Medical testing [closed with Dots]
Times were hard, Tobias was a young artist struggling to find work. He tried everything, even modeling. But despite his slender build, silky black hair, sharp blue eyes, and handsome face, they said he was too "bony"....which was true, he did have bony hands...but with bills and rent looming, he had to find something.

An ad in the paper caught his attention. A local medical research facility was doing open trials, and the reward was a hefty paycheck. He couldn't resist, he needed the money and figured it would just be a drug study or something. Boy, was he wrong.

He was the only tester who stayed after the presentation, and for good reason, none of the other men were willing to be altered in such a way. The trial was for a new hormone treatment that would take a grafting of stem cells in the abdomen and create a functioning womb, complete with a working vaginal opening. Tobias thought it was crazy, but figured the pay was worth it and it would make him famous. So he went through with the procedure.

It took weeks, first surgery, then heavy treatments with hormones and stabilizing drugs. Not to mention the radiation treatments that enhanced the growth hormone mix and helped speed things along. It was going well, and Tobias was getting anxious to try out his new equipment, despite the doctors strictly forbidding sex.....but, sex with himself didn't count, right? Somehow, with some imaginative positioning and awkward bending, he managed to pent rate himself. It felt amazing, who knew fucking yourself could be a good thing? He blew his load hard, filling himself up and sleeping like a baby.

His final treatment was that morning, and he was already late. He hurried in, meeting the nurses who started his IV. He didn't mention his little romp with himself, he just waited for the doctor to come in and use that weird precision radiation machine on him again ....once it was over, he'd have a nice fat check to take home. The doctor rolled the machine in, followed by one of the head nurses, giving Tobias a warm smile. "Alright, Tobias, Last treatment. After this, you can go home for a few months. I'll be wanting any updates about your condition." He said as he set the machine up, aiming a tube at his lower belly. He fired it up and sent a few bursts of radiation into him...Then shut it down. "Nurse, I want you to look after him for a while, make sure he doesn't get sick like last time." he said, nodding to them and heading back out of the room to fill out some paperwork for Tobias.
"OKay Doctor I'll be with him and look after him" Sam said before the doctor headed back out off the room. "Mr.Tobias everything will be play and you'll be the wonderful man" Sam said and start to check up everything and make sure that everything is okay. He saw something strange but it's not necessary now. the treatment is perfect just need to look after.
(you want to labor here or at Tobias's house?)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias sighed and leaned back in his seat as the nurse looked him over. He felt a bit odd this time, but ignored it for now. "I guess everything went well...I guess the doctor will want to know if I start having cycles...." he said, referring to getting his period.
That odd feeling only got stronger, feeling like a weight and pressure in his lower belly. "Aah...wh-what?" He gasped, hand moving to the spot. It felt warm and firm, and sure enough he could feel something. He lifted his shirt, showing his normally flat stomach was starting to round out very slowly. "This is normal, right? Swelling?" He asked, sounding nervous.
(Probably in a hospital room)
Sam shocked when He saw that. Tobias's belly is growing and it's not in a plan. He walk to Tobias and start to check everything. "I guess no Tobias. it's not normal thing." Sam try to explain but he had never seen something like this before. "Tobias I think your sperm fertilize with your new egg and I think you get pregnant with yourself" Sam say and start to massage Tobias's belly. he feel something is growing and it's not only one baby.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias stared at his growing belly, already looking six months along. He paused when Sam mentioned being pregnant with himself, staring at him. " did you know?" He asked, face flushing with embarrassment. "I never told anyone I...umm...had sex with myself." He said, looking nervous.

Soon after he said that, he gasped, feeling a flutter of movement. "Oh, man....this is really happening."
"It's not important that how can I know it now. I think you should focus on your pregnancy because it's not normal pregnancy and your womb is really new. It's will be hard and very long labor if you need to do it." Sim said and start to prepare for the labor. He not really know that how can Tobias do it? but Sam know that Tobias really want his help when the labor has come. "Just breath and wait now we need to check your pregnancy" Sam explain and start to check the pregnancy. it's too fast and Sam know that the labor is coming soon.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias winced, feeling the life within him shift and roll as it grew. Hands moving to his belly, trying to calm the activity. "Nnh..." he groaned, quickly reaching the size of a full term pregnancy.....but it kept growing.

