Game Plan (closed with cashewmanz)

Keith's eyebrows furrowed a bit as he scratched the back of his head. Could this really be a better alternative.

"That handles one situation, I suppose, but what about school and football? I imagine wanting to be a father would still have you be on the team."

(Sorry for the delay and short post lol.)

"I'm not totally sure about that one yet..." Aaron sighed. All he could think about now was having a family. It felt weird. But it was what he wanted. He knew it deep down in his gut. He couldn't even think about getting out of school. All his mind would conjure up was images of him at that home in the countryside, with Keith's growing belly, and then raising kids together. It just made sense. And then it hit him. "What if...what if I got pregnant too?"

(Don't worry about it. Less pressure on me to write a bunch)

(lol true. I've been out looking for jobs, so it's been a bit busy as of late.)

Keith was a bit stunned. The male wanted to get pregnant too? This wasn't a game he could just up and decide. There were a lot of risks that came with it...a lot of...obstacles.

"A--Aaron...this isn't something I just decided on. Are you willing to go through that much just to get out of football? I could probably cash in on my vacation days near the end since I haven't used them, but you. You're more exposed than I am. It's going to get" He tested the waters. His hands were placed around the slightly younger man's shoulders, rubbing them affectionately. "Are you even certain you would enjoy this? It just sounds like you're wanting to escape your problems and not confront them."

(I'm sure it is. Hope you find one you like soon!)

"Well...this isn't exactly the first time I've thought about this..." Aaron sighed and looked down at his feet. "I think I would enjoy this, I really think I would...and as far as exposure...nobody would have to know too soon. They wouldn't be able to tell for a while, and...I can just ask my coach to say I got injured or that I transferred. Or I can have a crazy party and get suspended, I don't know. I've got options, is what I'm saying," he moved his own hand on top of Keith's, feeling how warm it was. "Besides...we could spend more time together, and we always got along so well. It wouldn't be a challenge on our part."

(Thanks! I hope so too.)

Keith frowned a bit.

"Suspension is probably one of the last things you would want...that kind of a thing has a way of carrying over." He blushed a bit when the male returned the gesture, but he had to finally ask. "If things aren't going well already at home, how do you think your father will take the news when it eventually comes out?"

Maybe he finally considered giving Aaron what he wanted. Keith wasn't exactly fond of having to stay in a nice house by himself. Maybe that's why he was a bit drunk that night. A place like this, it was always hard to find someone else that shared the same feelings as he did.

"If you're really sure this is what you want...I could invite you over today..."

"I don't care about either of those things. If you'll take me...I don't have to deal with my dad. And if I did...I could take him," Aaron replied with a smirk. "And mom's always wanted grandkids anyway. She'd be shocked at first, sure, but she'd come around pretty quickly if she knew I was being being responsible about it."

Keith's invitation made Aaron blushed. Truth be told he hadn't been expecting it--or at least he'd expected to have to fight a lot harder for it. "I'd love that. I really would," Aaron said as he embraced his old coach.

Keith held the younger male in his arms, at first with reluctance, but he had to remind himself that Aaron was now a young adult free to make his own decisions. If not, he was certain the male would be turning 21 soon where most of his parents opinions did not matter much. Sides, who else was close to him like this that hid away their feelings and wanted to pursue them more?

"Long as you have this master plan of yours figured out, I don't mind playing the part in it. You remember where I live right?"

"I've got it all up here," Aaron said, tapping his finger on his temple. "And yeah, down Vanderbilt past the gas station, right? Like a few miles outside town?" Aaron hadn't been to Keith's place since high school, for some team building exercises the guys had done around his huge property.

"You want me to meet you there later?"

"Yea. Long as you know the directions." He gave it a bit of a thought before rubbing his bearded face slightly. "Come around 7ish, when the sun's down. Bring some...clothes...unless..." the door was closed and if they were going to do this, he did need at least get a bit comfortable to the feeling. Since Aaron had his back turned, his hands had firmly grabbed one of the male's covered glutes, squeezing it gently. He neared the other male's back more, bringing his lips to Aaron's neck and ears to whisper "You prefer to wear what I have in the house when we're done..."

