Winter's War (Closed with KrocodileKrew)
Plot: Three years ago, they attacked. They were known as Almürians, aliens that were humanoid except they looked like Titans compared to humans. Not massive Titans of course. At most they towered over a human by 8 feet, but there were some that were close to 10. Their skin were a pale complexion of either white, blue, purple or red and like humans, there were many variations. Regardless, they did not come on peaceful terms. The Almürians were a warlike race, always seeking to add more their army and by breeding or experimenting with other races, they created children or beasts to utilize. Humans were just the next in line.

It is now the third year when Christmas was usually held (Winter), a time of peace. Instead, everyone is fending for themselves to try and push the war away. One person finds himself in a situation he would regrettably hate.


Name: Davison "Davis" Hartlett
Age: 24
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200 lbs, lean, buff
Occupation: Former Marine/ Currently the leader of the Scout branch of American rebels
Small Bio: He lost everything three years ago when they unleashed their beasts out on New York. The male was overseas on his way back when the news hit. His wife and their unborn child was slain. The aliens never cared for the already pregnant. They saw it as a sign of disgust. This ignited a rage within him. Ever since he's been assisting the rebels in an effort that has led to casualties on both sides, making these aliens want dominate the humans even more.
Appearance: Soft olive complexion, hazel eyes, brown hair that is a mix of light and dark, he's sporting a beard and a fauxhawk.


Three years passed and Davis finally succeeded in taking out a stronghold. That in itself came with some dangerous consequences. The building in which the aliens resided contained a way of keeping communications. In a last effort when being confronted by a group of them, he activated the charges with himself there. He had nothing else to lose after all. The building went down, but the Almürians there saw it as some strange mating ritual. This ritual was sparked when he locked eyes with what appeared to be one of the Princes. Davis managed to outwit the Alien with the charges, causing the tower in which they resided to collapse. Davis thought he was dead, but the figure managed to save him, but not out of kindness. He bested him in "Combat" and as males there had to be a clear victor. It would not be a fight to the death, rather a fight for domination.

It would not be among themselves either. Davis was a commander and he was a Prince. No, these aliens demanded it happened publicly. Davis thought he lost everything already, but he was going to do his best to kill this figure before him or whatever this Domination fight entailed.

He was being guarded by the aliens in the Madison Square Garden. What was left of it. Half of it collapsed years ago during the first assault. The male glanced up occasionally to see the sight of several royal figures walking by. He hated this sick game they played and he wanted nothing more than to put an end to them.
Name: Zodbar the Great.
Age: 34 in human years; 20 in Almürian.
Height: 7'7.
Weight: 350 lbs, average build, well-muscled.
Occupation: Prince of the Almürians, one of several.
Small Bio: He is the scion of a wealthy noble family on the Almürian homeworld. Since the death of his brother, he has been next in line for the throne of Reiksgard, one of the kingdoms allied in the expeditionary forces that have invaded Earth. His father and mother were instrumental in introducing the policy of breeding with the races their people enslaved rather than slowly killing them off through manual labour or use as cannon fodder. Not one to be monogamous, he already has several mates, both male and female, some of whom are pregnant at the moment and others who are between pregnancies. He has fathered several children and is expecting even more.
Appearance: White-skinned, fair-headed and clean-shaven. He wears expensive robes and some small pieces of armour.


Prince Zodbar walked along with his fellow princes, some of them with existing human mates beside them. He saw the human known as Davis and locked eyes with him. He knew the human would be a tough nut to crack, but he was willing to do what it took. He sauntered over to him, his hand on the waist of a pretty young human woman with a round, swollen belly. She was hanging off him appreciatively as he moved towards Davis, somehow managing to strut despite the lateness of her condition and the waddle in her walk.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the little human whose life I saved," Zodbar grinned as he looked down at the human man. "Looking forward to our match, are you?"
Davis occasionally glanced every now and then. The large figures walking through seemed endless as some of them wanted to bring their apparent conquests with them. Some seemed rather comfortable with their predicament, their belly filled with hostile life. Others, like this one man, seemed to have a hint of defiance remaining in his soul, though the female alien who brought him tugged hum along, her eyes having a sharp magenta shade and her white hair flowing like a lion's mane. She was the oldest of the daughters he heard, the one who prompted such a notion to Zodbar in the first place. That was if the alien wasn't already considering the thought given the trouble he already put them through.

Seeing the figure approach him with a female, whose belly was glowing with life, literally, under the partially dim light setting made him look away from them both. "Fuck off."

