Closed Oppressive Seas (Closed w/ Lovebite)
Fenris wished he might've knew how many annoying little spawn he was carrying but here was no way to tell that, sadly. Instead he had to go around hoping it was just one large kid or maybe two small ones. He just barely managed to fit into the clothes that Darren had presented him with the day they'd laid together, and if the clothes had been a bit more stretchier they probably could've lasted him longer. He'd been told just how fast this pregnancy would be and it unsettled him to think he only had just another three months left, maybe a little less. Fenris didn't like to go out near the crew if he didn't have to and most days consisted of staying in the large Captain's room unless he was told to follow and go somewhere. Fenris had gotten up and ready today for the sole reason that they were supposedly going to dock at land somewhere. He hated walking around liek he was now with the crew let alone the public. He wanted to stay in bed all day, not shuffle around achey and sore.

Fenris put his clothes on after a bit of struggling and sighed, gritting his teeth as he placed a hand at the small of his back for support and rubbed his prominent protruding belly with the other. It sucked and he still had a few more weeks of this. "You're really gonna make me walk around today?" Fenris asked Darren, groaning as he slowly waddled forward.
Darren felt even more of a dominant captian now that he had something of his own claim waddling around the ship, at least on good days, which was rare and few for Fenris. He sat at his desk this morning, charting out a few miles of uncharted territory of sea on his own personal map, it held his lifes work and was his most prized possession. "Will I make you walk today..."He repeated with a smirk and tilted his head slightly, not looking up at the human and twisting his compass before drawing another line,"We're in Venice, why not take a look around? I'm sure you've never been."He said and this time put his tools away before sitting back, looking at the boy and holding up a hand,"Come."He told him,"You've just woke up and you look grumpy as all hell. Let me rub your back."He told him, it wasn't a suggestion as he patted his knee,"Hurry before I change my mind."
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"You're right, I've never been, but there's a few good reasons why walking is a total no-no right now." Fenris wanted to point to everything too - his abdomen, his tightly stretched clothes, his feet and shoes... his appearance, overall? Fenris hadn't ever seen too many male carriers out in public before and he'd never understood why until now. Everything made him tired and groggy and grumpy. It was a real pain. Fenris raised a brow. Well, he wasn't wrong. His back was always killing him after he woke up. He had a lot of trouble finding a comfortable position to sleep in most nights. "Oh, lucky lucky me." Fenris snorted and staggered forward, heaving a sigh as he turned his back to Darren and eased into his lap. "This beats walking for miles," he purred happily, relishing at the relief from his feet.
"Tell me."Darren offered, watching the scruffy looking human, make his way over to him with his high pregnant belly sitting on his hips. He knew he hated this, he did all he could to make the human more comfortable, thought nothing worked. Maybe 've had to spend more money, he sighed slightly,"What do you want me to do for you? In a reasonable range."He added, wrapping his arms around him and rubbing his belly a moment, then running his vanes under the mound. Lifting it up off of his hips just slightly, his own eyes widened a bit at the girth of what the human had to carry, this wasn't just one egg. If it was then Fenris would be in trouble, no human, carrier or not, could carry and lay a egg that weighed this much alone. "How about that?"He asked, holding his belly so the pressure of his hips were lightened up dramatically for a few moments,"Better...? I truly hope so. You're this huge so early, it has me worried."
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There wasn't much at all the Fenris wanted Darren to do for him truthfully. He didn't need anything other than a little bit of luck. Nothing was going to stop this pregnancy now and he had to finish it whether he liked it or not; spoiler, he didn't like it. Fenris sighed at the weight and pressure taken off of his hips. Even though he was built to carry, being so new to it, everything felt icmredinly overwhelming and he was constantly worrying about being too small for the eggs - or hopefully, eggs - to come out. "Other than buying out someone who can give great massages..?" Fenris laughed tiredly. "Nothing." He nodded when Darren asked if it was better as his belly was held up. It was, but the moment he would have to get to his feet again this wouldn't have helped at all. Fenris frowned and shifted a bit on top of Darren. "Really..?" He ran a hand over his globe of a stomach, huffing. "Ugh... I dunno. Maybe I'll just stay this size the rest of the pregnancy?" He knew that wouldn't be happening but he could trick himself into thinking this was the worst of it yet.
The captain rubbed his thumbs over the low curve of the humans belly slowly as he held it up for as long as they sat there,"Maybe it'll be easier to just accept becoming a mother?"He asked,"You can't hate your child."He said, sitting beneath Fenris and chuckling at his comment, leaning up and kissing behind his ear,"How about I get you a personal dwarf? Like a servant?"He asked and moved his hand to lower his belly again, rubbing at the crook of his back, kissing at his neck. Naturally seeking to give affection over to the carrier who held his children, though he knew he wouldn't return it, it just felt nice to try. The dragon shrugged, they both knew that wouldn't happen, but if that's what he wanted to think then he couldn't stop him. "Want to hear a story?"
