The scientist. (Closed with secretsparrow.)

Kade had nodded, closing his eyes and clenching his teeth together as he had felt a few hard and harsh kicks from the twins. He was scared about what would happen when he had went to the hospital but knew that that was much more safer than being with that sadistic scientist.

Talon rubbed her belly trying to calm them, sometimes she would groan but she tried to be quiet not wanting Kade to worry about her. The hospital was an hour from where they were, The two would have quiet a long car trip.

Kade had closed his eyes, slumbering for a while whenever the babies were not kicking up a storm. He had slept for a while and had dreamed about many pleasant things to distract his mind.

After awhile they arrived at the hospital, Talon got out opening the door for Kade. "Still doing alright?" She asked trying to give him a reassuring smile. She held out a hand to help him up.

Kade had opened his eyes as the car had stopped, getting up to his feet slowly as the pain had started up once more. He had smiled slightly at his friend, trying to hide his fears but it did not seem to work as the pains had gotten closer together and more intense. "Yeah .. just pains here and there but I am alright." He had said softly to his friend Talon. "Are you alright? He asked his friend, worried about her as well.

"Will be.... come on, can you walk?" She gasped as a pain took over her she couldn't help but groan putting a hand on the side of the car until it faded.

Kade had nodded, helping his friend walk as well as both of them had braced themselves for pain. He had walked into the hospital beside his friend, signing his friend and getting into a room where he was being checked by a few nurses.

The nurses were baffled by Kade's condition they checked him over asking question after question.
After being checked over Talon had asked to go see Kade, despite the nurse's protest they soon let her. "Hey." She said walking in to his room. "I won't stay to long I promise."

Kade had been nervous of all the questions but he had answered them. Finally when the nurses had left the room he had sighed with relief, smiling when his beloved friend Talon was entering the room he was in. 'Hey Talon." .. "You can stay as long as you want. To be honest I feel safer with you here." He had said softly with a chuckle.

Talon felt the same way she pulled up a chair sitting down next to him. "What did they say? A lot of questions I assume , they wouldn't stop asking me things when I tried to tell them what had happened. I don't think this is the first time they have seen this."

Kade had felt safe when he was around his friend. He had sighed, placing a hand upon his stomach. "They said that it was strange that I got pregnant." He had felt relieved that he was in the room alone with his friend.

"Well it is a bit strange, but not the strangest thing that has happened." Talon winced pressing a hand to the side where her baby kicked. "There still active I wish they would stop." Talon complained.

Kade had nodded, agreeing with his beloved friend. He was tired after a long day but he had stayed awake for a while longer. He had winced as he had felt his babies kicking, wincing as he had rubbed his sore stomach. "I wish that mine would stop kicking too."

Talon closed her eyes laying her head near his arm and relaxing with her eyes closed. "Get some rest if you can, we have been up a logn time and I am not going to go anywhere so don't worry about that."

Kade had smiled, closing his eyes as well and sleeping for a while. He had dreamed about many things and sleeping through the evening and night. He had yawned in a few hours, rubbing his eyes and stretching his body out.

Talon lay her head rested on his arm her eyes close, she was still asleep at the moment. After a few minutes she awoke raising her head and looking up at Kade. " long was I out?" She asked rubing sleep from her eyes.

Kade had gotten up slowly, keeping his arm still that his friend was laying her head upon. He had looked down at his friend, smiling softly as he had gazed down into his friend's lovely eyes as a friend would. "Good morning Talon .. and we have both been asleep for a few hours. I just woke up."

"Ah well good morning." She said back, the babies had stopped moving well she slept but now they were up again and back to moving around. she rubbed her belly wincing and trying to calm there movements.

Kade had wanted his own babies to stop moving as well. They had awoken and became even more restless like they were so many times before. He had rubbed his own stomach, sighing as he had gotten up and had walked around the room with a hand upon his aching back.

Talon walked with him feeling quiet restless when she could not get the babies to stop moving she let out a sigh and just tried to deal with it gritting her teeth when ever the kicked particularly hard.

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