Dromaeosapiens (Closed w/ Moneypaws19)
On in a parallel universe, the KT Extinction did not occur and Dinosaurs did not die off. Mankind, however, did not evolve. Instead of Mankind, the humanoid descendants of the Dromaeosauridae (Velociraptor and related) become the dominant species of the third planet.

This story is of a tribe of Dromaeosapien Americanus , self-named the Ehsovhi. This particular tribe belongs to a group similar to Man's own Aztec culture. The Ehsovhi use tools made from stones, minerals, wood, and bones. And in this culture, every so often a special individual is born, considered a gift of the heavenly gods. A brood male, a male able to bear children. Trained as apart of the shaman class, and is given off as a mate to the strongest of the male hunters...even if it's against the brood-male's will.

Name: Oudrid
Gender: Brood Male
Occupation: Spiritwalker (Shaman)
Physical description: Lanky body shape, stands around 5'6". Brownish-green skin with a greenish-tan areas on the torso and belly. Yellow eyes, and blackish plumes of feathery "hair". Normally in the colorful garb of a Spiritwalker.

Gender: Doninate mate

Occupation: Lead hunter

Physical Description: Muscular all over, stands around 6'0". Golden brownish skin with dark brown areas on the torso and belly. Green eyes, a strong jaw, and shoulder length dark brown with feathers woven into it. Only wears a black loin clothe.
Oudrid sat still as his handmaidens fussed around him. His face was decorated by paints made from berries. Jade and bone ornaments adorned his neck and arms. However, despite all of the attention, he did not look thrilled. Today, at the start of the breeding season, he was to be presented to his mate. Being a holy gift, a brood male, he had no say in who was his mate was. The High Priests had declared that a brood male, trained to be the wisest of the tribe was to be mated to the strongest. He dreaded this day, not wishing to be forced to mate someone he was not sure he loved. But, he could not also go against the priests that raised him since he was a chick. With his attire complete, the young spiritwalker was escorted to the Great Temple for the private bonding ceremony, red robes trailing behind him like a ghost.
Chicahua sat calmly in the center of the temple on the stone floor. He was in the middle of praying to the gods for a strong mate to bear him only the strongest of chicks. He was on his knees. He had woven bright red feathers in his hair to as a symbol for strength and wore a black leather loin clothe. Before he had entered the temple he had bathed his body in the icy rivers to purity his spirit and body to prepare his body for ceremony. He had slaughtered a tiger and skinned it to make his coverings to hide his body and draw strength from the tigers spirit to add to his own. He gave the meat up as a offering to the gods as thanks for his future mate and offspring. After he skinned and cleaned the tiger's skin. He wrapped around his body as a robe. He painted his body with the tribe's symbols for strength using part of the tiger's blood. After he was done with his preparations he walked up the stone stairs alone and sat down in the center on his knees to prayer and give thanks to the gods for the mate he was about to receive.

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