Closed Oppressive Seas (Closed w/ Lovebite)
"How's it different?" he asked, watching as the rest of the crew went off to do their own things. Fenris was a bit surprised at how freely Darren let them roam. He'd be scared one of them would do something and get put in the slammer, or worse, just never come back to the ship at all. He was tempted to ask if that had ever happened before he figured now wasn't exactly the best time to talk about such things. "Yeah, maybe." Fenris ultimately couldn't do anything about Darren's decision to buy another carrier but he wanted to at least make sure that if he did, even if the carrier was barren, that they wouldn't be treated like less than dirt. It just wasn't right. "I don't know," Fenris said casually. "It'll just be my little fantasy." He hummed softly as he walked, trying his best not to make eye contact with the other people in town. "Everyone's gotta stare?" he mumbled quietly, pulling his coat further over himself as he passed a rather curious woman watching them.
The dragon nodded, humming softly and squeezing Fenris's shoulders as his arm rested across them,"How about I buy you a horse, and even a stable for it, if you try to work with me and what I'm trying to do here."He smiled just a bit more,"Hell I'll even add in a carriage."He added, rubbing his arm then looking up slightly as he mentioned people staring, noticing the many pairs of eyes on them. Frowning slightly and petting the boy's head,"You look fine. Don't worry too much."He said, dropping his arm and taking the others hand,"Come. Are you hungry? The auction doesn't start until later on."
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"I don't know the first thing about horses," Fenris chuckled, shrugging. "And if you don't dock into towns a lot, I don't want you spending money on someone having to take care of it." He licked his lips. "I gotta say, I'm startin' to feel more pampered and royal than I am any kind of slave or whatever." Fenris tried buttoning the coat buttons in his front but they weren't quite able to stay held together over his large middle. He made a whiny sound and pouted. "Yes," he said, nodding. "I'm always hungry." Fenris smirked a little. "It's definitely why I'm so fat. I should cut back."
Darren chuckled contently as well,"I would get you a trainer, but that would insist on you staying with me longer than what you seem to have in mind already."He said, smiling a bit more,"Yeah, well I've heard from my sister that it's always best to keep pregnant carriers in stress free positions. It makes sure that the offspring is healthy or whatever."He held his hand and laughed at the sight, biting his lip as not to get the human too grumpy at him because of his laughing,"Nonsense. The eggs could always be bigger."He said, leading him down a street filled with busy shops and restaurants,"Give me a healthy child and I'll give you a break for a while."He added with a slight smile.
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Fenris didn't make any more comments about the horse riding thing. Was Darren giving him a choice on how long he could stay with him? Maybe he'd stick around because of the pampering but he just wasn't looking to be used as only a breeder. It freaked him out a bit to think about. "Your sister is wise," he remarked approvingly. Not that he knew anything about stress and pregnancy but it seemed logical enough. Fenris clicked his tongue and shook his head. "If these things turn out to be the size of a watermelon you're gonna have a really pissed carrier on your hands." Fenris observed each shop and restaurant as they passed by them, watching the people inside and outside each store closely. "Yeah?" he asked nicely. "That's good, I'll need it."
Darren walked with Fenris silently now, he felt as if he had said more to this human in a few months than his first mate in years. It was truly amazing, at least he thought so as he lead him into the nearest restaurant now,"Come. This place is nice."He said and continued holding his hand for a moment before pulling away again to take his coat and hat off after being shown to a table. "What's your favourite dish?"He asked curiously, glancing at him once more.
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Fenris didn't make any attempt to question why Darren was being so charitable right now. Sure, Fenris was the carrier and all that but he'd been thinking he'd just get knocked up and played, put back into the hulk for the duration of his pregnancy. But here he was, being treated to food instead, and it really did throw him off a bit. Fenris kept his coat on as they sat down, pulling it a little bit easier across his middle and shrugging. "Everything..? I'm not picky about food." He waved a hand. "I'll eat anything that looks remotely decent."
Darren shook his head, reaching to him and undoing his coat to take it off and lay it across the back of his own chair before taking a seat. "I like to show off."He explained simply, expecting to argument as he sat and tilted his head slightly,"Alright, then I'll order the same thing I'll get."He lifted a hand to gain the attention of the waitress, who looked at Fenris strangely for a moment then at the dragon,"I'm sorry, sir, but carriers aren't exactly allowed to sit at the table with Seeders-"She was cut off swiftly by the captain as he frowned slightly,"I'm his owner and he sits where I allow him. Now take our orders."He added and she looked down, a carrier herself as she took out her note pad and wrote down what Darren ordered. Though they still gained strange looks from across the way and some people even glared at Fenris, though Darren ignored them. "What do you think your parents will do with the barrels if spices I traded them? Start a business?"
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Fenris made a face as the coat was taken away from him. "Show off what?" he asked embarrassingly, slouching down a bit and attempting to hide his belly under the table. It was definitely a bit awkward but not uncommon. Fenris had seen plenty of Seeders show off their Carriers, he'd sink my always been a spectator until now. Fenris frowned when the waitress spoke to them but he stayed where he was with Darren telling her otherwise. She was a waitress though, Fenris worried if someone with more authority than her came out and dared to say something to them. He was lost in thought for a moment until he heard Darren speak and he blinked a few times as he came back to the present. "Uh... I'm not sure. They'd probably buy a new house with it, move to someplace nice." He shrugged. He didn't know what his parents would do with the spice but he hated thinking about it, still bitter about the fact. "They're not exactly business people."
