Bastard Child [Revised] (Closed)

(Apologies but I noticed errors in my last one and wanted to started a fresh.)

[Scenario Takes Place In: Medieval Times]
Role: Seeder, Midwife, and Child]
Role of Roleplay Partner: Carrier(Additional Characters as well, if so desired.)]
[Gay couple only/Yaoi]
Genre: Sexual, Long Birthing, Semi Romance
Plot: Since the carrier's former mate has passed away, his family has formed an arranged marriage with a high ruler (The Seeder) to bare his children after the carrier's second other child is born. He and his first born child and midwife caretaker, travel to the palace for the child to be born and to bare more children by this high ruler.

My Starter
Days of travel had worn the young carrier out. He wasn't as fit of traveling but what choice did he have? "Are you alright, me lord?" the short, chubby midwife asked as she walked close by the heavily pregnant carrier, as she held hid first born child's hand. "You seem tired, perhaps we should make another stop?" she was aware he may give birth soon and wanted to get to the castle as soon as possible.

Lord Gareth was tired. They'd been on the road for nearly a week to reach the castle of his new partner. The marriage would solidify relations between the small region Garett ruled over and his new mate. It would legitimize both of their rules and eventually their children would unify the two nations. A grand thought, though Garett failed to see how anybody could replace his former husband. This new one better be impressive, to say the least.

"That's kind of you to say, but...we must press onward. I imagine the birth of my next child will be a wonderful way for me to bond with my new mate. And that he'll want to produce an heir of his own blood as soon as I'm able. I'd hate to disappoint him by being later than we already are.

"Y-Yes of course!" Miriam the midwife nodded. "A thousand pardons." She bowed her head as she continued to walk.
Their journey was a painful, long, and agonizing quiet walk until, Miriam saw a giant castle made of stone up ahead. "Me Lord, is that the place?!" she asked anxiously.

Gareth examined the sigils flying high above the towers. "Aye, that should be it." The castle was massive. Gareth had believed his own to be one of the finest in the land--beautifully built, ingenious defensive placements, and warm all year round. But this made him feel small. Reassuring to know he was marrying into such power, but it made him feel weak all the same. He couldn't tell if his stomach was churning or if it was simply his unborn baby.

Several soldiers spotted the three walking from a distance. They struck the whip to make their horses move as they began to stroll slowly towards them. "Ah you must be Lord Apollo's guests of honor, and new mate to be. Come you must be tired." One of the soldiers said.

"That would be us," Gareth's captain replied. The lord had brought a modest number of household knights and personal guards with him to protect his family. "What can you tell me of the Lord Apollo?" Gareth questioned the soldiers as they traveled on towards the castle.

"All information that you so desire to know will all be given in due time once you settle down." He said as they made their way into the gigantic castle. A small gasp from the first born child, Julie. As she looked around in amazement yet fear from the realistic statues, as she griped onto her father's cloak, hiding behind him.

Gareth recognized the figures etched into the stone. Former kings, even emperors from the highest days of their civilization. Mythic heroes fighting tremendous beasts, and gods watching over it all. Gareth bent down to pick up his daughter, and held her in his arms. "They're just statues, sweetie. They can't hurt you. In fact, each one is a grand story to tell. Remind me in the future to tell them to you--you'd enjoy them, I think."

"Okay.." she whispered quietly, burying her head into his shoulder so she wouldn't have to face any statues or the strangers that surrounded her.
"My Lord Gareth," one of the soldiers interrupted. "I've just gotten word that Lord Apollo will join you in the conference room to meet in a few minutes. In the mean time, by all means, make yourself comfortable." He said as he bowed, disappearing into the shadows.
"With--uh all due respect?" Miriam said once the soldiers were gone. "Couldn't there have been an alternative way to deal with all this?" she knew she was bringing up a sensitive topic considering, Gareth really didn't want to deal with this either. But he wanted to maintain peace for the greater good and his future family.

"Miriam, you're a dear friend, and I trust you utterly. But I looked at the options, countless times. This is as hard for me as it is for anyone..." he gave Julie to the midwife to hold, and straightened his robes over his belly. "I think it best for me to go into this meeting alone," he said to his party. "If you all wouldn't mind unloading the baggage and setting up our quarters. I'll summon you all when Lord Apollo and I are through with our meeting." The way he spoke of his new husband made it feel so sterile, but he was not yet comfortable with this arrangement. Hopefully Apollo could change his mind.

"A-Alright m-me Lord." Miriam stammered as she bounced a little to keep the miserable, tired, child quiet.

The wooden doors slowly opened as a tall black figure came into the light revealing Lord Apollo's appearance.
He stood around six feet tall at least. Wore a black robe with golden streaks that blended well with his hair color.He slowly walked over to Gareth staring at him. "It's an honor to finally be in the presence of my future mate." as within tradition, Apollo gently grabbed Gareth's hand, kissing it lightly.

"The honor is all mine, my lord," Gareth responded bowing as low as he was able with his belly getting in the way. "And may I say, you're every bit as handsome and strong as they say..." he tried to flatter his new host--he figured it was the best way to start off with him. "Now, I trust that you've looked over the agreements, then? We can begin to forge our realms together as soon as my next child arrives..."

"Let's discuss the further details in the conference room." he replied, guiding him into a giant room painted in cream white with unique floral decals to add a nice touch. "So," he started as he sat down in the chair. "I presume you've been told that there is a certain ritual tradition for when I'm expecting a mate and a child from a deceased mate, correct?"

"," Gareth said, taken aback. He knew very little about Apollo personally, but wasn't aware of just how little he'd been told about his new situation. He'd have to take that up with his advisers. "Enlighten me, if you would."

"How unfortunate." He said as his tone got more serious. He pulled out a grunge piece of paper from his draw as he placed it on the table. "As soon as the child is born, he or she will be marked by me, with a needle." He said as he showed him the thick needle. "It will be pierced gently into the child's arm, to clarify that the child officially is my kin." He said giving a sharp look at him.

"That sounds...unnecessary. To do that to a baby, I mean..." Gareth wrapped his arms around his belly protectively. "Besides...I thought we were to have our own children, together?"

"But I cannot accept children that are not my ward to blend in with a family of my own." He retorted. "My Lord there's no other options. It's either that or death."
He said in such a cold tone that put their conversation in silence

"And my daughter? What's to become of her?" Gareth demanded. He was beginning to feel uneasy.

"She would have to go under the same circumstances. Since she isn't my kin as well. If not, she's either banished or put to death." He said, staring Gareth down as his grey, yellowish eyes pierced into his.
"It's not much I ask of you. If you so dearly care for your own kingdom and party, as well as your children, you'd go through with this and get it over with, no?" he asked.

"I do care for my children...and I do not wish to see them come to any harm. And I also loved my mate. I feel it would be a disservice to his memory to take away his children...but he's dead. And they're here. And they're mine. If that's what I have to do to keep them safe then so be it," Gareth begrudgingly agreed. "Just promise me you'll be gentle."

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