Closed Home birth [closed with 018Luxio]
Felix paced back and forth slowly at the foot of the bed, phone in hand. He wasn't sure if it was time yet to call his midwife. His contractions were still quite far apart so they may have been false ones, but he wasn't certain. His home was ready for the birth, with towels and hot water and a birth pool all set up for him. He decided to call his midwife, dialling the number and waiting for the phone to pickup. "Hello? It's me, Felix. I think it's time."
Birth lover!
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"Alright, just relax, I'll be there in 10 minutes or so" Chris hangs up soon after Felix does before grabbing his bag and heading out to the car. After making the ten minute drive to Felix's house he parks the car on the curb before getting out and heading up to the door, ringing the doorbell.
Felix waddled up to the door, letting Chris in. He was massaging his belly and trying to keep his breathing steady. "Thank god you're here," he panted lightly. He was living alone due to the fact that his boyfriend left him when he got pregnant, so his midwife was his only support.
Birth lover!
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On discord @zlastname
Chris comes into the house before going to set his bag down as he looks around the house, the birthing pool set up in the middle of the living room along with stacks of towels on the coffee table. He turns his attention back to Felix soon after, his hand moving along the younger mans back "How far apart are the contractions?"
Felix rubbed his heavy, contracting belly. "About 8 minutes," he sighed, slowly starting to remove his clothes so Chris could fully examine him. He pulled off his shirt, exposing his taut, domed belly, and his slightly swollen, leaking chest. Next off came his, til he was only in his underwear, for now.
Birth lover!
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On discord @zlastname
Chris looks him over before running his hand over Felix's stomach. "Do you want to sit down? Rest while you can?"
Felix nodded. "Yeah, sitting for a bit would be good." As he moved to sit down on a nearby armchair, he felt a twinge in his belly - there was a splash as his water broke, the fluid gushing out and forming a puddle below him. "Ooof.." he groaned softly
Birth lover!
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On discord @zlastname
"It shouldn't be much longer now" Chris goes to grab a towel before coming back to clean up the puddle. "But I would wait until the contractions are closer before moving into the pool"
Felix nodded through his gritted teeth. "Ah-ah, okay," he groaned, feeling the baby shifting and squirming in his womb. He could feel his cervix opening up wider with every contraction, causing him horrible pain.
Birth lover!
Love to RP with pics & short videos
On discord @zlastname
Chris moves over to the chair to slowly run his hands along Felix's back in an attempt to ease his sore muscles and to offer even a small anount of comfort. "Have you decided on names?" He figured that maybe a change of subject might help speed things along or at least take Felix's mind of the labor for now.
"Jack, maybe," he smiled softly, rubbing his belly between contractions and gripping Chris' shoulders tightly during them, vocalising loudly. "Ohhhhh!" he moaned through a contraction. "they're getting closer."
Birth lover!
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On discord @zlastname
Chris continues to rub Felix's back for another minute or two before nodding. "I'll get the pool ready" Chris goes to get the pool ready, filling it about half full for the time being.
Felix follows Chris to the tub, sitting nearby while he waits for it to fill. "Mmmph.." he grunts between contractions, a solid discomfort setting it. "I think I'm almost fully dilated."
Birth lover!
Love to RP with pics & short videos
On discord @zlastname
Before Felix gets into the pool Chris checks to see how much he had dilated before helping him into the pool. "Your about 8 centimeters, should be fully dilated within the hour"
Felix nodded, groaning softly as Chris helped him into the pool. The lukewarm water was very soothing against his taut belly and sensitive lower parts. He could feel the baby squirming and moving inside, ready for birth.
Birth lover!
Love to RP with pics & short videos
On discord @zlastname
Chris helps Felix into the pool before taking his seat on the couch, there wasn't much he could do until the baby was ready to be born.
Felix leaned back against the edge of the pool as he let the contractions work their way through his body, the pain radiating from his navel through his belly, down into his birth canal and up his back. His knuckles were white from gripping the edge of the pool so hard.

After a few hours labouring, Felix felt the baby's head pressing solidly against his cervix. "Ohhhhhhhhh god I need to push!" he screamed out in pain.
Birth lover!
Love to RP with pics & short videos
On discord @zlastname
Chris nods before he moves over to the side of the pool "Whenever your ready, push with the contractions, it should help move things along" He offers Felix his hand if he wanted to take it.
Felix gripped onto Chris' hand, squeezing it hard as he bore down and pushed. "NNNNNNGH!" he screamed out, pushing with all his strength, working with his contractions. As he pushed, he felt the baby moving slowly through his cervix, into his birth canal.
Birth lover!
Love to RP with pics & short videos
On discord @zlastname
"Take a breath, your doing great" Chris grabs a rag that was in a bowl of cold water and runs it over Felix's forehead and around the back of his neck.

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