The Cave (closed)

Alex let out a nervous laugh, wincing a bit as the egg began descending, though at a painfully slow pace. "I'll...give it a try." He reassured Hitsugi, replying to his suggestion. As his friend continued massaging his swollen womb, Alex shifted his position slightly, moving himself forward a little. After taking a deep breath, he bore down with a loud grunt, hoping that the slick shell would slide out even a little bit.

Although it was clear this one egg was part of the reason that the young man's womb was so large, he knew he also still had a few more to go, and he prayed that they wouldn't be as large as this one. He breathed, pushed, and strained several times trying to force it out, but it seemed as if the egg itself would slide out, only to pull right back in once Alex finished pushing.

Hitsugi gave Alex a smile when he agreed, rubbing at his belly a little more. He added a little pressure when Alex bore down on the egg, hoping to help a little, but after several tries and leaning to check, he frowned when no progress was made. "Lemme try something." he said, gently pressing his fingers and thumb into him. He was careful, minding his claws and keeping them close together until he felt the egg. With some gentle maneuvering, he caught the egg between his claws and began to pull when Alex bore down on it, trying to keep it from pulling back when he stopped.

"That's it..." He muttered, inching the egg down with each push. He couldn't help gasping as the other's opening began to bulge out as the egg reached it, biting his lip at how large it actually was. "hey...take a breather." he said, looking up at him again. "I'll keep helping, but just take a moment to breathe.' He said, looking worried that Alex would exhaust himself before he could get all the eggs out.

Alex looked to Hitsugi weakly after his pushes offered little in the way of results. "W-what are you..." He let out a deep moan though, as his friend reached inside him, gently pulling the egg along. He felt a strong tingling sensation start from the base of his skull, and move toward the tips of his clawed feet, causing him to cry out as he continued to push. Still, the egg finally moved and the tip bulged out, spreading him wide to try and free it.

Practically collapsing against the pillows and blankets that made up the nest on the bed, Alex panted to try and catch his breath. His groans grew louder, and small beads of sweat still soaked his body, as he moved his claws to massage the pained sphere that was his midsection. "Ooooh...this one...huuuurts." He managed to wince to Hitsugi, as he bent his knees, resting them outside their nest. "P-please...just...get it oooOOOOOOOUT!" He cried out in pain.

Hitsugi winced at Alex's pained cries, trying to work the egg out as quickly as he could without hurting him. "I can't force it...It'll injure you...I gotta let things stretch around it." He said, biting his lip when the other collapsed, but keeping his grip on the egg. "Breathe. Deep breaths." He said, doing as Alex had done for him at the beginning, showing him how to take deep breaths and hoping he would copy. "Expanding your lungs will put pressure on your belly and help push." He added.

he pressed one hand near the bottom of his belly, hoping to add enough pressure to push it along. He was amazed that the egg even fit, watching it slowly stretch the other wide open. If the other eggs were normal sized, they would have no trouble after this one. "Almost...just a little more. Just gotta get to that widest part." He said, hoping to encourage the other with his words.

A few pained whimpers escaped Alex's lips, as he slowly mimicked Hitsugi's breathing. He felt the egg, still stuck, move ever so slightly as he breathed, though he still felt extremely uncomfortable and helpless overall. Once his friend began pressing on the base of his pregnant sphere, Alex cried out feeling every one of his nerves start to twitch, but he tried to compose himself.

Finally, after taking a very deep breath, Alex gripped onto his legs and shut his eyes tightly. He curled himself forward and bore down with every single ounce of strength he could muster. His screaming echoed throughout the cabin walls, before he could hold it no more, and once again felt himself collapse against the pillows, his panting causing his belly to rise and fall rapidly.

Hitsugi winced each time Alex cried out, ears even pulling back when he screamed, but the egg seemed wedged firmly in place. "Shit." He breathed, trying to wiggle it a little, but to no avail. So he just held onto it and rubbed Alex's belly, knowing he had to be tense from all of this. "Calm down, breathe. Its so close." He muttered, adjusting his hold. He found it wouldn't pull back into him, so he let go to sit up and rub both hands over Alex's heaving belly.

