The Wild Ones [closed]

Talon shook his head quickly. He recognized the change in Jax's scent, a few different hormones he was giving off, but he didn't bristle like he normally would. Years of having to prove himself tended to make Talon quick to act, but he forced himself to relax around his mate.

"No, just eating slowly. I can not feed with the pack, as they eat too fast, and once the bloodlust comes over them they will snap at anyone." Even though he was the leader, Talon couldn't -- wouldn't -- risk putting himself and his pups in danger.

Jax sighed and leaned over to kiss Talon again. He knew Talon was telling the truth; his scent betrayed him when he lied. Still Jax couldn't help but worry. This was his mate and pups. His obviously exhausted mate.

"Let's go lie down in bed. Shift so you can really rest. I will too."

He didn't have to say it twice. Talon was out of his clothes and shifted before he'd even totally gotten off of the couch, going into the bedroom as quickly as he could manage with his belly weighing him down. Jumping up on the bed, he stretched out, laying on his side and waiting for Jax to join him.

Jax followed him into the bedroom, taking off his clothes and folding them up to put on the chair for later. He shifted, his grey fur gleaming in the low light. He jumped on the bed and sat next to Talon, leaning down to lick his head, cleaning him slowly. Talon made a soft, purring sound of contentment, a sound he didn't like to admit he made.

Jax kept cleaning him, moving down his body. He licked carefully over Talon's swollen belly and between his legs, tasting the sweet slick that gathered at the entrance to his body. Jax nosed at his entrance briefly, enjoying the scent before he urged Talon to roll to the other side so he could continue to clean him.

The feeling of Jax's tongue over his fur made Talon give a few soft, happy whines of encouragement, spreading his legs a bit and rolling over so that Jax could get at more of his body. He started to pant slowly, not wanting the grooming to stop.

He craned his head a bit so that he could clean Talon in return, licking around his head and neck and gently nibbling at the knots in his fur to free them.

Jax moved up and licked at Talon's muzzle, pressing himself closer to him and wrapping his body protectively around his mate. Talon was large for an Omega but Jax was larger, easily able to curl around him.

He wuffled softly to Talon, murmuring sweet words of love and happiness. Jax had never planned on mating with a wolf like Talon, but he couldn't imagine it any other way now. The idea of mating another Tame wolf who lived in town and spent most of their time in their human form - or God forbid - a human made him disgusted. Talon was the perfect compliment to him despite their different backgrounds and upbringing.

Despite how strange the situation seemed, Talon was happy, his tail wagging as Jax spoke to him. He couldn't have asked for a better mate, he thought. It made him glad that he'd drove off all of the other Alphas who'd tried to mate with him before.

Even though Jax was Tame, and Talon was wild, the two of them fit together perfectly. Sure, they'd had their disputes -- especially about how the pups would be raised -- but Jax was kind, and Talon was happy with him.

"I do love you," Talon murmured sleepily, yawning as he did. "And our pups love you, as well." The two rowdy pups had calmed inside of him at their father's voice, which pleased Talon greatly.

"Sleep, my love," Jax murmured to him, nosing at Talon's fur. "I'll be here when you wake up."

Talon drifted off fairly easily and Jax followed not long after, lulled to sleep by Talon's sleepy, content scent and the sound of his snores.

[timeskip to when they're ready to leave?]

(Sounds good to me)

It wasn't long before Talon's instincts told him it was time to leave the home. The snow fell gently outside, and though it was snowing, Talon wasn't afraid. He had faith in his Ancestors, that they would keep his path clear and lead him to the Stone Den in time to birth the pups.

Turning to Jax, while still in his human form, he asked, "We must leave soon, while the snow is still gentle." He didn't want to risk getting caught in a snowstorm before they could find shelter.

Jax nodded, gathering up a few things in the pack he was going to carry on his back. Talon's appetite had decreased again and he was bringing some high protein snacks in case he wasn't able to eat what they killed along the way.

Jax pulled Talon into his arms, kissing him gently before resting their foreheads together. "I love you and I will protect you on our journey. Do not rush. We will make it in time for you to have our pups in the Stone Den."