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"Will it matter?" Fenris asked and frowned. "I thought you were just gonna sell them and make a profit." Besides, just accepting it wasn't going to do anything to help with how large he was getting and how easily irritated he got now. Fenris would beg to differ at the comment about hating your child. His parents never liked him much - hell, they sold him off to Darren for two barrels of spice. Fenris would point himself out as the prime expample of a kid who was hated by their parents. It wasn't uncommon. Maybe that's why he didn't like children himself. Fenris slouched a little, shuddering at the hand against his back. "I... I think I trust you to do it better." For he wouldn't admit it but having been around Darren so much now, he'd prefer him over any servant. "A story? About what?" He rested his hands on his swollen middle and lifted his head some to hear Darren better.
"No. I wasn't planning on doing that."He said, pressing his thumbs into the humans lower back gently yet firmly to get some of the tightness relaxed,"We'll keep this batch, I'll have you look after them as their mother. Like I said."He sighed, smirking slightly,"It wouldn't be smart to have a bunch of bastards running around looking to spill my blood, would it?"He asked with a chuckle, smiling softly at his words and nodding as he kissed the back of his neck down to his shoulder and up to his jaw again. "About myself. Since you know how much I love opening my mouth."He kept massaging him slowly and firmly,"It's about last century. When I first fell in love...or at least something like it."
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"Hey, you keep sayin' you're gonna have me look after them but you oughta pull some weight when it comes to looking after them too." Fenris rubbed at his face gently, stifling a yawn. While he might not ever truly like the kid or kids or whatever it was he was having, he wouldn't neglect them, but it was Darren's responsibility just as much as his own to pitch in. It might not be smart to sell the kids necessarily but it wasn't really that smart to keep them all on board the ship either, not with what pirates did. He hummed softly and nodded, guessing listening to the story would at least save him some time from walking. "Is it your origin story?" Fenris mused, his hands moving back down to gently hold his belly once more. "What happened?"
"Of course. Though, I believe my speciality isn't mothering them. That's yours."He tilted his head,"If you want me to teach them how to defend themselves, or how to sail, or...things of that nature, then I'm your man."He smiled slightly when he agreed to listen to his story, massaging him still for a moment. Chuckling softly and nodding slightly,"More or less... Though there's plenty origin stories circulating about me. This is one of the lesser knowns."He sighed, closing his eyes for a bit then starting,"You probably don't know this, but me and my crew don't usually live up to the pirate name... If anything, we're unorthodox traders..."His brows furrowed and he focused on digging his thumbs into the humans back to relieve the pain,"We once ported in France, and I met a beautiful elf there... She had a daughter... They were all I thought about at one point in my life..."He trailed off slightly at the memory, smiling slightly and rubbing Fenris's back.
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"My specialty?" Fenris guffawed. "The only specialty I have is being able to sleep for fifteen hours out of the day. You gotta remember I've never done this mother thing before and unknown to most..." Fenris snapped his fingers. "Motherly instincts don't come just like that." Even though he was carrying these eggs he wasn't really feeling anything towards them, and he'd be lucky if he ever got those magical motherly instincts that Darren seemed to expect him to have. Fenris closed his eyes and listened to Darren talk, biting his lip and smiling a little at the feeling of relief of pressure on his back. He was going to need a lot of massages to keep him happy, which, Fenris was not opposed to. "Unorthodox traders, huh?" He wasn't sure where this story was going or what he should expect but he let Darren continue, only interrupting when the other paused between his words. "Why were they so special?" he asked, intrigued. "Was she one of your, um... lovers?"
Darren snorted softly,"That better only be because of the pregnancy, and you not being lazy."He joked with a slight tinge of seriousness to his voice as he squeezed his hips,"With all you've been eating lately and the lack of will to even walk a little bit, no wonder you've been getting so large already... Be careful, any larger, if it even is one egg, and we might have to cut it out of you."He wrapped his arms around the human and rubbed his belly slowly, nodding slightly and chuckling,"Yes. Very unorthodox."He took his hand and kissed his fingers before nipping along the crook of his neck playfully, though pulled away again. Beginning to massage him again as he continued,"Laurie never succumbed to my charms, sadly."He sighed and shook his head,"Though she did allow me to court her for a few months. Her daughter enjoyed me, so she gave me a chance.. But we never did become lovers... Maybe just good friends."He said.
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"Ooh, so you're callin' me fat, huh?" Fenris made a feigned sound of hurt at the comment. "You wouldn't have the will to walk around either if you were carrying this thing around with you all the time." He wiggled teasingly on top of Darren. "Imagine carrying like... one of your cannon balls around with you all day. Come to me after that and tell me you wanna walk." Fenris looked back at Darren expectantly but narrowed his eyes at the final observation. "Uh, there's not gonna be any cutting, big egg or not." At least Fenris hoped there wouldn't have to be any cutting. That wasn't really safe not was it clean and Fenris would rather go through laboring for hours instead of the process of being sliced open and stitched back together with risk of infection. Nope. "Why're you so touchy?" Fenris questioned, smiling stupidly at the kiss to his fingers. Fenris hummed thoughtfully before he opened his mouth to speak. "Do you ever plan on finding someone like that one day? An actual lover, I mean."
