C The Doctors Babies (With Lovebite)

"Push Eric, we'll answer the freaking questions later"

Eric hadn't heard that tone from Chris before,"I did... I did."He said, blinking and whimpering as he pushed again, gasping and crying out while letting his head fall forwards. Trying to push and hold the baby carefully, trying to calm him down, the tears starting up again, while he beared down.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Eric finally feels something slide out of him after nearly 5 minutes of constant pushing. Chris gets him cleaned up again before eventually carrying him to the bed.

Eric groaned, leaning against Chris now and frowning as he was laid down on the bed, arms still wrapped around the baby,"Chris, take him."He said, quietly and looked down at the squirming whimpering baby, he was too tired to even function and he ached all over, feeling like he would pass out any second now.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris takes the baby before he goes to get it cleaned up coming back to find Eric asleep. Chris lets him sleep before he goes to check on the boys while still carrying the newborn around.

Eric slept soundly, curled up on his side and drooling just a bit as he was completely out of it for a couple days, even when Eric came for the baby to be fed, he barely could lift himself enough to stand but managed to hold the infant to his chest so he could feed. He hadn't even thought that he hadn't named him yet. The boys entertained themselves with the dog as the snow kept them inside for a few days and Eric recovered from his bloodloss. Not really processing how lucky he was, as one day he had pushed himself up finally to glance around the room, blinking in confusion, everything from that night was really a blur. All that he knew that he had a new son, and didn't exactly know where Chris or his sons were.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Eric shook his head a little only to instantly regret it as he in turn received a pounding headache, his vision blurring for a second before he hears the door open as Chris comes to sit down on the edge of the bed holding out two small pills and a glass of water to Eric. "It will help"

Eric looked up just a bit at Chris, almost covering his ears for a moment and shielding his eyes the reaching to take the pills, placing them on his tongue then gulping down a bit of water,"Will it help the throbbing in my ass too?"He asked, grimacing and shifting carefully before sitting back more against the pillows,"Guess I really did almost die."He huffed, offering a small smile but just ending up frowning some again, holding his bloated middle then looking towards the door,"Where's the boys?"

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"It should help with all of it, the boys are fine, sleeping, all 3 of them." Chris sighs softly for a second before continuing "I want you to stay in this bed, don't get up for anything, you need something, you call me, understand?"

"That's good, their sense of worrying for their sole caretaker hasn't kicked in at this age yet."He chuckled, still in a faint daze as he looked at Chris with a slight nod,"Yeah. No need to tell me twice, it feels like I just shit out a watermelon."He huffed, closing his eyes and leaning back again, though turning his head,"You make me feel like a burden sometimes, you know."He mentioned and opened his eyes up to look at him,"I don't mean to be one. Shit just..."He sighs and tilts his head back,"Shit just happens, and I can't really stop it most times. Guess I'm still a kid raising three of my own."

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"You could easily just kick Lukas out, then you wouldn't have to worry about it, he's never there anyway" Chris shrugs.

"That's what you think?"He asked, turning to him slightly and scoffing as he shook his head,"No, Chris. I can't just do that."He sighed, frowning up,"Everything's his. The apartment, the furniture..."He lifted a hand and rubbed his face,"I have no where else to go without him. That's why I've put up with his bullshit for so long."

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"Get another" Chris turns to look at him before shrugging again. "Find out how much a down payment is, and let me know" He gets up before going over to the window and opening the curtains letting some light in.

Eric looked at Chris,"Easy for you to say. You live alone and don't exactly make relationships like normal people. That maybe easy for you, but it's damn hard for me."He frowned, then flinched a bit at the light, shielding his eyes,"No, I won't do that, Chris. I don't want to owe you anything. I won't build up a life on debt. That's not the example I want to be."He sighed, tilting his head back and closing his eyes slightly.

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"Who says you would owe me anything? You just said it, I live alone, so I have more money than I know what to do with. You've already given me those two little boys in there, so I'd say you payed me back"

"I say that I do."He replied, looking at him and shaking his head,"You just don't fucking get it do you?"He huffed, turning away carefully and closing his eyes as he faced the wall, resting his head on his pillow with his arm beneath it.

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Chris doesn't argue with him before leaving the room to go check on the boys.

Eric stayed in the room mostly, sleeping and keeping hydrated, he hadn't eaten much and was getting a bit thin but he didn't exactly care about it for now as he tried to get back into the swing of things. Looking after the twins when Chris brought them to him and trying to bond with the newborn but he was having a hard time doing so, it cried a lot and didn't exactly try to eat when Eric tried to get it to. He hadn't named him yet either, he didn't really have an idea how to. Right now he had laid the crying baby down as farthest away from him as possible as he sat against the headboard with his knees to his chest, covering his ears and pressing his face to his knees. The baby hated him, even if he was trying his hardest to be a good dad. He was doing the same things he would when the twins were smaller, but the baby just wouldn't stop and he was still hurting and tired, now he just wanted quiet again.

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Chris eventually comes into the room, looking at Eric before looking over at the baby before going over to pick it up, bouncing it slowly before he puts his knuckle in its mouth to let it suck on it.

Eric peeked up when the crying had quieted, looking at Chris now with the baby,"He hates me."He said, rubbing his face and crossing his arms,"I don't know what I did for him to not like me so much. I'm trying my best."He covered his face for a moment then tried standing up carefully to his feet, sitting on the edge of the bed and wiping his face some more.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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