The Cave (closed)

The expression on Alex's face fell, and he immediately went pale as a sheet. Looking closely, the young man could see Hitsugi's middle slowly swelling. He then lifted his own shirt to see his own belly and moved a hand to his face to hold in his shocked gasp. Alex's own belly, though slightly smaller than Hitsugi's also had a definite curve to it, and seemed to be very slowly stretching itself outwards.

Lowering his shirt, Alex looked at Hitsugi and lowered his hand from his mouth. His eyes were wide with shock, and he had once more started to shake with fear. A strange realization came over him and he slowly began to speak.

"Hi-Hitsugi. I think...this was that thing's plan all along. Us finding the cavern, touching that skull...changing us into...whatever the hell we turned into." He shook even more, and held his arms close, gripping his sleeves. "It wanted us to head back there and...mate with us. And..." He struggled to find the right words. "I think it might have...impregnated us."

Hitsugi had sat himself up and lifted his shirt, hand on his slowly growing belly, feeling the skin stretching beneath his fingertips. He looked terrified, shaking just as much as Alex. But when Alex spoke, he could only stare at him with a look of horrified realization. "We-we're pregnant....with that thing's....?" He squeaked, looking down at himself again. He already looked like a women at around five months, but there was no telling how big he would get.

His gut groaned as it was pushed aside inside him, making him wince and whimper, laying back down on his side and hiding his face in the pillow. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled, muffled by the fabric, his shoulders twitching, giving away that he had begun to cry. he just felt awful, like this was all his fault. Suggesting this trip instead of just meeting up somewhere normal, like the mall. Then touching the stupid skull when it was obviously a bad idea. It certainly didn't help that his hormones were all over the place due to his condition.

He wanted nothing more than to just wake up and find this was all a nightmare and he and Alex would be going on a normal trip together...

(Gonna head to bed. G'night. :3)

Alex gave Hitsugi a sympathetic glance as he scratched the back of his head. He was hesitant at trying to comfort his companion, as he wasn't entirely sure how he would react. still, The brunette decided it was better than leaving things as they were right now, with him being terrified, and Hitsugi blaming himself for the mess. So, with a small sigh he reached out and placed a hand on the crying man's shoulder, doing his best to reassure him.

"Hey. Look, this isn't your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for." Despite his concerns, Alex smiled softly and spoke with a calmly even tone. "There's no way either of us could have known that this was going to happen...and up until it did...hell even now, I'm still glad that we finally got to meet in person." Sighing once more, Alex leaned back on the bed, resting a hand on his own slowly swelling middle. "I mean, I'm scared as hell, don't get me wrong. Still, it could be a lot worse. I' least glad that we don't have to go through this thing alone."

(Okay! Hope you sleep well! Goodnight!)

Hitsugi shifted to look at Alex with one eye when he felt his hand on his shoulder. His eye was puffy and red and his nose was running, but the man's words calmed him down. He slowly sat up, sniffling and wiping his eyes. "Thank you. I'm glad we finally met too. And I a way we made a huge discovery..." he said, trying to think positive.

He laid back again, showing how large his belly had swelled. He looked to be at full term, but it was still growing. He groaned and leaned his head back, hands moving to his middle. "I think...its slowing down." He said, looking up at alex, clearly frightened about what that meant.

Alex remained quiet as he looked at Hitsugi's now large midsection. His own still seemed to be growing, though it threatened to soon catch up to his friend in terms of size. After a few moments though, the young man reached out to offer a hand to Hitsugi.

"Hey, whatever happens next happens. I'll try to help however I ca..." His thoughts were interrupted however as he heard loud thudding, and the crunching of leaves coming from outside the lodge. Standing up from the bed slowly, Alex moved towards the window, taking a quick second to make sure Hitsugi was comfortable, and that he'd stay put. "Wait here. I'll see what's going on." Taking a peek out of the window, Alex's eyes went wide.