Darren looked at Fenris, smiling crooked at him only slightly,"You know what."He replied,"Don't need me to say it. "He crossed his arms on the table, leaning forwards as he watched him,"Sit up."He lifted his hand slightly in a motion that led him to do so then snapped his fingers a few times to gain his attention again,"Stay with me."He laughed softly and then tilted his head the other way,"What would you do with them?"He asked further, not exactly worried about his parents but what his carrier wanted personally, he would give him things if he only asked. Within reason of course. He really thought that the boy was getting attached, and that's exactly what he wanted. Loyalty.
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"I am, I am. It's just... Won't we get in trouble?" He fidgeted awkwardly in his seat, his hands lacing together on the table as he tried to avoid the glares and staring of other patrons being waited on. Fenris knew the were looking at them and he wanted to just turn around and tell them all to mind their own business. Fenris bit his lip as he thought. "Probably the same thing. Buy a nice house, one that'll last me." He rubbed at his cheek. "I'm not a very materialistic person. As long as I've got a roof over my head I'm not too picky."
"Listen to me."He said, looking at the human and sitting up straight,"Don't worry about anyone else, alright. Right now it's just you and me."He touched the others hand, squeezing slightly and then pulling away again as he sat back, now removing his own coat. "Get comfortable. We're not going anywhere."He then smiled once more, nodding his head,"What if I could do that for you?"He asked,"We could work something out if you were to agree, but right now it's only on the table. I'll have to see."
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Fenris nodded stiffly. That was easy to say when you weren't a carrier. Darren would no doubt get some flack for his decision but Fenris was more worried about what people might think of him. He wanted to slouch down onto the floor right now to avoid anymore stares but he held out and ignored them for the time being. "Oh, um- maybe, yeah." He honestly had no clue what he'd with with a house but the idea of having one was nice. He was about to continue until the waitress came back out with their meals. Fenris was a little surprised at how fast they'd cooked it. He nodded in thanks when the food was set out in front of him and he spared a quick glance at the other tables around them. Of course they were still watching, although a bit more subtly now. "When's that auction start again?"
Darren nodded, his thought was that he would get Fenris settled with being his carrier enough to be able to trust him with looking after his child or children. As well as staying in one place as he travels throughout the world with his trade, this could actually work out in a good way for them both. All Fenris had to do was be a decent parent to the little hybrid or hybrids that the human would lay in a couple more months. He nodded when the woman placed down their sandwiches and sighed somewhat, checking his pocket watch and then looking to the boy,"In about an hour. We'll go later than early. Most unwanted carriers aren't sought for like the others. So we should be safe if we get there after this."
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Fenris picked up one of the sandwiches and turned it over in his hands. It looked good and if he wasn't in such a public place he probably would've already eaten a good half of it, but he figured with all the eyes on them he should try to look somewhat civilized. Fenris took a small tentative bite, chewing slowly and nodding as Darren spoke of the auction. "Do good carriers really sell for that much? I mean it makes sense but..." He trailed off and shrugged, taking another small bite from his food. "I guess it's just because I've never been to an auction before." He kind of hoped they were as exciting as they sounded but he couldn't help but feel for his fellow carriers.
Darren shrugged,"It depends."He replied, tilting his head as he looked at Fenris, wondering how he had grown up if he knows this little about everything. "You'll see soon. I'll teach you how things go."He said, then went to take a sip of coffee, sighing and closing his eyes, always appreciating a hot cup of coffee. The dragon then picked up his sandwich and went to take a bite, sniffing lightly and tilting his head at the smell. Frowning and placing his sandwich back down,"Don't eat that."He said,"Spit it out."He glanced back slightly for out waitress, huffing and looking a bit irritated.
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His parents had always told him to stay away from auctions less he wanted to be snatched up himself and sold off to a dingy old seeder. He found it a bit ironic how quick they'd been to sell him off though. They were happy with their barrels of spice and Fenris? Well, he was alive, he couldn't ask for much more than that. Fenris had continued to eat but paused when Darren told him to stop. He looked down at the sandwich warily for a moment and placed it back down onto the plate. "I've already eaten some of it," he said worriedly, following Darren's gaze as he looked for their waitress. "What's wrong with it?"
"She spat in it."He replied, watching as the woman came over in slight timidity of the dragon and for good reason as he stood up, looming over her with a glare. "You are lucky I won't kill you."He growled lowly, she looked down at her feet and squeaked when he striked her across the face, then turned to gather their things,"Come. We're leaving."He told Fenris, opening his coat for him to put on then giving him his hand to help him up out of his seat
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Fenris frowned and inched back from the table slightly. "What the fuck..." he cursed quietly, already feeling the subtle wave of nausea pass over him at the thought of even having swallowed bites of the sandwich. He's thought all carriers were on the same side here, they were all together, but apparently not. Maybe the waitress' boss had told her to spit in it? Even so, he couldn't help but feel a bit of anger towards her, but he was taken aback when Darren lashed out at her. "Oh, uh, yeah." He took the coat and slipped it on quickly and took Darren's hand to haul himself up. There'd been a few snickers and gasps as they walked out but Fenris couldn't have been more happy to leave that place, although now... "I feel like I wanna vomit." And at this point he just might.
Darren looked tense as he walked Fenris out now, frowning the whole time and glancing back at the human as he spoke,"Do you need to?"He asked,"I won't hold it against you if you did."He told him and kept a hand on his back, rubbing slightly and sighing,"I don't want you to be just some carrier. You're going to be the most spoiled carrier anyone has ever met or seen, just because you're carrying my offspring."He told him simply and stopped after they were about a block away from the place, sighing and glancing around slightly to see if there was anything decent to eat around here. "What about a frank instead?"He asked, wondering if he would be okay with just a sausage for now.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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