The Mage's Guild (closed with tjop44)

"It does not feel like food!" Eudes said, pacing the bathroom in frustration. "I've felt so funny since yesterday....I think I need to see someone about this!" He said in a panic. "Do you think you could come with me? I hate to make you late, but this is sort of an emergency..."

Image came from a film.

"Oh, it's okay, don't worry about it. Of course i can go with you" Sam said "We should go to the school enfermary, maybe Martha could help us" He said and started to walk with his friend to the enfermary. "I have to admit, i'm also feeling kinda weird. Like, i'm feeling very good, and excited and filled with energy, but it seems that my body has something different, i just couldn't figure it out what". In a few minutes they made to the enfermaty, where Martha, the school nurse, appeared to help them

"Hello, how can i help you?" she  asked.

"Please mam! I feel I may be sick! Or worse!" Eudes pulled up his shirt and exposed his bump. "I woke up like this....and me and my friend drank a potion the other night, can you help?" He explained.

Image came from a film.

"Yes, sweetie, sure i can help you, just lay on the bed" Martha said, smiling at them. She was a short and chubby woman with curly brown hair. "And you, are you feeling different too?" She asked Sam

"Yes, ma'am, i'm feeling... i don't know, i woke up feeling nice, like, very excited and strong, and when i looked at the mirror... Well, it's hard to explain, but my skin seemed softer and my hair was so silky" Sam said, blushing a bit "Oh, yeah, and my cheeks were a little bit blushed, it seemed almost as if i had a glow or something"

"Uh, that is really interesting, i've never heard of things like what you told me. But i'm sure a diagnosis spell can tell us what is the problem" She said, and cast the spell on Eudes and Sam.

Two white lights came out of her wand and floated, one to Sam and one to Eudes. The lighs ran through their bodies and stopped on their belly, becoming blue. Inside Sam's light, he could see three small balls of green light. On Eudes, they could see seven lights. Sam was about to ask what that meant when Martha looked at them, shocked:

"Oh my gods... What was the potion you guys drank last night? This... This is impossible."

Eudes looked afraid. "Please tell it to us straight mam, are we dying?" He asked. "We took a strength potion....this is just a small side effect....right?" His face looked ghostly pale as his frustration grew.

Image came from a film.

"Mrs Martha, what is the problem?" Sam asked, concerned two, his eyes getting wide.

"No, no, you are not dying, none of you are." Martha said, trying to calm them down "But... well, you can have drink many things, but i'm sure it wasn't a strenght potion. I'll tell you what the diagnosis is, just let me do the spell again, to make sure i'm not mistaken" She cast the spell again and the result was the same. "Well, guys, i don't know how this is even possible, but... You both are pregnant, Eudes with seven and Sam with three babies"

"Wait, what?" Sam asked, shocked "But how is this possible? We are men. Men doesn't get pregnant, do we?"

Suddenly Eudes started to put the pieces. "Sam...I think we swapped the potions..." He said. "We must have dranked the fertility ones by mistake." He then got up. "But are you seriously telling me I have SEVEN babies!? How does that work?"

Image came from a film.

"Oh, shit, the potions. We... Oh, damn it, damn it, damn it. How could i be so stupid?" Sam exclaimed.

"Wait, you drank a fertilty potion? Oh, that explains a lot. Fertility potions, if well prepared, can, indeed, get a man pregnant. In fact, many wizards use this potions to get themselves pregnant, so you are not the only cases. But this is very rare. And, as for your question, Eudes, well, the fertilty potions are made to make life grows. The only difference between a fertility potion for humans and the same potion for a garden is that the human's one will have far less doses of the ingredients, because a garden, depending of how sterile it is, will need much more doses of it to work"

"Ooh, that explains everything." Sam said "We drank the potion we wanted to use on the school garden, which is huge. I add extra doses and extra ingredients on the potion, because it was for the garden. So, when we drank it, we got pregnant with lots of babies. Oh, damn it, we are so screwed"

Eudes rubbed his orb of a belly. "U-um....what does this mean for us?" He asked. "I mean, we made a huge mistake, are we going to get in trouble?" He sighed "This is so messed up, I dont know how I can focus on my studies with a litter inside me."

Image came from a film.

"Well, you are not going to go on trouble because of the school" Martha said "I'm sure the director will do whatever he can to help you. But, before, you should make a decision: I could help you to abort the babies, you have this right. But i would like to ask you to think about it for 24 hours before deciding if that is what you want"

Eudes listened intenly. "Okay, I see." He finally said. "Sam, maybe we should head back to our room and figure this one out."

Image came from a film.

"We sure should" Sam said, still in a shock state and get out of the enfermary bed, to walk to the door and get back to his room.

"Boys" Martha called when they were almost leaving the enfermary "I'll give you a day off, so you'll have the time to think and make your decision"

"Thanks" Sam said, giving her a kind of a smile, and left the place, going to his room. "What do you think we should do?" He asked Eudes

"I don't really want to abort them." Eudes answered "It will probably be really hard, But I think I'll keep the babies. What do you think?"

Image came from a film.

"I'm not sure..." Sam said, thinking carefully "I mean, i'll support you with whatever decision you take, but i'm not sure about what should i do. I mean, we are so young to have babies, you know? But i also don't want to abort them... I guess i'll just sleep a little bit and think about it"

"Yeah, this is not a decision we can make in a single day." Eudes agreed. "I'll be heading off to bed as well, I suppose."

Image came from a film.

"Surely" Sam replied as he was lying on the bed "I just hope i can figure it out exactly what i want"

And so it was. He spent the whole day thinking and thinking. He meditated, took naps, used whatever he could to think. And soon he figured it out: He couldn't about his babies, the little lifes that were growing inside of him...

"Yes, i can't do this with them. I'm having them"

(Sorry, completley forgot about this)

Eudes had a harm time coming to terms with his new pregnancy. What bothered him was the amount, he didn't know if he would be able to raise, let alone carry seven babies at once. However, he eventually decided that he would keep them.

Image came from a film.

(it's okay)

Sam came at Eudes, serious for once in his life "So, have you made up your mind already?" He askes to his friend, placing a hand on his own belly as to feel the babies inside, though he knew he wasn't able to feel nothing yet

Eudes gave him a nod. "I think I'm going to keep them." He answered "It's just going to be a real struggle....having seven, ya know?"

Image came from a film.

"Yeah, i know how it is" Sam said "Thugh i'm only having triplets. I want to keep them too" he said, placing a hand on his belly, trying to figure it out swollen, as it would be on the future

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