The Cave (closed)

The pair had been walking for quite some time, when Alex noticed a familiar smell on his friend. His eyes went wide, but he kept a lookout for the beast, just in case. They walked a bit more, but soon found himself feeling warm as well. The pair stopped for a break, and Alex finally decided to broach the awkward topic with Hitsugi.

"" Alex sighed. "Are you...feeling turned on again." Before the other hybrid could respond, Alex sighed. "Please don't try to tell me you're not, because I'm getting there too, and you smell the same way you did before." He sighed heavily, almost in defeat. "It's not going to let us it?"

Hitsugi was trying to ignore it...but the longer they walked, the more he felt it...the slowly growing warmth of arousal...He was keeping an eye out for the beast, pointed ears twitching with each strange noise. But it seemed like the beast was leaving them alone for now. What neither knew was the beast was preoccupied moving their eggs into his cave. He knew his mates would not go far, the curse surrounding them would make sure of that. Neither man noticed they had been walking a huge circle.

They were coming into heat much sooner than they should have, Possibly because they were together. But when they stopped for a break, Hitsugi sat and bit at his lip. He flushed at Alex's question, glancing away and nodding. "yeah....I can smell it on you." He muttered. "Its getting worse." He said, closing his eyes and leaning his head back. If it got much worse, the two of them might end up going after each other for release...there was no telling how the beast would respond to his mates breeding with each other.

Alex sighed deeply and nodded his head as he moved to stand up. "Alright. Well the way I see it, we have three real options right now." As he continued to speak, the hybrid held up his clawed hands, gesturing with each potential decision the pair had.

"Option one, we wait here and see if the beast finds us. Option two, we try to um...'help' each other out. Option three, we head back to the cabin until that thing finds us again." He turned to Hitsugi and did his best to ignore his friend's enticing scent. "Either way, it looks like we have to decide quickly." Alex sighed. "...and it looks like we're going to be having more eggs no matter what we do."

Hitsugi scratched the back of his head as Alex spoke about their options, shifting slightly in place. "I don't really want to....mate....with that thing again." He sighed, glancing to the other. "Lets keep going...maybe if we manage to hold out long enough, this will pass and we won't need to lay eggs." He said, hoping he was right.

"I think, for now, just breathe through our mouths....avoid scent." He added, getting up and heading in the direction they were originally going.

Alex sighed deeply, but soon took a breath and followed Hitsugi nonetheless. Even though he took care not to breathe through his nose and take in the other hybrid's scent, the young man couldn't help but feel more turned on as they kept on walking. Still, he did what he could to keep himself under control.

It was only after another couple of hours that Alex started to become frustrated. "We've been out here forever!" He remarked. "Shouldn't we...have reached some sort of town by this point?"

Hitsugi was growing frustrated as well...he knew they had started in the right direction, but they weren't finding anything. He groaned when Alex pointed that out, turning to him. "We should..." He said, checking his phone...They had next to no signal, and now it wasn't even finding the GPS..."great....We've probably been walking in circles." He sighed, shaking his head.

He could feel his own arousal growing much more intense, it made him shudder and bite his lip. He was fully in heat and more than ready to mate...And stopping just made Alex's scent more obvious. He made the mistake of not breathing through his nose, nearly moaning as he was hit with the other's scent. "Sh-shit....I can't even concentrate on direction anymore." He panted, closing his eyes tight. A bulge in his visible at the front of his pants, despite them being too large....that, and the wet area between his legs, saturated with his fluids and making his scent even more intense. He needed to mate...or he would go crazy.

Alex was finding Hitsugi's desperate state difficult to ignore. His scent was overpowering, even as the other hybrid tried not to breathe it in. Plus the sight of his friend's obvious arousal. It was all just too much to ignore. Alex panted, and soon a similar bulge and wet area appeared on his pants, as he fully went into his own heat.

With hardly a word, Alex's instincts took over and he moved towards Hitsugi, kissing him rather forcefully. His clawed hands began to gently stroke the other man's body, soon slipping under the fabric of his clothes in an attempt to remove them. A small growl of pleasure emerged from his throat, and Alex instinctively moved to check Hitsugi, hoping that he would respond positively to his advances.