"Try not to think about the pain...Just think about my hands. And about how easily the others slid out." He said, keeping his voice calm and low.

Outside, the beast had moved closer, standing right at the window. he heard his mate's scream, but saw his other mate caring for him. He knew just from that that these two would make good mothers for his offspring.

Alex's whimpering soon turned to small sobs. "I...I can't do this..." He spoke to Hitsugi. "I-it's too big." The young man felt several more contractions tightening across his belly, but try as he might, any push did very little to budge the large egg. He wanted to give up, but his friend's encouragement, as well as his fast moving hands, seemed to help him find some strength to continue.

Another scream pierced the air, and a thin stream of blood dripped from Alex's mouth as his sharp teeth bit hard into his lower lip. Some clear fluid began dripping from behind the large egg, and Alex shakily felt it start moving. Soon the shell seemed to be at its widest, stretching Alex painfully as he reached over to Hitsugi for support.

Hitsugi grabbed part of the blankets to dab at the sweat coating Alex's face, frowning at his sobbed words. "You can do it. Come on." He said, urging him to keep going for just a little more. he winced at the other's scream and the bleeding lip, but he didn't stop rubbing at his belly.

He shifted lower to check, eyes wide at the sheer girth of the egg. He looked back to Alex when he was reached for, grabbing his hand and letting him squeeze it as much as he needed to. He watched as the egg reached the widest point and suddenly slid free with a gush of fluid behind it. "Jesus...' He breathed, watching the egg come to rest with the others, nearly twice their size...

"You did so well." He said, looking back to Alex and smiling widely. "The others must be smaller. Come on." He said, helping him back upright to let gravity do the rest.

Alex panted, relief washing over his entire body as Hitsugi helped him upright. "I...couldn't have...done it without you." He panted with a smile. Almost instantly, a much smaller egg practically slid out of Alex's hole, joining the others with little effort on his part. Compared to the monster of an egg he'd laid, the rest seemed much less difficult in comparison. Not only that, but his swollen belly seemed to have shrunken down a bit, signalling that he wouldn't have too many more to go.

As time passed Alex managed to lay a few more eggs, all with Hitsugi helping and coaching him on. Soon, he was down to the last one, joining the others for eight that he'd had in total. With a small plop, the egg emerged and Alex placed a clawed hand on Hitsugi's shoulder, a large smile creeping across his face. "We did it!" he exclaimed, though he groaned a bit, as his body still felt sore and tender.

Hitsugi grinned at Alex, reaching to rub his shoulder, only to pause and look down at the sound of eggs tapping each other. he laughed at how quickly it had just popped out, shaking his head and moving to rub Alex's shoulder. "I just encouraged you. You did everything else.' He nodded. He rubbed at Alex's belly as the last eggs slid out, letting the exhausted man lean against him.

When he was sure they were all out, he smiled at Alex, nodding and giving a relieved sigh. His own exhaustion hitting him hard. "We both need to rest..." He said, slowly getting up. he looked over all the eggs, marveling that they had come out of the two of them. He looked thoughtful, tilting his head. "How about we make the nest a little smaller for the eggs, then sleep beside them." He nodded, wobbling off the bed to get some water, returning with two full glasses and handing one to Alex. "Gotta stay hydrated after all that." He nodded.

He paused while drinking, seeing the beast outside. It simply snorted and turned to leave, no doubt fetching them another deer to eat. Hitsugi sighed and arranged the blankets with Alex's help. The eggs would have their own nest while Alex and Hitsugi would sleep beside it. They ended up huddled together for warmth under a thick blanket.

The beast returned in the morning, scratching at the door to wake them up. He wasn't dumb, he didn't want to damage this shelter. It was a safe place for his mates. But he couldn't work the door....Hitsugi was pretty much dead to the world with how deeply he slept, so it was up to Alex to answer the door.

