Magic Born ((Open to all!))
Rylan Blinks "Help? How can he help me?" he asks "I'm an Albino, Short of Fur dye, which i have tried, i cant be helped... other than through the pregnancy..." he sits down in the chair next to the bed, his feet starting to hurt from being on them all day.
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"Doctor man?" he asks slowly blinking. he gives a soft rumble and rests back "Sadly in the Anthro lion community... being pregnant with someones Kittens means no one else will touch you"
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Rylan sighs softly "maybe i should go... i think im upsetting him"
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he Sighs and nods shifting in the chair "I don't know how i could help though, I've never encountered anything like this before... I feel kind of helpless when its his own mind that's tormenting him"
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"Hes talking about Jay, he was atacked by the father of his kitten... he is a few doors down the hall recovering from the blood loss" he pats Shanes arm gently with a purr "He is ok, we can see him later once he is feeling better ok?"
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((So sorry for being gone so long!! I had to transfer my Internet server over to a new company since it was being to laggy, I see a lot has happen in my absence? Could I get a recap?))
~Help me I'm human~
"Id recommend you stay a while, at least for the night, its quite cold out there" He gives a warm smile his tail wagging "Its nice to know you are feeling better"
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Rylan nods and gives a slight groan as he gets up, wandering out into the hall to wait, he stops by a vending machine for another drink.
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Rylan looks up and gives a soft purr, his tail wagging a little and he gets up to guide them "Sure, he should be just down here"
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He'd thrown a mild fit after Rylan had left claiming there still had to be some way to save his other twin as he began to go through the stages of grief. After acceptance passed he fell into a fitful sleep tossing and turning on his bed eventually coming to rest with his back to the door. With his street clothes gone replaced by a thin hospital gown one of his wings hung loose from the back slightly dusting the ground while the other curled protectively around him like a blanket. He felt a hand brush the long strands of black hair from his face and tried to shrug it away wanting to be left alone buy as the hand trailed down his face he felt a cut bloom on his cheekbone from a nail as a deep voice whispered,
"You'll always be mine little Jay bird.."
He shot up from bed and screamed covering his mouth after the noise as he met the red eyes of his childrens father he grinned putting a finger to his lips as the air ripped apart behind him and he disappeared leaving the room a disaster as he did. He sat still hands still over his mouth as he starred at the apace with a look that could of dubbed him insane as a thought ran through his head,' he's always going to find me..'
~Help me I'm human~
Rylan opens the door to Jays room "Hey Jay you awake i brought Shane... what happened? are you ok?" he looks around the room concerned.
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At first he didn't notice they were there until there blurred voices came back into focus an he looked over seeing the two people who he'd came here with and someone knew.
"I.." he trailed off for a moment unsure of what he should say, one: because no one could actully prove his crazy ex had been there, and two: the room which had once been a total disaster to him now looked completely normal.
"It was a bad dream." he said drawing his arms around himself.
~Help me I'm human~
Rylan helps jay back onto the bed and covers him with the sheets "You need to rest hun, You're safe, i can stay with you tonight if you'd like" he sits into the nearby chair with an 'oof', never losing his soft smile. He sniffs the air a little, smelling more than just the scents of those in the room.
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"I-I can't stay here.." he said his voice barely a whisper, " I can't take it anymore he follows me where ever I go.." he felt like he was going to cry but didn't his green eyes gleaming with small shards of insanity from under messy strands of black hair.
"Please I want to go home." he said looking up to Rylan first then to anyone around hoping someone would acknowledge his request.
~Help me I'm human~
He gives a slight frown and shakes his head "Its probably not safe there either, you can come home with me if you'd like? id love to see him get past a Pride of lions" he grins a little "We even have one or two of your Kin in our pride. your not the first angel to come down. We can keep you safe, you can even sleep with me if you'd like"
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"Really?" he asked his tone surprised to here he could have a place to stay, his only real home had been the measly small apartment Him and Jonney had afforded with mostly jays money to.
"But, I only have a couple weeks left I wouldn't want to be a bother with my twi-...I mean with my baby." he got a little quite but accepted the fact he would only be having one child once another four weeks went by.
~Help me I'm human~
Rylan smiled his tail wagging "would be no trouble at all. The pride will even help you through the birth and with caring for them, for as long as you need"
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The thought of giving birth outside of a hospital made him shiver a little but if it meant going to a place Jonney couldn't get him he'd go willingly with rylan.
"Do you guys really live out in the wild though?.." he asked picturing the pack living in a dirty cave with no protection from the elements and having to hunt for food..So basically he pictured it like a discovery channel special.
~Help me I'm human~
The lion chuckled softly "we Live on a farm, with in a big house with all the amenities, including a well trained doctor, hot and cold running water, big bedrooms, a spa, pool and a three year old Puppy named Andrew who likes to wake people up with licks every morning" he chuckles at this then gives a shudder "Id suggest keeping the door closed at night"
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Rylan got him to laugh for once and he laid back in bed the stress leaving him a bit as he tried to relax rubbing a hand over his belly. The door to his room opened and a nurse entered saying 'Excuse me' to get around Shane and and the new guy pausing to give the jittery lizard man a once over before stopping by jays bed.
"How ya' feeling hun?" she asked with a kind smile," it's a good thing your awake your doctor agree we can let you out now, your blood levels have gone back to normal and your child is quite stable, oh yes! And how could I forget we thought you might want these back seeing as leaving in a hospital gown wouldn't be the most publicly appealing thing to do." She place the bag she'd carried in beside him containing his clothes,
"There all washed with the blood removed." she stated before setting a clipboard on top of them,
"and if I could just get you to sign here you can leave within the hour." Jaykily took the time to read through it just to make sure he wasn't signing something else, once he knew the paper was true he signed his name and gave the nurse a warm smile,
"Thank you." He said as she turned to leave.
~Help me I'm human~

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