Unwelcome Changes (with Dots, Closed)
"Two young men find themselves in an unhappy way when one of them becomes pregnant."

Name: Tom Hunter.
Occupation: Drummer; student.
Age: 19.
Appearance: 5'10, average build and brown hair/eyes. Has a bit of a beard.
Seeder/Carrier: Seeder.
Misc/Other: Tom comes from a socially-conservative (if forward-thinking) family, but does not share most of their ideas and beliefs and is considered something of an unusual case among them.
Name: Sam Scott
Occupation: student.
Age: 19.
Appearance: 5'6 , slender with a little muscle, blonde hair and blue eyes.
Seeder/Carrier: Carrier.
Misc/Other: Sam comes from a normal family but he had split himself from his house and live alone in his apartment. he is a cute guy but he don't have many friends because he don't like social activity. he have a normal life before he had sex with the guy he know in the new year party and now he get pregnant for 3 months.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
The day Tom heard the news that would change his life forever, he was practising his drumming in his family garage. Seen as that was the only thing he did exceptionally well, his parents had arranged for him to go to a prestigious music school a long way from home, so he had to make sure he was at his best before he went away.
Sam was a normal student but not now when he get pregnant with the man that he don;t know anything about him. he try to keep his secret but his morning sickness make his parents know everything. his parents want him to get married with that man and they told about his pregnancy to Tom's parents now.Sam is very nervous now he don't know how to do with this pregnancy but he want to keep this baby.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Naturally, it came as quite a shock to Tom when his parents announced later the same day that they were withdrawing him from the music college he was being sent to. When he demanded an explanation, they explained that he was going to be a father and that he and the baby's mother were going to be married off so they could take care of the child.

"This is going to screw up my future!" he had yelled. "There's no way I'm gonna make it as a drummer now!"

"You should have thought of that before you did something so careless!" his mother had shot back. "I won't let my grandchild grow up without a father to save you from the consequences of being an irresponsible fool!"

The bottom line was, he was going to do it whether he liked it or not. Afterwards, Tom slunk away, growling like a lion, and rang the number they gave him to talk to his would-be babymama.
Sam was alone in his room. he don't want to meet anyone. he don't know what should he do no? his father told him that he must get married with the baby's father but he don't know anything about him. Sam is crying and rubbing his belly. he know that the baby will destroy his and Tom's life but this is his baby he never thought about abortion or something to harm the baby. Sam wiped his tears as he heard his phone. hie eyes open widely when he saw the number it's baby's father. "Hello I'm Sam how are you?" Sam stammer but try to make everything normal
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tom laughed bitterly. "Well, Sam, I'm doing pretty badly, actually. For starters, I've just been told that because I accidentally knocked up some guy I barely know, I won't be going to that nice music college I was all set to go to. I've been practising my drumming 'til my fingers were fit to fall off for the last three months, but apparently one mistake later it's like I never even qualified. Better yet, my parents are so backwards that I'm gonna have to marry that guy now, even though, again, I barely know him and likewise he barely knows me. Best of all, now those two rich yokels have me looking for job offers to support my new family, even though I can reasonably expect to be eligible for paternity leave by the time I get the job. Paternity leave, at my age!

"So, yeah, this is just to give you a heads-up and let you know the score on my end. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go work on my CV. Thanks for dragging me through the mud and killing my music career in the water, MOMMY! Have a NICE DAY!" He hung up with a loud thud and stomped off.
Sam shocked and cried with Tom's saying. He know that Tom will not like this but he did't think that Tom will be angry like this. "I'm sorry Tom but I don't know how to do with this baby I don't want to abort because this is my baby. I know that it destroy your life and it's destroy my lfe too but I can't harm this baby Tom. You can hate me but please don't hate the baby. If you want I will out of your life after the baby is out and you can be continue you career after that. I can be single mom Tom. " Sam say before Tom hung up. he know that is only one thing he can do. He hate this Tom's reaction and he thought that He want to be single mom more than let the baby grow up with violent dad.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tom's mood did not improve over the forty minutes it took him to update his CV. He grumbled to himself as he wrote. "Stupid Sam," he snarled. "Stupid parents. Stupid boys-can-get-pregnant rule. And stupid, stupid ME! What was I possibly thinking when I had sex with him?!"

His mother appeared in the doorway. "If you're going to be so childish about this," she said, "We may as well go to the Scott household tomorrow with you so we can discuss the matter with his parents like mature adults."

"What are you, my probation officer?" Tom grimaced. "What am I saying? Of course you are. You're my mother."

"That's right, I am," she said, "And I carried you around in my womb for nine months, then in my arms for many more months after that, and I raised you right. The least you can do is show me some respect."

Tom felt a little guilty after she said that. He fell back on his chair and groaned. "God dammit, Mum," he said. "I've just learned I'm gonna be a father. I've just learned that the baby's mother is someone I don't even know that well, and had a loud conversation with said mother on the phone. I've just learned that I'm gonna have to give up on the biggest dream I've ever had in my life so he and our kid can have a roof over their heads, and there's no way out of this situation that doesn't result in me pissing somebody off big-time! I'm not in the goddamn mood!"

