out again.


Adam scream died down when a contraction stopped. He could feel the egg at his opening as the tip would come out with pushing, yet go back in when he stopped. Knowing this wasn't one of the small eggs, Adam wondered how big it was although was afraid to ask. The other man was talking to the egg almost like it would come out.

"Arrghhhh..." Adam continued to push feeling the egg starting to slide out almost to half way point before stopping.


Joel frowned when he realized that the egg had stopped coming out halfway and spread the man's legs even wider, trying to force the egg out. He could see that it was slippery as fluid was leaking out from the man's hole, dripping onto the bed under him.

The man had felt another contraction and Joel smiled, enjoying the way the man groaned and pushed with it, arching his back upwards slightly and giving Joel full view of his naked, sweaty, gigantic belly with 40-odd eggs in it.


Adam continued to push as he felt the other man holding his legs as far apart as they would go. Continuing to push, Adam felt the medium size egg slide out with the aid of the fluid that was around it. However, a few minutes hadn't even passed before he felt the third one at his opening as a gush of fluid came out knowing that was the water around the egg.

Unaware of how big this one was, all Adam could do was push, "Arrrghhh....."


Joel cleaned the second egg and placed it beside the other one and returned to his position in between the man's legs, holding his legs further and further apart as he saw the tip of the third egg start to crown. This one was off-white and had little brown specks on it. He grinned as he remembered this being one of the largest eggs, and he noticed the rim of the man's opening try to stretch across the egg as the man continued to push.

He rubbed the man's heavily pregnant stomach, telling him that this was a large one and it might be difficult to birth it.

"Just push along with the contractions. This might take a while."


Adam groaned when he heard this egg was one of the large ones knowing this was as big as a ostrich egg. Adam legs were held as far apart as they would go as he panted trying not to push until a contraction would come.

Feeling the contraction come, Adam beared down as hard as he could, feeling the egg at his opening however knew it was far from out yet, "Arrghhh....ooohhhh...."


"Push now!" Joel urged the man to push as the egg slid out halfway before slipping back in when the man stopped pushing. He spread the man's legs to it's furthest extent and looked at the egg while the man struggled to push it out.


Adam continued to push until the contraction stopped feeling the egg starting to slide back in knowing he would have to get it at least half way out before it would stay in its spot. Bearing down again, Adam groaned as he continued pushing, "Arrgghh....unnghh...."


Joel watched the egg crown before it stopped, slipping back in when the man stopped pushing. Joel was getting frustrated as if the man didn't birth this egg soon, the other eggs would pile up behind him and sometimes the eggs would come out not one by one, but in twos or in threes.

"If you don't push continuously and the egg doesn't come out, you're gonna be in big trouble." Joel informed the man, who was sweating as he curled up against his heaving belly.


Adam heard the frustration in the other mans voice telling him to push the egg out. Adam continued to do as he was told, in trying to push this egg into the world. Adam felt the egg starting to come out feeling his opening starting to stretch the fastest it has yet.

Knowing he wanted it out quickly, Adam beared down yet again pushing, "Aaahhh...gawd.....oooohhh.....unnnhhhh....!!!" Adam pushed and groaned feeling the egg getting almost half way out before he had to stop to catch his breathe.


"Don't stop pushing!" Joel said impatiently as the egg started to crown. He rubbed the man's belly as it tightened and contracted to push the big egg out and he felt something move down in the belly. He knew that this meant another egg was getting ready to be birthed even though this one wasn't out yet.

His assumptions were proven right when he heard the man cry out and a gush of fluids exited him.


Adam gasped when he felt more eggs starting to move down even though he hadn't gotten this egg out. A gush of fluids fell out around the egg knowing this was the other eggs water sack bursting. The other man continued to tell him to push knowing also what was coming.

Gaining up some breathes and strength, Adam hold his stomach pushing deciding not to stop until this egg was out. "'s...coming....arrrrghhh.!!!!!" Adam screamed between pushing feeling the egg sliding out until its widest part had started passing feeling also the next egg behind this one.