Hitsugi wasn't really expecting the kiss, making a startled noise into it as hands moved to the man's shoulders, intending to push him away. But that thought quickly died, instead those hands held onto Alex as he leaned into the kiss. Letting his eyes slide closed as he tilted his head slightly and ran his pierced tongue along the other's lips. He shuddered at the hand sliding under his shirt, returning the soft growl with his own.

He broke away from the kiss for a solid breath of air, his face flushed. He didn't say a thing, he simply moved to shed his clothes. After discarding them, his hands went for Alex's pants, quickly undoing them and letting them drop around his ankles. "I don't care what happens.....We need this." He nearly growled, bumping their horns together before catching the other in another heated kiss, body pressing close and hand wrapping around both of their erections, giving them a squeeze that pulled a deep moan from the hybrid.

Alex had simply nodded when he heard Hitsugi's words, and was caught a bit off guard by both his friend's actions, and the moan that escaped his lips. As his cock continued to harden though, the young man continued kissing Hitsugi passionately, and began pressing himself closer to the other hybrid's entrance. He gasped, but soon moved his own hands to Hitsugi's shoulders and slowly began sliding himself into the other hybrid's already slick entrance.

In a matter of moments, Alex found himself thrusting into Hitsugi, mating with him and making all manner of primal and guttural noises. His instincts had fully taken over once more, and he was practically in a frenzy, picking up his pace in his attempts to impregnate his mate.

Hitsugi stroked them and rocked his hips for a few moments, but didn't stop Alex from shifting positions a little. He hooked one arm over the other's shoulder while his free hand helped guide him. He gasped sharply as he was penetrated, finding it much more pleasurable than the beast...Probably because it was much slower to start with. His tail arched, helping to keep their balance as they began to move, both arms around the other hybrid's shoulders, clinging to him.

His muffled moans quickly grew more intense, pressing his face against Alex's shoulder. And while it felt amazing, it was awkward standing up like that. " se-second...Aaah..." He gasped out. "We....we should lay down...." He added, gasping and crying out as a shift in his hips nailed the right angle.

Alex paused briefly, and moved to lay both him, and Hitsugi down on the ground and into a more comfortable position. That done, he quickly found the spot that had caused Hitsugi to cry out in pleasure, and once more proceeded to thrust his hips inside his mate. This time however, he seemed much more eager.

Time passed, and Alex's pace quickened. His moans and groans became loud panting and cries, as he kept on thrusting himself in and out of Hitsugi, his own pleasure becoming more and more intense. After what seemed like an eternity, the hybrid paused, let out a deep roar and arched his back sharply. His cock erupted, shooting its seed into Hitsugi's womb, and Alex held the other man as close as he could, careful not to let him go until he was finished.

Hitsugi held onto Alex as they laid down. Thankfully, the ground was thick soft, covered in a thick mat of cool moss, acting as a natural bed beneath them. Hitsugi shifted himself slightly to get comfortable before Alex started moving again.

His cries became sharper as the new position allowed the other hybrid to push deeper into him. Legs lifting to curl around him while his long bird-like toes curled tightly. He clung to the other, claws scraping at his back. His inner walls spassming and clenching as his orgasm rushed closer. Soon, he was trembling and arching beneath Alex, crying out his name as he found his own release moments after he was filled with the other's seed. His inner walls clenched in waves as he blew his own load between their bodies...No doubt he would be heavy with eggs in a few hours.

"Oh, f-fuck....f-felt so good." he moaned, fingers wandering Alex's back as he basked in the afterglow.

" liked it!" Alex laughed, smiling as he moved in to kiss Hitsugi once more. He winced however as his own heat continued. His body desperately aching to have a clutch of his own. He moved a clawed hand to his midsection, stroking it softly before turning his attention back to Hitsugi.

Alex then proceeded to roll over, holding onto the other hybrid as he did so. Soon he was lying on the soft ground, with Hitsugi resting on top of him. The hybrid made an almost pleading, cooing noise, urging his partner to return the favor as he rubbed against him. The hole between his legs was slick with fluids, desperately waiting to be filled.

