The Breeding Station (OPEN)

Regulus slid down to sit against the wall, looking up at Ryne with frightened blue eyes, "I... I... I d-don't know!" he whispered, "I've n... Never... Ah!" he blew through a contraction, shaking with nerves.

Ryne looked at Regulus with worry. "Hurry, we need to get those babies out." Ryne grabbed Regulus and headed towards the birthing rooms.

"th... They're... Eggs..." Regulus whispered, "Freikkisan... Aah!" he slumped down, "I... I can't make it..." he panted with a groan. Already, the tip of the gelatinous bundle was visible through his tight entrance.

Would it be possible to join? If so...

Name: Sumakari
Species: Lyzin
Lyzin are a single gender race, capable of getting pregnant or impregnating. They're kind of like bipedal cats, with feline faces and legs. They have a light coating of fur, usually yellowish, everywhere except their torso (chest, belly, pecs, etc).
Special Attributes: Sumakari is a genetically engineered breeder. He has 4 wombs connected to his anus, which he gives birth and is impregnated through. He can carry 4 pregnancies and has extra stretchy skin and wide hips. His anus, which will cleanse itself prior to birth, is extremely flexible and will open easily.
Turn-Ons: Sumacari loves carrying and birthing eggs. He also enjoys carrying large numbers of live babies. He likes getting dominated and will take double penetration if he can get it.


Name: Vyrion
Gender: Male
Species: Lyrkin - An exclusively male alien race with sky blue skin, a long tail, four arms, two penises, and large wings
Special Characteristics: Gestation time is usually about an hour, can give birth and impregnate with any species but only one pregnancy at a time, able to carry extreme numbers of babies, gives birth through his two penises
Turn-ons: Long, painful births, sex, being pregnant, fucking during labor, enormous pregnant bellies, getting pregnant and impregnating others, sex with both male and females
Turn-offs: Rape, birth through throat or mouth, easy and quick births

Vyrion walked through the halls off the station sporting his enromous belly. His two large dicks slapped against his legs with each step. He'd recently been impregnated by another Lyrkin. His belly lurched, growing and growing even more. He rubbed his enormous pregnant stomach, knowing soon he'd go into labor. He'd never felt so full and massive in his life. He loved it.

Sumakari lightly padded around the halls of the station, his tail gently swishing back and forth. He was on the prowl, and this time, he wanted to take it and swell up. He'd been on a seeder fetish for the last couple of weeks, and wanted to be the pregnant one again. Plus, a good lay couldn't hurt him.

He turned a corner and almost felt his jaw drop. A large, blue-skinned man was pumping eggs into a mewling little alien. He could physically see the eggs travel through the seeder's shaft and into the reciever. Sumakari immediately got hard and darted to the blue creature, rubbing up and down his leg. He wanted some eggs, too.

Zazna felt pressure on his penis as his second baby started to come.

Ryne looked at Regulus' entrance "Okay, I see the egg, just keep pushing."

Sumakari felt the last egg pop into him. The blue guy pulled out and laid on top of him, rubbing his belly and mumbling something in a language he didn't understand.

Sumakari got up and walked down the halls, despite protests from the alien. One pregnancy wasn't enough. He needed more, and he needed more now. The restless Lyzin desperately looked around for someone to knock him up... again.

Ryne was helping Regulus birth when he noticed a beautiful young seeder. Subconsciously he left Regulus to see this new seeder. "She looks like a Aethon." Ryne thought. Ryne approached her and said nervously "Hi... I'm Ryne, are you new around here?"

"I'm from a small space station colony, the Reqiuem." Ryne said with some embarrassment. "Listen, I don't want to sound weird but I was wondering if could impregnate me?" Ryne said with hope.

"Not at all." Ryne said sheepishly. "But I was wondering if I can get some DNA from you for another assignment I have to do." Ryne asked with hope.

Ryne smiled at Arannis "All right then, how about my room?" Ryne asked. "I know it may sound weird but the other assignment is that I need the DNA of two different alien species to mix with a small egg. It will be great if you can help me."

Ryne nodded "The egg is the size of a golf ball, but I heard it grows quickly. I don't know how long the gestation period is, only the I have to carry the one egg." Ryne arrived at his quarters with Arranis. He opened the door for her "Please make yourself comfortable."

"It's alright. The aliens who gave me the egg said they don't want human DNA so I have to find someone else." Ryne said. Ryne crawled onto the bed with Arannis. "So how do you want to do this? Me on top or on the bottom? Anyway you prefer." Ryne said with care

"Sure thing." Ryne lied on the bed for Arannis and slowly pulled off his shorts, revealing that he had no underwear on. "I guess we could go to the the lab, it just won't be as fun trying to find another seeder."

Ryne was shocked by the kiss but that was also his first kiss and he was happy he could give it to a beautiful women like Arannis. "I know I'm picky, it's who I am." Ryne said as he looked at her with a erotic smile. Ryne gently grabbed Arannis breasts.

Ryne moaned as she was kissing him. "To be honest, your my first. I've always been artificially inseminated. So I hope this will be up to your expectations." Ryne said with embarrassment.

"No, they make it painless." Ryne moaned in pleasure as she touched his most sensitive parts. "I promise to carry as many children as you want."

Ryne nodded weakly, his head blurred with ecstasy. "I would love to carry more, just say the word."

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