"Yes, good..." Joel murmured, watching the large egg stick out and he wrapped a hand around the tip of it, tugging at it experimentally. This prompted a scream from the man birthing the eggs and he let go of the egg.

He rubbed the man's heaving belly as contractions rippled across it, sending the eggs further and further down his birth canal. He new another egg was pushing against this one and hopefully it would help to push the egg out.


Adam couldn't help but let out a scream as the man tried to pull the egg from him. Feeling the mans hand on his stomach, Adam felt the eggs starting to come up behind his other egg, hoping with his pushing and the other eggs, it would help him get it out.

Pushing with the contractions, Adam felt it going through his whole body, "Arrrghhhh.....oohhhh.....unnhhhh..!!!!" Adam pushed with all his might feeling the egg starting to slip out of him.


Joel caught the big egg in his hand and cleaned it carefully, putting it beside the other eggs. He returned to his place between the man's legs and saw another gush of fluids come out, indicating that another egg was in place. The egg which sac had burst when the man was trying to push out the large egg was having trouble getting out and Joel knew why.

The egg was coming out sideways and the man screamed. Joel saw the egg quiver and the man tried to push it out but the egg wouldn't budge.


Adam sighed in relief as the other egg finally came out however knew from the gush of fluids the other eggs were ready also. However push as he might, the next egg wasn't coming as easy as the other one, wondering why. It felt stuck almost as he figured the egg was in a wrong position, causing him to scream in pain from it not coming out.

Adam not sure how to get it out felt all he could do was push, "Arrrghhhh.....aaahhhhh.....gawd help me...what's wrong!!!!"


"The egg is sideways. Just keep pushing." Joel instructed the man who was screaming and writhing against his hands, trying to push the egg out. He leg go of one of the man's legs and started to turn the egg while the man pushed with a contraction.


Adam heard the other man stating the egg was sideways which meant it was stuck. Doing as he was told Adam continued to push as he felt the other man hand trying to turn the egg so that he would be able to push it out.

Bearing down more, Adam hoped it was going to work as he continued to push, ""


Joel tugged on the egg and it slid out into his hands. He cleaned it and placed it with the rest of the eggs before noticing the man's sweaty, heavily pregnant belly tightening and the next egg started to crown at his opening.

The man rubbed his bulging stomach and panted, trying to birth this egg before the next one came. He cried out as a particularly strong contraction came and he pushed. Joel spread his legs wide apart and looked between the legs and saw not one - but two eggs wedged inside the man's hole.


Adam couldn't help but scream as he felt the strongest contraction hit him so far. However he was glad when the other man pulled the egg that was stuck out, until he felt the next egg coming. As he started to push, he suddenly realized two eggs were coming out side by side instead of just one.

Feeling the eggs stretching him, Adam pushed down hard, "Oooohhhhh...."


Joel bit his lip but still knew that the man had to push the eggs out on his own as they were stretching his hole to the maximum. Joel simply couldn't reach in and grab them.

"This happens very often. Just push through it." he rubbed the man's heaving belly and saw him grunt and push with each contraction.


Adam couldn't imagine this being happening very often, however figured the man knew what he was doing. Knowing there were more eggs waiting to come, Adam continued to try to get these two eggs out together.

Bearing down, Adam continued to push, "Arrrghhhhh......ahhhhhh...." Adam pushed down before gasping as the eggs were released from his opening.


Joel quickly caught the two eggs and cleaned them, setting them in the growing pile of eggs. He heard another gush and a moan from the man as the next egg started to go down his birth canal. He changed the towel between the man's feet as it was already soaked to the maximum with birth fluids and blood.


Adam felt the next gush of fluids come from between his egg as he felt the next egg starting down getting closer to his opening. Pushing with the contractions to help its arrival become quicker, Adam knew this next one was one of the medium size one or the large one.

Groaning with another contraction, Adam couldn't help but push, "Arrgghhhh....oooohhhhh...."


Joel watched the man squirm against the contraction as a small egg suddenly slipped out and he caught it, cleaning it and putting it on the bed beside the man. Another huge gush of fluids exited the man and he saw blood trickling out of his hole.