Hitsugi moaned into the kiss, still rubbing Alex's back gently, soothing over the welts his dulled claws left. he blinked when the other pulled away slightly, glancing down at his hand and tilting his head.

He made a startled noise as they rolled over, shifting atop the other hybrid and propping himself up. He returned the other's pleading noise with a deep purring one of his own, allowing his voice to drop as low as it could go as he nuzzled against Alex's neck. While he did that, he positioned himself and gently pressed himself into that warm opening. A low growling moan escaping him at the intensity of the heat surrounding his cock, hips giving a few sharp jerks before he began to really move himself. Starting slow at first, but quickly picking up his pace.

Alex continued to emit a few pleased noises, encouraging Hitsugi to continue. As the other hybrid began to speed up, Alex held onto his mate's hips and lower back, careful not to hurt him with his still sharp claws. The hybrid did his best to match his mate's movements with his own, but found it difficult to do so as he once more became aroused. Still, he cried out as they went on, becoming more lost in the sensations that he was feeling.

Hitsugi shifted himself up onto his knees for more leverage, hands supporting Alex's hips as he began to move faster and harder. His tail arched and whipped about behind him as low moans changed to harsh panting. He cursed under his breath, feeling the tips of Alex's claws brush his flushed skin, arching slightly into the feeling. He didn't mind a little pain with sex...Hell, that's why he had a piercing in his dick...which was being put to good use, the thick ring angled just right to nail Alex's most sensitive areas.

Soon he was trembling and giving quick little moans, his movements getting sloppy and random. He gave a long low moan as he jerked himself hard into the hybrid beneath him, twitching and trembling as he blew his load deep within him, filling him with his seed...

Alex let out a keening cry as he felt his body soon fill with Hitsugi's seed. It was almost as if every nerve in his body was on fire, but it all felt incredible. Unable to hold back, Alex felt his claws scratch into Hitsugi's skin, drawing a small amount of blood, as the other hybrid's seed continued to fill him up.

It took quite some time until the pair were finished. Alex himself collapsed against the ground, holding Hitsugi close and nuzzling him in gratitude. Soon however, he felt himself start to come back to his senses and slowly began to realize what the pair's actions had done.

Hitsugi gasped sharply when Alex's claws scratched him, but it only added to the overwhelming pleasure he was feeling...He stayed still for a few moments before laying himself down with Alex, feeling satisfied and warm as he enjoyed the afterglow.

But it their changed bodies worked quickly, and soon enough they were coming out of heat. He could feel it already, the faintest heavy feeling in his lower belly. "Shit..." He breathed, coming to his senses and looking at Alex. "We need to find our way back...."He added, rolling himself over and getting to his feet. He ignored the now dried cuts on his back, instead he reached to help Alex up and handed him his clothes...quickly pulling his own on and looking around for any sign of a direction to go.

Alex nodded feeling rather guilty for what the pair had just done. However, he quickly grabbed his own discarded clothes and followed Hitsugi closely. The pair moved in relative silence, their long legs helping them navigate through the woods rather quickly. Thankfully they managed to find a small trail of sorts which they hoped would lead them back to their shelter. It wasn't until they'd been walking for a while that Alex finally spoke, voicing his concerns to his friend.

"So...what do we do now?" He turned to Hitsugi as he moved a clawed hand to his midsection. "We can't get out of these woods, we're going to have to um...lay eggs again, and that creature probably isn't going to be too happy with the fact that they aren't his." He sighed, sounding defeated. "Basically, we're definitely screwed no matter what we do."

Hitsugi wasn't sure what to say either...they had just gotten each other pregnant and would likely give birth within the next 24 hours. He walked with one hand over his lower belly, trying to come to terms what was happening. It was one thing to be influenced by the beast and breeding with it, but the two hybrids had knowingly bred each other...

Hitsugi sighed when Alex finally spoke, "I don't know...maybe it won't mind...because our offspring will be able to breed with him....unlike the ones it fathers." He said, glancing at Alex. It was a sound theory, since the beast seemed to understand more than just an animal could.

He made a relieved noise when he spotted the cabin, walking a little faster. He paused when he noticed the door was open, slowly walking inside, only to gasp when he spotted the empty nest. "It took the eggs away." He said, looking back at Alex with wide eyes.

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