The scientist. (Closed with secretsparrow.)
A mad scientist kidnaps two friends and impregnate them with his offspring.

A young but mature man whose named Kade was walking through a forest. He had ventured deeper and deeper into the depths of the forest with his friend to get away from the noisy city that they had once spent time in. He had smiled as he had felt the nature around them calm them and had heard a few birds chirping from above them. He had felt relaxed and calm whenever he was around his beloved friend. He did not know that soon him and his friend would soon be kidnapped by a cruel masochistic scientist and would be forced to carry his child.
Next to you walked Talon, she had bright blue eyes and red hair that fell about her shoulders. She was glad to be out in the wilderness, a week long camping trip was what they had planned. A chance to get away from everything else and just relax for awhile. Talon looked up at the sky, it would be dark soon. just then they could hear footsteps behind them. Talon stopped walking and so did the sound of footsteps. "Did you hear that?" she asked nervously.
Kade had smiled as he had traveled through the forest with his friend. He had secretly had a crush on her but chose to keep it a secret. He had short black hair and handsome dark brow eyes. He had loved the wilderness and had found it so very soothing. He had soon stopped beside his friend as they had noticed the sound of footsteps approaching and then stopping. "Yes .. I do." He had sad softly, looking behind him at the trees but could not see anything or anyone following both him and his friend. "Maybe it is an animal."
"Maybe, lets just keep going it's probably just curious." She said with a shrug. After all if it was just an animal and it where to attack, it would have done so already." The footsteps behind them continued until suddenly they were grabbed from behind. Someone held a rag up to there nose. Talon realized all to late what was going on, she tried to pull away but soon passed out from the chemical on the cloth.
Kade had nodded with a smile, soon trying to get away as he and his friend were ambushed. He had cried out a cloth containing a strong chemical was forced over his nose, feeling it burning his sinuses because of how powerful it was. He had tried to force himself away from the man and protect his beloved and most trusted friend Talon. He had eventually collapsed a few minutes after Talon did.
The two would soon awake in what seemed to be a lab, both were bound and chained to what seemed to be an examination table in the corner there were cameras placed at every angel. "Kade!" Talon called out in a scared voice. "Kade wake up!" She watched his chest rise and fall. "Kade!" she called out again before trying despretly to pull away from the chains, the more she pulled the tighter the chains seemed to be.
Kade yawned softly, trying to move his hands above his head but when he did the chains weighed his wrists down. He had opened his eyes and had begun to look around at his surroundings, soon struggling to be freed from his restraints.. He had felt like a caged animal. He had called out to his friend, letting her knew that he was awake and alert. He had wondered as to what brought him and his friend. "Where are we? .." He said fearfully to his friend.
"I-i don't know." Talon said fearfully. The door on the other side of the room opened and in walked a man carrying two needles. "and how are my little lab rats doing today?" he said almost smirking, he went over to Kade first. "Now now, calm down this will only hurt a lot." The man wore a lab coat and classes hiding his eyes.
Kade had swallowed nervously, trying to free himself from the chains but it never seemed to work. When the door had opened, he had tensed up, trying to stay strong while he had seen the size of the needle as the scientist had held two of them. He had prepared himself for what was soon to happen to him and his beloved friend..
The scientist took the needle and injected him right in the center of his belly. Almost right away he should have began to feel strange. He then walked over to Tallon smirking he did the same to her.
Kade had tried to clench his teeth but the pain was so intense that he had cried out. He had groaned and had felt his stomach area ache with discomfort, trying to figure out what would happen next now that he and his friend were both injected with the strange liquid.
Talon struggled and began groaning, she could not even move her hand to her belly because of the chains. "W-whats happening?!" she managed to say through the pain, it almost seemed to come in waves giving her a chance to speak speak before crying out in both fear and pain. The scientist just soot there arms folded over his chest watching the two. "Well then, that should do for now, I'll come back in when your done." And with that he left the room leaving the two alone.
Kade had felt the familiar waves of painful agony shoot through his nerves. He had cried out as well, trying ever so hard to release himself from the chains. He had felt as though his stomach was ripping itself apart. He had felt a need to be released from his chains and able to help his friend from hers but he was not strong as superman had seemed to be. He had tried his very hardest to slip from the chains and be free.
Talon began to notice her belly extending outward right before her eyes. "Kade!" she cried looking over to see if the same thing was happening to him. the pain was almost unbearable Talon was sure this was what death felt like, she was going to die here, where ever here was.
Kade had looked over at his beloved friend, his eyes widening as he had noticed her stomach growing in size and becoming swollen. He had looked at his own stomach with fear, feeling his stomach becoming full and also swollen. He had groaned in pain, arching his back as he had felt as though he were also dying. The pain that he had felt was just too much to bear.
Talon's belly stopped growing when it looked like she was over due with twins, she got a short rest before the growing continued again causing her to groan and cry out in pain. Talon wanted to reach Kade and help him, but she wasn't even sure she could walk anymore, Talon was short about 5'5 she had a small frame and wasn't used to such weight on her belly.
Even though Kade was taller than Talon he still felt as though the offspring in his now exposed stomach was weighing him down ever so greatly as well. He had wanted to comfort his friend but he was not sure as to what he would do to help himself.
When all the growing finally stopped Talon looked as if she were carrying three vary large triplets. The scientist came back in smirking and seeming quiet pleased with his work. "Now then, how do you feel?"
Kade had sighed with relief as his stomach had ceased from growing any further as it had grew to full term. He had felt as though he had eaten something and his stomach was full of children that would soon be born from his body. "Why did you do this to us you monster?!" He had shouted to the man, glaring at him.
The man walked over pressing his hand onto Kade's belly, "Ah calm down, I did it in the name of science!" He said with a small laugh then he walked over to talon pressing on her belly. "Yes, everything is going according to plan. "Ill release you so you can roam about as soon as im out of the room. Don't try anything funny I'll be watching." Then like before he turned and left the room. A few minutes latter the chains holding them to he tabel released them.

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