Unwelcome Changes (with Dots, Closed)
Tom pulled the quilt over their bodies and sighed as he reached for the lamp behind him, switching off the light. "Good night, Sam," he whispered, coming up close behind the pregnant boy and wrapping an arm around his belly.

(So what now?)
Many weeks ago.
Sam's in his home today is hie holiday and the his important day because it's his birthday. He buy some cake for himself because no one know about it even Tom. His mom called him as the morning and ask anything about him. his pregnancy, his life and his relationship. Sam tell the truth to his mom about his pregnancy but not for his life and relationship. he lied his mom he told she that he and Tom have a good relationship but it''s not. it's better than the begin but it can't call love or something like that.
He get the cake from fridge and put it on the dining table. he want to do it before Tom return home. "Happy birthday Sam. Have a good year and good babies" I say as he rubs his belly. he know about the risky of his pregnancy and he try to control his stress all along.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(I think you mean later. Ago is in the past. Also, brace yourself for incoming drama.)

Tom burst into the apartment. He was absolutely livid. "Sam!" he yelled. "I know you're in here, so you might as well come out and face me!"
(Sorry I don't understand but if you want anything just tell)

Sam shivered as he heard Tom's sound. He should be in his workplace now. he try to hind his cake but no time for it. "H...hey Tom why you're here? came back home early?" Sam ask and try to make everything normal.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(Don't worry. That was just a little obtuse foreshadowing.)

"I decided to take a little visit to the doctor," Tom replied icily, "To find out what exactly you've been hiding from me. He told me about your pregnancy, and that it's a high-risk condition with lots of potential to go wrong." He marched up and grabbed Sam by the arms. "Why didn't you tell me about this?!"
Sam shocked as he heard Tom told him about his pregnancy he know that he can't hide if forever but this is too fast. "It's just risk Tom Yeah!! It's high risk but it's just a risk. it's may be not happen" Sam stammer but try to make everything normal. Sam push Tom away he know that it will make his mood run high but he don't want to be here now. "I just don't want to be your trouble you work so hard for us. You have many things to think about it. your work, your dream, our future. Please why you never understand me?" Sam shout and walk back to the kitchen. he don't care anything now. Sam throw his cake to the trash. "Bad life!!! Suck life!!! I can't bear with it anymore" He shout again he know this is not good for him and the babies but he can't stop himself now
(I'm open if you want to do something just tell)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(Oh, I know. I kind of wanted to blindside your character with that revelation.)
"Oh no, Sam," Tom started as he followed him. "Don't you dare try to turn me into the bad guy here. You're the one who's been keeping secrets and trying to keep me out of the loop, on the basis that I apparently don't have the constitution to be a parent. And furthermore, you do not have a bad life. I've taken good care of you every night, volunteered to help every time you needed it and dealt with the giant steps you've taken around me like you're afraid I'm gonna snap. If you find life unpleasant right now, it's entirely of your own making, so don't try to pin this on me."

He pulled Sam's face around to look at his. "Finally, get this through your head: stop keeping unpleasant secrets from me. I'm thick-skinned and I can take things like this. But you lying to me? I'm hurt by your lack of faith in me, honestly, that you think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown all the time."
Sam shocked as Tom said everything about his. He know that it's all the truth but he don't know why he still feel bad with this ,with everything. "You never understand me Tom, never ever!!. I have many question about us. our relationship. why do you take care me? because it's your duty?, what is our relationship?, roommate?, How long we can handle this? It's many questions Tom and I've never had the answer for it. I don't know why do we still be here? and the important thing is you!! I don't know Tom I don't know anything about you." Sam shout and push Tom away from him. "Please Tom I know that it's entirely of my own making but I can't!! I can't bear with this anymore. I think we should divorce as fast as we can. Can you do it for me? it's last thing I'll ask from you. Please do it to be my birthday present" Sam say and try to not cry. everything is hard for him but he want to end everything now.
"You're not a bad guy Tom but I can't live with this anymore. don't worry about our parents. I'll tell them the truth and I think they will understand us" Sam say gently before he walk to the bedroom. he don't want to see that eyes anymore. Sam feel bad cramp from his belly but he think it's a normal thing now when he's very nervous . Sam lie down on the bed and rub his belly to relieve his pain.
(I think this is more fun for me and with bad situation about the pregnancy too. but if you don't like it just tell me)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(Well, TBH, the arguing is starting to wear on me. I do like getting through it and the relationship being stronger for it, but arguing for the sake of drama isn't my idea of fun. Sorry. Can we work towards a conclusion of this argument? We can keep the bad situation with the pregnancy going if you like.)
Tom refused to let it end like that. He went after Sam. "You can't hide from this, Sam," Tom said adamantly. "We're in this together. You think I'm sticking around because I want to do my duty? You want to know more about me? You don't ask, you don't let me in. Don't you realise I'm not a mind-reader?" He saw Sam lying on the bed and went over to him.

