The scientist. (Closed with secretsparrow.)
Kade had expressed a wince as his stomach was pressed by the scientist. He sighed with relief as his chains were released from his wrists. He had gotten up and had waddled over to his friend, helping her up gently. He had been fearful about what had happened to him and his friend but tried not to worry too much about what had happened.
(so it keeps telling me a didn't respond and I thought I did, if I sent a response twice im sorry XD)

Talon got up with his help, she was shaking slightly mostly out of fear. There seemingly normal camping trip sudenly got vary complicated. "W-what do we do? we need to escape." Talon said holding on to Kade.
Kade had held his friend close to him, feeling the same fear that his friend had felt. He had spoken softly to his friend, trying to come up with a cunning enough plan to escape. "I will try to kill the scientist and then we will escape."
"We can't kill him... not like this we can both barely move, we have to try and sneak out..." Talon said finaly calming down enough to think. "I have a plan.. follow my lead ok?"
Kade had nodded, listening to his beloved friend and her ideas. "Okay .. I will." He had found it hard to move around and his back was hurting as well as his hips but he had managed to stay up on his feet.
Talon knew there were cameras she would have to be as fast as she could be. she began to pick the lock when a pain in her side made her pause for a moment she groaned took a few breaths and kept going. eventually getting the door open. Talon stood back up "We have to find a way out, and fast!"
Kade had nodded, rushing through the door as fast as he could. He had tried to find a way out and had found one after much struggle. He had alerted his friend of the way out from the main room that they were once trapped in and had ran away from what the scientist had wanted to keep them in, never daring to look back for even a minute.
The place seemed to be a large lab, and they found themselves in never ending corridors and hallways. Talon groaned when she was hit with a sudden pain, she stopped moving setting one hand on the nearest wall to steady herself. "K-Kade..." She called out to her friend so he would wait for her.
Kade had also noticed the corridors, becoming worried and frustrated at the same time as the way out did not seem to happen for him and his friend. He had looked behind him, stopping as he had heard his friend calling out to him. He had rushed back to his friend as fast as he could travel, helping her as he had tried to find a way out of the large lab.
Talon walked with his help until the pain ended. she was worried that is until she found a door pushing it open they seemed to be back outside somewhere in the forest.
Kade had helped his friend, shoving open the door and walking outside. He had begun to run with his friend by his side, ignoring the pains that he had soon felt from his own stomach.
The two made it a little ways away before guards pored out of the building and began searching the forest. Talon looked back once "Keep moving!" she said as quietly as she could she spotted a cave formed into the base of a large mountain just up ahead. "Head there." Talon said just as anther pain hit.
Kade had kept his steps up along with his friend, trying not to be captured. He had soon climbed the mountain and had helped his friend, both entering through the cave and hiding inside of it. He had sighed with relief as the guards did not capture the two friends. He had sat down and had winced as the pains had gotten worser and worser by the passing of time.
Talon sat down next to the wall right next to Kade, "How do you feel?" she asked trying not to worry him with the fact her pains were getting worse as well.
Kade was not one of those men who had told about his feelings, preferring to keep them bottled up inside. He had felt safe and secure around his friend though. "I feel alright. Just a bit of pain here and there. He had winced whenever he had felt strong pains. "How about you?" He had asked softly and worriedly to his beloved friend Talon.
For now I think I'll be alright.. just hurts every now and then... but when it does hurt it's pretty bad." Talon said honestly. She leaned back aginst the wall and closed looking up at the ceiling.
Kade had nodded, feeling the same exact way while the babies had moved around. He had rubbed his swollen globe of a stomach, expressing a wince or groaning slightly while his body had responded to the pain.
Talon, despite dealing with her own pain would reach over and rub his back whenever Kade would groan. A while passed and things continued like this for awhile. "We need to do something.." Talon was feeling restless she needed to at least be moving so she pulled away from Kade and began pacing.
Kade had tried to remain strong and courageous but he was scared. He did not ever know that men had gotten pregnant at all but there he was in a large cave with his friend, a massively swollen belly to carry around with a sore back and aching hips and a child to worry about like his friend was in the same similar situation. "I agree." He had also paced around the cave, trying to find any ideas to face the situation he and his friend were both in.
"Look, they might try searching we should go a bit farther in." Talon suggested to Kade and began walking a bit deeper into the cave.
A stronger pain took hold and she couldn't help but stop and lean on the wall one hand rested on her belly well what ever the thing was inside her kicked and moved around.

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