The Forest of Acteron (Closed RP)
The Ancient Greek God of the Forest Acteron has decided to take two mortal men from our world, to turn into his immortal lovers. Both will bear him the same children for all eternity, as they die and are reincarnated with the coming of the season. Our story begins with the first male...

Name: Mark
Age: 26
Physical description: 5'7" with brown eyes, and short, dark brown curly hair. Very Italian/Greek looking.

Mark had decided to travel to the Greek coast to visit his ancestral homeland. There had always been something about that place that just drew him to it. And when a mysterious, long distant family member offered to pay for his trip out here to meet them, how could he say no? Little did Mark know that this was the beginning of a new life for him. One that would make him a modern day legend.
Aaron cursed under his breath as he adjusted his sunglasses. Damn these stupid mortal inventions. Why would one not want to look at the glory of Apollo anyway?

Acteron, or Aaron as was his alias, scanned the crowd, feeling the pressure bear down on him harder. One of his prophesized husbands was in the sea of people. The Oracle, in her generosity, gave him a special tracking method- he would feel more and more pain as he grew closer to his husbands, until he touched them. Oυσ

The pain grew worse as he pushed his way through the crowd. He didn't care as he shoved people of the way, the pain growing almost crippling. Acteron was about to cry out from the pain before it suddenly stopped. He had bumped shoulders with a rather attractive man. Could this be his mate?

The man turned to look at him. Oooh, he was nice. He would be perfect. "Sorry, sir." Aaron said.
Mark felt a man bump into him, only to turn and apologize. "Oh my, I'm so so-" He was cut off when he saw that man... He was beautiful

Well, He was handsome. And for someone reason, Mark was immediately drawn to the man. "I.. um, sorry! Im sorry!" It took him a moment to remember how to shake hands. His right hand shot forward. "MARK! Er, my name is Mark... I hope I didn't hurt you."

He could feel his cheeks growing red as the man gave a small laugh. "That is quite alright Mark. My name is Aaron." His accent nearly made Mark melt on the spot. What was it with European men being so perfect anyways? "So... do you live around here Aaron?"

(I almost started to describe Aaron, when I remembered he is your character XD )
Acteron saw the man's blush. Good. Courtship would be much easier. Babies would be born soon at this rate.

"Hmm, yes, I am from around here. Sort of. I live in the countryside. What would you be doing in this country? Your accent... it is... American, no?" Acteron played up the European stud persona as much as possible. He had to convince Mark to come with him for lunch, at least. A snap of his fingers would work from there. Judging from the expression on his future husband's face, it wouldn't take much.

Aaron was simply stunning. He was the vision of what every man wants, and more. With the bulging pecs, massive biceps, and standing at 6'4" he was perfect.

"Um... yeah.. Im from American!" Mark managed to stammer out. 'Fuck!' he thought to himself. 'Could I be anymore awkward?' "And I'm just visiting the country. My family is originally from here, and I thought why not come back to my ancestral home. I've never been in the country side though. Only the cities."

Mark got incredibly nervous before the next question. "Perhaps you would be willing to show me around the area?"
Acteron nearly burst out laughing. Gods, this guy was easy. He didn't even have to ask him to come with him! Perfect. He'd be a good husband.

"Well... I do have my car nearby. It will require a bit of manuevering through this crowd. Come." he demanded, grabbing Mark's hand and pulling him through the crowd. He hoped the man was an auto fan. A god's life was pretty nice when you could get Hephaestus to forge you a new Bugatti.

(Acteron can change his looks, which is why I'll describe him later. If you do the scene of getting into the car, mention another man in there. That's the other husband and my othef character.)

Mark was so excited. Not only was he in an amazing part of the world, but he had just met one of the most attractive men he had ever seen. As Aaron pulled him through the crowd, his heart raced. This all just felt so... electric. Like something exciting and unexpected was going to happen soon.

Aaron slowed down as they came upon his car. Mark was so ecstatic. What could possibly be awaiting him in his trip with this god-like man. Aaron smiled and opened the door to the car. Mark lowered his head to get into the vehicle when his smile faltered. The unexpected had happened.

In the back seat of the car... was another man. Of course Aaron would be with someone else and not be single.
(This ****************** means I'm switching between characters.)

