Winter's War (Closed with KrocodileKrew)
"Arrogant!? You're the arrogant sleeze here..." He rested his head on a pillow, not wanting to think about the situation he was in. "All your kind does is take and you don't care how you do wonder why people are fighting to drive you off..."

There was anger in his tone. He really wanted to get away from this nightmare. He would be more than wreckless to try and escape at that. The only thing stopping him was his lack of proper equipment. Clearly fighting them with his fists wasn't going to work. When Zodbar eventually left, Davis peeked out the door slightly, not enough to be seen if they assumed he would attempt something. Two male guards stood on the outside. They wore armor and had weapons in their hands. He left the door to search for a vent. There were several, but there was no way he was going to fit inside them. Lastly were the windows, which wasn't made of the thin glass. Even if he burst them open, he had to ask himself how far could he go from being so high up into the air?

"Tell him I'll do whatever he wants..." He said to the servant that brought some form of food. He sat on the bed, otherwise trapped from doing anything else. If this got him out of the situation, for now, he was going to have to suppress such feelings and handle the matter. The matter being him getting bred by this alien.
Zodbar blinked for a few moments before asking his servant to repeat what had been said. "He says he'll do whatever you want," the servant repeated.

Zodbar laughed. He had finished telling his father about the attempt to rescue his newest mate by the resistance, and was now on his way back to the bedroom. He opened the door and found Davis inside eating. "I got your message, human." The Almürian shook his head. "And if you think you tricked me into complacency, you are wrong. I know you are not willing to do whatever I want and that you are planning to escape. I may indeed be an 'arrogant sleaze', but I am no fool. Whatever you may think of me, do not forget that."

He approached the bed and sat next to Davis. "You, on the other hand, seem to presume that I don't know much about humans. Quite the contrary, I know a lot about your kind. I know that humanity waged war on itself long before we arrived, and how you poisoned and damaged this planet you live on through pollution and consumption. Look at what we have brought you - the nations we have conquered know as much peace as they can get in this life, and we have replaced your so-called 'fossil fuels' with entirely renewable, non-lethal sources of energy. Deny that we have improved your people as you wish, but you cannot deny that your kind had problems before we arrived that they do not have now.

"Furthermore, I am not the sort to take without giving. Under my care you will know luxury and good treatment the likes of which those like my sister would deny you. You will be well taken care of and kept as healthy as I can keep you. You will not know pain, violence or cruelty, however much you may long for them to give you a reason to hate me. In this way, I will be the benign conquistador that humanity didn't know it wanted."

Zodbar wrapped his arm around Davis' abdomen. "All of my consorts have not only been willing to bear my child. They have wanted it. And it is through my kindness and superior logic that they have wanted it. I promise you, it is not unpleasant to carry Almürian young. I have several children whom you can meet if it you want, raised by their mothers and father with love. So, human, what do you think of me now?"
"I wasn't kidding..." His tone held no form of rebellious to his nature. It was just empty, cold and hollow. "I insisted to die and you instead wanted to keep me alive for whatever gain you sought. If I don't have a reason to live anymore and I'm not free, then everything I've done is forefeit."

Despite how Zodbar spoke, Davis remained otherwise tense, his iron muscles tightened probably as much as they could get. "You keep mentioning how your race is some kind of savior, but you couldn't save a life your exact kind killed? Despite whatever intentions you have, it doesn't erase the stain you brought here. The nations you claim may have sought peace, but places like here, Russia,'re losing just as much as we are. I'm already dead inside from things like you. May as well finish the job."

He sighed deeply before getting up from the bed, leaving Zodbar's grip. He began to pace around before staring at the windows, glancing down to see an otherwise war ravaged city. 

"I'm done fighting..."
Zodbar did not stop smiling even as he listened to Davis criticising and putting down his race. "I have never claimed we are saviours," the Almürian said. "Merely that we have... improved your race since our arrival. We are conquerors, it is true. That has always been our way. Before the formation of the expeditionary force invading your world, we conquered ourselves. Since then, we have conquered others. Such is the way of the natural order. Your race failed to adapt and conquer the stars first, so it's your planet to lose.