The guards who kept him sitting chuckled a bit, some telling the prince to break him. As if that was going to happen. Whatever this fighting entailed, the concept had to be the same right? Beat someone to a bloody pulp and claim victory. Davis never had the fortune of making such an alien bleed, but he would today.
"That's it, human," Zodbar chuckled. "Struggle against your predicament. Resist our wrath. You only delay the inevitable, but even your struggles play straight into our hands.

"But then, you know that. It's why you're in this situation to start with." Zodbar glanced back at his sister. She relied more on brute force than he did to keep their servants in line. That was why his mates were happy to carry his children and hers were stubborn and reluctant, unable to be happy about their blessing. He found her foolishness amusing - let her run herself and her standing into the ground with unrestrained cruelty. It would just make his great ascension to the throne that much easier.

"Anyway, I thought I'd let you know that life as my consort will not be so bad. In fact, I ensure the comfort of all my mates, keeping them healthy and happy. Don't I, Maya?" The woman at his side giggled as she rubbed her belly.
Davis kept his gaze downward on the debris riddled floor. Most of the things the alien said were not appealing and above it all, he couldn't care less about the situation. He wouldn't insult the woman he carried around with him as something like that wasn't of his nature, but Zodbar on the other hand, he could have a field day with insulting.

"You aren't some gift to mankind. Just a plague at the end of its course." He could sit there and attempt to make it appear as if they were winning, but at the end of it, Davis succeeded in stopping one of their operations from succeeding. Places like Russia and Spain were even holding their own against the aliens.

Unknown to him, an operation was being staged to attempt to rescue him. Whether they made it in time or not was unknown to him, but the obvious would be that such a thing could spell a trap waiting to happen. It could also be the opposite and these royal figures who came to see a show could get taken out. Either way, the guards were beginning to raise him up from the shackled position he was in.

The place resembled much of the old arena, a large fighting ring in the center, spectators having a good view. He was thrown in the ring a bit softly, his black shirt taken. In a few seconds, he noticed the alien appearing, his pale white skin seemingly glowing as he was similarly dressed in that certain clothing a were missing. In a way, it reminded him of the old Greek and Roman disputes in out the Colliseum. If both sides had what they assumed was a pleasing fight to the gods, rumor had a war would not recommence until a few days later.

"Has anyone ever gotten close to beating you before?" They didn't win of course. The figure before him wouldn't have so many consorts as he put it if that were the case. Thing is Davis wasn't sure if this was going to be a lengthy fight or if these aliens had some bodily defense up their sleeves that could make their opponent easily submit to a fate. He had to do his best and hold out either way. Enough for him to map out an escape.
"A gift?" Zodbar chuckled. "No, you're right, we are not. We are your betters, here to induct you into our army. Not that I've ever claimed otherwise."

"And to answer your question - no. I have always won these battles with ease. Then again, all those who challenged me before were civilians. None of them had your training and experience. I relish the chance for a real challenge." The Almürian balled his hands into fists and assumed a fighting pose. "Do you have what it takes, human?"
The alien was arrogant. Massive to complement his ego, but Davis wasn't impressed. It wasn't like he was using that as a basis to say he submitted.

"That's...reassuring..." He couldn't lose courage now. Still, it was a highly unfair fight. The alien outweighed him in height and of course weight. Probably hitting one of those muscles had to feel like hitting steel. Only time they really were taken out were with heavier suppressors. Maybe they had the flaws like humans, from joints and tendons. Probably a few good hits could send him toppling down. Maybe this was what David felt like when handling Goliath. Goliath was human though. This was a different case. 

He move forward, but did not charge blindly. That would be stupid. Like a MMA fighter or boxer, he kept movement by moving to the side, looking for an advantage wherever he could find it. Getting caught by those massive hands and arms had to spell certain doom.
"Come then, human! Show me your fury!" Zodbar declared. "Assuming you have any fury to show me. Maybe you expended it all when you attempted to blow me up and I didn't die. In fact, you live because I saved you." The Almürian smiled. "Now show me how grateful you are."

Zodbar had it all planned out. He would trick the human into complacency, let him think he was winning. Then, just as he was about to "lose", he'd take the gloves off and beat Davis into the ground. After that, the human would become his mate, and then he would see how long it took him to come around to his point of view.
"If you think saving me was going to give you some kind of gratitude from me, you can shove it. I wanted to die. This is nothing more than a chance to break that face of yours in."

