Rite of Passage (closed with Okamiryun)

The Kingdom of Asteria sits upon the western edge of the continent. Made up of rolling green hills, verdant forests and endless farmland, its citizens often praised it for being a sort of paradise. Rivers crisscrossed the country side, mountains rose tall and defiant to the north, and the capital city with its extravagant royal palace looked out over the sea. This palace is the place that Prince Henry of Asteria calls home.

Henry has just turned 20 years old, and is expecting something big from his father, King Philip. The king was to send something back from his greatest hunting expedition. The letters had said it would be a test for his day to rule, a reward for his loyal service and something to teach him of the world. He couldn't be more excited as he opened the door to his bed chambers, where he was informed by a servant the gift would be.

A large box is at the corner of the room with a letter attached to it. "Dear son. Inside this box is your gift I have it chained up at the moment so it can't escape once you open the box."

Haitsa wakes up and groans. It's dark and he can't move not even his wings. His wings hurt as well. He suddenly rembers how he got here. He was flying with his freinds and family when a pound bang rang out his freinds scattered but he was trapped in a net and pulled roughly to the ground. There were humans they tied him up and clipped his feathers. To prevent him from flying then they chained him up and drugged him. He doesn't know how many days it's been sence then.

Henry starts a bit hearing the groan from the box. He brushes some of his hair out of his face as he carefully pries it open. The light streaming into the box seems to blind the creature temporarily as it cringes away from him. "A shifter..." Henry said softly to himself. He'd never seen one so close before. The shifters weren't exactly rare beasts, but they were considered very dangerous to humans. Hostile in many situations. He'd listened to his father talk on end about how they would assault farmers and other peasants. The larger ones would sometimes tear them to shreds. The birds he wasn't sure about, but he knew he needed to hide his confusion and wariness if he was to make his father proud.

"You. Do you know where you are? Do you know who I am?"

Haitsa winces at the bright light "no I don't. Who are you and where am I!?" His long black hair is splayed under him. He has two long gold feathers on his head. The inside of his wings are gold but the outside is black. His skin has gental tan. He bearly has any clothing on just a loincloth. His blue eyes are both angry and afraid.

"You are in the royal palace; in the kingdom of Asteria. I am Prince Henry, firstborn son of King Philip the Strong," Henry explained, trying to talk himself up as much as possible. His father had taught him to take a commanding position. Titles impress the weak, he said. They should be feared and respected. "My father sent you to me, though I admit I don't know the true purpose. Whatever it may be, you belong to me now."

Haitsa's fear is replaced with anger "no one owns a bird of paradise! I don't care if your a prince or anything else I'll not give in to you ,boy, or your father." He struggles against the chains but is unable to escape many of the words confused him but he did gather the males name is Henry and this is a place called Asteria. He couldn't go into his animal form with these chains on him they wiuld crush his small body instantly.

Henry furrowed his brow and stared into the creature's eyes. His own eyes, a bright green, portrayed neither coolness nor warmth. "As it would appear, I own a bird of paradise." He began pacing back and forth, thinking of the situation with a bit of remorse. Perhaps he'd feel differently if he'd caught this thing himself. But no, it was a gift. And a test. And a test on top of that, to figure out the real thing his father wanted him to learn. 

"You'll find those chains are quite limiting. And you will not address me as 'boy'. You will address me as 'prince'," he smirked to himself, feeling a slight power trip coming on. "I will allow you more freedom of movement, if you cooperate. But should you insist on struggling and making noise, I will insist on keeping you this way."

Haitsa stops and glares at the male. Never had he wished to be something more fierce so much. This boy clearly is deep in thought. about what the bird can only guess. So he looks about the box he still is in and what he can see of the room. He has no plans to do as the prince asks of him for long. Just long enough to break free of the chains.

"Now, you'll be here for a while, and we'll be seeing a lot of each other, so I think it would be in my best interest to at least learn your name," Henry stated. He honestly wasn't sure what he was supposed to be doing, or how he was supposed to be acting. The stern approach felt right, though perhaps that was a trick...he ignored the doubts for now.

Haitsa sighs "Haitsa." He looks away and tries to move again. Still stuck. It bothers him that the male seems uncertain. Uncertain people do weird things.

"Haitsa...it's a good name," Henry said. "I must go to the yard to train. I shall return in a few hours. I can bring you food if you'll be hungry."

Haitsa blinks "wait what about these chains!?" He tries to sit up but can't. He trembles concerned about how long he will be in the chains.

"I don't know that I can trust you to be free of them yet. Prove yourself to me, and then we'll see," Henry started to leave the room, but turned back suddenly. "I suppose I can at least let you out of the box..." he quickly pried the front of the box off, and the sides all fell away. "There, you can move freely about this complex of rooms, but no further." Henry left at that, locking the main door behind him.

Haitsa is surpised and manages to sit up. "I-I can't move much at all with these chains!" He sighs as Henry walks out. He looks around and curls up the best he can. He can do nothing but wait for the prince to come back and free him. He looks outside and longs to fly again.

Henry spends a few gruelling hours training in the yard with the swordsmaster. He doesnt mention Haitsa at all, and it shows since he is normally quite talkative. He chooses to keep the creature a secret--his father wouldn't want him seeking help on this test.

The sword master asks what's wrong as he does worry for the princes health. The servents in the calstle are concerned as well but don't say anything. While Henry is training a servent does clean his quarters but can't clean near Haitsa.

"It's nothing...just wondering when father will return. It's no big deal," Henry lied as he continued to train. He finishes up, sweaty and sore, and turns to the hall for dinner. He eats a fine cut of pork for himself, and decides to bring some up for Haitsa along with some water. Wouldn't want the creature to die on him now.

The sword master nods "I heard he would be home later today, but that's just what I heard. The servents don't bother the prince. Haitsa is on the box glareing at the door his feathers that aren't pinned down by the chains are poofed up. He is both concerned and angry.

Henry reentered the room with a tray of food and a pitcher of water. He laid them gently in front of Haitsa and looked him in the eye. "I brought this for you, hopefully it has something you like."

Haitsa looks at the food and starts to eat the berries and vegetables. He eats a bit of meat but doesn't really like it. He drinks the water as well. He chooses to not look at Henry too upset with himself and the set of circumstances. The worst thing is having to listen to the human male just to get chains off.

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