The Cave (closed)

Alex looked up for a moment to check on Hitsugi. He couldn't help but gasp as he saw the large, black, egg emerging from the small hole that had appeared with their first transformation. Now though, said anatomy was stretched wide to accommodate the crowning egg, making Alex honestly feel a bit sick at the sight.

His thoughts were interrupted however by a feeling of immense pressure building up in his body. Moving off the bed for a moment, Alex placed his legs on the floor and winced. "Ow ow ow ow ow OWWWW! He grunted as a loud *pop* echoed in the space, and he felt a gush of warm liquid pooling down onto the cabin's floor. Moving back onto the bed, Alex then crouched on all fours, gripping the blankets tightly and crying out as his contractions became more and more intense.

Hitsugi really did scream when the egg reached the thickest point, kicking his legs slightly at the immense burning pain of being stretched so wide. Thankfully, that motion helped inch the egg just a little more so it popped free and rolled against his tail. Hitsugi gave a shocked gasp at the sudden loss of that painfully stretched feeling, eyes wide. He moved to find the egg blindly, fumbling to pick it up and stare at it with wide eyes. "H-how many of these are in me?" He squeaked, looking at his belly.

His attention shifted to Alex when he moved back onto the bed, rolling himself over and moving in front of him. "We can help each other. Lean on each other for support." He panted, taking Alex's hands and moving his arms to his shoulders. He wrapped his own arms around the other man, leaning his chin on his shoulder, clinging to him as his contractions came much faster and much harder. Crying out as a second egg descended into his birth canal, though being upright helped speed things along with the help of gravity.

Alex was practically in tears from the pain he was feeling. Still, as Hitsugi spoke, he clung tightly to the other man's shoulders resting himself into a deep squat. His grip tightened, and a strong burning sensation began spreading throughout his hole. Taking a deep breath, Alex hugged Hitsugi close and cried out, as the urge to push became overwhelming. He bore down, and tried his hardest not to worry, or harm his friend.

After a few strong pushes, Alex felt the tip of his first egg bulging in between his legs. Still it seemed as if every time he got a little bit out though, the smooth shell slid back in ever so slightly. Still, Alex was determined to have this all be over and done with. Wincing as he felt the widest part of the spherical egg stretching him wide, Alex grunted, rocking his hips back and forth as it soon slid out and came to rest in the nest with a small *plop*.

Hitsugi was trying not to hurt Alex as well, wanting so badly to just sink his claws into something and cling to it...Instead he curled his hands into tight fists at Alex's back, shaking with each contraction. He bit his lip hard, nearly causing it to bleed as he breathed harshly through his nose. The second egg quickly reached his opening, where it stopped, needing more force to get it to slide out.

In the process of pushing, Hitsugi suddenly gave an oddly pleasure-filled groan. The egg was forced up against his prostate. He hadn't noticed it with the first one because of the pain, but the second egg had much more fluid helping it move and hormones were being released to help his muscles relax and stretch more...But now each contraction was just grinding the egg into his prostate, making him whimper and groan in a mix of pleasure and pain.

Alex breathed quickly, moving away from Hitsugi for a moment to look at the egg that had just exited his body. Shaking at the sight, and feeling very odd about the whole situation, the young man's attention was soon diverted to his friend making some very new and unusual sounds. It was true that a few of the pained groans were still mixed in there, but he could have sworn that the sounds that Hitsugi were making sounded...different.

"H-Hitsugi?" Alex asked, still holding onto the other man's shoulders, and shaking him gently to get his attention. "Are you a-alright?" Deciding to take some sort of action, Alex looked down to see another egg that was just starting to crown...and Hitsugi's hardening shaft. Alex's face turned a deep shade of crimson, and he quickly moved his hands off of Hitsugi with realization. "Is...this turning you on?" He found the reaction to be a pretty strange one. He let out another groan however, as another egg quickly moved its way into his canal to be born.

Hitsugi didn't want to let go of Alex to let him move, but he did. His hands moved to the other's arms as he groaned loudly with each push. He leaned his head back as he was shaken, opening one eye to look at Alex, his own face quite flushed. "N-no...Its....Its just hitting....god.....hitting the right spot." he panted, moaning louder as the pressure got more intense. Hormones released helped intensify the pleasure, making him tremble and close his eyes tight as he pushed.

He nearly blew his load as the egg slid to its widest point and popped out of him, moaning and trembling at the feeling of getting so close but not climaxing. "F-fuck." He panted, feeling another slide down. His cock twitched against the underside of his swollen middle, much larger than it had been when soft. Thick precum clinging to the heavy looking metal ring through the head. He couldn't help that he was a masochist...and this new form seemed to play into that, turning his pain into pleasure.

