Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW)

Jason gets down into the water, getting into a squatting position placing his elbows on land, his legs spread far apart, starting to bare down pushing hard, "Aaahhhh!!! It's coming!!!"

Alex watched in silence as both men had got into the water, moving close to be able to see. He couldn't help but smile seeing a fin starting to come out of Jason, knowing from the size it was big, knowing that Kino's would be also.

Kino squats down and leans onto his elbows and pushes with his contraction. pushing the tailfins out. Kino looks at Jason to see how he is doing.

Jason smiles seeing the tailfins coming out of Kino, knowing they would do this together for Alex. Baring down harder Jason felt the baby starting to slide out farther, "Ooohhh!!!"

"You both are doing great, the tailfins are out." Alex smiles.

Kino smiles then pushes harder. sliding the hips out "Thanks." he pushes again.

Jason nodded smiling, baring down harder pushing getting the hips out and starting to feel the arms coming out slowly.

Alex watched excited but also worried knowing that as long as they would come out tail first, it be alright, but head first was usually more difficult, also they could become tired out easier.

Kino smiles and keeps pushing. the shoulders start to slide out. he looks as the little tailfin starts to move swishing slowly in the water

Jason smiles feeling the pressure lessen as the baby comes out up to its neck, knowing the head was coming out next.

Alex smiled, "The head is the only thing that is left for both of you. One good push and the first ones should be out."

Kino takes a quick breath then pushes again. the head slides out with the firm push. the little baby swims once born.

Jason bares down, pushing once more feeling the head come out, smiling as he watched the little one swimming away in the water with its sibling. Jason groaned feeling a strong contraction, as the next one was coming out quick.

"It will be faster now that the first one is out, but you two are doing just great." Alex smiled.

Kino groans and nods. he feels the tail slide into place. "o-oh really" he tries to reposition himself into a more comfortable position.

Jason groans, feeling the next one coming down but notices the tail isn't coming out, but a head, "It's coming backwards!!!"

Alex knew this could happen, glad at least Kino's second one was coming out right, "Alright, just stay calm and just make sure to push down harder."

Kino pushes harder the tailfin gets stuck for a moment then finally half the tail slips out. "You can do this Jason."

Jason nodded, pushing hard as he could, feeling the head starting to come out, stretching him wider than the tailfin would do, "It's huge....burns. Aaaaahhh!!!!"

"Come on you can do this, just push hard as you can." Alex encouraged, almost worried Kino's second one would get stuck.

Kino smiles and pushes more. the hips slide out slowly.
"Jason you can do it. the females do it head first all the time"

"I'm no female!!" Jason yelled, baring down hard, screaming as the head popped out fully, as Jason gripped the edge of the land, pushing again feeling the shoulders coming out.

"Good, the shoulders are coming." Alex smiled, "Come on Kino, your halfway out with this one."

Kino"i didnt mean that your a female i ment that you can do what they can" he groans as the shoulders slide out the tailfins swishing as the baby tries to free itself.

"Yes, but I think females are better at doing this." Jason groaned giving a big push, the baby sliding free, letting Jason take a break before the third one would come.

"Good, I knew you could do it. Come on Kino, it's almost out."

Kino"I think you did better there" he pushes and the baby swims free.
"Alex will we ever see our babies again?"

"If you ever want to see them again, just come out in the open sea. Drop three green stones into the water, and one of us will come. You just need to tell them who you are, and they will send me and our sons up." Alex explained, "You two are doing so great, just one more to go."

Kino "T-thanks." he pushes and feels the tailfin slide into place. he groans and wounders if maybe he can stay he cant help but to enjoy this.

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