"And why am I here?" he asked rhetorically, sitting on the bed. "I'm here because I want to make this work out between us, you stubborn fool. Those babies in there?" He pointed to Sam's growing stomach. "They're our babies. You can't provide for them alone, even with your family's support, because they need a father figure, not just their mother. You've been pulling me in to love them regardless of how I feel about you and now you're pushing me away, desperate to hold me at arms length. You can't have it both ways, you know."
(yeah it's okay just tell me what you like to do and Yeah I still want bad situation I really it if you don't mind)
Sam's eyes opened widely as he heard Tom said everything about him. he don't reply anything and take a time to calm him down. "Yeah Tom I don't know anything about you and because I didn't ask you but You never told anything to me too. it's make me try to hide everything because I'm scare about you Tom. Please Tell me Tom!!!!! Tell me everything about you, tell me what you want me to know or what I have to know about you." Sam shout and stop it immediately as he feel the worse pain inside hie belly but he still try to hind it. "I know Sam They're our babies but I can't let my babies live with the father that I don't know anything about him. Tell me what you want to do about this babies. Tell the trurh Tom if you did it because it's your duty I'll take care them by myself." Sam shout as he breathe heavily.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"That's fair," Tom conceded. "But stop shouting, would you? Think of the children. They don't deserve all this stress." After a moment, he went on. "I come from a conservative family but don't share their outlook, for a start. I eat healthily, but many think I eat too much meat. I have a few friends, but I'm only a little popular. I used to go to a public school until a row over a girlfriend I had there led my parents to separate me from her by enrolling me in a private school miles away; they knew time and distance would do what they could not. That wasn't the last time they intervened "for my own good" either, though it still stings. I never did learn what became of her after I left.

"I'm not much good at hard maths, science or literature, but I kick serious ass as a musician. I took up the drums as my primary instrument, but can also play electric guitar, bass, mandolin, some keyboards and a bit of trumpet music. As you may recall, I was due to set out for a music college to prepare for a career in drums and play in a band, but my parents pulled the plug on that plan so I could settle down and provide for my new family. I'll never make it big in music, but working at a music store has let me at least stick with what I know." He paused, waiting for a response.
Sam surprise about the answer. He never known about Tom's girlfriend and that's make Tom feel so bad and the truth that Sam and the babies destroy Tom's dream still be the worst thing. "Yeah Tom but Can you tell me more? what you like to eat? what you like to do apart from everything about music?" Sam say and try to hide his pain. "I know Tom I destroy your love I destroy your dream.you may be studying in music college if you haven't met me.You may live with your girlfriend if I didn't get pregnant" Sam turn his face and look to Tom. "Tom please tell the truth that do you want me to be beside you? and what should I do for it? please tell me the truth. I don't wanna destroy your life more than now." Sam say tiredly as the pain make he feel so bad.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"We can talk about my eating habits later," Tom replied. "And honestly, there isn't much else I enjoy. Music is the whole of my existence. Or should I say, it was." He reached out and placed a hand on Sam's belly. "To be honest, all of that's in the past now. We're in the present right now, Sam - me and you. And the babies. And I'd like for you and them to be with me in the future as well, if you'll have me." He began to caress the other boy's roundness, heavy with his children.
Sam surprise with the answer. Tom want Sam to be with him? Can Sam and Tom get better that now? and there are many question is Sam's head now but he try to not think about it because the pain is so bad now. Sam moan softly as Tom start to caress with him. it's feel so good it's a one thing that he want Tom to do with him since they had got married. Sam want to response that touch but the pain is so very bad. He grab his belly as the feel the sharp pain run into his belly and his belly is rock now. "Ahhhh what happen to me? T.....Tom can you help me?" Sam say tiredly as he cry out in pain.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"Hang in there," Tom said levelly, "I'll call the hospital and get an ambulance round." He left the room to find the phone.
Sam grab his belly as he feel the pain hit him over and over. He take a deep breath and try to be better but he can't. "AHhh it's pain" He say as he cry out. "Tom please be with me" Sam call Tom from the inside the room
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tom was getting impatient but tried not to let that become apparent during his call. "Alright, ten minutes," he said. "But make sure it's the fastest you can get here. My children's lives may be on the line."

He put the phone down and rushed to Sam's side. "I'm here for you," he whispered. (What exactly are you getting at? I'm weirded out by all this pain in the abdomen.)
(It's a pain because the stress and Sam's risk but it's okay the babies are fine)
Sam hold Tom;s hand and squeeze it tightly. he try to hid his pain and don't make Tom feel bad but he can't. "I know Tom this happened because of me. I'm sorry for everything" Sam say and he breath heavily. the pain still hits him over and over and he don't know how to do now.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tom grimaced before he regained some feeling in his hand. "Sam, listen to me," he grunted. "You have got to pull yourself together. The doctor said all this stress you're putting yourself under is putting the babies at risk. The ambulance will be around in a few minutes - relax, damn it!"
Sam's crying out as he look at Tom. "I'm scare Tom." He say tiredly and he place Tom's hand on his belly. "Tom I know this's is not time to say but can you do something for me. Hug me or anything you can for help me to relax. I love your warmth I love your touch it's only one thing that help me now"
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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