Maybe this could work after all. He released Aaron from his slight hold and headed towards the door. "I'll make dinner and I'll also let you keep the car in the garage in case my nosey parents try to pry a bit too hard." That was the pain of having to share land with them. Sometimes they wanted to inquire a bit too much. They inquired about the Jeep that was outside, the vehicle of the unknown man who got the coach pregnant in the first place.

"See you there," he winked to Aaron before locking the door behind him once they were both out. Once he climbed into his sports car, he sped off down the road. He had a meal to make for two, or in his case, three.

Aaron shuddered at Keith's suggestion. The whole idea of this was making him feel really excited, in just about every way. He yelped a bit when his coach grabbed his butt, however immediately found himself enjoying the feeling. "I'll have to bring something to wear the next day," he reasoned. "But if you want to play dress up...I wouldn't say no." He winked at that, trying to pass of the innuendo as best he could.  
Later that evening, Aaron drove to Keith's home. It seemed even more remote now than he remembered, which was probably for the best. He saw that the garage was open, so he pulled his sedan right on in and got out. He'd chosen to remain somewhat casual, having switched to khakis and a button down. Nicer than his sweats, at least, though he'd packed those too. The door to Keith's home was unlocked, so he figured he could just let himself in through the garage. "Keith? I'm here!" he called out.

His cravings were well into play, alas. The male had quite the strange taste for things he normally would not mix together. Nonetheless, he was in the kitchen cooking up a rather huge meal he could eat for a couple of days. When Aaron stepped inside, he would smell the aroma of steak being prepared. He had fixed mashed potatoes with it sure enough, but he also prepared some cornbread, which really was not that strange, except for the fact that he mixed it with a few spices like cinnamon.

"Hey" He called out loudly before reaching into his pocket to close the garage door. "I'll be with you in just a sec."

The male stepped away from the kitchen when he was certain he had not overcooked the meal and it was overall ready to serve. The male had his jacket off as it made no sense to keep wearing it inside of his own house. He smiled warmly when seeing Aaron and extended his arms out to give a hug, where his black shirt fully revealed the growing bump slightly poking out underneath.

"Had a busy day?"

"Something like that," Aaron sighed as he hugged Keith in return. "You would not believe how hard it was to get out of the house. It's good to get away for a little while, that's for sure," he smiled as he moved his hands down to Keith's belly.   
"Hello there," he teased as he felt around the other man's bump. "I swear, you've either been sucking it in or have grown tremendously the past few days...I like it," he added with a wink. He took a big whiff of the air and took a deep breath, exhaling loudly. "That smells delicious." He said as he walked over to see the meal Keith had prepared. "All my favorites, this is already going well," he said in a jokingly triumphant manner. "Is this all for us? It's an awful lot of food..."

Keith found himself blushing at Aaron rubbing his bump a bit as well as talking to the forming child. Maybe the younger man did have what it took to be ready for that kind of a commitment already.

"Oh the food..." he scratched the back of his head a bit. "I may have overdone it again. The good news is that my parents don't ask questions since I don't have dinner with them anymore like I did as a kid." He chuckled as he maintained his gentleman esque demeanor, inviting Aaron all the way inside the house and taking anything he needed and putting it elsewhere for the time being.

"I've done some research" he said while pulling out a large glass vase full of a dark red substance that almost resembled wine out the fridge. "Apparently mixing certain fruits and juice together helps with fertility. Never thought about it that way, but I thought to prepare some from what was left of the off-season fruit I had. Maybe it'll improve your chances in one go."

He did not need to worry too much about actually getting aroused with Aaron. They, him mostly, were warming themselves up to the idea each and every moment and the way his hormones were pumping in his body was motivation enough. He served the two their dinner once everything was good and done and slid a chair out for Aaron.

"So what excuse did you give your parents about for tonight?"

"I like overdone!" Aaron exclaimed. "You know me, I've always had a huge appetite." He licked his lips as he looked over their meal, excited to dig in soon. He handed Keith his coat and sat down in a chair to make himself more comfortable.  
"That's very sweet of you to do," Aaron said thoughtfully. He hadn't considered getting any sort of outside help, at least not in that regard. He figured he and Keith were in their prime and as fertile as they'd ever be. But it never hurt to get a little assistance. "Hopefully it works," he smiled.  
"I told them I was headed back up to school, actually," the younger man explained. "Said I forgot something or another. Decided it was a good way to get some quality time in," he went on as he ate more of the delicious dinner. "I didn't give them an exact time I'd be back. Said I might go out with some friends that are still up there too. I've got a bunch of alibis going, so we're good."

