Desert Birth (closed RP with Shadow) FINISHED!
Adam shook his head placing the child back on the ground, "No, I don't want him. Your the one that raped me to get a couple of kids. You take care of him. I'm going get out of here."
Joel shoved Adam down. He leaned down so close to his face, they could feel each other's breath. "Feed him," he demanded angrily. "And you will not command me to do anything. I was the one who saved you I could have let you die there in the desert after you so stupidly ate those berries."
"Look I didn't care about pushing out those huge eggs 40 or 50 at a time. Yes, you saved me and I'm grateful, but I'm not going to be made to get raped and give birth to huge babies." Adam fought back not wanting to be pushed even if he was still sore from giving birth.
Joel hissed, "Feed the babies now." His eyes flared with anger. He pushed his chest, slamming him into the floor. He scooped up the two large babies and put them into Adam's arms. "Do as I say!"
Adam knowing it wasn't the babies fought for having to be born, so he agreed letting them both latch on, watching as they sucked their milk, and then fell asleep. Slowly he placed them on the bed next to him, before starting to get up, "There, I fed them!!"
((Where do you want me to go with this?))
((Not really sure, just sorta wanted to finish it lol))
((sorry to interrupt but I've been kind of reading this and i think that maybe Adam should overpower Joel and rape him getting him pregnant...just an idea...sorry for interrupting...)
((No your fine, its just Shadow and I been doing another rp, and I had this one since last year or so, so thought just that get one out of the way lol))
Joel slammed back Adam to the ground. "How dare you talk to me like that after all I have done for you?" Joel asked. He pick dup the babies and put them over in the couch. "Don't you ever shout at me again Adam. I assure you, you will not enjoy the consequences." Joel got close to Adam. "And you are never going to get out of here. I won't let you leave," he whispered.
Adam knew the other man was right, but knew after all he had been through he wasn't going down without a fight. If he was going to die here, then he was going make it worth it. Gathering some strength up Adam, moved his legs and with one swift kick, got his foot to connect with Joel kicking him back onto the floor.

"Why don't you just kill me then and get it over with!!" spat Adam.
Joel landed on the floor with a thud, hitting his head. He groaned in pain but got back on his feet. "Maybe I will," Joel hissed. With a raged scream, he ran at Adam angrily although he stumbled, dizzy after hitting his head.
Adam couldn't help but let a smile come across his face watching as Joel landed on the floor. However Joel got back up starting to come after him, but stumbled. Knowing this could be a chance to get away, Adam started to get up but found his legs weak. Turning over, Adam started to crawl out of the tent, until he felt Joel grab him from behind.
"You think you can escape, huh?" Joel snarled. He grabbed Adam's leg with an iron grip, forcefully pulling him back to him. "You won't after this." He grinned, tossing off his pants. He was just about to enter Adam when he tossed him off of him.
Adam felt himself being pulled back by Joel, knowing what he had expected to do. Seeing his pants tossed away, Adam managed to get his legs free getting Joel off of me, "No, I won't breed one of your evil monster babies again. Isn't two enough for you!!!"
"I want as many babies as I can get out of you," snarled Joel. Full of rage, he lunged back at Adam, pinning him to the ground. "You will never get away from here. You will bear my children until you die!"
Adam fought against Joel's grip, however felt the struggle had left him weak some. Knowing Joel's words were right, Adam spat in Joel's face, "Then get it over with. Put one, two, babies I don't care. If I die, maybe your demon children will die with me!!!!" Adam got a slap in the face, before watching Joel getting ready to rape him once more.
Joel slapped Adam's face with an angry hand before shoving himself into Adam with much force. He thrust hard into the man, grunting as he did. "This will show you not to disobey me!" he hissed between each strong thrust.
Adam screamed when Joel forced himself into him, however didn't want to give him the pleasure of hearing him screaming. Clenching his fists, Adam groaned as Joel thrusts came stronger and faster. Wanting it to be done, Adam swung his hand hitting Joel across the chest, using his finger nails as claws to try scratching him.
Joel released a load of semen into Adam, sighing with pleasure. "That was great," he said as he pulled out. He stood up, put his pants on and returned to Adam with the potion that would make his pregnancy go quickly. "Drink this," Joel ordered.

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