Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime)

Steve let his confusion show on his face. As well as his arousal from the story, but he had to think past that first. No amount of ribaldry could paint over genuine turmoil. "Maybe it's my modern philosophy talking, and maybe it's too much to ask for such an ancient time, but aren't punishments supposed to change the way people think first and foremost? The problem was that he didn't care about insulting pregnant women, so that lack of...caring-ness is what needs to be addressed. How would making him pregnant fix that? I think it'd just blow everything out of proportion and make it difficult to understand what's real and what isn't anymore. Even if you did accept male pregnancy as a possibility, that kind of punishment just reeks of petty spite to the extreme, and I think that guy probably never learned his lesson directly because--"

Steve had to stop and blink. All of this came pouring out of him from nowhere. Or maybe...not nowhere, but somewhere he couldn't feel. He saw Will's face and started blustering. "E-Er, all I'm saying is there's a reason sensitivity training is the standard practice these days. Maybe I need to remind myself what's real and what isn't, haha...ha...Spit-roasted, huh? I bet that was fun. If only there were VODs of that shit...!"

He looked down on his body. If there was some link to all this through him, then he didn't know what the hell he would do.

"Back then, punishment wasn't about changing minds or being rehabilitated.  It was all about breaking a person.  It wasn't kind."  He took Steve's hand then threaded their fingers together.  "Believe it or not, he did learn his lesson.  Men of that village didn't abandon their wives for fear of becoming just like him.  No man wanted to be the next town whore and breeder."  

Tension fled Steve's body at the feel of Will's hand in his. That soft and warm skin, that calm face after a tirade like that...he hoped that the old guy didn't mind a slightly insane man for a boyfriend. He made a very quiet but nervous laugh.

" it was an example, too? I guess that makes sense," conceded Steve, partly just to make himself feel better. "That's still messed up, but I guess that's better than just putting his head on a pike. And, haha, like you said, he wasn't lonely..."

Some desperate pang of insecurity and dread compelled him to roughly pull Will's head to his and kiss him. Even the idea of something like that happening to him - even the idea of Will comparing him to that man - rushed thoughts of "Please don't hate me" into each stroke of his tongue. It was stupid, he knew it was, but he tried to make up for it by using some of his new skill as a kisser. All that practice with the man wasn't going to waste; at least that much was clear!

Will kissed Steve back with the same amount of passion the pregnant man gave him.  When they finally put apart, he smiled and slowly traced his hand over Steve's jaw.  "I'm not sure what's going into you but I'm glad you did that.  You're a very good kisser."  He smirked. 

"If you want to know more about it, just ask me. I'll tell you what you want to know." 

Steve sighed and shrugged. "I think that's enough for now. I've made myself anxious about something that happened thousands of years ago or whatever; I'd rather just spend some quality time with my boyfriend."

It was a lie he couldn't help telling. He wanted to know everything, but he knew his heart couldn't take that much strain all at once. He had to let things happen and only ask when he was ready to hear the answers. But thank God Will was such a nice guy...if there were to be any man with the power to impregnate him, Steve'd prefer it to be him.

Will kissed Steve's temple before he nodded.  "Quality time can involve learning more."  He teased before he leaned over and licked the pregnant man's nipple.  "We could make it a game.  Maybe I get to choose a spot on your body for every piece of information you want." 

Steve bit his lip as he mulled over the idea. Or he tried to through the haze of lust Will loved blowing over him. "I guess. Sure, we can do that. Just, uh, keep doin' what you're doin'. That's your fee for tellin' me about all that stuff..."

He felt obscene as warm saliva and a wet tongue drowned his fattened and supple breast. "U-Uh, okay...once you're done, tell me what your favorite period of history is and why."

Will popped his mouth off Steve's nipple then smiled. "I don't really have a favorite time period. I liked different eras for different reasons but all had some bad points. I do like having internet and electricity though so I'll go with today."

"Huh. Good answer, old timer. So that just leaves me, then..." Steve spread his legs on the bed a little wider and pushed out his stomach, breasts bouncing a little on the turgid flesh. "My body's your party, and it's going all night!"

But then he remembered he had to ask another question. "Oh, right. Uh...who was your best lover in all your years? And you can't just be lazy and say me: as flattering as that would be, you'd at least have to tell me the second best."

