The golden egg. (Closed with missingyou421)

Mitsuo sighed when his friend finally awoke, hands moving to his belly. "Kleo, I have a problem...." he said, looking down at himself. "I'm huge, and I think I'm still growing....nnh." he grunted, closing his eyes. He was afraid to move and risk hurting himself.

"But you made the eggs smaller and without the gold right?" Kleo said trying to look at the bright side even though in the back of his mind he was terrified because he knew based off of what he had just said, that there had to be dozens if not hundreds of eggs in his friend.

Mitsuo nodded and shifted himself slightly, wincing at an ache in his back from sleeping upright. "I didn't make them any smaller than the last time I laid them." He sighed, one hand running over his belly, making the subtle bumps from the individual eggs more obvious. "I just have more....Two dozen....maybe?" He said, closing his eyes. "I feel like I'm gonna pop." He muttered, wincing again.

"Are you in labor?" Kleo asks sitting up a bit more "two dozen? Wow that is alot. Even if it doesn't really hurt you when you birth them"

Mitsuo took a slow breath, shaking his head. "No, I don't think so. I just feel so full...." He groaned. He slowly rolled himself onto his side, getting the weight off his hips and organs. He took a relieved breath, shifting his legs so they wouldn't bother Kleo. "okay....this is a bit better..." He said, rubbing his belly. "I hope it doesn't get much bigger." He said, looking worried.

Kleo too was worried. If Mitsuo was that big, how big was he going to get? He wondered to himself. "How long has it been since you last gave birth?" He asked trying to calculate how much longer Mitsuo had

Kleo would likely end up with as many as Mitsuo's second laying, so he wouldn't be massive just yet. Mitsuo wasn't sure why the number was increasing, since birds laid one at a time. He was worried the spell had gone haywire.
He grunted softly, shifting to see the clock before thinking for a moment. "Twelve hours...about." he said, looking to his friend. "And I think it was about that between the first and second, yeah, twelve hours between laying." He sighed, only to gasp as a small cramp rolled through his middle. "'s starting...." he said, rubbing his belly. The contractions would start slow this time, which he was glad for. He didn't need his womb crushing all his eggs.

Kleo stood up from the couch as quickly as he could and went to Mitsuo. He held out his hands to help him up
"Let's vet you back to your room" he said knowing it would probably be easier for Mitsuo to birth on his bed then the couch. He wanted to move him now before his labor progressed and they couldn't move him at all

Mitsuo panted, rubbing his belly to try and soothe the cramping. He looked up at Kleo, slowly moving to take his hands and haul himself up. "Ooh-ooh!" He gasped once he was on his feet, both arms going to cradle his massive belly as he tried not to lose his balance. "Oh, shit..." He muttered, feeling the weight drop into his pelvis. He could only waddle his way back to his room, having to go through the kitchen to get there. He froze there as another contraction gripped his middle, leaning against the counter as he panted and groaned through it...

His water suddenly broke with a loud pop....but thankfully they were on a tile floor this time, But that wasn't all. "Oh, fuck....Oh fuck....Oh shit!" He gasped, shifting his legs apart. " is coming....I can't.....Can't stop it....aaahhh!" He cried out, looking to Kleo before closing his eyes tightly. He could already feel it bulging between his legs, trapped by his pants.

Kleo watches in horror for a moment then sprung into action and pulled down Mitsuo's pants "it's ok. I'm here. Push if you need to. I've got you"

Mitsuo could feel his face burning with embarrassment, trying to remain standing as an egg was trying to come out of him. He whimpered and groaned, gasping when Kleo suddenly pulled down his pants. The egg was already crowning, so he pushed while he leaned against the counter. He cried out as another egg quickly slid into his birth canal before the first had even come out...

"Sh-shit....They are coming fast..." he panted. "I gotta do it here...." He added, shifting his legs further apart as the first egg reached it's thickest point, popping out of him and into Kleo's hands.

"Don't worry Mitsuo I've got you" Kleo said as he reached for something to put the eggs in once they came out. "Keep pushing Mitsuo. You've got this." He said trying to be helpful

Mitsuo's legs were already shaking, both from the effort of holding himself up, and from pushing...So as soon as the first egg was out, he dropped down to his knees, spreading them as far as he could as he pushed. His swollen belly shifting and contorting as each contraction squeezed his womb...quickly forcing the second egg, and then a third soon after it. They were coming out quite easily...and that was having an effect on Mitsuo. He couldn't help moaning as the fourth slid down, biting at his lip and looking away.

Kleo didn't say anything about Mitsuo's reaction to the labor and birth, he just delivered the eggs as they came so he didn't embarrass his friend

Mitsuo popped out egg after egg, moaning louder and louder with each one. It just felt so good. "Sh-shit....this shouldn't....feel amazing." He panted, trembling as another egg popped out and pushed him closer to climax.

"I don't know why yours feels amazing and when I do it, I feel pain." Kleo said absentmindedly. When he had birthed the first egg, all he felt was the egg stretching his new female parts. He didn't feel any pleasure at all.

Mitsuo bit at his lip, looking to Kleo. "M-maybe your next ones will feel nicer." He said, honestly hoping they would. He would feel horrible if Kleo only felt discomfort and pain while he felt pleasure...

"Honestly....I...Ah, enjoy anal....." He mumbled, feeling his cheeks burn. He had never come out and confessed it to anyone before.

Kleo nodded in understanding. He didn't know what to say butbhe didn't judge Mitsuo at all. He was still his friend no matter what.

Mitsuo was shaking from everything that was happening, panting harshly between his grunts as he pushed. Egg after egg popped out of him, pushing him closer and closer to climax..."F-fuck...I'm gonna......" Was all he managed to gasp out to warn Kleo before he gave a strangled moan as he came. He shuddered through it, shifting to sit on the floor, leaning back against the counter and spreading his legs....He didn't care anymore, he figured they would need to get over any modesty they had in order to really deal with this...

Kleo kept his head turned to give his friend some privacy and when he was done, he turned back to him to help him deliver the rest of his eggs

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