Alex's face was still bright red at hearing Hitsugi's admission, though his attention was diverted with his own egg, still wanting to be born. As Alex once more began to bear down in an attempt to force the egg out, he gasped. This egg, rather similar to Hitsugi's last one, seemed to be pressing up against the young man's prostate. Alex began to pant, then moaned as he began to grow hard form the sensation.

"Oh...OH!" he arched his back, gripping onto Hitsugi's arms as he tried to catch his breath. "O-okay. I g-get it now." He admitted as he began to wince. "Oh fuck, that feels amazing." He moaned. "I mean...i-it still -AH! S-still hurts like h-hell, but...oh my god..." His panting grew heavier and the young man felt his whole body start to shake from pain and pleasure. " can s-something like this...feel so fucking good?" He began rocking back and forth once more, his own foreskin pulling back rather quickly with the sensations his body was feeling.

Hitsugi opened one eye slightly when he heard Alex gasp and moan as well, only to close it again as his body forced his own egg further down. he held tightly to Alex's arms, throwing his head back and moaning loudly, his third egg moving much easier than the others. "I think....that's the idea...." He panted. "M-make it feel good....M-make us enjoy it..." He gasped, clenching himself to try and keep the egg at the right spot. "Oh shit...Ooh shit! Oh fuck!" He gasped, crying out as his next contraction forced the egg out, and with it pushed him over the edge and into an intense orgasm that had his whole body shaking with pleasure.

His belly looked much smaller now, having laid three large eggs. He looked down at himself, taking shaky breaths. He guessed he only had five or six in him to begin with...Which he was glad for, any more than that would be too much. He moaned loudly as his fourth egg slid right down to his opening, pressing against his prostate again, which was very tender from his last orgasm. He shuddered and gasped, hands moving to the bed between them as he leaned forward more, tail whipping back and forth behind him.

He was drenched with sweat and felt exhausted, but his body didn't give up. He had a job to do first.

(bedtime. G'night~)

Alex tried as well as he could possibly manage to not cry out or moan in pleasure. Unfortunately with what was currently going in with him and his body, such things were much more difficult than he could have possibly imagined. The young man gritted his teeth, desperately wanting to fight the conflicting sensations welling up inside him. Instead however, he found himself pushing out the egg in his entrance, making him feel even more aroused.

With a heavy panting, Alex moved once more into a deep squat. An almost roaring sound came from his throat, followed by a small breath of relief as his second egg stretched him wide, then joined the first. Unable to get the exact feeling of relief that he was craving, the young man took a moment to rest, before feeling a familiar pressure almost forcing him over the edge.

Hitsugi was exhausted, shuddering and panting harshly. Shifting to lean against Alex again for support, pressing his face against his shoulder. "Its too much." He whimpered, arching and groaning as the next egg reached the thickest point, popping out of him with a wet noise when he twitched his tail. Four eggs had already come out of him and it seemed he only had two more...But he was exhausted and limp against Alex.

The beast was outside, watching through the window. He would not bother his mates unless he needed to. He would simply keep watch over them, protect them...

Alex's legs shook like leaves and he felt like his entire body was covered in sweat. He had no idea how many eggs he carried, or how much longer he'd be birthing them for. All he knew was that he needed to get them out, and that he had to be there to help Hitsugi, just as the other man was there for him.

Grunting loudly, Alex gave a few smaller pushes, hoping that such things would help him lay the next egg. As he bore down, he soon felt his cock pressing up against the underside of his tight drum of a belly. It was a little uncomfortable, but he still continued to push. In no time at all, the young man cried out, feeling his hot seed shoot against his belly, making a mess of things. Still, the egg soon forced its way out, and Alex panted, as he was granted both release, and a small break.

Feeling Alex shake, Hitsugi wrapped his arms around him, rubbing his back with one hand as he tried to sit up more. He closed his eyes tight, groaning loudly as the fifth egg slid down. It wasn't arousing anymore, it just hurt his stressed body.

He felt Alex jerk as he cried out, feeling a little of his cum hit his own belly. He looked down between them to see the other still looked quite full. "Shit." He breathed, one hand moving to rub the side of Alex's tight belly, hoping to help sooth him and help him relax more. He wasn't pushing anymore, just letting the contractions do their thing alone. Giving his body a little break for now.

Alex jumped a bit at Hitsugi's touch, but visibly relaxed as he tried to catch his breath. "T-thanks. and s-sorry about the mess." He mumbled briefly, as he looked down to see how large his belly still was. " many of these things...a-are there?" He groaned, feeling a bit overwhelmed, especially since Hitsugi's belly had begun to deflate slightly, while his was now about the size that his friend's had been at the start.

