Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW)

Setting : Two men who are the only survivors on their ship are floating in the sea when a couple of mermen swim by deciding to make a deal with the men.

Name : Jason
Age: 28

Jason sighed knowing soon him and his friend would perish in the sea. They had been on a ship voyage with many others, when the ship had started to take on water. Jason knowing how to swim was fortunate along with his friend, as they had managed to find a wide enough piece of wood to hang on that was floating by. However Jason knew they couldn't survive with no food or water.

"Let's just face it, we are going to die out here. Just like the rest of our crew." Jason spat salt water out of his mouth.

Name: Kino

Age: 21

Kino groans "save your strength we might get lucky and get saved. this is a tradeing route right? so long as we where on course someday a boat moght pass by" he was clinging onto any small hope he could get. Kino never was one for giveing up so easily.

"I'm not sure, we have been drifting with the currents. They could have carried us off course for all we know." Jason looked around not spotting anything except water.

Jason smiled to Kino, knowing he never gave up easily, but knew sooner or later they have to face the truth. However Jason spotted something swimming towards them, "Kino look, something's coming towards us. Oh please don't be a shark."

Kino looks "Ill hope for a dalphen. they are friendly and they mean there are no sharks around."

Jason nodded praying to the heavens it was just a fish or dolphin. However as it swam closer, Jason couldn't help showing his shock as a man popped out of the water, making Jason realize it was a merman, "OK I know we have been out here, but I don't think long enough to start seeing things."

"Don't worry, your not seeing things. I am indeed real. My name is Alex, and it seems you are in need of some help." The merman stated swimming in the water.

Kino blinks and nods "uh yea we need a way to dry land. sooner the better please. im getting cold"

"I can get you two to a cave that I know of. However there is something I would like to ask in return if you two would agree on it." Alex spoke.

"After we been stuck out here this long, I think I would be willing to do anything. How can we help?" asked Jason

Kino nods " im open to anything to stay alive and warm. what could us humans do for you though? its not like we land people have anything you want"

"No there is nothing we want from humans, except one thing. You see us mermen and our lovers cant have children anymore. We have found however that if we mate with humans, you are able to give us strong merbabies. Would you two be willing to mate with me and bare a few children for us?" Alex explained.

Jason looked at Kino, "If it's alright with Kino, I think I agree. We won't survive without you, and it seems you wont survive without us."

Kino nods "sound fair. uh how do you mate and will it be painful?" he looks at alex interested.

"We will have to have sex so that I sent my sperm into you, and then I shall give you both a potion while saying an incantation that will speed up the process until your ready to give birth. Yes, the birth process will be painful since we are unable to help during that time. Also you will have to be half in water, since when the baby comes it will need to learn to swim just as a fish does." Alex explained.

"Alright, please take us to this cave." Jason nodded.

Kino nods "ok sounds good. c-could we hurry im really cold and have no feelings in my legs."

Alex smiles before nodding, "Thank you two. Just hold on." Alex takes the wood they were on before starting to swim as fast as he could making sure they were still on. In a matter of minutes, Alex pulls them into a cave, stopping in this small hole filled with water that was about four feet deep, allowing the guys to stand up.

Jason moved off the wood into the water before getting up onto the dry land, "I can't believe I'm so glad to see land."

Kino stands and smiles. he is a little wabbly on his feet "thank you alex."

"Your welcome, just rest for a while." Alex instructs knowing they had to be at full strength before they could start or else there be danger to them and the children.


Kino walks onto land and lays down. he looks around the cave before resting for a bit.

Alex lays down, wanting to rest up, knowing what lay ahead.

((This my last post for tonight, got get up early in morning, and tomorrow night wont be on much, got a term paper got to do.))

Kino sleeps till morning

(its ok)

((On little break so thought I reply real quick))

Jason stirred waking up to the smell of food. Looking around, Jason spotted Alex with some food he had just cooked.

"Morning, did you sleep well?" asked Alex.

Kino wakes up and looks around. smelling the food kino sits up and looks at alex.

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