Rite of Passage (closed with Okamiryun)

Henry sits in an awkward silence, watching the way Haitsa eats. Very bird like, though not surprising, of course. He should have figured he'd prefer vegetables and fruit. He wasn't entirely sure what kind of bird Haitsa was, though. Perhaps smaller animals like hawks and owls eat? That'd be a question for later. "...so," Henry says, finally breaking the silence, "tell me about yourself."

Haitsa blinks and looks at Henry. He had heard that humans are selfish creatures and only help others when it helps themselves as well. It made him wonder why the human wanted to know about him. "Well uhh what would you like to know?"

"I'm not sure...I've never met a shifter before..." Henry admitted. "What's it like to fly?" He finally decided on a question, almost having a boyish wonder to it.

Haitsa " never? You humans take shifter kind all the time how have you never seen one of us?" He winces at the boys question of flight as it reminds him that he currently can't fly. The heavy chains are keeping his clipped wings pinned to his back are making it so he can't even flutter about.

"You don't see them near the palace. I hear tales from the guards that shifters will harass the farmers and other poor folk. So they send soldiers out to kill and capture them and that's that. Grew up thinking they were just some kind of a nuisance, to be perfectly honest with you."

Haitsa "we are the nucences?! I was with my family and freinds just talking when I was capture taken from my freinds. You human clipped my wings put me in chains then treat me like a pet! Others are hunted and killed for sport. Some have become dependent on humans entirely. Other races are gone entirely. Some are compleatly feral now and can never shift again."

"Well I didn't exactly ask for you to be brought here!" Henry exclaimed. "I cannot presume to judge the actions of my father, let alone my king, but he brought you to me. Perhaps if shifters had a more peaceful reputation then we could have met under different circumstances, but this is the situation we're in now."

Haitsa looks away "like meeting anyone in chains is peaceful." He looks away from Henry. He couldn't rember a time his family didn't have to tell him to be careful should the humans come and take him away. It made him question when it started. "So you have no idea what to do with me?"

"You've only been here a few hours. I think I have a little more time to figure it out before I say I have no idea...but no, I'm not sure yet. I hoped this conversation would be more enlightening," Henry sighed as he sat on a bench by the wall.

Haitsa "I'm in chains being told my kin is a nuisance by some one who doesn't even know why I'm here. You expect something enlighting from me?! What could I possably be even remotely happy about?"

There is noise outside as the king has returned. The king is heading for the castle going straight for home.

"I never said you had to be happy...just a bit more interesting is all. I'll figure it out, but first I must go speak with my father and welcome him home," Henry said as he prepared to leave.

Haitsa glares and watches Henry leave. Downstairs the king walks into the castle generally happy after a good hunt. He spots his son and grins "hello prince Henry did you like your gift. Caught it myself."

"It is very nice, father," Henry responds with a bow. "Though I must admit, it does confuse me. What do you want me to do with him?"

The king blinks "for you to train and tame as you please. If you want a slave or a pet even a sexual partner then that's what it's there for. My first shifter pet I trained to be my sexual partner. So do as you please with him. He is just a pet."

"He isn't exactly agreeable...how am I supposed to get him to do any of those things?"

The king nods "train him take away essential things he needs to survive then use those as a treat. There is will breaking, and forcing them till there spirit breaks. Any way you feel like trying to tame him. He is a harmless song bird he should be easy to train."

"If you say so, father. I appreciate the opportunity to learn this sort of thing," Henry bowed, before walking slowly back to his bed chamber. He'd already denied Haitsa freedom of movement, but he wasn't sure he could deny him food or water. Perhaps continuing to reason with the shifter would bring them closer. Only time would tell.

He nods "I'm glad your exited to learn. If you need any help I'll be around." Haitsa is trying to get comfertable but can't. The chains are uncomfortable and prevent him from getting any rest.

Henry returned to the room with some pillows and blankets for Haitsa. "Here, hopefully these are a bit more comfortable for you."

Haitsa nods and curls up with those it's not very comfertable but it's just enough that he goes to sleep. The chains are starting to rub spots onto his skin.

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