"Still, I'm not getting the sense that you hate me because of that. You hate me for another reason. You must have had a very special reason for wanting to go out in a blaze of glory - a blaze that I denied you, and which you now hate me for." Zodbar patted his abdomen before removing his strong hand. "What is that reason, human? Why do you hate and despise me, where others have embraced me as a ruler or a lover?"
"It's always the same with your kind. Despite how you claim to have some differences, it's all the same..." He didn't bother to look at the alien, not right now at least. "I've always hated you. Set myself up to personally get rid of you."

Did it even matter at this point? The Alien refused to kill him and he's already lost everything at this point in time. All he could presently do was rot; stew on his own thoughts and rot. That was not a good thing. "Your little army killed my wife and unborn children. Now you're insulting me by keeping me around." He turned to look at the alien, raising his eyebrow with a bit of cockiness but reserved anger. "Good enough for you?"

((Sorry for the delay and short response))
(It's no trouble.)

"I see," said Zodbar. "So despite all your talk of nationalism and resisting for the sake of your people, you fight because of a personal grudge to settle with my people." He frowned for the first time. "Though I take offence to your accusation that it was my army that killed your wife and children. My family are against that, as a rule. If you are certain it was our forces that did the deed, you should have gone after my sister. She's the only one who still believes in such barbarity amongst us."

He sat up and faced away from the human. "You know, I know it makes it easier to cope if you imagine me as some kind of monster or diseased creature but I'm neither. I'm a benevolent conqueror. I taketh, but I also giveth away. Such is the way of my family. The sooner you realise that, the easier your transition to becoming my mate in spirit will be." The Almürian stretched.
"It was yours, unless your sister managed to gain a boost in height over you, add muscle and testosterone and sport a bald head....Unless you've got more brothers and sisters I haven't seen that happen to want to rule this area, I'm having a hard time trying to place the blame on one parasite."

The male remembered it like yesterday, more than he would like to even imagine. He was coming back from being overseas when the casual suburban area in Westchester was on of the numerous places under duress. The smell of dinner being made would have been great if he was running back to a place full of large quadruped beasts stalking the area. They were capturing people left and right. Those they found no pleasure in keeping, for whatever reason their leaders demanded, they were killed instantly. Davis was never around to see her suffer; he had arrived to the aftermath. Enough time for him to see a figure that very much resembled the Alien Prince before him.

"You expect me to warm up so easily to someone who not only resembles the figure responsible for this, but to ignore a few other personal things..." he did not want to make this as awkward than it needed to be. "If you won't honor me by killing me, then I need adjust..."
"Oh, take all the time you need," Zodbar replied. "I am nothing if not a patient man." He stood up from the bed. "I'll leave you to your adjusting. Right now I must tend to my more willing mates. You'll meet some of them later. I'm sure they can help you get used to your new life and lifestyle.

"Oh, and human? I have many brothers and sisters. And it's worth pointing out that I don't have bald hair, so I'm still not to blame for your woes." He stood and walked over to a door at the far end of the room, opened it and stepped through.

Before it closed, a pregnant human female stepped through. It was Maya, the woman Zodbar had brought with him before his bout with Davis earlier that day.
"It's Davis, not human..." 

When Zodbar left with the pregnant female from before, he rested his head on the pillows again. His mind drifted to a few thoughts on how this would even be possible. He was practically a prisoner in a situation he really did not want to be in. If he fought, he would be locked in there for who knows how long. How could he even begin to like an alien larger than him that was male and involved with more than one human and or species? What was he sacrificing by being stuck like this? Thoughts ran through his mind but the main one was what if he could even manage to get past the guards. He would have more issues to face. Then there was the thought of what if he tried to escape after this insemination occurred. He didn't want to think about it any further, but his situations and options were already slim.

"Is it possible for me to just walk around..." He asked the guards on the other side. The doors clicked open and soon he was able to roam with a tight leash. Not literally, but one guard began to follow him around. 

Soon, he was walking around the large building. Out of everything, he would constantly see the sight of couples together almost like it was a normal situation. It didn't disgust him as much, it never did, but the fires for revenge remained strong. Still the emptiness he felt was aching, throbbing for any form of something he once had.

