The Mage's Guild (closed with tjop44)
Two mages who share a room in their school end up becoming pregnant due to a spell.

Name: Eudes
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
Weight: 130 lbs
Appearance: Jagged blonde hair, green eyes. Average build. Usually wears tight sorcerer's robes. 
Personality: Is very confident in his magical abilities despite being almost brand new. His magic is actually very iffy and his spells usually do not to what he wants. He's very friendly and flirtarious.

Eudes spent several hours in his room after lessons. He was trying to perfect a new spell that could change genetics and traits. He was really in over his head however, as even the most advanced mages could not do such a thing.
Image came from a film.
(i'm sorry, i completely forgot about this, has been really busy this week, will reply it ASAP)

Name: Sam
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearence: Average height, thin. He has fine features, short and wavy red hair and blue eyes. He usually wears a green tunic and a white hooded cloak.
Personality: Kind, sweet and intelligent, he is a very good wizard and is very powerful. However, he has problems with self confidence, which makes him doubt of his powers. Because of that, lots of his spells end up going not exactly as he wanted them to, and that makes him even less confident.
Extra: Sam is Eudes best friend and roomates. When they first met, they weren't very friendly at all, but now they were almost inseparable

Sam entered the room in a hurry, he was excited because he had been trying the spell to change traits for days, and now he was able to do it, and he wanted to tell his best friend, Eudes, about it.

"Eudes, Eudes, you won't guess what just happened"
Eudes smiled to see his friend and roommate return. "Hi Sam. What happened? I can't tell if you're happy or not."
Image came from a film.
"Oh, I'm so excited, I just learned how to do that spell to change traits... " Sam said. "Well, kinda learned, sometimes I made mistakes, but I am able to do it already. Oh, and I just finished that fertility potion I was planning to throw at the garden" he said, referring to the school garden, in which no plant or tree was able to grow since 3 years ago, when a magical accident happened. He was hoping that the potion would make the garden fertile again. "Have you finished the potions to make us stronger, by the way?" He asked

(I was thinking they could change the potions and get themselves fertile, able to make life, as the garden, but with babies since they are humans)
(So they drink the fertility potion to become pregnant?)
Image came from a film.
(yes ^^ But if you have another idea, feel free to tell me)
(I was just making sure I understood.)

"You bet I did!" Eudes exclaimed with a grin. He then clapped his hands together, but instead of making him stronger, His fingertips set on fire but for only a second. "OW!" He screamed. "Ooh....Well, I think I'm okay." Despite being overconfident, he really envied Sam's skill with magic. "You said something about a fertility potion?" He asked, attempting to change the subject from the awkward moment to something else.
Image came from a film.
"Yeah" Sam said, smiling "So we can use it on the school garden, you know? Nothing can grow there ever since... i don't know, that tragic magical accident three years ago? I bet our teachers will be really happy if this works, and think of everything we could do with a real garden... We could plant our own magical herbs and trees, and maybe even some flowers to attract fairies or elfs" He said, excited
Eudes listened intently, it was a very good idea. "I love it!" He almost shouted. "And the professors will be so proud of us." He took Sam's hand "Let's head over there right now!"
Image came from a film.
"Sure, wait just a while, i have to use the bathroom first" Sam said, taking a crystal phial (filled with the blue fertility potion) out of his backpack and putting it on the table. He didn't realized, however, that his fertility potion was right next to the strengh potion and that both potions had almost the same color. After he went out of the bathroom he took the phial, but didn't realized he had took the wrong one. They were almost leaving the room when Sam said "Oh, yeah, let's drink the Strengh Potion before we go, let's see if it works. Can you take it?" He asked
"Sure, why not?" Eudes grabbed the phial and drank the fluid quickly. "Mmm, it tastes sweet." He drunk about half of it. "So, when do we notice a difference in strength?" He asked.
Image came from a film.
(actually, Sam hasn't taken it yet, they would share the potion. Can you change it so Eudes just drank half of it?)

"If i remember the instructions right, it should take a few hours" Sam said, taking the phial and drinking the other half of the potion. The taste was good and he felt a warm sensation running through his body, especially around his belly. It was a good sensation, and soon the friends were running to the school garden and throwing all the strengh potion on the soil. He smiled at Eudes and said "In a few days, life will start to grow here again. It will be beautifull"
(Fixed it)

Eudes had helped with pouring the potion over the garden. As he worked he felt a weird sensation in his belly. Maybe it affected the gut first? He was pretty exhausted when he was done. "That takes care of that. Hopefully everything goes well." He said.
Image came from a film.
"Yeah, i really hope so" Sam said, smiling tiredlt, since he was feeling exhausted, though he didn't know why "Let's get back to our room? I feel like if someone cast a sleeping curse on me" he laughed.
"Well, it could just be a side effect from the potion." Eudes replied. "I'm actually feeling pretty tired too. Maybe we should just rest?"
Image came from a film.
"Yeah, let's rest" Sam agreed and started to go to their room. It wasn't easy, though, since every step he gave would make him feel more and more tired, the warm feeling on his belly spreading trough his body. Finally, after what seemed like centuries to him, they reached the room. Sam stepped inside and walked to his bed, like a drunk sailor. Within minutes, he was lying on the bed and sleeping as a baby. Little did he know, however, that right in that moment, three lifes were growing inside him, three babies that would change his life, to say the least.
(Is it fine if I have more than 3?)

Odin followed Sam and at one point actually needed to drag Sam for a moment because he was that tired, but he was pretty exhausted too. He weakly crept into his bed and fell asleep almost instantly. He began to snore away as new life started to grow inside him.
Image came from a film.
(sure it is okay)

After a few hours of good sleep, Sam woke up, feeling just great. He was feeling very energic today, and almost jumped out of his bed. He started to whistle "ding-dong the witch is dead" while he went to the bathroom to take a shower. After he was finished, he realized, while combing his hair, that there was something different about him, even though he couldn't figure it out what yet. After a few minutes he just decided to let it go and went to his bedroom again.
Eudes felt something really heavy in his stomach. Maybe he ate while sleepwalking again? He got up and realised Sam was just out of the shower so it was his turn. Class would be starting soon. He waddled to the bathroom and took off his shirt, and noticed he looked different. "SAM!" He screamed upon noticing his stomach. "COME HERE QUICK!" He already had a tiny baby bump, as he was pregnant with 7 babies.
Image came from a film.
Sam was almost ready to g ot othe classes when he heard Eudes screaming. Concerned about his friend, he ran to the bathroom, with his broom on his hand in a defensive way, and asked "What, what is it? Is it a cockroach? a dead rat?" He asked, looking at the bathroom "Oh, man, if you called me again for a dead rat... WHOAH, WHAT THE HECK?" He exclaimed as he saw the bum on his friend's stomach "Man, what did you eat last night?"

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