Acteron noticed Mark's smile falter as he noticed his other future husband. Curses. He just needed them to buckle up...

"Ah, Mark, meet Andy. Andy, meet Mark. I apologize, but you two are both so.... beautiful. I could not leave you both." Aaron explained as he fell into the driver's seat.


Andy was messing around on his phone as Aaron finally came back. Good. He'd been waiting far too long and it was getting hot. He noticed that another man walking with Aaron. He almost gasped in excitement, Another one?! Man, this Aaron guy really WAS a stud!

He noticed the new man's frown as Aaron introduced him. Guess he was hoping for something more than a one-night stand. "Andy, meet Mark." Aaron said from the driver's seat.

Andy grinned back at the new arrival. The 25 year old's deep brown swished as he turned his head. "Hello there. I see you've found your way into this Bugatti too."
Mark got into the back of the car and buckled up. "So Andy... What brings you to Greece?" He wasn't opposed to sleeping with these two men. Andy was attractive. Not as studly as Aaron, true, but definitely attractive.

For some reason, Mark found himself dozing off. He heard bits and pieces of Andy's story. "Family.... trip.... free... Greece..." It almost sounded similar too his. Before he even had time to figure out what was going on, his head fell forward as he blacked out. The last thought to cross his mind was, 'at least this trip is interesting.'
Acteron grinned as his magic worked its course. Being a god of nature certainly helped with some... date assistance. At the very least, he knew exactly what plants did what. Galimadus was excellent at knocking people unconscious.

With his two lovers in his backseat, he sped off into the countryside. The car moved faster and faster as the scenery warped and changed into something different altogether. The magical sportscar was speeding through dimensions. He slammed on the brakes as his home appeared. The men in the backseat flung forward, but remained asleep. Perfect.

The car turned into a fantastical forest. Plants shined and trees grew taller and shimmered in the sun's light. Nothing was extra-ordinary, but everything looked... special, so to speak. Acteron's deer, foxes, and other friendly forest creatures nuzzled their master's vehicle as it turned into a chariot as he drove through the realm. He stopped the chariot in a small meadow, surrounded by the forest. A large, ancient looking house stood ahead of him. Home sweet home.

Acteron snapped his fingers and the men in the backseat shot awake. "Welcome home, my loves!" he cried.
Mark shot awake. "HOLY SHIT WHERE AM I?!?!" He had somehow managed to fall asleep in Andy's lap. While Andy had a boner. Awesome. It took Mark a moment, but he realized, they were definitely not in the country side anymore. He had no idea how long he had been asleep, but definitely not long enough to end up in some forest, and in a carriage. Something strange was going on.

"A..a..aaron? What's going on?" At this point Mark was scared. Aaron sat at the front of the carriage grinning back at him. Something big was going to happen.
Aaron. "Well... perhaps I have not been truthful with you," he remarked, jumping out of the carriage. Vines began to grow up his arms and legs as he emitted a green glow. He flashed, blinding everyone around him momentarily. His eye's changed to a deep green and his became long and blonde, flowing to his shoulders. His expensive-looking suit transformed into a decorative green robe.

"I am Acteron, God of Nature. And you... are my husbands." He declared, just as Andy began to stir.
Mark was stunned. He had to be dreaming. Gods didn't exsist... They couldn't... Andy stirred in the carriage. "W..what is going on?" Mark gulped. "I think we're dreaming." He was in a state of shock really. What was supposed to be a Greek God had just revealed himself to these two men, telling them that they would be his husbands.

Mark took a step forward. "What does this entail then, being the husband of a god." At this point Andy had jumped out of the carriage, more calm about the entire situation than Mark had been.
Andy looked around the new clearing. It was beautiful, to be honest. He'd had less stunning visions when he smoked. Ah, those were the days. He had quit pot a couple years ago, though. Thought quitting would give him some direction in life, yet here he was, wandering Europe.

At least, he had been in Europe. He had no clue where he was now. Andy stared at the new man in front of him. He was even sexier than before!


Acteron raised an eyebrow. Surely Mark would put up more of a fight? Eh, who cared? He certainly didn't. His prophesized husbands were in his forest and very interested in him.