"Careful, boy, or I might end up bending you over this table."He said with a crooked smile after he had wiggled his plump bottom against his crotch,then looked up to meet his eyes,"If there's no way you're pushing it out of you, then yes. Someone will be doing some cutting."He said,"I can risk an unborn child, I cannot risk you."He then returned the smile at the humans reaction to his affections,"No reason in particular... Just natural to want to do all this when you're carrying."He shrugged,"Don't mind me."He stood up now, lifting Fenris to his feet gently then standing up himself,"Maybe."He replied,"Maybe not."He pulled away and went to head over to his clothing chest,"Love is fate, not any other notion... Are you ready?"He asked and picked up his hat, tail twitching slightly.
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Fenris' eyes widened momentarily and he shook his head. "I don't know if I should feel flattered or if I should be concerned over that..." Point being, Fenris didn't want to have to be cut open either way, huge ass egg that took ten hours to push out or not. Fenris pouted as he was forced to stand when Darren eventually stood. "So you're one of those mysterious love-is-a-myth types? Maybe?" Fenris sort of wondered if that could be something he played on, for his own manipulative ways and for a turnout for the future. If he could play matchmaker and find Darren a potential significant other - brownie points if they were a carrier as well - then maybe he would consider letting Fenris go, or hell, even moving him out to the ship to do more... manly tasks. "I suppose." One hand supported his swollen middle as he waddled. "What did you even have in mind coming here..?"
Darren shrugged once again, watching as Fenris waddled off from behind the desk and collected his own things,"Put on an extra shirt. It's chilly."He told him as he slipped on his boots, then his coat, looking up at the heavily pregnant human,"We're here for another carrier. The crew's getting restless."He said,"And it would bring in more profit to have two carriers pregnant, than only one. Understand?"He asked him and tilted his head, looking to him and going over to the amour and reaching in to grab a cloak from it then hand it to Fenris,"Here. Have this."
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Fenris reluctantly grabbed another shirt and toyed with it for a few moments as he struggled to get it on. It might be cold but the extra body he has now actually kept him warm most days. He glanced up at Darren as he flattened out the wrinkles in his shirt against his abdomen. "Really?" Fenris frowned. "Why can't you just let them go willy nilly in town every few days? Or... get a crew that's not so horny all the time." He took the coat from Darren and thanked him quietly, pulling it around himself. It didn't hide the fact that he was pregnant but it wasn't as terribly noticeable as it was before. "What's gonna happen is someone sinks your ship and you've got two pregnant carriers on board? You think it's a good idea to have another?" Fenris already thought he was risk enough.
Darren nodded some, looking at Fenris as he dressed himself,"Because we're not always docked in a town."He said, crossing his arms lightly over his chest,"And you can't just buy loyalty."He replied to the thought of replacing his crew, they were family, not just workers,"Plus if I get a barren carrier, I won't have to worry about that, will I?" That and the fact that a carrier that couldn't have children, was much cheaper than one that could. He came over and pressed his hands to the humans stretched belly, then pulled away again,"Let's go."He turned and headed out of his quarters, it looked well lived in, now that Fenris spent most of his time in there. Like a hermit almost, he smirked and glanced back at the waddling human.
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"No... But I mean think of that carrier a tiny bit. What if you were them?" He shrugged a little. "All I'm sayin' is you shouldn't totally let your crew keep a carrier. I imagine they'd be none too gentle with them." That and the fact that Fenris knew what he would do if he was just tossed around as a plaything between a bunch of stranger crew. Fenris was a bit worried for whoever was to be bought today but maybe Darren would change his mind and not even purchase another carrier. He'd simply have to wait and see. Fenris followed Darren, huffing at him as he turned to look back at him, his awkward waddle becoming more pronounced the longer he walked. "I need a horse, or a carriage, or something. Maybe both."
Darren thought and thought for a longer moment than he would have if Fenris hadn't said anything,"I truly don't know. The mind of a carrier is completely different from the mind of a breeder, so I have no idea."He replied, looking at him for a moment as he proved his point further,"Then, maybe, we should get one who can stand their ground with a bunch of rowdy men. The captain ruffled the boys hair,"Just be happy that you're the favourite here."He said, wrapping an arm around him and helping him walk off of the ship carefully and back onto solid ground. Listening to the human and chuckling heartily, shaking his head,"And where would we keep such items? Hm?"He tilted his head, looking down at the human as they walked, the crew scattering for the day and leaving the two alone for a few hours.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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