Standing there, a few feet away from the cabin was the creature that had made them this way. The beast was just standing, though it appeared to have a dead deer in his sharp mouth, blood dripping from his jaws. Before Alex could say what he was seeing, the creature gently set the deer on the ground, then took several steps back so that he was far away from the cabin, though still watching the lodge silently.

Hitsugi shifted on the bed, rolling onto his side as his belly finally stopped growing. He looked to be overdue, shirt pushed up by the large mound that was his gravid belly. Stretch marks spread over the expanse of his pale skin, framing his inverted belly button. He rubbed the tight skin, looking uncomfortable while his tail twitched and arched behind him.

He looked up at Alex, about to reach for his hand and thank him when he heard the noise outside. His head turned towards it, but he made no move to get up, simply watching nervously as Alex went to check. He could tell just by the other's expression what he had seen... "its the creature, right?" He whispered, looking fearful.

Out in the daylight, the beast looked like a cross between a feathered raptor and a wolf, bearing two long curved horns upon its head like a goat. Pale red eyes watched the cabin, seeing one of his mates in the window...he looked to the deer, then to Alex, motioning to the deer with his snout. He needed his mates to eat and stay strong, so he would provide for them. His curse would create a bubble around the area, a presence that would make other travelers forget the cave and cabin ever existed. Nobody would come for them.

"Yeah. It's him alright." Alex responded to Hitsugi's question, snapping out of his fearful stupor. "But...I don't know he's...acting strange." The young man glanced at the creature, still pushing the fallen deer with his snout towards his mates, only to call out with an almost gentle sounding noise. "I think...he's brought us food." Alex soon realized what exactly was going on. "A deer."

Moving back to the bed, Alex sat down with a grunt, his own belly forcing his shirt to ride up as the swelling began to slow down, looking very similar to his friend's at least in terms of size. He placed a hand on the pale sphere, biting his lip as he thought for a moment. It was then that his stomach let out a loud growl, signalling his hunger. With a blush, Alex looked to Hitsugi, then back to the window.

", do you think...we should go and get it?" He asked shakily. "It's not like we have a lot of food here. me crazy, but I don't think the creature is planning on doing anything to us right now. I...think he's trying to, help or something."

Hitsugi slowly sat himself up, one hand resting on his belly. He tilted his head slightly, thinking things over, only to blink when Alex's stomach growled with hunger. He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Well....we're carrying its offspring, right? So it wants to keep us alive and healthy....I guess." He said, sliding off the bed.

His own stomach grumbled, he hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before. He slowly moved towards the door, opening it to peer at the beast. "You want us to eat?" He asked, clearly nervous. The beast grunted, getting up and moving away from the kill. Hitsugi looked back at Alex, waiting for him to follow before slowly moving towards the deer.

he intended on dragging it closer to the cabin and maybe chopping it up to cook, but as soon as the scent of fresh raw meat and blood hit him, he couldn't resist. His eyes flashed and he suddenly dropped to his knees, using his claws and new sharper teeth to tear into the carcass.

Alex felt like he was going to be sick. The sight of Hitsugi tearing into the deer was certainly a gruesome one, especially with his new claws and sharp teeth tearing strips of flesh from the dead animal's bones so efficiently. The young man stepped forward slowly trying not to breathe in for fear that the smell, as well as the sight itself would definitely cause him to be ill. As he opened his mouth to speak though, Alex did take in a breath, and was surprised to find the scent of the carcass to be...extremely appetizing.

A low growl emerged from Alex's chest, and in a flash he too was consuming the raw meat from the deer resting on the ground. This action seemed to please the beast as he watched his mates for some time, only walking off once he was certain that each of them were going to consume their fill.

Hitsugi couldn't control himself, the blood and flesh just triggered such a strong primitive response, nothing could have stopped him. He paused when Alex joined him, watching him for a moment before continue to strip the flesh from the bones of the deer. After a while, he slowed down, instead he sat back and licked the blood from his hands.