"There was a cocky, young man during the Rise of the Roman Empire.  He liked to challenge man to see just how strong he was.  He challenged the wrong man, lost, and began that man's body slave.  He was very skilled with his mouth and his body was so responsive."  Will answered with a grin.  "I liked stretching his ass.  He was the first." 

" like dominating arrogant guys?" Steve flexed his taint, making his cock jump. "That have anything to do with me, by chance? Although I wouldn't say I was overconfident so much as unhappy...whatever."

Steve sighed at Will's lecherous touch. "I guess I can tell you one in turn. I didn't have any relationships, per se, but one guy I bagged at a bar was so into me, it was a little scary. He wanted me to plow into him for hours on end, and so I did - what, I was lonely and unemployed - and in the morning he just left. I asked him if he wanted to go again sometime, and he just gave me this disgusted face. I dunno what his deal was, but his ass was as tight as a steel bolt! Ah...yep. Didn't end up sounding as good as I thought it would in my head. Oh well."

"Hmm..." Steve pinched his left nipple for 'inspiration'. "Were you around when they were writing the Kama Sutra? Cuz honestly, I have a hard time believing folks were really that flexible..."

"Two people aren't but you get enough bodies and you can pull all every single move," Will explained with a devilish half smirk.  "I was around during that time.  You would be very surprised about how easy it was to get into those private rooms as long as you have canvases and paint." 

Will thought about what Steve said.  "It's not really about domination.  Yes I like being in charge but I don't like subjecting another person. I like it when I'm given complete control over another body.  Stretching or spreading parts."  

Steve narrowed his eyes. "That sounds like domination to me. On the light side, sure, but 'being given control' is what doms are all about! Not that I mind,'re good at it." He started as if he were sticking his tongue out at Will, then pulled his left breast to his mouth and sucked on it himself. Partly out of curiosity, partly to gauge a reaction.

When he was done, he added: "I like the idea of you sneaking into orgies to 'draw some pictures', too. Did you ever get caught? Or was it really just 'Oh, I'm totally here to paint nudes for a project. Yep. Nothing sketchy here.'"

"I never had to sneak," Will answered cheerfully before he continued.  "Canvases and paint opened door that would normally remain closed so I guess it was the second version of events."  He paused to watch Steve put on his show.  "Oh I like that a lot.  You should do that in a stream.  Can you fit both of them in your mouth?" 

After dropping his left breast from his mouth, he faltered. "U-Uh, I can try..." Steve put it back in and lifted his other breast in his hand, trying to shove it next to the other. His jaw stretched as far as it could to cram both mounds of flesh into his mouth...but no dice.

"Haha, nope..." Steve felt oddly anxious at the revelation. "They're just too big!"

"Big breasts on a man are very intriguing," Will smirked as they talked.  "Most of the time they look flat but yours are very flush and full.  There is so much you can do with them."  He picked up a piece of paper and a pencil.  "We should make a list of ideas." 

"Uh..." Steve stifled a laugh. "I guess we can mark them down as we find them. But I'm just content to let things play out as we go along." He cupped his tits in his hand, as if weighing them to ensure quality for a customer. "It feels so fucking weird to have tits this big. Not in a bad way, but I think just having so much fat and muscle and...milk..." He flushed with confused emotions. "It throws off my balance something weird. Like it feels even heavier than my belly sometimes."

He looked down at the mound of fat and muscle and unborn children. "Actually, scratch that."

"I'm glad your breasts came in with the belly," Will admitted with a half grin.  "You don't look so bottom heavy, and they stand at attention.  Makes you look like you like want to be pregnant.  Plus from your face, I think you like playing with them." 

Steve let a lewd grin flash. "Well, who wouldn't? Tits are fun no matter what your preference is. There's just something about them." He lightly and slowly bounced them for Will, feeling the soft flesh hit his palms and seeing his boyfriend's pupils dilate in desire. Whatever this 'ancient priest' or whatever had going on in other secrets, it was clear he liked the sight of a pregnant man. Lucky for him, those were actually a thing. Somehow.

Not fazed by it all in that moment, he smushed them together to accentuate the cleavage. "You know, I've seen chicks motorboat guys with tits this big. You wanna give it a go?"

Will raised his eyebrow.  "What is motorboating?"  He knew nothing of the new terms used for sexual acts.  "I haven't had a truly deep conversation about sexual terms in a very long time." 

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