The Wild Ones [closed]

Talon almost didn't want to sleep -- his maternal instincts told him to look over his pups, to keep them safe. But then, he reminded himself, he wasn't alone. Jax was there, and he knew his mate would defend their children to the death. Still, he took some time to look over the little girl pup, who was sleeping easily beside her brother.

She was more gray, like her father, and was lighter-skinned than her brother. She definitely took after Jax more, which wasn't anything to be ashamed of -- his mate was quite handsome. Smiling, Talon allowed his head to settle down on the nest, closing his eyes as he drifted off into a mostly peaceful sleep.

Jax slept hard, but woke as soon as he fears the cry of one of the pup's. Talon was groaning at the soreness when he tried to move so Jax scooped her up and helped Talon get her latched onto his tear. The next few feelings were hazy memories by the morning but Jax was pretty sure they both had eaten twice.

Jax woke before Talon and the pups. He headed outside to take a piss, yawning in the crisp morning air. He shivered and hurried back into the den. He set about getting food and water ready for Talon

The next morning, Talon woke while the sun was still quite low in the sky. Good, they should have enough time. While Jax was getting everything done and set up, Talon watched over the pups, thinking of suitable names for the two of them.

"Eagle certainly fits the little female,"
Talon spoke. "Her full name should be Eagle's Cry -- her first cries reminded me of the birds." All of the wolves in Talon's pack had two-part names, and he was no exception; his full name was Jackdaw's Talon, but as far as his mate was concerned, the second part of it was all he needed to be addressed by.

"I like that," Jax said, handing Talon a plate of dried meat, nuts, and a protein bar. "I'll go out hunting later but for now, eat something and then you can shift for a bit to get rid of some of the aches and pains."

Jax rested next to Talon, watching the pups as they slept. "He's not a Jax though. I think he should have a more traditional name, like his sister and mother."

Despite his usual apprehension of anything that wasn't meat, Talon ate the food that was offered to him quickly, instinctively going to clean his "paws" before realizing he was still human. Not ready to shift back quite yet, he turned his attention fully to Jax.

"Mmm...his hair color reminds me of my mother. There's no real way to know if he's a brindle like she was yet, but I was thinking of naming him Birch's Leaf." His mother's name had been Oak's Leaf, and this was close enough; the pup's hair was a bit too light to be reminiscent of that of an oak.

"Not a bird name," Jax mused. He looked at their son, taking in his features and color of his hair. "I like it though. Our little Leaf."

He smiled happily at Talon. "Eagle's Cry and Birch's Leaf. Our pups. Did I mention how amazing you are and how much I love you?"

Talon smiled back at him, before finally relinquishing and switching into his wolf form. His children didn't seem to mind their mother's furry form, and he stayed curled around them, watching over them protectively.

"I love you too," he said, leaning over to nuzzle him, then looking over at their pups. "I wonder what they will be when they get older."

"I just want them to be happy and safe." Jax shifted as well, curling around the pups on their other side, his muzzle close to Talon's. "If they want to stay with the pack for their whole lives that is fine by me."

Jax licked at Talon's muzzle gently. "Do you need anything?"

"Oh, I doubt that," Talon said softly. "They love you very much already, I know. They'll want to be close to you." Although he was unsure how he would deal with raising pups with a paw in each world, he was sure they'd figure out a way to do it. They'd come so far already.

Talon returned the gentle lick, before remembering something the Healer told him. "Ah. Some borage leaves would be good, if you can find them. They'll help with keeping my milk flowing."

Jax winced at that. "I'll see what I can do. It's not a great time of year for finding fresh leaves. I'll do that when I go hunt."

Jax didn't get up right away though, his eyes on the pups between them. They were so tiny, but so protected by their mother. He licked over both of their heads lightly before licking at Talon's muzzle again.

"Will you be okay while I'm away or do you want me to wait until you've had more sleep?"

"Thank you," Talon sighed, turning his head to nuzzle Jax again. His tail wagged gently as he shook his head.

