Desert Birth (closed RP with Shadow) FINISHED!
"Never!!" Adam shook his head, before Joel grabbed his face, forcing the stuff down his throat. Almost in seconds, Adam could only scream as his stomach was growing quicker than before, and much bigger, praying it was only one baby.

((Should it be two babies or just one huge one, since we want Adam to die after birthing it?))
((Whatever you want to do is fine, but I think one would be okay.))

Joel grabbed Adam's chin, pulled it forward, and forced the entire vial of potion down his throat. Within seconds, Adam's belly lurched and began to expand, bigger and faster. Joel grinned happily, watching as his stomach grew rapidly with his children.
((Yeah one be good enough))

Joel letting go of him, Adam laid on the ground staring in horror as his belly grew for a few moments before it finally had stopped. Adam couldn't help but moan feeling the baby inside him moving around, as he realized it was just only one baby and not many. It wasn't long before Adam felt the baby lurch downward in his birth canal, as the contractions were coming quicker than the last had. Almost in minutes Adam had to move getting on all fours so that his stomach would be on the ground.

"Ooohhhh me!!!!" Adam screamed as he pushed down hard before he realized, "The babies backwards...noooo!!!"
Joel watched, facinated by Adam's enormous, heavily pregnant belly. Soon the baby began to decsend inside of him. He stood, transfixed by the man trying to push the huge baby out. He saw it was backwards and grinned.
Adam pushed hard wanting to get this baby out, however felt that this would be the last one before he died. His strength had gone with those eggs she had pushed out. Baring down hard, Adam felt the babies legs slilding out up to the hips. Feeling himself stretching wide, Adam knew this baby was huge.

"Aaaahhhh!!!!" Adam screamed as the baby started sliding out up to its stomach.
Joel grinned, watching the hugely pregnant man give birth. He saw that he was growing weak. When Adam pushed, the enormous baby slid out to it's stomach, stretching his hole to dizzying width.
Adam knew he was going to die, but wasn't going to give the other man satisfaction for pulling his child free from him. Screaming, Adam pushed with all his strength, the child coming out at least up to its neck. Adam could feel the child dangling out of him but was going wait a few minutes to push the baby out.
Joel grinned, seeing the enormous baby slide out a little further, stretching his hole even wider. Then he noticed that Adam stopped pushing. The baby dangled from his opening up to it's neck. "Keep pushing!" Joel barked. "That baby will suffocate inside of you if you don't get the head out. And if you kill my baby, I will put an even bigger baby inside of you, understand?" Although he wasn't so sure. The man looked horribly weak. He didn't know if he'd survive this baby.
Adam nodded knowing that was his plan, "I'm dying, I know it, and I'm going to take your baby with me.!!!" Adam screamed as a contraction came over him, but faught the urge to push. The baby twitched inside him, but knew this baby wasn't going to come out unless he wanted it to.
"No!" Joel screamed angrily. Full of rage, he marched over to the birthing man and slapped his face. He then yanked as hard as he could on the baby's legs but it wouldn't come out. "Push it out now!" he yelled.
"Never!!!" Adam screamed feeling Joel trying to get it out, but it wouldn't come. Adam felt a urge to push over whelm him knowing he couldn't fight the urge any longer. Pushing down, Adam felt exhausted unable to feel the head moving, "It's stuck anyways!!! You made a baby too big!!! If you want him, pull then!!!" Adam felt his life draining but wanted this child out first.
Joel looked at the enormous baby hanging out of him. It thrashed, trying to get free but it couldn't. It would die if it didn't get out soon. Angered, Joel grabbed the baby's legs again and pulled with force enouh to break it's legs. It didn't move.
Adam screamed feeling Joel trying to force the baby out, but it wouldn't budge. Baring down hard as he could, Adam grabbed all his strength, pushing down with everything he had. Finally Adam felt his opening starting to open wider as the babies head was starting to come, "Pull it out!!!!"
The baby forced Adam to stretch even wider. One last time, Joel pulled with all of his strength. The enormous baby slid out into his lap followed by a rush of fluids and blood. It was alive but Adam didn't look well.
Adam couldn't help but scream feeling the baby stretch him wide, as Joel pulled it out. Adam collapsed onto the ground looking up at the baby praying it was dead however it was alive. Feeling his strength leaving him, Adam looked up to Joel, "You got what you wanted sick bastard, and now I'm free." Adam laid his head back feeling no pain, as his body relaxed as he closed his eyes, as Adam passed away.

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