His thoughts were soon interrupted with the sensation of another egg sliding into his canal. Alex gasped, moving his own hands to the sides of his belly. He then propped himself up with his tail and began to gently rock his hips back and forth, hoping to try and slide the egg free.

Hitsugi sighed, wincing with his contractions. "Nnh. I think...You have more than me." He said, frowning. He shifted to look under Alex to count his eggs, seeing he was going much slower as well. "And mine came out pretty fast." He added. His own egg worked its way down, making him whimper and arch himself, wishing the egg wasn't pressing against his prostate anymore, but with a loud grunt, he managed to push it out.

After catching his breath a bit, he turned his attention to Alex, hands moving to rub his belly and around to his hips. "Just relax...maybe stop pushing for a little while. Let gravity and your body do its thing on its own." He suggested, tilting his head as he looked at Alex. He grunted as his last egg slid down, pausing his rubbing for a moment. He decided to push, finding the egg came right out with a wet pop, making him gasp. "Aaah...fuck." He panted, rubbing his own sore middle. His contractions continued, but each one was weaker than the last, giving Hitsugi the relief he needed.

Now he could focus entirely on Alex. "Lean on me...cling to me. Whatever you need." He muttered, going back to gently rubbing his back and sides. "Just rest for a little while."

Alex let out a deep groan, nodding his head at Hitsugi. "T-thank you." he spoke to his friend with a shaky tone. " Maybe...just...keep rubbing my belly and back?" He suggested. "It...helps a lot." The young man then spread his legs wide and breathed, feeling the contractions slowly pushing the egg out of his body. Soon it reached its widest part, forcing a deep moan from Alex.

"Oooh...this still feels so...weird." He remarked, finding that he was still slightly hard, even after blowing his load. That combined with the pain of the contractions forcing the sphere from his body was definitely an odd sensation for Alex. After some time, his fourth egg landed in the nest to join the others, but the next one followed very quickly after its sibling, causing Alex's canal to bulge outward between his legs.

Hitsugi nodded, continuing to rub at Alex's back and sides as he labored. "I know..." He mumbled. looking down at his belly again. He shifted a bit to check between his legs, flushing at the sight. "Jeez..." He muttered, unable to resist reaching out to brush his fingers over the shell bulging from the other...He couldn't explain it, but he felt a pang of arousal despite his exhaustion. "Should....should I help down here?" He asked, hesitantly looking up at Alex.

He could still feel fluids dripping from his opening, still so stretched from his eggs. But it would recover after a good rest...and not long after that, he would come back into heat for the beast watching over them...

Alex felt his whole body shudder as Hitsugi reached for the egg resting inside him. He let out another moan as he looked down, seeing his friend checking him, and hearing him offer help. A little embarrassed at his sudden reaction, Alex elected to nod his head rapidly before speaking.

"Um...s-sure. You can down there...if you're alright with that." The young man then moved, spreading his legs, and leaning back on his tail to allow Hitsugi both a better view, and better access to his underside.

Hitsugi nibbled his lip, reaching to gently grip the egg with the tips of his claws, gently tugging it further out. He shifted his own hips, feeling a bit aroused by the situation. His free hand moved to rubbing Alex's belly, hoping to ease his eggs into better position. "Maybe this will help speed things along." he mumbled, glancing up at him.

He curled his tail between his legs, rubbing at himself...hoping Alex wouldn't notice, but he couldn't help it. Maybe it was being so close to the other's genitals....Maybe they had a scent he just wasn't realizing...but he really couldn't help his growing arousal.

The eggs under Alex's skin shifted ever so slightly as Hitsugi massaged his belly. This made the young man groan, and with his friend gently helping tug on the egg he was birthing, the sphere itself soon emerged in no time at all with a small amount of fluid as well. He hadn't even noticed Hitsugi's actions too closely, or if he did, he really didn't seem to mind. All he wanted was to get through laying the eggs, so that he could have a nice, long rest.

Taking a few breaths while he had a moment, Alex's eyes went wide and he reflexively arched his back. He felt his while body twitch, and he looked to Hitsugi with a shocked expression. "'s...a big one." He warned him. Suddenly Alex's eyes practically rolled back in his head, as a very, very large egg began to try forcing its way out of his body.

Hitsugi panted softly as he rubbed himself with his tail, but he kept most of his focus on Alex. He gently eased the egg out, looking at it with wide eyes as it slid free and into his waiting palm. He shifted to set it aside when Alex spoke. "A big one?" He asked, watching him react to the egg moving down. He leaned down again, hesitantly pushing two fingers into him. The tips of his claws bumped the descending egg, making him bite his lip and pull back. "That's why you're so big." He mumbled, both hands going to rub Alex's belly to keep him relaxed.

"Push as much as you can, but only if you can handle it.' He muttered. he hoped the egg would fit...or things would become very complicated...

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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