"I'll be alright, here. They're not too hard to handle," Talon replied. "So you can go when you're ready."

Jax nodded and licked Talon's muzzle once more. He moved around the nest, building it up further around the edges to give Talon some sort of protection. He knew that wolves didn't come to the Stone Den unless they were going to give birth, but he couldn't help being worried. This was his mate and pups.

He trotted back outside, stretching in the sun. It wasn't going to be easy to find borage leaves, but he was definitely going to try. There was no other way to feed the pups if Talon's milk didn't come in. He would have to go buy formula and then fight with Talon about using formula to feed them and not one of the other wolves in the pack acting as a wet nurse.

Jax's ear pricked up at the sound of rustling in the bushes. He dropped to his belly, his eyes scanning the area. He saw a deer eating the grass and his heart began to beat faster. A deer would be a wonderful get for Talon.

He took off and managed to catch the deer rather quickly, even as it tried to run away. He grasped its throat and dug his teeth in. He was going to get Talon a deer.

Talon remained in the nest, watching at first as Jax built it up around the sides, then closing his eyes again as he left, keeping curled around their pups. They had burrowed into their mother's warmth, and both Eagle and Birch were sleeping soundly. They'd gotten lucky -- both of them were healthy, and very good and quiet. They'd barely cried since they'd been born.

There was the sound of a struggle outside of the cave, which made Talon pick up his head and prick his ears. However, it seemed to be the sound of a kill; he could hear the desperate sound of a deer before it was killed, and his tail twitched curiously. So Jax had made a big kill, all on his own. That was good -- this meant they could feed off of it for a while, what with the snow keeping everything good and frozen even after it had been torn open.

Jax dragged the deer back to the Stone Den. He would go out to look for the leaves again after he had presented Talon with his kill. He felt immensely proud of himself for this. He wasn't much of a hunter when compared to Talon and the others in the pack.

Talon had lifted his head when Jax came in with the deeer which he dropped in front of the nest, his tail wagging. Jax grinned at him, his muzzle stained with blood. "Are you hungry?"

Talon was quite proud at his mate for the kill he'd brought in. It was quite the feat for a single wolf to take down a deer, even if said deer was small. After making sure the pups were covered with a blanket, Talon got up and settled down next to the kill.

"I'm starving,"
he replied candidly, licking his lips. "But you should be the first to eat. It is your kill."

Jax shook his head, nudging Talon. "You first. I killed it for you."

It took a few more nudges before Talon began to eat, tearing into the deer. That pleased Jax to no end. His mate had just given birth. He needed to eat especially since he was the one that kept the pups fed.

"I didn't see the leaves but I'll go out again after we've fed."

Once he'd started, there was no stopping him. Talon tore hungrily into the deer, opening up the stomach cavity and diving in. It was like a feast for him; he hadn't eaten more than little meals in so long, he almost forgot what it was like to feed on a proper kill.

Only once he'd gotten his fill did he stop, pulling back from the carcass and starting to clean his fur. When Jax spoke, he flicked an ear to acknowledge him. "Thank you. This should keep us fed for a while."

"I'm glad you like it," Jax said before he dug in himself, feasting on the flank. He was hungry as well and he ate ravenously. He groaned when he finished, sitting back on his haunches and licking his muzzle.

"Come over here," Jax said, seeing all of the spots Talon couldn't reach. "I'll clean you and you can clean me."

Talon obliged, happy to finally be able to do something for his mate. Settling down beside him, he started to clean his mate's shaggy gray fur, nibbling at some of the knots to loosen them as he did.

"We won't have much time to ourselves like this any more," Talon told him between licks. "Now that the pups are here."

Jax hummed happily at the grooming, loving the attention. He pushed his head against Talon's licking at his muzzle playfully. "We'll have to make time. They will occasionally sleep."

And as if on cue, Eagle started to fuss causing Birch to wake up and fuss as well. Jax looked at Talon and tried not to laugh.

"I think I smell something. I'll get it."

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