As he sat there licking his hands clean, his mind returned to normal. he froze at the sight before him...the deer mostly stripped of flesh, his own hands, and Alex devouring the meat. "shit..." He breathed, more shocked that he didn't feel sick...He groaned and wobbled to his feet, his gut feeling so filled, making it hard to breathe as he walked into the cabin to wash his face and hands.

"nnh,,," He groaned, crawling onto the bed and curling up in the blankets. He knew it wouldn't be long now...

It took Alex a bit longer to eat his own fill of the deer, only stopping once the bones were completely picked clean. He moved to lay back on the grass, before blinking and regaining his own senses, slowly rising to his feet, and making for the cabin.

"Damn it." He spoke feeling frustrated that he'd given into these strong primal urges once again. "Hitsugi?" Alex began calling throughout the cabin. "Hey alright?" He continued to call, hoping to check on his friend. Still, before finding out where the other young man had gotten to, Alex removed his now bloodstained clothes and moved to the sink to clean up.

Hitsugi had built almost a nest of the blankets and their sleeping bags by the time Alex returned. He was just compelled to make a comfortable safe space. He had curled up and fallen asleep, the end of his tail twitching gently. He looked content in his soft nest, his hunger satisfied and his body resting to prepare for the next stage.

He would sleep for several hours, only waking up after the sun had gone down. He struggled to get out of his nest and off the bed, needing to use the bathroom...He wobbled to it and managed to relieve himself before wobbling back. But about half way back, he froze and gasped sharply as an intense cramping seized his middle. Feeling his gravid belly drop as he doubled over and clutched at it. "F-fuck....Alex...Alex!" He gasped, eyes closed tight as he rode through his first contraction. He was terrified, already shaking hard enough that he threatened to fall to the floor. He didn't know what to do.

Alex himself had found Hitsugi, curling up next to the slumbering man inside the makeshift nest. He awoke at the sound of shouting though, and scrambled to try and sit up once he realized that it was Hitsugi calling him. However, the young man was also surprised to see his midriff had grown even larger during his slumber, making it difficult to rise to his feet. After a few moments, Alex managed, and waddled ofer, his hands clutching his heavy belly to find his ailing companion.

"Hitsugi?" Alex called, racing towards where the other man was doubled over on the ground. "Hitsugi!" He knelt down beside him. "What is it? Are you hurt? What's happening?" He asked in a near panic.

Hitsugi whimpered, kneeling on the floor and shaking. But as the feeling passed, he panted and looked up at Alex, eyes wide at how large he had gotten...even beyond his own size. "Aah...I...I think its time." He breathed, hands still clutching his swollen belly.

He gasped and cried out as another intense contraction seized his middle, curling forward until his forehead met the floor. "F-fuck!" He gasped, eyes wide as a new sensation joined in...A feeling of intense pressure followed by fluid suddenly gushing from him and soaking his boxers. "Shit...Sh-shit!" He yelped, feeling the weight drop lower into his pelvis.

Neither of them even knew what was inside them...but they were about to find out soon enough.

Alex's eyes went wide at the realization of what Hitsugi had just said, but he shook his head to regain his senses. He then crouched down to offer the now laboring man some help. "Come on." He pulled his friend to his feet, careful not to lose his balance in the process. "Let's get you to the bed." He noticed that the dark haired young man's boxers were drenched and dripping a clear liquid onto the floor, but slowly helped waddle beside him back to their makeshift nest.

Once there, Alex let out an audible gulp, and looked to Hitsugi once more. "Um...this might seem weird, but just get comfortable, and I'm going to um...get you out of these boxers. Okay?" He spoke explaining things to Hitsugi so he wouldn't become too frantic.

Hitsugi stayed on the floor until the contraction passed, trying to quickly get up with Alex's help. He didn't want to get caught off guard by another one and fall over. He walked carefully, claws tipping his toes clicking on the hardwood floor. He was trying to keep his breathing even, but he couldn't help panicking. But part of him knew this was normal, the part of him that was the beast. After the initial panic was over, instinct would guide him.