Adam was glad that egg was a small one, although felt as the next gush of fluids had came out. Gripping the sides of the bed, Adam started to push feeling the egg already starting to emerge.

"Arrgghhhhh....." Adam pushed hoping they would keep being small for a while being quicker to push out.
Joel went back between the man's legs as a medium-sized egg started to crown, stretching the man's sore hole grotesquely. He rubbed his hands together and prepared to catch the egg, but the man had stopped pushing and was panting and groaning, just lying there and trying to gain his strength back.

"You have to push!" Joel hissed.
Adam panted trying to get his breathe, knowing he had pushed many eggs out however had many more to do. The other man hissed at him to continue pushing as he knew the man was right.

When the next contraction hit, Adam yelled with pushing, "Aarrrghhhhh.....oooooohhhhhh!!!!!!!"
The egg slipped free and Joel caught it and the moment he put it down, a gush of fluids exited from the man and he was soon groaning and clutching at his still hugely pregnant belly again, trying to push the rest of the 20-odd eggs out. It was close to dusk and Joel contemplated going to sleep to leave the man to give birth to the eggs alone. After all, he had a long day tomorrow, trying to find other people who ate from the 'poisoned-berry' bush.
Adam having felt the gush of fluids come out of him, he knew and felt the row of eggs coming down his birth canal to get pushed out into the open. The other man started to leave his side as Adam started to panic wondering where he was going. However before he could ask, he felt a egg starting to be pushed out.

"Agghhhhh....where you...going.....ooohhhh..." Adam asked between pushes.
Joel turned around to the labouring man and smirked when he saw the egg already crowning. He strode back and turned the man so that the eggs would have enough space to rest on when they came out of him. Joel expected at least 10 eggs to come out while he was sleeping and he rubbed the man's sweaty, swollen belly one more time.

"I'm going to sleep. You don't expect me to stay up all night just to watch you birth eggs, do you? After all, maybe some more unfortunate travellers will find their way here tomorrow. I have to be ready for them," and with a final smirk, Joel closed his door lightly and retreated into his room, leaving the poor man to labour on his own outside.
Adam couldn't believe he was on his own watching as the man left going to head to sleep. Hoping there wouldn't be too many big ones he would birth, Adam knew having birthed a bunch so far, he could do it as the man had turned him so the eggs would roll out of the way for the others.

Groaning Adam gripped his stomach pushing feeling the egg coming out, "Oooohhhh....gawd...."
Unbeknownst to the laboring man, Joel had set up cameras in the room and was now currently sipping wine out of a glass, enjoying every second of his live footage. He saw as the man gripped his egg-filled stomach and pushed, panting and groaning as the egg slowly came out of his hole. The small, cream-colored egg dropped out and the man caught his breath before yet another gush of fluids came out from his sore opening and he was at it again.

Joel's lips curled into a smile as he saw that this was a large egg, possibly the size of an ostrich's egg or larger. He smiled as the man struggled to push and birth the egg, but the egg was stubbornly stuck in his birth canal.

"This is going to take a while," Joel snickered, refilling his empty glass.
Unaware that he was being watched, Adam had got the egg out, before not able to catch his breathe as the next egg was starting to crown. After pushing for a few minutes or what seemed like forever to him, Adam could barely feel the egg sliding out. Catching his breathe in between pushing, Adam reached his hand trying to feel the egg. Groaning, Adam could only feel the tip of the egg out, figuring it had to be one of the biggest one yet.

"Gawd....ooohhnn....nnhghhhh....!!!!!" Adam continued to push as he couldn't help but scream a little.
Joel tutted as he checked his watch. 11.48pm. The man had been trying to push out the egg for a good 45minutes but it wouldn't budge. He could see the man straining to birth the egg, spreading his legs obscenely and crying out as he pushed and fought against the contractions. Joel swirled the wine in his glass and took another sip as he contemplated going over to help the man.

