Magic Born ((Open to all!))

"Y-yah, it's my punishment." he said his cheeks heating up a bit.
He jumped when he felt himself be lifted from Rylans arms his eyes widening until he saw it was just a doctor laying him down on a mobile bed.
"Were going to take you back to a empty room. If they wants your friends can come along." the doctor man seemed nice enough.
"what did this, you can answer now or later whatever you feel up to." he began to take Jay back to the room.
"A Incubus.." he said knowing they would have to do a poison check on him because of it he winced a small amount of anger crossing his mid about how he'd kill his ex if he had tried to turn him.
"Rouge, but most just call me Chessy since they assume I'm mad like the Cheshire cat." he said with a grin his pink and purple tail swishing behind him.

~Help me I'm human~

Swanhilda smiled, "I think Rouge is better." She said as she held out a hand to him.

Rylan waves off the Lizard then follows after the injured male, feeling a strange attachment to him. the Lion gives a slight inwards smile as he pictured beating the Incubus what did this. Attacking a pregnant male... if it had been Rylan, his Pride would have hunted down and slaughtered the attacker by now. he keeps a reasonable distance so the doctors can work but never lets him slip from his view.

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He took her hand but the second he heard her words he blushed deeply.
"Thats the first time Antibes ever told me that before, then again most just run away."
He felt himself relax as he looked around the plain colored walls of the hospital room the pain dull as a needle slipped into his arm pumping new blood through his drained viens. The makeshift badge was removed and the wound cleaned, it thankful had torn cleanly and thanks to his regeneration was almost healed. The doctor still covered it with gaze and wrapped his neck once more. Gently he pulled up jays shirt prodding around his belly for a moment before wheeling over a ultersound machine and a image shot up on screen causing JAykilys eyes to water.
"Are they ok??" He asked frantically looking at the scene not sure what to make out from the grainy image on screen.
"I'm sorry.." the doctor said quietly, "I can only find one heartbeat it seems your other didn't make it."
Jay broke down as the doctor turned off the machine offering his condolences and giving jay a moment saying he'd be in later.
"I'll kill that basturd!!" His voice cracked as he tried to speak one arm wrapped around his slightly swollen middle the other wiping At his weeping eyes.
((Yah that's fine :) you can make as many as you want))

~Help me I'm human~

Swanhilda's face softened even more, letting her guard down as she understood how he felt.

She smiled, "Why shouldn't I call you by your name? Your name is lovely." She said as she shook his hand and squeezed it before letting go of it.

"You know Rouge, you're actually the first person that isn't scared of my true form." She said softly as she shrugged and turned one arm back into her winged version, her human arm, touching it and playing with the feathers.

He shrugged a smile playing across his features,
"Eh what can I say I see the world through different eyes, I'm just as messed up as everyone else on this planet so what right do I have to judge."

~Help me I'm human~

Swanhilda could only shrug, "Isn't that the purpose for humanity? To judge each other di the different ones nay fear each other terribly." She mumbled as she began wiggling one of her feathers in front of Rouge.

Rylan sits in the chair next to Jay's bad and offers up a tissue. he gives a soft rumbling purr to try to settle him even from a distance. "Im sorry about you kitten" he says, forgetting the fact that it wasnt a kitten the other had lost "If you need a shoulder, or just someone to hug..."

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(Waiting on you Ikki)

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The Albino wanders off in search of food for himself, stumbling accross the Lizard and 'neko' (Tripp). "Oh Hi again Shane" he smiles and his tail wags from seeing him again "Everything ok? Who is this Kitty?" he enquires his tail wagging more

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The lion nods and chuckles. "nice to meet you. Im Rylan" he gives a warm smile Then looks to the lizard "cold? Cmere, i have warmth to spare" he holds his arms open to hug

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Rylan nods seeing him pass out "Yeah, i have only known him a few hours, but he seems to switch between them without knowing it, one even has a personality like he is suffering ptsd" he gently pet the lizards head feeling how cold he is "You might want to go get him warmed up, a low body temp wont be good for him"

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He nods and pulls the Lizard to him, sharing his bodies warmth share with the cold male. "Take your time, my fur gives me a higher body temp than normal, so i have plenty of heat to share"

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He shifts to sit down on a chair, keeping the cold male pressed to him. "silly boy" he mumbles softly "why is there always one cold blooded that likes to go out in the cold?" He shakes his head with a chuckle.

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The feline moved carefully with the load in his arms, movinv over and laying him down on the mobile bed "hope he will be ok... i know the cold can be lethal to some lizards..."

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He watches them go, unsure if he should or is aloud to follow. The lion lets out a sigh thats mixed wity a meow then proceeds to the hospital canteen to get a sausageroll and a bottle of water. He returns to the waiting room to decide what to do next.

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The lion gives a chuckle "I guess i could, i do need to get a check up at some stage... my first one for this one" he looks at his stomach and gives it a rub.

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The lion gives a soft chuckle and slowly gets up walking towards Shanes room "only a couple of months, plenty more to go... sadly all of it without their other parent"

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He rumbles a chuckle, it sounding odd with the mix of a purr and growl in it "No, sadly i was attacked in a side street by some drunk human... when i came to...well you can guess the state i was in" he gives a sigh and shakes his head and rubs his belly "When i found out... i didnt want to abort.. it may be the only chance a freak of an albino like me gets to have kittens"

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the lion nods slowly as he walks in hoping that indeed he and his kitten would be ok, and that he could find a 'daddy' for the kitten. he gives a gentle sigh and walks over to Shanes bed and gently puts a paw on his chest "Calm down hun, tell us whats wrong?"

Available for conversation, pm me.

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