The Boy and Satan's Daughter (One female to play as Satan's daughter)

Plot: A college boy starts his first year of college and sees the new student, who is Satan's daughter. She makes him pregnant and her love slave.

Contains: Rapid Belly Growth, Breast Expansion, Genital Expansion, and Orgasmic Birth

Satan's daughter must have a human and devil forms.

Name: Sean Woodard (Add last name if you want)
Age: 19
Height/build: 5'7'', slim with a little muscle
Hair/eyes/complexion: Brown, straight, blue, clean-shaven face, tanned

Sean was ready to start his first year of college. On his way to class, he saw the new girl and she was hot as hell.

(Hang onto your shorts, this is going to be hella fun!! Get it? Hella fun!!!)

Name Lucy (Short for Luciferna) Satania (From the derivative of Satanic)
looks 18, but is 1921 years old... Youngest daughter of Lucifer and named after him.
Generously curvy, muscular, 5'2"
Form 1: Devil:
Blood red skin, Fangs, Bright blue Eyes, Black hair to knees with long Gazelle horns a foot and a half taller than her, and a tail that can wrap around her little waist twice.

Form 2: Angelic human:
Long red hair to knees, Brown eyes, fair skinned. Wears glasses to hide her firey eyes when she gets mad.

Lucy saw a young man, he approached her. She wondered if he wanted to talk to her.

(Haha! I get it.)

"Hi. I'm Sean Woodard." Sean said as he introduced himself and extended his hand for a handshake.

Lucy shifted her books to one of her arms. She shook his hand and said "Hi, I'm Luciferna, you can call me Lucy. It's nice to meet you." She lifted her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Inside she smiled to herself. She wondered if he would be a good candidate for her spawn.

"Nice to meet you too, Lucy." Sean said as they went to class.

Lucy smiled and took her seat. The class went by fast. She found herself checking out other people, to see if they would be good. So far none had fit her needs. Though her interests had spiked when she meet Sean.

She needed to have at least one child by Halloween. It was her fathers demand that she needed one to be produced by then. That time was drawing nearer and nearer, and she was getting desperate. She gathered her books up since class was now over.

Sean went to help decorate the cafeteria for the up-coming Halloween party. Some reason, Lucy was still on Sean's mind.

Lucy was walking to another class. As she did she saw a flyer on the wall. She looked at it. She pulled it down in one grab and looked closer at it. "Yes!" It was a Halloween party. She could go as her devil form, seduce some one and get what she wanted. It was like perfection. She clapped her hands together and bowed in prayer. "Thank you Jehovah!" she knew he was giving her an air five. She went on her merry way to class.

Sean went back to his dorm room after getting done at the cafeteria. Sean couldn't wait for the party.

Lucy went back to her apartment. She lived alone, which was perfect. She cleaned her room to get it ready. She went ahead and got transformed to her devil form. She dawned on black lipstick, and the rest of her makeup. She found a cute outfit in the back of her closet. It was from the last Christmas party at her dad's. It was a black silk cape that went to the floor. She putt on a black bikini cut top, and a black skirt that had a slit up each side to her hips, showing off her long legs. She left and went to the party.

Sean liked to dress scary, but he felt like dressing up as his favorite Nintendo character, Super Mario. Sean left for the party.

Lucy parked at the school and went to her trunk and pulled out her super high black platform shoes. As she put them on, she saw Super Mario walking up the side walk. She trotted up to him. "Sean?"

"Hey, Lucy." Sean called in Mario's voice.

Lucy laughed hard, accidentally showing off her fangs. "I thought that was you!"

Sean and Lucy went into the cafeteria. They started dancing together.

They did the electric slide... she knew that one. Though its quite different from the one in hell. That was a actual slide that bolted you with electricity. She thought it was fun to ride, but the dance was better.

Sean soon went to get him and Lucy some punch.

Lucy sat down, she was a little winded from the fun of it all.

"Here." Sean said as he handed Lucy some punch.

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