"Well... you'd live with me. For eternity. You'd be pampered by nymphs and live your days in luxury. You'd be immortal, and once you had control of your powers, could leave here. And... you'd bear my children..." Acteron trailed off. He couldn't imagine they'd take that well.
Mark just nodded through everything. He didn't really think any of this was true. Obviously, he was dreaming. He thought it was strange that his dream would have something to do with him getting pregnant. He just laughed though.

"This is the craziest dream I've ever had. I'm pretty sure that I'm on the plane to Greece still. So of course mister dream Aaron or Acteron, or whatever the fuck your name is, I would gladly be your husband for this dream." On the bright side, at least he had the chance of having sex with two incredibly hot guys in this dream. Soon, it would all be over, right? This couldn't possibly be real.
Acteron shook his head. "This is not a dream, Mark. I could get a nymph to come splash water in your face if you want. You're not in a dream!"

Unlike Mark, Andy didn't have much trouble believing their host. A Greek god chose him to live in paradise for eternity. All he had to do was have some children. For a drifter like Andy, this place sounded perfect. And even if it was a dream... it would be a damn good one.
Mark was nervous... and excited? He had been chosen. Chosen by a god. To have his heirs. He took a deep breath. Maybe this life wouldn't be so bad after all? He exhaled. "Alright Acteron... I believe you." Here came the really nerve wracking part. "My body is yours..." And with that, Mark pulled his shirt over his head. He now stood there, shirtless in front of the most beautiful man... er... god he had ever seen. His body was covered in a good amount of hair that he had always been proud of, so he was now hoping that his new husband would find it as appealing as he did.
"Woah, woah, woah there Mark. You have not seen the house yet. I assume you'll want a little tour of the place you'll call home for eternity?" Acteron asked. "You'll need a wardrobe change, too. Those disgusting.... shirts? Yes, shirts need to go. Learn to wear a robe." Acteron said. A small, elfish looking girl approached them as Acteron spoke. She curtsied before them.

"Hello there, mortals. I am one of the Nymph servants of our god here. Please, follow me. There is much to show you," the nymph said. She turned to Acteron. "Dinner is being prepared, my lord." She beckoned for the two men to follow her into the house.

Andy strode happily along the nymph's side. This could be good. No, it WOULD be good. What family would miss him anyway?

The group passed through a set of columns. A large courtyard sat in front of them. Exotic plants and a small stream wound its way through the space. One massive tree grew out of the center. The stream snaked through the grass until it disappeared under the walkways surrounding the courtyard. From what Andy could see, invidual rooms branched off the walkway. A two-story structure sat at the back of the complex.
Mark was over taken by the beauty of the place. A forest like this... It was something one only finds in a work of fiction. The stream just seemed so cool and inviting. The huge tree in the middle of the courtyard was massive. Its branches touched up to the heavens. They came upon the two story structure at the back. The small Nymph began to talk again. "This is the main courtyard. All other facilities and buildings lead back to here." The space was enormous. And beautiful. It was just all so perfect. The Nymph continued, "this building back here houses our kitchen, entertainment rooms, nursery and other more human necessities. It is our hope that you get used to the forest and rely less and less on human inventions." Well, that didn't sound to fun. Before Mark could even complain, he smelled something wonderful. He guessed it was dinner, and dinner smelled heavenly.
The nymph noticed the humans sniff the air with a longing expression in their eyes. She remembered that the evening meal was done. "Ah, yes. I believe the meal is ready." She ushered them into one of the branching rooms. The inside might as well have been outside as vines twisted along the walls and grass grew on the floors. A long stone table sat in the middle of the room, set for a meal. Exotic looking vegetables, fruits, and meats adorned the plants.

"We do not eat much meat in Lord Acteron's realm. The forest animals are under our god's protection. Do not expect a venison steak every night," the nymph explained. "Lord Acteron will not be joining us tonight. He is preparing the necessary charms and spells needed for your transformations." With that, the nymph bowed and left the room.


Andy somewhat eagerly sat down on one of the benches. He realized he was supposed to recline and laid back gingerly. This was new to him.

Looking over the plates, a steak caught his eye. He immediately pulled to his own plate, followed by some assorted greens and some spanakopita. Everything melted into his mouth as he enjoyed the bounties of the forest. "Welg thish is nice!" he said, mouth full of food.

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