After re-hydrating and huddling next to Hitsugi, Alex too quickly fell into a peaceful slumber. Unfortunately said slumber eventually came to an abrupt end when the young man heard a scratching sound at the cabin door. He knew it was the beast again, trying to get his mate's attention, though Alex had no earthly idea what it could possibly want. Yawning loudly, and taking a moment to stretch, the young hybrid soon rose to his feet, claws clicking on the cabin floor as he made his way to the door.

"What do you want?" Alex called out to the beast on the other side, not really wanting to open the door for him. "We had your eggs. Is that what you're after?" He questioned. The beast's response seemed to just be more scratching. "Look...I don't know what you're planning, or why you had us go through this...but it's over now. Please leave us alone." Little did Alex realize just how wrong he was.

The beast outside gave a deep rumbling growl, almost commanding the man to let him in. on the ground lay another deer, its throat torn out by the beast. He did not want to mate with them again yet, they had to come into heat for that. Thankfully, they would get a little time between now and then to rest and recover, and become more comfortable in their new bodies.

Hitsugi groaned and rolled over, finding the spot beside him empty. He sat up, hair a mess from sleeping, and stared at Alex. "He probably has food...." He said, rubbing his eyes. He looked over the eggs, feeling strangely attached to them...Likely instinct brought on by his new form. "I think he wants to take care of us..." He said, looking back to Alex. "Because we are useless to him if we die from injuries or starvation." He shrugged.

He did want to go home, but eating first was probably a good idea.

Alex looked to Hitsugi as he approached, but sighed. "Alright...but, just back me up if he tries any funny business, okay?" Alex asked Hitsugi. The hybrid then opened the door slowly, taking a few tentative steps out into the forest. The beast himself stepped back, allowing his mates some room to exit the cabin, but nudging the offering of fresh deer with his snout.

In one swift movement, Alex growled and lunged at the deer, immediately tearing into its flesh like a madman. The scent of the carcass had driven him wild, making the young man realize just how hungry he was following his and Hitsugi's egg laying. Chewing a chunk of meat in his mouth, Alex grunted and gestured with his head towards the kill, urging Hitsugi to join him and dig into the meal the beast had so generously provided for them.

Hitsugi just nodded to Alex, staying slightly behind him as he stepped outside. He looked at the beast, seeing it was clearly being non-threatening as it backed away to give them space. Part of him wished they could understand the creature, to at least be able to communicate better.

But any sensible thoughts were lost when the scent of fresh meat caught his nose. He looked to Alex as he devoured the deer, quickly joining him. He hunched over it, pulling chunks off with his hands and shredding them with his teeth. This pleased the beast as it sat nearby and watched them gorge on the carcass. When they had nearly eaten their fill, the beast stood and left them, disappearing back into the forest again.

As he slowed his eating, Hitsugi sat up and grunted, shaking his head and staring at the stripped deer carcass..."Damnit...We can't let ourselves get so hungry if it sets us off like this." He said, licking his fingers clean. "We should probably try and bathe....there's a river near here...nice and clear." He said, picking some flesh from a bone between sentences. "Then maybe try to ride somewhere we can get cell service." He added, tilting his head.

(Bedtime~ G'night)

Licking his own fingers, Alex gazed off in the direction of the river, before moving to look at his now blood soaked claws. "Yeah...I could use a bath." He sighed as he rose to his feet. "As for service...I'm not so sure about that one, but it's worth a shot if it can get us out of here." Soon the pair had both finished with the deer, and began moving towards the river slowly, given their still aching muscles.

Soon, Alex heard the sound of running water and saw the crystal clear reflection of the river that ran through the woods. Moving much faster than he could even imagine, the young hybrid practically leapt into the stream, creating a large splash before poking his head back to the surface. He then waved a clawed hand to Hitsugi. "Come on in! The water's great!" He laughed, finally feeling calm since the pair's unusual ordeal had begun.