He shifted into his wolf form and waited for Talon to get the pack strapped onto his back. Talon shifted a moment later and the two of them padded out into the snow.

Talon returned Jax's kiss, rubbing his nose against his before they pulled back. "And I will protect you, too." While Talon had traveled this path before, on his journey to become a leader, Jax had never been to that part of the mountains.

When they departed, Talon wasted no time in taking the lead, his tail held straight and stiff, displaying total dominance. The snow made it a bit hard to move quickly, but Talon's large paws helped him move through it, completely focused on the journey ahead.

Nightfall came quickly, as it always did during the winter days, but Talon wanted to push on. By this time, he was exhausted, having been traveling the good part of the day and clearing a good four or five miles of rough terrain.

Jax growled at him, stepping in front of Talon and not allowing him to go further. They had to stop for the night; Talon looked ready to fall asleep standing up.

"We are resting. I will find us shelter and food," Jax said commandingly. His fur raised along his spine as he exerted his Alpha power over Talon, something he hated to do but would if it meant keeping Talon safe. "Do you want meat or one of the snacks I brought?"

Talon growled softly in response, his own hackles raising when Jax stepped in front of him and made his demands. He still kept his tail and head raised, not ready to show submission just yet. His instincts were telling him that they had to keep going, but his mate made a good point.

"There's a cave nearby," he said, as if trying to re-assert his dominance. "And this area is full to the brim with rabbits. I can catch a few myself." He didn't want to admit that he was exhausted.

Jax butted his head lightly against Talon's, his voice and posture softening. "Please go rest. Let me catch you dinner."

He licked at Talon's muzzle. "Show me where the cave is."

Talon dropped his hackles at Jax's loving display, nuzzling him back and pressing his nose against the side of Jax's mouth. He could tell that his mate was just worried about him, and it was reasonable.

"Alright, you can catch dinner, and I'll take you to the cave."
Turning, he walked side-by-side with Jax for the first time that day to take him to the large cave, where he remembered sheltering on his journey so many years ago. The cave shone and shimmered with ice, but was surprisingly warm inside, the opening shielding it from most of the snow and wind. There was a small pool of liquid water inside, which Talon drank from before curling up on a pile of leaf-litter.

"I will be back shortly," Jax promised, nuzzling at his mate whose eyes were already starting to close. He loped out of the cave and made for the denser forest, his nose scenting the air as he ran. He might be a Tame wolf, but Talon had taught him how to hunt when they had first met. Over the last few years, he had gotten very good at it.

It didn't take long for him to catch five rabbits. If Talon wanted more he would go back out. He loped back to the cave, the rabbits in his mouth. He set them on the ground of the cave close to where Talob was sleeping. Jax frowned at the uneasy scent that clung to Talon.

"Talon," Jax murmured, nudging him with his snout. "I have rabbits."

Although he was asleep, Talon wasn't startled when Jax woke him. He found himself drooling at the rabbits, grabbing one of them and starting to pluck off the soft fur. Between plucking, he spoke to his mate.

"Thank you -- this should be enough to keep me for a day or two." Talon was used to running on empty in the wild, so this was something of a feast for him. He started with slow bites, but soon the urge to eat overcame him, and he finished the rest of it quickly, cracking open the bones to get at the marrow, before taking the remains and kicking them into the snow for the scavengers.

When he finished, Talon settled down next to his mate, rolling onto his side to stay off of his belly. He could feel the pups moving and tossing about, obviously still not settled from their mother's moving around. At this point, their movements could be seen even through his fur. There was no doubt that they were ready to be born soon.

Jax began to clean Talon again, happy to have seen him eat so much. The trip was obviously taking a lot out of him and the squirming pups weren't helping. He settled next to him and began to lick at Talon's belly, humming at the same time to try and settle the pups.

Jax felt Talon's belly firm up under his tongue and he lifted his head, frowning. Talon had his eyes closed and he didn't seem bothered by it so Jax returned to trying to calm the pups.

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