It was all he could do right now, talk bold. When the alien took the swing, Davis used his smaller frame to his advantage, moving the side of it as he allowed his boot to soar and make contact with the face for one powerful kick. Zodbar moved to say the least, staggering back a bit, but Davis kept his reserves. If he could keep this up, maybe the fight would be over.

He showed him that he had a lot of energy to spare. Whenever the alien fought, he reversed it on almost ever occasion. Some instances got him sent flying across the ring as the fight lasted for closer ten minutes, but on the last move Davis was able to climb atop the figure to where he could put the alien in a choke hold with his legs wrapped tightly around the neck. He was never the wiser to know that Zodbar wasn't really fighting but feigned that he was taking it seriously as Davis looked to conclude it with chocking the alien out.
Zodbar allowed himself take the beating of a lifetime from the human. Let him think he was so tough. It would just make him that much more satisfying to break like a twig. He threw a punch upwards that connected with Davis' jaw, then pried his vice-like grip apart with both hands. "You fight well, human," the Almürian chuckled. "Better than the rest of your kind, at the least."

It was then that he dropped backwards, landing Davis on his back, then stood up and grabbed the humans legs. "You underestimated me," he grinned, "And that was a poor mistake on your part. It seems to be a habit with you humans, I'm afraid." He proceeded to smash Davis into the ground over his shoulder, then brought him around for another smash. He repeated this until he could no longer hear the human's grunts and moans of pain, then dropped him on the ground nearby, sharpish.

"It is over, fool," he gloated. "You are beaten. Pray to whatever gods you worship, because even they cannot save you from us. We are your betters, as I said before. War is the lifeblood of this universe, and we are masters of it. You are fortunate we invaded you after the reforms my parents put into place, and not before."

He waved to the cameras following him as he walked away with the human slung over his back, the resistance seemingly beaten out of him. "But don't worry. This is the last of the violence you will see from me. In time, maybe you will enjoy carrying my child." He chuckled again. "I can hardly wait."
Davis had assumed up to that point he was going to actually succeed. Maybe it was a bit of arrogance on his part in actually assuming he had a chance. When he brought the male down on his knees, the alien proved that it was just a ruse and before Davis had any time to attempt to get out of it, his leg was grabbed aggressively. Any attempt from him at that point was simply void.

He hit the ring mat harshly, but he didn't stay there for long. Zodbar began to do it repetitively. The former Marine attempted to get out of the hold, but the massive hands had his ankles gripped tightly like a baseball bat and just like that object, Davis was making contact with the desired target every single time.

The first three times were enough to get the wind knocked out of his lungs. The other times were enough to bruise the shoulder that kept coming into contact with the mat. After the grunts and sounds of pure agony faded, there was complete silence as the last slam was enough to send his body tearing through the mat. It didn't stay that way for long as Zodbar grabbed him by his head and raised him back out for the cameras to get a good look. The male was beaten and slowly breathing. Anyone who was planning a rescue had seen in horror the fight, but some were still determined to attempt it. The other Almurians witnessing the fight, from the King all the way down to his other sons and daughters simply kept an arrogant grin to their faces.

"What do you want to do with him?" One of the soldiers guarding the floor asked.
"I will have him as my newest mate," Zodbar grinned, offloading the human to one of the nearby guards. "Bring him to the medics and heal his wounds, but do not let him escape. I will arrive soon to collect him."

He then turned and walked off, eager to have his own wounds seen to.
The guards nodded and carried off the unconscious body, the male groaning agonizingly. There were no medics in the building, rather outside on the streets in one of their armored vehicles, which hummed softly as the flames in place of human tires kept the vehicle aloft with a soft hover. The back of the large transport opened up like double doors on a vertical axis. The bottom made itself out like steps to which the Almurians carried away the unconscious human. Gone were the rest of his clothes by their massive strength, minus his undergarment. He was placed on a bed like device and implemented with a few drugs. The male's body began to recover slowly, but the other syringe kept him out cold. He was not going anywhere on his own.

Back inside, most of the guards were escorting the royal figures out of the area. It did not end with that however. The king himself proclaimed how useless it was to keep the fight going. This branch of resistance just lost one of their leaders and because he put on a decent ritual, they would humor it enough to stall the fight for a few days. That should be plenty of time for Zodbar to break the figure in, though his sister remained to look at him, her magenta eyes locked to his as her glowing purple skin flicked the bangs of her hair back.

"Don't think you've gotten the big head. You still have a long way to go before you can even compete with me for the throne..." Her heels clicked against the ground as she vanished from sight, a smile forming across her calculating crimson coated lips.