"Oh, oh!" he heard the man scream as another gush of fluids came out of him, signalling that the next egg was right behind this big one. Joel smirked as the man screamed in agony and tried to push the large egg out of his body.
Adam felt like it had been forever since the huge egg had started coming out of him, and it still wasn't out. Crying out when he pushed, Adam knew this had to be the biggest of the eggs, feeling it was bigger then the ostrich egg. Letting out a scream, Adam couldn't believe when gushes of fluids came out of him, letting him know other eggs were helping push the other egg out. Trying to keep his legs far apart as they would go, Adam felt down after a contraction had ended to feel the egg becoming half way out as the widest part was stretching him.

As the next contraction hit, Adam felt it was one of the strongest he had as his body was pushing not only this egg out, but the other eggs behind it. Unable to help himself, Adam screamed, "Nnnnnghhhhh....gawd.......come out...." Adam grabbed onto the bed with one hand, while the other touched the egg, as he tried to pull it out.
Joel looked at the man trying in vain to pull the egg out, but the egg was too slippery with fluids for him to even take hold of. Joel poured more wine into his glass and continued drinking into the night. He checked his watch again. 12.30am. The man had been trying to birth the large egg for an hour and a half but was unsuccessful in doing so. He noticed yet another gush of fluids exit the man as he heard a sharp yelp and the man was panting, red-faced, trying to get the large egg out of his birth canal. Joel sighed and finished his wine as he prepared to go out and help the man birth the large eggs and the ones that followed behind.
Adam didn't know how long he had been trying to birth this egg, but knew it had been over an hour. More fluids were rushing out from around the egg knowing more and more eggs were going pile up making it harder for him to take break before they would come. Trying to pull the egg out wasn't working as it was too slippery from all the fluids. Panting to try and catch his breathe, Adam knew he had to gather some strength to try and get it out.

Having caught his breathe as much as he was going to, Adam had to continue to push hoping very soon this huge egg would come out, " me gawd please!!!!!!!!!!" Adam screamed into the other room hoping the man would hear him and be able to help.
Joel heard the man outside shouting to him, asking him to help and he stopped right outside the door. He was going to help him birth the eggs, sure, but why not let a drug do that for him? He opened his drawer and took out a bottle of Pitocen and put three tablets onto his hand. This would guarantee that the man outside would give birth quickly, but painfully as well.

"Alright, alright!" he hollered out, opening his door and closing it behind him as he approached the heavily pregnant man with the Pitocen tablets.
Adam felt re leaved yet curious as the man walked out holding something in his hand. Still trying to get the egg out, Adam began trying to push on his heavy stomach pushing down hoping anything would work.

" stuck...gawd...nnnnghhhh....what do you have....ooohhhhh!!!" Adam pleaded with the other man while he continued pushing.
Joel smirked wickedly as he saw the big, sweaty, heaving belly in front of him. He rubbed it with his hand as he felt more eggs move into position.

"These are going to help you give birth faster. It'll be a lot more painful, but it'll make the eggs come out quickly. Do you want it?" Joel presented the tablets to the laboring man who was in the midst of a strong contraction.
Adam hearing the words that they would make them come out quicker, couldn't help but nod wanting anything that would help this huge egg come out.

"Yes..gawd...anything....just get this egg!!!!!!!" Adam pushed and pushed until he had to stop, as the man gave him the tablets as he swallowed them, "How....long....???"
Joel smiled as the man hurriedly swallowed the tablets down, willing to do anything to give birth faster.

"The egg will probably come out in ten minutes or so, but it will be very painful." Joel warned, watching as the first drug-induced contraction made the man scream and cry out hysterically, grabbing the sweaty, heaving orb that was forcing his legs apart.

"I-It hurts! Agh!" the man screamed, panting harshly as the next contractions came on top of each other, barely giving him enough time to breathe. He rubbed his belly frantically in an effort to soothe the tight band that refused to go away but to no avail.

"Just push." Joel instructed, letting his large hands move over the man's heavily pregnant belly as he felt the man push with each strong contraction. The egg started to crown and the man was starting to make progress when yet another gush of fluids came out, startling the laboring man.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, it makes the other eggs come out way faster, too." Joel said, enjoying the way the man was screaming and shouting, trying to get the large egg out before the others came.

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