Keith smiled. "You're gonna have an even bigger one if all goes well."

The male sat down and after saying his personal grace, he began to eat the food. Once it was devoured, he helped himself to seconds, listening in on the conversation Aaron provided.

"That's good" he grinned a bit as he gripped Aaron's hand firmly and assertively. "I would let you stay the entire break if I had a say in it."

He wouldn't though, no matter how good it would be. If everything worked, Aaron would just have to pray that his parents did not find out too soon. Keeping the hand held, he led the male upstairs. Soon they were in Keith's bedroom.

"I need to eventually settle in one of the guest bedrooms downstairs, but for now..." He pulled Aaron closer, his lips connecting with the male's as his beard brushed up against the male's skin. "You've never been in here before."

He began to lift his shirt off, revealing his gut at last. He brought the held hand down to his belly, letting Aaron rub it.

"Doesn't hurt to ask one more time because it's going to be really rough when it begins and ends. Are you really sure you want this?"

"I'm sure. After seeing this," Aaron smiled, putting his large hand over Keith's stomach, "I want one too. It's so cute," he continued, leaning down to give the smooth bump a little kiss. "And sexy," he added.

He took off his shirt, exposing his muscled body: large powerful arms, brutal shoulders and tight abs. He'd certainly be softening up in the near future...but it was a sacrifice he could make. And if he really wanted, he could get his body back. He kissed Keith once more, and then very swiftly dropped his pants. "How do you want to go at this, big boy?" he winked.

Seeing Aaron's body sort of excited the male. It reminded him of what he was losing, at least for the time being. His cock began to stiffen under his black boxers as he held the younger athlete closer.

"Well, in that case..." He dropped the underwear down and his large throbbing cock was exposed. "There's this one thing I want to try before I'm unable to do it anymore."

He winked back at the male before leading him to the bed. He found himself a bit self conscience, but if Aaron liked what was happening, then he would not hide himself under the covers. Instead, he embraced the male, his buff arms holding Aaron as he made out with him, slowly leading him to a position he had to say he never tried before. From the rate he had been as of late, getting horny at the slightest twinge, he had to try it.

"Wrap your legs around my waist" he commanded. "And..hold on tight."

Soon, Aaron would find himself pinned against the headboard of the bed, Keith beginning to put every muscle in his body to use to lift the male up as he now stood on the bed. Keith began to put his hips to work, letting his cock ease into Aaron inch by inch until he was fully inside the male. Keith smiled faintly before lightly rubbing Aaron's face and pulling him into a kiss as he began to pound in and out the male.

"Woah...Keith!" Aaron yelped as he was lifted up into the air. Feeling the other man slide into him made him forget any concerns about safety, and if he were to voice them they were silenced by the kiss the two shared.  
Truthfully, Aaron had only once before been on the receiving end of sex. Typically he had his pick of girls or boys to shove his way into. But he couldn't deny that this felt really really good. And it was necessary if he was ever going to get pregnant, God willing. He wrapped his legs tighter and gripped at Keith's back as he bounced up and down.  
"I'd...forgotten how strong you were," he said as his bangs bounced around on his forehead. "You' big, too..." he noted as the friction between them below the waist was starting to free up.

Keith smiled gruffly.

"Give it a little to adjust." When the friction began to cease, Keith found himself being able to move in and out the male a bit more fluidly. It was assuring to know that none of his strength had failed him. It made him think about the supposed "unnatural" strength pregnant individuals gained, particularly in the birthing moments. That drifted away as he was consumed with the lustful aspect of knocking up his former student. When the seconds turned to minutes, his balls tightened and soon he released. Everything was released inside of Aaron by the position ht was placed in. Keith stood there for a bit however, until he was certain the deed was done.

"That should take care of everything." He smiled partially as he moved his face away from Aaron. "I'll get some water started and after that, I'd like to hear about how everything's been as of late with you."

Keith had only heard part of a full answer. Other than his father and beside the usual goal for anyone to have a family, Keith could not help but feel that Aaron was leaving some things out.

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