Hitsugi nodded, slowly getting up. He arched his back, grunting when it popped, and stretched his arms a bit. He wasn't really bothered that he was still nude, since it was only himself, Alex, and the beast out here anyway. "Not sure what we'll do if we get out of here..." he sighed, following the other towards the water.

He couldn't help laughing at the enthusiasm with which Alex let into the water, following his lead and jumping in beside him. "Oooh, it's cold." He said as he surfaced, shaking the water out of his hair. "But feels good." He sighed, rubbing his sore muscles under the water. His tail curled and swayed behind him as he cleaned himself, rinsing his hair under a small waterfall nearby and paying close attention to under his claws. He rubbed the skin around his horns, finding it well healed. It actually felt nice to rub, making him almost purr.

Then came the awkward cleaning. He supposed his new anatomy needed some attention, so he reached between his legs and gently ran his fingers along the area, rubbing away the lingering dried fluids the birthing left behind. He couldn't help blushing, finding his entrance so sensitive. But it was far too tender to play with right now.

Alex seemed content to simply float above the water for a while and lounge. After some time though, he did start grooming himself, cleaning off any dried blood, sweat, and other various fluids that may have been present on his body. Though he was also still a bit sore, his muscles became much more relaxed in the cool stream.

Once the hybrid was satisfied with his level of cleanliness, he slowly moved himself back onto the banks of the river, and began to shake himself dry. In all honestly, his method appeared similar to a dog shaking themselves off, but the hybrid himself didn't seem to bothered by it. After examining the area briefly for any signs of the beast, Alex proceeded to sit himself on the ground, dipping his feet back into the water.

"So..." he began speaking to Hitsugi. "...what should our next move be?"

(Sorry I took so long to reply. I was really busy this week!)

Hitsugi relaxed when he finished cleaning himself, tail swaying behind him under the water. He didn't notice them slowly changing more over time. He had developed a ridge of feathery fur running down his back to the base of his tail and his ears had grown longer. He nibbled at his claws, trimming the tips and dulling them for safety.

he looked up when he saw Alex getting out, going to get out himself. He shook in a similar way, a wave of shakes going from his head to the tip of his tail. He yawned and stretched once he finished, fluffing his hair a bit.

"Mm, I guess, find some clothes." He said, tilting his head. "I know the guy who owns the shack has some spares." He said, heading back to the shack.

Once he felt dried enough, Alex nodded at Hitsugi's suggestion, and began moving back towards the hunting shack. "Sounds good to me." He spoke after a moment. "I just hope we can find something that'll fit us." With that out of the way, the pair soon headed back towards the cabin, taking care to check their surroundings in case the beast decided to return.

Once the two hybrids returned to their makeshift home, they managed to find a small closet with several spare sets of clothes. Most of them were jeans, some old shirts, and a few jackets. All hunting clothes. Still, they seemed pretty baggy, and looked like they would fit over their newly changed bodies. Alex himself got to work tearing in the back of some jeans with his claws, attempting to make room for his tail.

Hitsugi shrugged when Alex said he hoped they could find fitting clothes. "The guy is a bit big, but I'm sure there's some belts." he said as they walked. His tail swaying gently behind him, held out for balance on his bird-like feet.

Hitsugi joined Alex in modifying the clothes they found, carefully tearing a hole in the back of the jeans before putting them on. He also found some belts for them. He fixed his outfit in the mirror nearby, frowning a bit at how he now looked. "I hope we can reverse this...even a little." He sighed, running a finger along one horn. "I don't know how we can live normally if we look like this." he added, turning to his friend.

Once they were both ready, he quickly used his phone to check direction and pointed them towards the closest town. They began walking, taking their time and being careful. The advantage of their new modified legs was having a longer stride, making the walk a little quicker. But a few hours later, Hitsugi began to feel warm...He tried to shake it off, but it seemed he was already coming back into heat. And the beast was nowhere to be seen.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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