C Supernova (Closed w/ Lovebite)

Beck didn't know where Nori was going with her explanation at first, but as she continued on it became clear what she wanted from him; well, she didn't want anything from him, this was supposedly to save his own behind. She didn't have to do this but she was. Still it was a crazy idea and the fact that the stuff he'd ingested had actually been some weird artificial womb made his head spin. "So what you're saying is the only way no one here will screw with me is if I conceive?" He wrinkled his nose, a slightly disgusted expression crossing his face. The costume idea sounded pretty good right about now. "So I had the supplement but even then I'm almost positive I wouldn't be fit to... y'know, carry?" He frowned. "And human females don't, like... They can't impregnate somebody." His brows drew together. "Besides I know nothing about the pregnancy of your kind. How long is it? What's normal to carry? Do you all have regular babies like we do or what?" Not that he was sure he'd be swayed either way. She was literally telling him he'd only make it by here by getting pregnant. This day kept getting crazier and crazier.

Nori looked confused for a moment then nodded when she realized what he meant by that, reaching up and touching the side of his face. Not in an intimate way, but a way to gain his attention, she could see that he wasn't liking this and it's not like she did either. It was their only option really, without bringing the authorities in and the authorities would most likely hurt more than they help. "Listen... It's like you said before... Like faking to be a Shangleshi. Like...dressing up. Yeah?"She offered him a small smile, though it fell slightly as she reached and ran her thumb over the wrinkle between the hair on his face. "It's not hard...don't stress so much, Be-ck. Please? Don't you...trust me?"She asked him, then tilted her head the other way, putting her hands on his next,"The men here...they are half your size and they do it well... You have advantage on your side."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Yeah, but faking it was way different than pregnancy." Not to mention everything that came with being pregnant. Beck assumed that the pregnancies here were similar to the ones back home for the most part, and if he knew anything from the complaints of pregnant women back on Earth, it's that he definitely shouldn't be looking forward to this. But if it meant his safety and life here on this planet, then she was right - he didn't have any other choice. "I trust you, it's just a lot to process." Beck didn't think he'd ever really be able to process it all. "I'm human though." He closed his eyes and sighed, huffing before he gave a shrug. "I don't have any other choice." He needed to make a new ship, or find one, and maybe even make a new suit. That would all take some time and this hopefully would protect him from getting hurt, him or Nori, because he knew she was taking a risk as well. "Okay... Let's just do it then."

"We'll get you back home faster this way."She said,"You'll show me your home, like I will show you mine."She smiled again, wanting to be comforting before she continued undressing him, her eyes widening a bit at the sight of his penis. The tan of her face growing a bit darker as she leant into him, reaching down and wrapping her hand around his base,"Are they all...like this?"She asked curiously, there was a glimmer in her eyes now, just a bit of lust but she could contain it.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Beck didn't have much time to react to her first comments before he felt Nori's sensual touch. He could mark off maybe having sex with an alien from his bucket list now. "No," he said breathily, melting into the touch with an easy sigh. Truth be told he was curious what Nori had. How was she supposed to do the whole impregnating thing? He didn't rush her to do anything despite his curiosity. "Everyone is different," he gasped, shifting his hips a bit under Nori. "How... How does this work for your kind?"

Nori squeezed as her head tilted, feeling his length harden in her hand and her eyes were wide again in surprise,"It's...so warm..."She murmured, slipping her hand back up and wrapping her other hand around the tip with another squeeze, wondering what other surprises there were. Jumping slightly when he bucked his hips and laughing softly,"You startled me."She said and squeezed again, deciding it was just a reaction to the pleasure he was feeling,"So this...feels good?"She asked, it felt different from the male's of her kind, theirs were slimy and malleable like a suctionless tentacle. But this human, his was soft, yet firm and warm, almost throbbing in her hand with each stroke,"We don't exactly have...strict gender...rules. We aren't just male and female... We don't have what you have here."

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Beck thought he should say something about how he hadn't really expected to be some play thing that Nori would learn from, at least not in this way, but he couldn't find the words to do so as she continued exploring, touching and stroking him intimately. "Then what genders-" He started but wasn't quite able to finish as a blissful yet subtle moan passed over his lips. He didn't think about the consequences of this encounter. Sure, his life was at hand, but he wasn't looking forward to the way to keep it.