When most of them were gone, some of the humans began to infiltrate the area, hoping they could rescue the male in time.
"You keep telling yourself that, sister," chuckled Zodbar. "Even these humans can see that people want a leader who cares about them or acts like it, not a brute who demands their obedience. In the end, they will know who they want to follow."

He had his wounds cleansed and walked outside to the vehicle where the human Davis was being held. By the time he arrived the human was almost fully healed. "I might have known you would pose no threat to me," he gloated.
Davis shifted in his sleep. On the chance he did stir himself awake, he could see the appearance of the Almurian prince looking him over. He could barely move his lips from the healing sedatives in his body. Instead, he gave the figure a slight defiant gaze before his lids rolled shut again and his mind was back off into a dreamless void.

As he rested, the sound of explosions were heard on the outside. Shortly afterwards, there were the sounds of gunfire.

"They're coming for him" one of the guards shouted. Normally they would stay around and fight, but they had no intention of staying around long, not when they themselves were recovering from the explosion that occurred earlier when dealing with Davis. Sides, they already proved a point. Would it really be in their interest to entertain a fight that could get both sides killed? The engines began to roar. Unless Zodbar commanded otherwise, they driver was ready to leave for one of their strongholds.
"Take us from this place!" Zodbar declared, gesturing to the driver.
The vehicle sped off without a moment's delay. It tore down the streets where the sounds of gunfire and explosions faded from ear. 

Their destination was miles away, down a road that was mostly empty, save for the human vehicles riddled almost everywhere. It was mostly intentional. All to keep them from boldly walking to Zodbar's main lair. The location itself was a skyscraper with a series of buildings next to it. Asides from the rigged cars, there were barricades and Almürians in bulkier mech armor patrolling, as if their size was not enough already. The transport came to a halt when it stopped before two large open doors which revealed a source of fluorescent lights projecting outward.

"We've arrived."

Davis was carried bridal style through a large room. His eyes opened ecru now and then, where he caught the sight of various pregnant figures around him. Some were resting on beds, where their supposed mate tended to them or vice versa. Seeing a human take care of a pregnant Almürian made the male feel terrible. Shamed in that he failed. Some were monogamous, only one mate for them while others had more. His eyes rolled away and into sleep some more as he neared an elevator. He did attempt to fight, but that got him nowhere. Not when he was being held by whoever had him.

He awoke an hour or so later, when he was fully healed. Despite that he was, he flinched the moment he moved his shoulder a bit, his mind not fully registering that the nerves were restored. He was in a bed of sorts, but he couldn't stay long the moment he realized where he was at. He cursed as he began  to squirm around and get out the bed. Forget those rules. He needed to escape.
"Not so fast, human," Zodbar said, pulling him back onto the bed. "You won't be going anywhere."

Zodbar enjoyed seeing his fellow princes and princesses and their human mates together. Not all of those pregnant were humans, but that didn't bother him. They had proven themselves superior and the burden of pregnancy therefore fell to the Almürian in the relationship.

Still, human-Almürian relationships could be very affectionate and romantic. This silly human didn't understand what he was missing out on.
Davis was almost out when he felt a tug on his underwear. It was firm and strong and when he registered the voice, he was pulled back, in to the embrace of the large alien. He wasn't going anywhere, not with such a figure holding him like that. It made him feel extremely useless.

"You were just toying with me, weren't you..." It was the only thing he could think of at the moment since it was clear he wasn't able to put up much of a fight from the drugs and at this point in time, he was going to join the ranks of all the others this prince impregnated. That didn't mean Davis would let his tense body go though. He attempted to keep his guard up a bit when held and caressed by the figure. "Just let me out of here. You've got what wanted already. Nobody's gonna harm you for a while."
"Yes, I toyed with you," Zodbar said. "I played on your arrogance and caught you off guard, the same way I defeated everyone who ever challenged me in combat. It's a human flaw that I see no reason not to manipulate.

"As for letting you leave, I couldn't even if I wanted to," he chuckled. "I know you'll just go back to your resistance group, and go back to fighting us. And seen as you were a right nuisance before, I would be a complete fool if I let you go back to them now, with the personal motivation to make an attempt on my life. No, human, you will stay here - and when the time comes that you are willing, I will breed you, and you will bear my child."

He stood. "I am leaving to report your friends' little stunt to my father. Do not think of escaping, because you will be caught and restrained before you even leave the room. Apart from that, if there is anything you wish of me, you have only to ask." He left, closing the door behind him and locking it.

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