" won't stop." He panted, watching his swollen belly roll and shift with the babies inside. Soon he looked overdue with twins, and ithe kept going. The growing slowed as it reached the size of quadruplets, making Tobias start to panic. "Oh, shit....oh's huge!"
"Yeah I know it's huge as I told you. this's not normal pregnancy. It will be long and hard labor but don't worry I'll be here and help you everything you want" Sam said as check at Tobias. "you're dilated now Tobias I think you need to push soon but we need to wait untill you water broke and you feel the contraction. Just breath now"
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias was freaking out, he needed to be moved from the lab room to a proper hospital room nearby. He tried to control his breathing, but he was just freaking out more. "Dilated? I...I haven't even had contractions." He said, looking confused...until a powerful contraction seized his middle and made him cry out in pain. He gasped for air through it, closing his eyes tight until it passed. His water hadn't broken, but it would likely break with the next contraction.
"Good Tobias you're doing good just breath and wait now. If you want anything just tell me" Sam said and put the towels on the bed between Tobias's legs. He start to massage the huge and round belly. "It'll help in your pain but you need to control your breath and if yous water broke it's time to push"
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
This was going too fast for Tobias to think, just a few minutes ago he was normal, now he was about to give birth to overdue multiples. "Ok....ok, breathe...." he said to himself, trying to control his breathing. But another powerful contraction threw that out the window. He cried out, feeling the pressure build within him until his water broke with a loud pop. Fluid gushed from him and all he could do was curl and push hard. He screamed through clenched teeth, feeling the first baby move a little.
Sam shocked when Tobias's water had broken. it's not new thing for him because He help the doctor in labor many times but this's not normal labor. it's large amount of water. Sam wipe some sweat from Tobias's forehead and reach to his legs to check it. "It's time to push Tobias just breath and push when you feel the contraction."
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias panted as his contraction passed, eyes still closed tight. He gripped the bed as another came on, "NNNNGGGHHHH-AAAAHHHHHUUUGH!" He cried out as he pushed, feeling the first baby slowly inch into the birth canal. He collapsed back as the contraction ended, trembling from the pain. "Its too big!" he cried, shaking his head as another contraction came and forced him to push. Each push hardly moved the baby, and he could feel the others squirming inside him, fighting over who would be next.
I wipe the sweat on Tobias's forehrad and rub it fro calm him down. "It's okay Tobias you're doing great but I think the babies are too big. You need to push harder when the next contraction has come" Sam say and rach to Tobias's legs again. He didn't see the head now. "You need to push more Tobias" Sam say and start to massag Tobias's belly
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias whimpered as his contraction ended, shifting his legs slightly and curling as the next came on, trying to push as hard as he could. He felt the baby move a little more, making his opening start to bulge outward. But it still wasn't crowning. "G-god...I am pushing as hard as I can." He gasped, taking the pause between contractions to try and recover and breathe before he had to grit his teeth and push again.
"I know Tobias but it's not enough for the babies now I think you need to rest now and push harder" Sam say as he look at his birth canal.Sam saw the head now but it's very small part fo the big head but he know that it's not time to tell Tobias about it. "It's okay Tobias. you're doing great I can see the head now just push more and If you wan me to do something just tell me."
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias tried just breathing through several contractions, trying to recover so he didn't wear himself out too quickly. He looked to Sam when he said he could see the head, frowning. "Painkillers....I need painkillers....anything to take the edge off." He panted, rolling his head back and breathing through another contraction.
"Bad news Tobias we don't hvae painkillers here you need to ralax and bear with it by yourself. Just breath Tobias I see the head now but it's stuck and you can rest for recover now but you need to push soon" Sam said as he massage Tobias's belly he know that it's only one thing can help in his pain"
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Tobias groaned loudly when the other told him he didn't have painkillers. "Nothing at all? Damnit." He gasped, arching his back slightly as Sam massaged his belly. "I don't need to be completely numb, I just need the edge taken off....I can't relax like this.....Nngh..." He grunted before crying out as he tried pushing again. The baby's head was starting to crown, slowly spreading him open as more and more became visible. His opening bulged out even more, stretched to its limits.
"I'm sorry to say it again but we don't have any painkillers Tobias. You need to do it by yourself I can help only what I can. Relax Tabias my massage is not normal massage it'll help in your pain but it's not much to make you don't feel anything in your labor" Sam try to explain as he move his hand around hege belly. He saw the head now it's just the top of the head but it's too huge and Sam know that Tobias need to push more to let it out. "More Tabias you first baby is coming"
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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