There was a tense pause between them. Tom suddenly slammed the lid of his laptop shut and buried his face in his arms, crying angry and miserable tears. His mother, despite her strictness, came over to him and offered him a comforting hug. "You'll be alright, Tom," she whispered. "I just know you will."
Sam is still in his room. his head is blank about everything now. He don't want to do anything don't want to meet anything. Sam lay his back to the bed and try to sleep but he can't. no way for him to not worry about his pregnant and the baby's father. "What should I do now?" Sam says and rubs his belly. "Hey boy mama love you so much but your papa don't want you. it's okay you can live with mama and you'll rise to be a good man mama promise" Sam close his eye and try to sleep again as he head some one come in his room.

"Dad? why are you here? I think you're in the office now" Sam say tiredly and sit up on the bed. He love his dad. Dad always help him to do everything.

"I'm worry about you son. you should eat something" Dad say and put the food on the table. "you've not eaten anything since yesterday. It's no reason for you to do like this son" Dad walk to Sam and hug him.

Sam remember this embrace it's always make him feel safe since he was child. "Dad I don't know what should I do now. I had talked with that man but it's useless. he told me that I destroy his life. it's a truth but It's only one way in my head."

"Hey son you don't need to thought about it. if that man don't want you and your baby. you still have dad and mom. we'll help you everything and you know? dad is very happy to know that dad will have grandchild soon. Just calm down and do the best thing for the baby"
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tom slumped in the backseat as his parents drove around to the Scotts' house. "Are you going to be mature about this, or are you going to sit in the car, son?" his father asked him.

"No way you're leaving me out here," he said defiantly, getting out of the car.

Tom's parents marched him up to the front door and knocked on it.

"Be diplomatic, now, Tom," his mother warned. "You've made this situation bad enough without making it worse." He grunted but said nothing back.
Sam open the door slowly he know that who are the people outside the door. "Good morning!! Ms.Hunter glad you come to my home. Please come in my dad are waiting in the living room" Sam say and lead all Hunter family to the living room. Sam try to not look at the Tom but he know that Tom is very upset now.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tom knew he was treading hot water long before he saw the faces of Mr. & Mrs. Scott; seeing their "you hurt my little boy's feelings" looks only confirmed what he already knew. His parents introduced themselves in a relatively cordial manner and were received with friendly smiles, but he just got the frowny face treatment. 'This won't end well,' he thought miserably.
Sam smile to Mr. & Mrs. Hunter but he try to not look at Tom's face. He's very scare with that face. "How should we do with it? we need to talk about it. I don't want my son is only one who bear this." Mr.Scott ask to the Hunter family. "I know that it's accident but we need to find a solution for it. we both had ever got pregnant and we know how hard of it." Mrs.Scott say and smile. she know that anger is not a good solution.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"That might be problematic," said Tom sardonically. "You see, much as I'd love to play the part of the glorified sperm donor who gets your son pregnant and then does a runner, I believe my parents have other ideas."

"As tactful as my son is" - his mother glared at him disapprovingly - "he's right: we believe it best that he take responsibility for his part in all this and take care of your son and their child."
Sam shocked again as he heard Sam saying. he grab his hand and look at his father. "It's okay my son. Dad will protect you" Dad rub Sam's hair to calm him down than continue to solve the problem.

"I have apartment in the town we bought it last year for Sam when he get married and begin his family. Sam and Tom can move into that apartment. I think it's good thing if they've started his family by themselves" Dad offer the solution .
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"That is an excellent start," Mr. Hunter said. "You will, of course, have our full cooperation in this matter. We take this as seriously as you do."

"And just to assure you that they're not kidding," Tom spoke up again, "I was about to enter music college to get my career as a drummer in motion. They paid a lot of money to get me there, all of it non-refundable, but the moment they heard that I got Sam pregnant, they pulled me out of it and said there was no way I was going to turn my back on their grandchildren." Noting Sam's ill-at-ease expression he added, "And if you're expecting me to be physically or emotionally abusive, don't. I don't have a temper problem or a bullying personality. Maybe some days my emotions run high, but I'm not about to turn into a domestic abuser - especially not when this mess is partially my fault anyway."
Mr.s Scott smile to Tom. "Glad to hear that Tom I know that you're very upset with this but everyone here try to find the good solution and this is the best now" Dad say while looking at Tom. "Hey You know? this isn't the end of your life. You can do many best thing soon just calm down and take care yourself" Dad say and turn to look at Sam "Son it's time for you to say something"

Sam was shivering when dad said that. He is not a coward but many thing happened make him scare to do anything. "T...Thanks for you all to come here and find the good solution. I don't know that How can I carry this baby? but I'll do the best as I can. I promise that I'll be a good mother" San say and look at Tom.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tom nodded "Then... I guess I'll be a good father. As good as I can be, anyway," he said in turn.

"And don't think we'll settle for anything less," his father added.
"No everything is really good Thanks for everything." Dan say while looking at Sam and Tom. "I hope you'll have a good life after this"

One week later
Sam and Tom move into new apartment. Sam start to work at the fast food restaurant. He know that it's not a good job but He must do it for his new family. Although everyone call it family but not with Sam and Tom. they live like stranger. No love no take care just live his own life in the same apartment. Sam know that Tom is still upset with this and he don't want to make it worse than now. Sam has bad morning sickness but he try to hide it form Tom because He is worry that it'll make Tom annoyed.

Today Sam back early to the apartment. his work and morning sickness make he feel so bad but he has many things to do now because the housework is his duty. Tom start to work at somewhere he don't know but his work is so hard and Sam know that he should do the housework.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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