He paused at the edge of the bed, face flushing when he mentioned needing to get his shorts off. He knew it made sense and he could feel how soaked they were, but he didn't want to be so exposed in front of his new friend...being without a shirt was bad enough. "Alright...Better take them off now." He said, bracing his hands on the bed to keep his ballance while Alex got his shorts off. Lifting each foot so he could step out of them. He then crawled back into the nest, laying down somewhat on his side and trying to relax and calm down.

Now that he was exposed, Alex would see Hitsugi was rather small when soft, as well as being uncut. His Prince Albert piercing hidden beneath the foreskin with only the ball in the ring visible. He cried out as another contraction hit, trying to breathe through it and stay calm. His body wasn't ready to push yet.

Alex looked away, trying to offer Hitsugi some small measure of privacy as he removed the soaked boxers, ans tossed them aside. Still, he did end up seeing his naked friend laboring on the bed afterwards. Once Hitsugi cried out, Alex jumped and moved beside the young man, running his tail along his back, and patting his cramping middle softly with a clawed hand.

"It's okay, just let it out." He encouraged Hitsugi, hoping to help him stay calm. "I know it hurts...just tell me what I can do to help." He glanced towards the window, sensing somehow that the creature was near, and was waiting eagerly for his mates to birth. Alex only hoped that he could wait long enough to help Hitsugi with his delivery, before going into labor himself.

Hitsugi decided this wasn't a time to be shy or overly self conscious. They were both in the same boat, so why bother hiding?

he closed his eyes tight as he rode through the contraction, whimpering softly as Alex comforted him. "Just....Just keep talking." He breathed, panting as the pain relented and let him catch his breath. He leaned his head back on the pillows, taking deeper breaths to calm himself. One hand taking hold of Alex's to ground himself on something. "I don't even know...what's gonna come out...God, I hope all this isn't one thing." He said, looking down at his belly with wide eyes.

He gasped and cursed as another contraction hit, this one adding the urge to push. He cursed and groaned as he pushed, nearly screaming as whatever he was birthing began to slide into his birth canal, spreading it open from the inside and making the need to push even more urgent. Even when the contraction passed, the pain remained. "It hurts! God it hurts!"

Alex nodded, speaking softly to his pained friend. "H-hey! Just...take a breath. Breathe deep like this." Alex showed Hitsugi how to breathe, hoping that he'd mimic the action at the very least. "Just relax and listen to what your body is telling you to do." He continued to coach the laboring man.

Suddenly, Alex himself doubled over on the side of the bed, a hand flying to his own expansive middle. "N-no..." He gritted his teeth. "!" He let out a small grunt as the sphere that was his gut began to tighten painfully, closing in around his womb. Somehow, Alex managed to get his legs off the edge of the bed, and slowly slipped his own shorts off his hips to fall down to the floor. He stroked his belly with his claws, then turned to Hitsugi with worry. "I'm sorry." He apologized. "I'm...starting too."

Hitsugi tried to mimic Alex's breathing, though his was a bit shaky. He nodded to show he was listening to him, trying to focus on his own breathing more than the pain. But it was difficult when it felt like he was trying to push a watermelon out of himself...

His eyes snapped open when he heard Alex, looking at him with wide eyes. They couldn't really comfort each other while giving birth. He knew this would be difficult now. "Just great." He panted, groaning and gritting his teeth as he pushed with his next contraction, rolling more onto his back and spreading his legs. He cursed and cried out as he was spread open by a smooth black object coated in birthing fluid and some blood. An egg, roughly the size of a large newborn's head, but with a shell like thick leather to allow it to flex as it came out.

He had to stop pushing as the burning pain became too great, panting harshly as he reached between his legs to feel just what was causing that pain. "Oh god..." He panted, running his fingertips over the smooth surface and feeling just how large it was.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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