SnakeMan Birth (Closed RP with Shadow) FINISHED!!
Allen smiled. He was glad he'd stumbled upon this cabin. Now Jason didn't have to give birth alone. "You're welcome," he said, putting the egg over to the side with the other before returning. "Just relax until the next egg comes."
((It was still there, it was just on a hidden second page that didn't show until I posted again. Must've been a glitch or something. Oh well.))
((Totally weird.))

Jason nodded relaxing feeling his stomach. He hoped there wouldn't be too many eggs left, but knew it was loads since his stomach was still huge. Groaning, Jason felt a contraction coming over him as he felt an egg starting to come down.
"You're doing great Jason," Allen said, holding his hand. When a contraction came, he noticed his stomach begin to shift as another egg descended. "Push!" he exclaimed.
James continued to push hard as he could, until an egg started to push out of him. Gripping Allen's hand, James bared down hard as he felt the egg crowning before popping out onto the ground. Starting to relax, James couldn't help but scream feeling not one egg, but many being pushed into the birth canal in a row, making him wonder if there was something doing it.

Allen watched as the next egg slid out onto the ground. "Good job," he said, going over to put it with the other eggs. Suddenly he heard a scream and ran back over to Jason. "Are you alright?" Allen asked worriedly. He saw Jason's opening begin to stretch and he could see many eggs, pressing against the birth canal at once. "What's happening?"
((Sorry my mistake :D))

Jason shook his head, "Don't know...they coming out all at once....something pushing them..." Jason couldn't help but start to push, feeling an egg crowning. Gripping Allens hand, Jason gave another push, the egg sliding out. There wasn't any time before Jason felt himself opening up, as it seemed the eggs wanted out.
Allen watched, bewildered. Jason was was roght, it was as if something was pushing the eggs into the birth canal. One of the eggs slid out with a push and he quickly took it over with the others before returning. More eggs were being forced downward inside Jason.
Jason grabbed Allen's hand squeezing it, not able to stop the eggs being pushed down inside him. Jason knew whatever was doing it, wanted out but the eggs must have been in a way. Jason couldn't help but let out a scream as the next egg was forcing its way out of him, without him pushing. The egg fell out of him, as Jason thought he could relax but the next one was already coming, " stop...they coming too fast....aaahhh!!!"
Allen didn't know what to do. Something must have been pushing the eggs down, there was no way it could have happenned by itself. "I don't know what to do!" Allen cried, worried for his friend. The next egg, a large one, was being forced out of his opening.
Jason couldn't help but scream as the next egg was being pushed out of him, knowing this one was a little on the larger side. He felt himself opening up from the egg, but it seemed to stop halfway out. Jason pushed but it wouldn't budge as he felt it was stuck. About to get Allen to help, Jason felt a few eggs hitting the one stuck inside him, "Please...its stuck...there's more behind it....aaahhhh!!!"
Allen could see Jason's stomach shifting as the eggs descended into the birth canal, ready to be birthed as something pushed them. Frantically, Allen put one hand on Jason's large stomach and one on the egg sticking out of Jason's opening. "This might hurt. On the count of three, push," Jason said. "One, two, three!" Allen pressed hard on Jason's stomach and stuck his hand up Jason's opening so he could get the egg and pull it out.
Jason couldn't help but scream as Allen pushed on his stomach along with sticking his hand in to grab the egg. Gasping as the egg came out, Jason screamed again as the eggs that had been stuck behind it came out as well, "I don't...want to do anymore...oohhh god...."
"I know it hurts Jason, but you have to get them out. I can help if you need," Allen said, putting the eggs to the side with the others. He watched as his belly convulsed as another egg descended.
Jason felt another egg descending down inside him, wishing he knew how many more there were. Feeling an urge to push, Jason bared down hard, gasping as the egg slide out of him noticing it was a tiny one compared to the others, "Hope the rest are that small...."
Allen hoped so too, for Jason's sake. His stomach was considerablely smaller than it had been when he started his labor so he also hoped there wouldn't be too many more.
Jason rubbed his stomach, noticing it was smaller but could feel something inside him moving around. As a contraction came, Jason felt many eggs being pushed down into the birth canal just as before. Grabbing Allen's hand, Jason bared down hard as he could, before feeling almost ten small eggs coming out of him, "Aaaahhhh!!!"
Allen watched as his belly surged with the eggs descending inside of him, being pushed downward. Holding Jason's hand, nearly ten of the small eggs poured from his opening.
Jason laid his head back exhausted noticing there had to be at least twenty some eggs that had came out of him. Hoping he was finished Jason was about to thank Allen, however screamed in pain as he felt something pulling itself out of him, "Somethings coming..oooh god!!!
With the last bunch of eggs that had come out of him, Jasom's belly looked almost entirely deflated. He put the load of eggs aside. As he walked back over, he saw Jason's belly convulse as if something was moving inside of him. He hurried back over. "What's happening?!"

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