Nori thought of a way to explain it to him, letting her thumb run along the tip of his member as she lifted up on his lap slightly. Sliding her underwear to the side as her nubby tail wiggled back and fourth in slight excitement, looking at him as she started to push his length into her. "Don't be startled."She said softly and tilted her head back with a blissful trill, breathless while she sat on his penis and let her second reproductive organ slip free beneath where he was going inside of her. The slippery, length almost had a mind of it's own as it squeezed his ball sack then traveled even lower to prod against his only hole. It was warm too, yet the fluid that made it so moist and almost slimy was cool to the touch.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Beck was almost a bit worried that Nori would get pregnant too. Would that even work here? Geez, would he have some weird hybrid human-alien baby? She'd mentioned how the males on her planet were always capable of carrying so maybe that meant the females here didn't carry whatsoever. He laughed a little at her comment. He wasn't... startled, but he was confused. As Nori straddled him easily, he felt the natural instinct to move his hips but was unsure of whether he should or not. At the new touch of another length, he'd jumped slightly, only from feeling how cold whatever it was felt like. "O-okay, that's new..."

Nori reached and held his shoulders, closing her eyes as she pulled off of him before cascading back down, purring and tilting her head. Looking slightly focused through the pleasure that made her mouth hang open just a bit,"You're...tight."She mentioned,"I don't think I can...push into you...like this."She shook her head, thinking about what they might have to do now as she moved her hips back and fourth on his length. Biting at her lip and moaning softly at the feeling, letting her organ slip back again before she flipped them onto their sides. Arms wrapped around him and leaning up to him just a bit, never thinking about how easy it was with another male of her kind. She was just big enough to grind their hips together firmly and let her long tapered organ push into him slowly.

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Beck was even less focused than Nori was, his eyes half lidded in blissful satisfaction as the other moved atop his hard length. He blinked his eyes open fully when she turned them into their sides, one hand awkwardly gripping the weird material of the bed as he felt Nori once more push into him with what he guessed was her other organ. What was to say that this would even take or not? He recalled Nori saying that conceiving was rare for her kind, so what if it didn't take? What if they had to do this again? Beck groaned quietly as he pushed back against Nori, getting used to the new penetration feeling. "Better?" he asked breathlessly.

Nori was used to the slight waviness of the bed and steadied herself naturally, squeezing her hole around his member and holding onto his waist to steady them. Oh, this would take alright, with her selfcreated superficial womb and how fertile either gender of the human race was compared to her own. She had no doubt that he wouldn't soon be filled with eggs, she would only really be surprised if he were to conceive a high number. Though she calculated a small percentage of this not succeeding, she wouldn't mind doing this again with him. She never really had time for sex, but now that she was fired and had a new organism to discover every part of, why shouldn't they explore the possibilities. Nori trilled low and tilted her head back, drooling slightly in pleasure as she was shoved up inside of the humans tight cavity. She couldn't speak, it felt so wonderful, she moaned and began pushing back into him, working up a smooth push and pull flow. As they now got into the fluidity of real intercourse, holding onto his waist and shoulder with both hands while she grinded and thrusted on to and inside of him. Chirping in bliss.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The more Beck thought about it, the more he wondered if conceiving at all would really help. Would it be any easier to walk around pregnant than if he wasn't? That wasn't to mention the fact that Beck had never once considered children, let alone alien children. Nori had said she wanted to see his world too but he had to focus on getting back to his world first. Luckily he wasn't currently with anybody back home or else he might have really given this whole thing a second thought. If you'd told Beck that morning that he'd be in a crash and find a new species and then supposedly become pregnant? He would've thought you insane and probably laughed. This was officially the weirdest day ever. Beck worked up a rhythm, pushing into Nori when she pulled out of him; he didn't quite know how long their session went on but he came first, thrusting into Nori as much as he could as he spilled his own seed into her body, his breath hot against her skin as his body shivered pleasantly from the orgasm.

With a breathless purr, Nori bucked her own hips once as she shuddered, her organ trembling slightly then spilling her own gooey genetic material into his hole. Trilling softly and laying her head against the bed as they finished, their legs entangled to make it easier for this method of penetration. She released her hold on him gently as she closed her eyes, panting softly and leaning forwards slightly while purring to rub her head against his. Officially worn out now, she let her eyes close fully and sleep overtake her like a blanket.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Some two or three months later - or somewhere between that time, Beck wasn't really keeping track of it anymore - he was anxious to get out of the house and see the city. He'd slept most days, kind of lazing around and working through the initial sickness he had with the pregnancy. Most days he still couldn't even believe he was carrying, and the curve of his abdomen he'd tried to convince himself it was just extra weight he was putting on. He wasn't sure how big the eggs got but he certainly felt a bit bigger than a normal human woman at this stage during her pregnancy; then again, maybe he was just carrying more than one egg. That seemed to be a plausible explanation. Still, he was able to fit into the undersuit he'd crashed in awhile back, mostly because it could stretch to some extent, but he had no clue how long that would last until he'd be forced to get new garments. Sometimes he wondered if they had those silly looking maternity clothes here like they did back home. It was whatever though. He'd stick with the suit for now.

Beck had cleaned himself up finally that evening when he'd approached Nori. "We should go out tonight," he suggested casually. "Or I mean you should show me around more..? Maybe since most will be asleep, we might be able to pull it off." He scratched at his neck. "And I'll try not to vomit up dinner either," he smiled cheekily.

