The scientist. (Closed with secretsparrow.)
Kade had sighed with pleasure, feeling as though he were a purring kitten being petted. 'Yes Talon .. thank you."
"Your welcome, just try and relax ok? It'll all be better soon I promise." Though Talon wasn't realy sure she had hope they would both make it out of this just fine.
Kade was scared but he had hope for him and his beloved frend. He had nodded at his friend's words. He had rubbed his swollen stomach, feeling the baby inside of it calm down for a while.
after a few moments of quiet Talon asked what she was sure they were both wondering. "How long do you think it will take before there born?"
Kade had shrugged, not exactly sure. He had spoken softly to his beloved friend. "I am not sure. I hope that it is soon though."
anther pain caused her to groan how long had it been sence the last one? Talon wasn't sure. "I think the pains we keep feeling are contractions..." She said after the pain went away again.
Kade was indeed worried and had wanted the babies be born. He had sighed, feeling the pains increasing more and more till he could barely think or breathe straight.
Talon knew Kade had been the first injected so it would make sence he would be the first to deliver. "Just breath your doing fine." She said trying to confort him.
Kade had felt the baby inside of him move around restlessly. He had groaned, breathing deeply to get the pain to stop slightly. When the pain did not stop he had whimpered.
"It's alright.. your going to be ok." Talon said trying to calm him. "What can I do?"
Kade had panted heavier and heavier, trying to figure out what exactly what was happening. "I .. am not sure .."
"Where does it hurt?" she asked trying to figure out what exsactly to do to help him.
Kade had groaned in painful agony, speaking exactly where it hurt the worst at. "My stomach .."
Sparrow lightly pressed aginst his belly feeling around for anything out of place, or at least the baby's positon.
Kade had winced even from the light touched of his belly but he had clenched his teeth to avoid crying out. He had felt the baby inside of him moving around and squirming, trying to get in a head down position. Soon it was that way and it had tried to free itself from it's father.
Talon knew the baby was head down now, that was good at least, but she wasn't realy sure where it would come out of. She groaned feeling a pain of her own, thought like before it passed after only a minute.
Kade was worried about where the baby would escape from. He had also been worried about his beloved friend. He had felt as though the baby was ripping him apart from the inside out. He had soon felt a strong urge and had tried to resist but he had ended up pushing, groaning in agony as the baby had wanted out and had wanted that now.
Talon noticed him pushing and rubbed his back gently. "W-we need to get your pants off before you keep pushing." Talon said blushing brightly. "Sorry I know it hurts here.." She got up her self then offered a hand to help Kade up.
Kade had blushed as well, arising to his feet with help from his beloved friend Talon. He had taken his pants and boxers off, only pushing when he had felt the need to do that as he had squatted.
Talon held him in that position as best she could rubbing his back and trying to help. "your doing good, keep going Kade. I think your almost there." Like before she pressed one hand to his belly feeling for the position of the baby."

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