When the evening had fallen, Davis was back in his room, resting on the bed. He had a few alcoholic beverages to get him to relax from the tension he otherwise was having, but nowhere near a full state of drunk. He didn't want Zodbar to think he was doing this to get himself to like the alien. He just needed a way to open up a bit more. He thought fighting the larger male was bad. He was extremely nervous about this situation altogether.
Zodbar was busy tending to his various mates while Davis was exploring. He cuddled with them, kissed their tummies, spoke to his unborn offspring. Due to his large number of mates even this simple routine took him quite a while, but he was patient. Let the human wander around aimlessly, if that was what he wanted. There was no way he could get away from the palace anyway, however much he may want to.

Maya, meanwhile, appeared in the doorway of Davis' room. She had come with Zodbar's permission to see how Davis was getting on. As she slipped inside, she found him drinking himself into a relaxed state. "Don't get too used to that," she said as she came in. "When Zodbar inseminates you, he'll limit your access to anything that might be bad for the baby. He's a very protective daddy." She waddled over to the bed and sat down, surprisingly unconcerned about her lack of modesty. "You know, it's probably not much comfort, but I know what you're going through."
That wasn't who he was expecting. Zodbar was sending the woman he seemed to carry around with him to attempt to explain the situation. It really would fall on deaf ears mostly.

"It's only occassionally like now. Only drink to help occasionally relax or celebrate, though none of this really matters right now." She sat down on the bed, not like he would be mean to a woman in the first place. It wasn't her fault he was in this kind of a situation and probably one of the last times he would probably be that close to a woman. Even then, why would he try something? "Really now? What's that?"

It was clear she probably experienced something similar from the war, Zodbar probably talking her into trying to talk to him. He dealt with enough debriefing sessions and psychiatric evaluations after being in a heated war zone to know that was what happened.

"If you want to talk about it, feel free. These kind of things I really wasn't good at doing though." Usually when they brought up they understood, it was already implied that they knew exactly how they felt. Why tell her she would be wasting time? His mind was already made up about the matter...mostly. Hearing others tell their stories like an anonymous meeting was never his thing, so why listen now? Maybe he was stubborn, but the way he saw it at times, sometimes another's tale just did not need to be heard. Sides, what could a woman tell a man about being...inseminated as she put it, by another male do for him? That was an entirely different situation where at least maybe the opposing side would be a bit more compliant. "I'm just gonna lay here, think silently, and stare at the ceiling a couple of times."
(Psst, sorry for the delay. I've just had a hard time coming up with a suitable response.)
(It's cool. I can see if I need to edit. I felt like this last post may not have been good on my end. )
Maya sat there on the bed, rubbing her belly. "I was an ordinary civilian worker when the war found us," she explained. "An engineer, more specifically. I have a husband, and two sons by him. We lived a simple life before the Almürians came. Sometimes I wonder if we still do, even though I'm a prince's mate.

"When the invasion took place, Zodbar's sister cornered my family in an abandoned warehouse we had been hiding out in. She was going to take me as her mate and kill my family while making me watch. I was certain I would lose them then and there... but I didn't. Zodbar stepped in and challenged her to a fight for me, which he won. After she slunk off like the wretch she is, he offered me a choice: we could become his prisoners, part of the population being kidnapped to force the governments of Earth to surrender, or I could become his mate, in which case my husband and sons would be spared and allowed to live with us at the palace. I agreed to be his mate, but was afraid he wouldn't keep his word. I'm happy to say that he did, and I see them every day now, doing what I can to raise them even in these... less than ideal circumstances.

"You have fallen into the hands of one of the better aliens holding our world. He is... not always ideal, but there are Almürians far worse than him, as I'm sure you know."
Davis listened to the story. It was not like he couldn't given that he was lying around in a bed with a buzz. He felt a bit sorry for the woman, but maybe it was just him being a bit stubborn about the matter.

"Sorry to hear that..." He really did not fully see a correlation in their situation -it was different if he had to be perfectly honest- She had to choose a clearer option over a dangerous one while he only had to fight against an alien that he knew deep down he wouldn't win. He could see it was slightly similar because he knew more than likely she wouldn't want to be put in a situation like that. "How many people has he taken for a mate because of something like this?"

The thought of escaping entered his mind again. He couldn't let his mind drift to any more negative thoughts however. It seemed gloomy and depressing to think about. Maybe being his mate wasn't that bad of a thing?

"When will he be back in here?"

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