Over the months, Nori attempted and succeeded in finding another job that require her sort of expertise in the field of engineering, it wasn't as distant from her home and it paid less. Though the money was enough for housing and luxuries if they needed, plus she didn't have to work as long of a shift so she was at home with the human most of the evening and throughout the night. It was also interesting the changes he went through after conceiving, it wasn't everyday that she saw someone pregnant but now it was and she had free reign to look after him and even touch his middle sometimes. It was funny the way he was now, sleeping and eating on her reclining seat most of the day with the radio box almost always on. She guess that even the video entertainment on her planet was just as interesting as going out to see it for himself.

Or so she thought, tonight she was expecting it to be just another night of her showing him her favourite films when she came back home for the evening. The female looked up at the male human, tilting her head slightly when she saw he was fully dressed tonight, she was going to ask what the occasion was before he spoke. "We should?"She asked in reply and closed the door behind her with a slide,"Finally going stir crazy?"She asked and gave him her own smile, shaking her head a bit and thinking about it as she bit on her lip for a moment. Then said,"Alright. Since we're both already dressed."She nodded, though held up a finger,"I have to give you something first before we do though."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"A little bit." It wasn't as if being in Nori's house was explicitly bad. It was rather nice and homey here now that he'd gotten accustomed to it and he could probably sit on his ass all day for the next few months if she let him, or if he let himself. But he knew that sooner than later he'd have to get on figuring out how to get back home; he wondered if some of the wreckage from his crash was still on the topside of the planet. He was no genius engineer but Nori seemed to be, so maybe she could help him make a ship? At times it felt like a lost cause but he couldn't stay here, only safe from the others of Nori's kind because he was pregnant. With every passing day he was wasting his own time by not searching for ways to get off this planet, and by not leaving the house anyways. If he were to stay locked up in here for the remainder of the pregnancy, the pregnancy would quite literally be for nothing. The pregnancy was what was saving him from supposedly being in danger here, and if he wasn't finding danger out there, then... well, it would've made more sense to not have gotten knocked up then. It seemed like an incredibly stupid oxymoron but when it came down to it, he was itching to leave the house for a bit.

"What is it?" he asked curiously, watching her with a studious gaze. "I really hope it's a costume, I'm long overdue for one." He teased her gently, ready to see where she would take him for the evening.

"A monitor."She replied, walking past him, placing down her bag on the nearest table and opening it up,"I built it at work."She said and shifted through the things inside of the bag before pulling out a sort of wristband with a small monitor on it. "You wear it when you go out, and it records your...vitals."She held out her hand to take his arm and then strap it onto his wrist after pushing up his sleeve,"If anyone approaches and don't believe that you really are carrying then you show them."She adjusted his arm to place the other side of the band on his middle then turn on the monitor, it was in dark contrasted colors but someone could visibly see the orbs shown on the screen. Someone from her species could tell what they were, young offspring still gestating inside of him, something sacred and not to be messed with if they had half a mind to.

The pulling away again, pinching at his sides and pulling at his well stretched jumpsuit,"True, you need things to wear."She poked him some more,"You need to lay off the cheese rings too. Just because you are pregnant, does not mean you sit around getting blubbery."She shook her head, stepping back as she crossed her arms.

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Not that the first instinct Beck would have would be to fumble in trying to show someone a monitor to prove he was pregnant, but it was a nice touch if he had his senses about him. What he thought would be more likely to happen was that he'd freak out if someone else approached him and questioned him and he'd go to Nori seeking her help. But could you blame him? It was pretty scary being on an alien planet, let alone doing something his body shouldn't even allow him to be doing. He couldn't quite count the number of orbs on the screen, some of them seemed to hide behind others, but he'd known for awhile now that he'd be dealing with more than just one baby to birth, and that kind of scared him. He still had some months to go before that all went down though, so for now he just focused on getting through the days one at a time.

"It's not blubber when it's multiples," he joked, patting down his suit to rid it of any wrinkles. "I'll try not to eat you out of the house." He smiled widely and nodded towards the door. "So, where's our destination for tonight? The movies? A bar? A restaurant? Some shady back alley so no one sees me?" Even though he had this pregnancy thing to save him, Beck was certain most other aliens probably wouldn't want to see him nonetheless.

"No. It's still blubber."She shook her head, smiling some still and then turned, reaching into her pockets to make sure she had currency and her pass keys. Before she opened up the door again, stepping out and onto the walkway,"We watch movies all the time... No bar because it's not good for the eggs... I don't want us to start trouble at a restaurant... Well, actually..."She took him by his hand and held him close to her as she started down the road,"Think you'll be fine with walking?"She asked, looking up at him slightly,"If not, we can take the vehicle."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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